HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976_03_24 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:20
Present: Mr. E. Robert Wassman, Chairman
Mr. Andrew W. Boraczek
Mr. Lawrence G. Bodkin, Jr.
Absent: Mr. Egbert R. Hardesty
Also present: Mr. William Paonessa, Building Inspector
The minutes of the meeting of January 28, 1976 were pre-
sented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved
as submitted.
The Chairman declared the hearing open and the Secretary
presented for the record the affidavit of publication
of the notice of hearing.
Mr. Wassman explained to the applicants that because only
three members were present their applications would have
to be approved unanimously and if they wished they could
have their applications heard at another meeting without
penalty. None of the three applicants requested an ad-
journment but wanted their applications heard at this
The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the/application.
Application of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bruno for modifi-
cation of Article VI Section 89-33 Paragraph B (2) Sche-
dule of Residence District Regulations for an R-10 Resi-
dential District so as to allow the construction of a
second story addition over existing garage having a side
yard of 5.8 ft. instead of the required minimum side yard
of 10 ft. on the premises located at 10 Ellsworth Road
and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mama-
roneck as Block 213 Parcel 160 on the grounds of practi-
cal difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
Mr. John C. Fondrisi , the applicant' s Architect spoke
and said that the house is already a two story dwelling.
Mr. Fondrisi stated that the Bruno proposed to raise the
roof above the garage and the addition would not change
the appearance of the house structurally. Mr. Fondrisi
further said that the proposed location was the only feasi-
ble site, financially and aesthetically, and if it was
necessary to build another foundation it would become ex-
pensive and cause a structural problem.
The Chairman questioned the applicants as to what their
hardship was and the proposed use of the addition. Mrs.
Bruno said she has two daughters four years apart and the
house is only a two bedroom dwelling. Mrs. Bruno said
she had discussed the addition with her neighbor whose
property was in the rear across from their garage and she
had no objection to the proposed addition. Mr. Bruno said
at present they lack storage space and the addition would
add two more closets.
After further discussion the Board voted on the applica-
tion and the result was as follows:
Commissioner Wassman - Aye
Commissioner Boraczek - Aye
Commissioner Bodkin - Aye
The application was therefore approved and the following
Resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bruno have sub-
mitted an application for a building permit to
allow the construction of a second story addi-
tion over existing garage having a side yard
yard of 5.8 ft. together with plans ; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused to
issue such permit on the grounds that the plans
submitted failed to comply with the Zoning Ordi-
nance of the Town of Mamaroneck with particular
reference to Article VI Section 89-33 Paragraph
B (2) Schedule of Residence District Regulations
for an R-10 Residential District which requires
a minimum side yard of 10 ft. on the premises
located at 10 Ellsworth Road and known on the
Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
as Block 213 Parcel 160; and
WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bruno have sub-
mitted an application for a variance on the ground
of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hard-
ship for the following reasons :
1 . The house at present is only a
two bedroom house and the applicants
are in need of another bedroom as well
as extra storage room.
2. The proposed location is the most
feasible, financially and structurally.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans , re-
viewed the application and has heard all persons
interested in this application after publication
of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the applica-
tion on the following grounds:
(a) That there are special circum-
stances and conditions applying to
the land and/or building for which
a variance is sought, which cirumstances
and/or conditions have not resulted
from any acts of the applicant sub-
sequent to the date of the Zoning
Regulations appealed from.
(b) That the said circumstances and/
or conditions are as follows :
1 . The proposed addition
will not encroach in the
side yard any further than
the present structure.
2. The proposed location
is the most feasible due
to the location of the exist-
ing facilities.
(c) That the granting of this vari-
ance will be in harmony with the
general purposes and intent of this
Ordinance and will not be injurious
to the neighborhood or otherwise
detrimental to the public welfare;
and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted to the applicant and that Article VI
Section 89-33 Paragraph B (2) Schedule of Resi-
dence District Regulations for an R-10 Resi-
dential District so as to allow the construc-
tion of a second story addition over existing
garage having a side yard of 5.8 ft. on the
premises located at 10 Ellsworth Road and known
on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mama-
roneck as Block 213 Parcel 160 in strict con-
formance with the plans filed with this appli-
cation provided that the applicant complies
in all other respects with the Zoning Ordinance
and Building Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the
Rules and Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance
where a variance is granted the applicant shall
obtain a building permit within three months
of the filing of this Resolution with the Town
Clerk. The building permit shall be void if
construction is not started within six months
and completed within two years of the date
of said permit.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be filed
with the Town Clerk as provided in Section
267 of the Town Law.
The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the second ap-
Application of Mr. and Mrs. Dimitrios Bairaktaris for
modification of Article VI Section 89-33 Paragraph B
(1&2) Schedule of Residence District Regulations for
an R-10 Residential District so as to allow the construc-
tion of a two story addition at the westerly side of
the dwelling having a front yard setback of 12. 5+ ft.
instead of the required front yard of 30 ft. and a total
of both side yards of 19.9 ft. instead of the required
total of both side yards of 25 ft. on the premises lo-
cated at 759 Forest Avenue and known on the Tax Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 220 Parcel
336 on the grounds of practical difficulty and/or unnec-
essary hardship.
Mr. William A. Sharman, an Architect, represented the
applicants, Mr. and Mrs. Dimitrios Bairaktaris and said
that at the time the Bairaktaris purchased the house
they had two children and they now have three. Mr. Shar-
man stated that the applicants needed more room and the
proposed addition is the most practical way to enlarge
the kitchen, dining room and living room. Mr. Sharman
further said that the first floor has only 483 sq. ft.
instead of the 900 sq. ft. that is allowed under the
present zoning. Mr. Sharman, also, said that the pro-
posed addition would add two bedrooms on the second floor.
Mrs. Bernard Kubasik of 752 Forest Avenue said that since
all the houses in the neighborhood are larger than the
dwelling in question the addition would increase the
size of the dwelling in conformity with houses in the
area and add to the property values of the surrounding
Mr. Richard Clay of 761 Forest Avenue and Mr. and Mrs.
James Henry of 765 Forest Avenue said they approved of
the application and felt it would improve the appearance
of the house in question.
Mr. Wassman and Mr. Boraczek questioned the sky dome
that was shown on the proposed plan and asked if the
application was approved if the applicants would be wil-
ling to eliminate the dome. After Mr. Sharman consulted
with Mr. and Mrs. Bairaktaris he said they would agree
to leave the dome out.
After further discussion a vote was taken on the amended
application and the result was as follows :
Commissioner Wassman - Aye
Commissioner Boraczek - Aye
Commissioner Bodkin - Aye
The application was therefore approved as amended and
the following Resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Dimitrios Bairaktaris
have submitted an application for a building
permit to the Building Inspector to allow the
construction of a two story addition at the
westerly side of the dwelling having a front
yard setback of 12.5+ ft. and a total of both
side yards of 19. 9 ft. together with plans ;
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that the
plans submitted failed to comply with the Zon-
ing Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck with
particular reference to Article VI Section 89-
33 Paragraph B (1&2) Schedule of Residence Dis-
trict Regulations for an R-10 Residential Dis-
trict which requires a minimum front yard of
30 ft. and a total of both side yards of 25
ft. on the premises located at 759 Forest Ave-
nue and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the
Town of Mamaroneck as Block 220 Parcel 336;
WHEREAS , Mr. and Mrs. Dimitrios Bairaktaris
have submitted an application for a variance
on the ground of practical difficulty and/or
unnecessary hardship for the following reasons :
1 . The existing residence is very
small in comparision with the other
houses in the neighborhood.
2. There is no other practical way
to construct the addition without a
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans ,
reviewed the application and has heard all
persons interested in this application after
publication of a notice thereof,
WHEREAS, this Board has requested the appli-
cant to amend the application to eliminate
the sky dome shown on the plan,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the applica-
tion on the following grounds :
(a) That there are special circum-
stances and conditions applying to
the land and/or building for which
a variance is sought, which circum-
stances and/or conditions have not
resulted from any acts of the appli-
cant subsequent to the date of the
Zoning Regulations appealed from.
(b) That the said circumstances and/
or conditions are as follows :
1 . The house is presently
non-conforming and the ad-
dition will not encroach
in the front yard any fur-
ther than the present struc-
2. The addition will create
a house that is more conform-
ing to the other dwellings
in the neighborhood.
(c) That the granting of this vari-
ance will be in harmony with the
general purposes and intent of this
Ordinance and will not be injurious
to the neighborhood or otherwise
detrimental to the public welfare;
and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted to the applicant and that Article VI
Section 89-33 Paragraph B (1&2) Schedule of
Residence District Regulations for an R-10
Residential District so as to allow the con-
struction of a two story addition at the west-
erly side of the dwelling having a front yard
setback of 12. 5+ ft. and a total of both side
yards of 19.9 ft. on the premises located at
759 Forest Avenue and known on the Tax Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block
220 Parcel 336 in strict conformance with the
plans filed with this application and amended
provided that the applicant complies in all
other respects with the Zoning Ordinance and
Building Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the
Rules and Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance
where a variance is granted the applicant shall
obtain a building permit within three months
of the filing of this Resolution with the Town
Clerk. The building permit shall be void if
construction is not started within six months
and completed within two years of the date
of said permit.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be filed
with the Town Clerk as provided in Section
267 of the Town Law.
The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the last appli-
Application of Mr. Robert T. Mok for modification of Ar-
ticle XI Section 89-67 Layout and Location of Offstreet
Parking Facilities in a Residential District which requires
a minimum front setback of 25 ft. and a minimum side yard
of 5 ft. Proposed off-street parking area will have a
front setback of 13 ft. and a side yard of 1 .0 ft. on
the premises located at 14 Colonial Avenue and known on
the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block
120 Parcel 313 on the grounds of practical difficulty
and/or unnecessary hardship.
Mrs. Mok appeared before the Board and said they wanted
to widen their driveway. The applicant said they have
two cars and only a one car garage. Mrs. Mok stated that
in severe winter weather if the car that is parked out-
side does not start they cannot get the car out of the
garage. The applicant said that both she and her husband
work and depend on their cars for transportation. Mrs.
Mok, also, said that the driveway is in need of repair
and while they were having it repaired they thought they
would like to widen it.
After further discussion a vote was taken on the appli-
cation and the result was as follows :
Commissioner Wassman - Aye
Commissioner Boraczek - Aye
Commissioner Bodkin - Aye
The application was therefore approved and the following
Resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. Robert T. Mok has submitted an
application to the Building Inspector to allow
an off-street parking area with a front setback
of 13 ft. and a side yard of 1 .0 ft. together
with plans ; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that the
plans submitted failed to comply with the Zon-
ing Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck with
particular reference to Article XI Section 89-
67 Layout and Location of Offstreet Parking
Facilities in a Residential District which re-
quires a minimum front setback of 25 ft. and
a minimum side yard of 5 ft. on the premises
located at 14 Colonial Avenue and known on the
Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
as Block 120 Parcel 313; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Robert T. Mok has submitted an
application for a variance on the ground of prac-
tical difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship
for the following reasons:
1 . The appellant owns two cars and
has only one garage.
2. In severe winter weather if the
car parked outside fails to start the
car in the garage cannot get out.
3. Both the appellant and his wife
work and depend on their cars for trans-
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans ,
reviewed the application and has heard all
persons interested in this application after
publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the appli-
cation on the following grounds :
(a) That there are special circum-
stances and conditions applying to
the land and/or buildings for which
a variance is sought, which circum-
stances and/or conditions are pecu-
liar to such land and/or buildings
in the district and which circumstances
have not resulted from any acts of
the applicant subsequent to the date
of the Zoning Regulations appealed
(b) That the aforesaid circumstances
and/or conditions are as follows:
1 . The proposed off-street
parking facility will create
a space where the appellant
can park his second car.
(c) That the granting of this vari-
ance will be in harmony with the gen-
eral purposes and intent of this Ordi-
nance and will not be injurious to
i -�1
the neighborhood or otherwise detri-
mental to the public welfare; and it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted to the applicant and that Article XI
Section 89-67 Layout and Location of Off-street
Parking Facilities in a Residential District
so as to allow the construction of an off-street
parking area having a front setback of 13 ft.
and a side yard of 1 . 0 ft. on the premises lo-
cated at 14 Colonial Avenue and known on the
Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
as Block 120 Parcel 313 in strict conformance
with the plans filed with this application pro-
vided that the applicant complies in all other
respects with the Zoning Ordinance and Build-
ing Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the
Rules and Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance
where a variance is granted the applicant shall
obtain a building permit within three months
of the filing of this Resolution with the Town
Clerk. The building permit shall be void if
construction is not started within six months
and completed within two years of the date of
said permit.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be filed
with the Town Clerk as provided in Section 267
of the Town Law.
There being no further business to come before this meet-
ing it was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Rita A. Johnson Secretary