HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974_08_28 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:20
Present: Mr. Richard F. Eggers, Chairman
Mr. Andrew W. Boraczek
Mr. Egbert R. Hardesty
Absent: Mr. E. Robert Wassman
Mr. Lawrence G. Bodkin, Jr.
The minutes of the meeting of July 24, 1974 were presented
and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as submitted.
The Chairman declared the hearing open and the Secretary
presented for the record the affidavit of publication
of the notice of hearing.
Mr. Eggers explained to the applicant that because only
three members were present their application would have
to be approved unanimously and they had the privilege
of withdrawing their application to another meeting with-
out penalty.
The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the application.
Application of Dollar Savings Bank of New York for modi-
fication of Article IV Section 510 "Building Permits"
and Section 520 "Certificate of Occupancy" which requires
that no building permit or certificate of occupancy shall
be issued for any building or use unless it complies with
the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the con-
struction and occupancy of a temporary bank building and
appurtenances on the premises located at 1350 Boston Post
Road and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of
Mamaroneck as Block 410 Parcels 130 and 140 on the grounds
of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
Mr. John L. Delius , an Attorney of 7 Woodland Avenue,
Larchmont, New York, represented the applicant, Dollar
Savings Bank of New York and stated that the bank was
desirous of locating on the property that they had pur-
chased in June 1973. Mr. Delius said that the bank had
applied to the New York State Banking Department and the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for permission to
establish a branch office at the time the property was
purchased. The Superintendent of Banks approved the ap-
plication and action was brought in Supreme Court to over-
turn the decision. Judge Walsh ruled in favor of the
Banking Department and although the Banking Department
has never lost a case of this type a series of appeals
could extend litigation for possibly at least an extra
six months. The Dollar Savings Bank has received a per-
mit from the Town of Mamaroneck Building Department to
erect a permanent building but because of the litigation
they would like to construct a temporary building until
litigation has been favorably resolved or for a period
of not more than one year.
A rendering of the temporary building was presented to
the Board and Mr. Justus DeVries , of Dorset, Vermont,
the Architect for the Dollar Savings Bank, stated that
most of the landscaping, curbing, sidewalk and parking
on the proposed site of the temporary building would be
permanent. Mr. DeVries said that the applicant had com-
plied with all the requests of the Building Inspector
and Town Engineer and no variance was required for the
permanent building. Mr. DeVries further stated that the
temporary building provided for two exits and fire ex-
Mr. Henry G. Waltemade of 5 Hidden Green Lane, who is
the President and Chairman of the Dollar Savings Bank
stated that the bank had a substantial investment in the
property in question and that the temporary structure
would be an improvement over the present site. Mr. Walte-
made said the temporary building would provide for four
tellers and washroom facilities and be fully carpeted.
Mr. Waltemade further stated that the Dollar Savings Bank
wanted to render their services to the Town and would
add to the tax ratables of the Town.
Mr. Eggers questioned as to why the temporary building
was to be located at the proposed site. Mr. DeVries said
that because of the traffic the Department of Transporta-
tion had insisted on the entrance in the rear on Weaver
Street and the applicant wanted to provide sufficient
parking spaces.
Mr. Waltemade said that the bids for the permanent build-
ing were being opened on August 29, 1974. Mr. DeVries
stated that the bid would cover the total site as a pack-
age and that some permanent landscaping and parking would
be completed but because of the season some evergreens
wouldn' t be planted until Spring.
Mr. Boraczek questioned as to when the temporary building
could be completed. Mr. DeVries said it could be finished
by Thanksgiving and the permanent part of the project
completed in six or seven months if there are no legalities.
Mr. DeVries, also, said that the temporary building could
be removed and used elsewhere. It was pointed out that
if the application was approved the applicant would have
to apply to the Town Board for permission to use a building
that was not fireproof and in addition the floor load
of the temporary building was not adequate. Mr. DeVries
said that the applicants had agreed to provide the 100#/ft.
live load which is the minimum requirement of the Build-
ing Code.
Mr. Gabriel Wendel of 101 Rockland Avenue, who has been
a resident of the Town for 38 years and is associated
with the Union Savings Bank said he was opposing the ap-
plication as another savings bank would create a hardship.
Mr. Wendel said that the Union Savings Bank had been in
business since 1887 and when the Dollar Savings Bank made
their first application to the New York State Bank Depart-
ment they had been turned down but when it was presented
again it was approved. Mr. Wendel further said that the
Union Savings Bank was in litigation and what would hap-
pen to the temporary building if they win. Mr. Eggers
explained that the Zoning Board was only concerned with
the merits of the application as to whether Dollar Sav-
ings Bank should be allowed to build a temporary building
and whatever the decision is from the litigation would
be the problem of the Dollar Savings Bank. Mr. Wendel
concluded that he did not know where the hardship was.
Mr. William G. Massey, Jr. of 290 Weaver Street, who is
a resident of the Town and also connected with the Larch-
mont Federal Savings and Loan Association said he was
worried about the litigation. Mr. Massey stated that
the building permit for the permanent building sets a
value of $225,000.00 and the temporary building has a
value of $45,000.00 which would not increase the tax rat-
able anymore than it is at present. Mr. Massey, also,
questioned as to how long was "temporary" and wasn't it
possible Dollar Savings Bank just wanted to see how they
would make out.
Mr. Paul Starck of 1104 Park Avenue, Mamaroneck, who is
President of the Mamaroneck Federal Savings and Loan Assoc-
iation said he was opposed to a temporary building which
is against the laws as they now stand.
Mr. Robert Plaut of 1 Lancia Lane questioned as to whether
it would be "temporary" , as conceivably it could be a
long term proposition.
Mr.Chauncey Haviland of 7 Thompson Place, a resident and
Executive Vice President of Union Savings Bank said he
felt there was no need for granting the variance and the
Dollar Savings Bank should wait for the permanent struc-
ture to be completed.
Mr. Maurice Serling of 6 Weaver Street, who is the adjoin-
ing property owner to the proposed bank questioned as
to why they did not go ahead and build the permanent build-
ing. Mr. Serling said he would like to see the bank lo-
cated there.
The Chairman pointed out that the applicant's hardship
was because of the fact that the permanent building was
being held up because of the litigation. Mr. Eggers ex-
plained that the decision of the Zoning Board on the ap-
plication would determine whether the Dollar Savings Bank
had to appear before the Town Board and after the Board
discussed the application further they would vote.
After further discussion the Board decided to vote on
the application and the result was as follows :
Commissioner Eggers - Nay
Commissioner Boraczek - Nay
Commissioner Hardesty - Nay
The application was therefore denied and the following
Resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Dollar Savings Bank of New York has
submitted an application for a building per-
mit to allow the construction and occupancy
of a temporary bank building and appurtenances
together with plans; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that the
plans submitted failed to comply with the Zon-
ing Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck with
particular reference to Article IV Section
510 "Building Permits" and Section 520 "Cer-
tificate of Occupancy" which requires that
no building permit or certificate of occupancy
shall be issued for any building or use unless
it complies with the provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance on the premises located at 1350 Bos-
ton Post Road and known on the Tax Assessment
Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 410
Parcels 130 and 140; and
WHEREAS, Dollar Savings Bank of New York has
submitted to this Board an application for
a variance on the ground of practical diffi-
culty and/or unnecessary hardship for the fol-
lowing reasons :
1 . The applicant has received a per-
mit to erect a permanent building
but because of litigation they would
like to construct a temporary build-
ing until litigation has been favor-
ably resolved or for a period of not
more than one year.
2. The proposed temporary building
is of excellent design and will be
an improvement over the present site.
3. The Dollar Savings Bank has a
substantial investment in the property
and the proposed bank will be an addi-
tional source of tax revenue for the
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans,
reviewed the application and has heard all
persons interested in this application after
publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board denied the applica-
tion on the following grounds :
1 . That there were no special circ-
cumstances or conditions applying
to the land for which the variance
is sought, which circumstances or
conditions are peculiar to such land
and which do not apply generally to
land in the district.
2. That the facts and circumstances
claimed by the applicant to entitle
him to the variance are not such as
would deprive the applicant of the
reasonable use of the land.
3. That the granting of the variance
would not be in harmony with the general
purposes and intent of this Ordinance
and would be injurious to the neigh-
borhood and detrimental to the public
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be filed
with the Town Clerk in accordance with Section
267 of the Town Law.
The Secretary was asked to advise Mrs. Brewer, the
Supervisor's Secretary that the application had been
There being no further business to come before this meet-
ing it was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
\ ;1`
Rita A. Johnson, Secretary