The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8: 10 p.m.
PRESENT: Sydney D. Bierman, Chairman
Richard Eggers
Robert White
E. Robert Wassman
Henry E. Mullick
ALSO PRESENT: Thomas McEvoy, Assessor
The minutes of the meeting of July 24, 1963 were approved on motion duly
made and seconded.
The Chairman delcared the hearing open and the secretary presented the
affidavit of publication of the notice of the hearing in the official news-
paper of the Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, on August 21, 1963.
The Chairman requested the secretary to read the first application.
Application of Marie C. and Maurice H. Graux for modification of Article IV,
Section 421.4 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck so as to
allow the erection of a 5-foot high fence along the northerly, southerly and
easterly property lines rather than the required 4-foot on the premises lo-
cated at 434 Weaver Street and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck as Block 221, Parcel 167 on the grounds of practical difficulty
and/or unnecessary hardship.
The Chairman asked if any person present wished to address the Board in favor
of or in opposition to this application and the following persons were heard:
FOR APPELANT: Marie C. Graux
117 E. 237th Street
Bronx 70, New York
George Wino
431Weaver Street
Larchmont, New York
Mrs. Signorelli
430 Weaver Street
Larchmont, New York
COMMUNICATION: Petition of endorsements, signed by adjoining property
owners, dated August 26, 1963 .
Mrs. Graux appeared and advised the Board that she and her husband entered
into a contract with King Lifetime Fences, Inc. , located at 84 Grassy Sprain
Road, Yonkers, New York, with the belief that the fence was to be constructed
within local zoning regulations. Since she and her husband do not live on
the premises involved they were unaware of any violation until notified by
the Building Inspector.
Mr. Bierman asked who lived on the premises.
Mrs. Graux replied her daughter.
Mrs. Graux then gave the following reasons for requestion the variance:
1. The grade of land is several feet below street level and the fence
is constructed on sunken area.
2. The westerly portion of the fence, which runs along Weaver Street
is 4-feet. This portion of the fence is completely boxed in by a
6-foot privet edge.
3. The north, south and easterly portions are likewise covered by
edges, shrubbery and trees, so as to make a live fence on a con-
siderable portion of the property.
4. One of the reasons why the fence was constructed was to confine a
large pedigree English setter.
5. An added reason was to prevent any other accidents to neighboring
children and to their own nieces and nephews from falling into the
brook which borders the eastern end of the property.
6. To remove the fence now and reduce it to the 4-foot acceptable
height would cause she and her husband, now living on a small
Civil Service pension, to sustain considerable expense and hard-
ships which they could ill afford.
Mrs. Graux presented a petition of endorsements, signed by adjoining neigh-
bors, to the Chairman.
Mr. Bierman read the petition. This was received and filed for the record.
Mr. Bierman then requested the application be amended to include the following
two additional points as to why the variance should be granted:
1. To prevent accidents to neighboring childred and to their own nieces
and newphews from falling into the brook which borders the eastern
end of their property.
2. To protect childred from crossing the property and falling into a
brook which borders the rear and which is on a sunken area, below
street level, and is largely covered by hedges and trees.
Mr. White asked if any fence was on property when originally purchased.
Mrs. Graux replied no.
Mr. White and Mr. Eggers asked why a picket fence and not a wire fence was
Mrs. Graux replied for appearance and mainly the wire fence would have been
more expensive.
Mr. Bierman asked if King Fence was notified of violation, etc.
Mrs. Graux said yes however they would not rectify the problem and in fact
had them sign a second contract for removal and replacement of fence presently
existing at an additional cost in the event their appeal was denied. The
original cost of the fence was $1200.00. This second contract was received
and filed for the record.
Mr. Bierman asked if Mr. & Mrs. Graux were aware of law prohibiting 5-foot
fences, would they have ordered 4-foot or 5-foot.
Mrs. Graux replied 4-foot definitely.
Mr. George Wino, a neighbor, appeared and stated he had no objection and in
fact felt the dog might clear the 4-foot fence whereas the 5-foot fence he
would not.
Mrs. Signorelli, a neighbor, appeared and stated fence was nice in appearance
and since she has 3 youngsters, she agreed fence is protective at 5-foot
Following a five minute recess, Mr. Bierman stated he would like to vote on
the application.
A vote being taken resulted as follows:
Commissioner Bierman Aye
Commissioner Eggers Aye
Commissioner White Aye
Commissioner Mullick Aye
Commissioner Wassman Aye
The following resolution was thereupon adopted:
WHEREAS, Marie C. & Maurice G. Graux have submitted an application for a build-
ing permit to the Building Inspector for the erection of a 5-foot high fence
along the northerly, southerly and easterly property lines of premises located
at 434 Weaver Street and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaro-
neck as Block 221, Parcel 167; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused to issue such permit on the ground
that construction or erection of such fence violated Article IV, Section 421.4
of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, Marie C. & Maurice Graux have appealed to this Board for modification
of the Building Inspector's decision pursuant to Article IV, Section 421.4 of
the Zoning Ordiance so as to allow the erection of said fence,
RESOLVED that permission is granted to Marie C. & Maurice G. Graux to erect a
5-foot high wooden fence along the northerly, southerly and easterly property
lines of premises located at 434 Weaver Street and known on the Tax Assessment
Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 221, Parcel 167.
FURTHER RESOLVED that this decision be filed with the Town Clerk in accord-
ance with Section 267 of the Town Law.
The secretary then read the second application.
Application of Keenan Carpet Co. , Inc. for modification of Article IV, Sec-
tion 410, Schedule of Regulations for Non-residential Districts, of the
Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck, so as to permit a 12-foot by
100-foot addition to the existing structure in a "B"-business district, having
a setback of zero feet from Hommocks Road and a rear yard of 16-feet increas-
ing land coverage 11. 1 per cent to 43 .9 per cent rather than the required
5-foot setback, 25-foot rear yard and the maximum land coverage of 25 per cent
on the premises located at 1329 Boston Post Road and known on the Tax Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 412, Parcel 304 on the grounds of
practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
The Chairman asked if any person present wished to address the Board in favor
of this application and the following persons were heard:
FOR APPELANT: Herbert S. Keller, Esquire
1501 Broadway
New York 36, New York
Irving Keenan
1329 Boston Post Road
Larchmont, New York
Mrs. Novak
1331 Boston Post Road
Larchmont, New York
Mr. Keller, representing Keenan Carpet Co. , appeared and presented a brief to
all members of the Board which was received and filed for the record.
Mr. Keller proceeded to explain why his client wished to build an addition to
the rear of the existing building.
The topography of the site is such that a high cliff at the rear of the property
completely shields the building from the residential area to the south. He sub-
mitted several photographs showing the cliff and the building which were re-
ceived and filed for the record.
He said the side yard requirement is no problem and the addition could be
placed 5-feet from Hommocks Road but this would be a useless act since the
existing building runs 65-feet along the property line on this road. The reduc-
tion of the rear yard would not affect others because of the cliff at the rear.
The addition for badly needed storage of stock would not increase the number
of employees nor the number of customers. When the showroom was built in 1953 ,
he noted, it was located on the lot with a view to possible expansion, but the
1959 zoning ordinance requires a variance to accomplish this .
An important consideration to the community, Mr. Keller said, would be the re-
location of the present loading platform from the Hommocks Road side to the
parking lot side , thus eliminating the occasional blocking of Hommocks Road
by trucks making deliveries.
Mr. Keller also explained that efforts to buy additional property, namely
the adjacent vacant doughnut stand property, had been made but the owner,
realizing the situation, had demanded a price far exceeding its true value .
Mr. Bierman asked that the original application include, as a further reason
on item 9, that the addition was also required for badly needed storage space .
Mr. Bierman asked why the platform could not be relocated in the present
Mr. Keenan explained that on the parking lot side are interior offices which
would be expensive to relocate .
Mr. Bierman questioned the traffic problem which presently exists and if any
accidents have ever occurred.
Mr. Keller replied no.
Mr. Bierman also asked if any police action was ever involved in regard to
the traffic problem.
Mr. Kellner replied yes, he believed several neighbors had complained but
no action was ever taken
Mr. Bierman requested Mr. Kellner to secure record of complaints from the
Police Blotter and present at the next meeting if the case was held over.
Mr. Bierman questioned the adequacy of the parking area.
Mr. Keller stated that under the ordinance, which requires one car space for
every 100 square feet in the building, the area is inadequate, but practically
speaking it is entirely sufficient.
Mr. Bierman suggested that certain conditions might be imposed as improvement
of the parking lot, elimination of loading from Hohmacks Road side, entire
elimination of parking in front, which causes traffic hazards, and substituting
a landscaped area for the present blacktop, elimination of sign which is non-
conforming under the new sign ordinance, and erecting a separation fence at the
top of the cliff.
Mr. Keenan assured the Board that these conditions would be acceptable to him
and that he was willing to do whatever might be required to improve the property
if he could get his variance .
Mrs. Novak appeared and voiced support for the application. She stated she and
her husband own a furniture showroom next to Keenan Carpet Co. and also own resi-
dential property directly in the rear of the Keenan building and had no objec-
tion to addition.
The Chairman asked if any person present wished to address the Board in oppo-
sition of this application and the following persons were heard:
IN OPPOSITION: 0. H. Hartenau
1 Rock Ridge Road
Larchmont, New York
William McCarty
7 Rock Ridge Road
Larchmont, New York
Mrs. K. S. Scheuble
9 Rock Ridge Road
Larchmont, New York
COMMUNICATIONS: Petition of opposition, signed by ten neighbors,
dated August 28, 1963 .
Letter from Mr. & Mrs. Hartenau, dated August 28, 1963,
1 Rock Ridge Road
Larchmont, New York
Letter from Mr. & Mrs. C. R. Bragdon, dated August
26, 1963
4 Rock Ridge Road
Larchmont, New York
Mr. Bierman read two letters and a petition expressing opposition to variance
requested. These were received and filed for the record.
Mr. Hartenau appeared and voiced fear of necessary blasting which might be re-
quired in making proposed addition.
Mr. Keller assured the Board that no blasting would be required.
Mr. Bierman asked if this were made a condition of the variance, as applied for,
would it be acceptable.
Mr. Keller answered it would be acceptable.
Mr. William F. McCarty appeared and complained of the cliff hazard to the
children who play on Rock Ridge Road.
Mr. Keller pointed out that the proposed addition, built against the lower por-
tion of the cliff, would actually reduce the drop.
Mr. McCarty also expressed fear that if variance granted, it might set a prece-
dent that would allow variances to be granted, in like manner, to neighboring
areas, etc.
Mr. Bierman replied no precedent is ever carried over for similar cases.
Mrs. Scheuble appeared and complained that there would not be enough parking
area for the customers' cars, that a bad traffic condition already exists and
that the taxpayers should be protected by the zoning laws.
Mr. Bierman stated that parking and traffic conditions would be eliminated as
applicant had already agreed to eliminate condition of parking in front of the
building and to clean up lot, etc. Also that the Board sits to consider the
variance in a specific case and would not create an unfair situation to
adjoining property owners, etc.
Mr. Bierman, then stated that by consesus of the Board, action would be deferred
until the next regular meeting, September 25, 1963, at which time the case
would be considered without any publication. Also in the interim, additional
data concerning the suggested additional improvements, namely sketches of
parking area in front that would be landscaped in place of blacktop and the
elimination of loading from Hommocks Road. Also information received from
the Police Blotter. All of this should be submitted to the secretary in ad-
vance of the next regular meeting.
The secretary then read the third application.
Application of Emilia Ferrari for modification of Article IV, Section 440.3
and Article IV, Section 410, of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaro-
neck, so as to permit a 20-foot by 8-foot addition to the existing non-con-
forming use in an R-6 Residence District having a rear yard of 7-feet rather
than the required 25-foot rear yard on the premises located at 4 Baldwin
Avenue and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block
126, Parcel 427 on the grounds of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary
The Chairman asked if any person present wished to address the Board in favor
of or in opposition to this application and the following persons were heard:
FOR APPELANT: Ralph Cirulli, Agent
19 Clark Place
Port Chester, New York
Mrs. Emilia Ferrari
4 Baldwin Avenue
Larchmont, New York
Mr. Cirulli, agent for the applicant, appeared and stated the reason for the
proposed extension is that it would permit the relocation of the building en-
trance, now a "doghouse" type at the side, to the front. This also would make
it possible to correct a condition of water accumulating in the vestibule
which occurs when it storms.
Mr. Bierman advised Mr. Cirulli that the Board would like to have a more de-
tailed set of plans submitted.
Mr. Cirulli replied that original plans made up very hurriedly and if more de-
tailed ones required, he would do so.
Mr. Bierman stated the Board had examined the site and could not see why an
8' x 20' extension is required, with closets, etc. unless the purpose is to
create extra rooms.
Mr. Cirulli replied no this was not the intention of the applicant.
Mr. Bierman asked Mrs. Ferrari how long she had owned the property.
Mrs. Ferrari stated 4 years.
Mr. Bierman then stated that in viewing the area, the Board noted the house is
occupied by two families and there is an apartment on the ground floor of the
garage as well as on the second floor. In reviewing previous applications for
variance on this property, Mr. Bierman noted that in 1950 a request to permit
conversion of an unused garage to a one-family apartment on the second floor
and a garage and laundry room on the ground floor was denied and in 1951 a
similar application was granted.
Mrs. Ferrari said the house is occupied by two families, and there is an
apartment on the ground floor of the garage in which she resided before she
purchased the property.
Mr. Bierman questioned Mr. McEvoy if this area was not zoned for one family
houses and was this not in violation, etc.
Mr. McEvoy replied yes - zoned for one family.
Mr. Bierman then stated that from what was now before the Board, it appeared
that present occupancy is in violation of the certificate of occupancy and
suggested Mrs. Ferrari and her agent investigate the situation and see the
Building Inspector, etc. If they found they still wanted to press the appli-
cation for variance, return on September 25, 1963, the next regular meeting,
at which time action would be taken on the application. If not,they were to
advise the secretary of their withdrawal of application.
There being no further business to come before this meeting it was ad-
journed at 10:45 p.m.
enevieve F. Soriano, Secretary