HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973_10_24 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS
The meeting was called to order by Mr. E. Robert Wassman,
the Acting Chairman, at 8:15 P.M.
Present: Mr. E. Robert Wassman, acting Chairman
Mr. Donald D. Geary, Jr.
Mr. Andrew W. Boraczek
Mr. Egbert R. Hardesty
Absent: Mr. Richard F. Eggers
Also present: Mr. William Paonessa, Building Inspector
The Chairman declared the hearing open and the Sec-
retary presented for the record the affidavit of pub-
lication of the notice of hearing.
Mr. Wassman asked the Secretary to read the first
Application of Mr. and Mrs. H. Werner for modifica-
tion of Article IV Section 410 Schedule of Residence
District Regulations for an R-20 Residential District
so as to allow the construction of a one family resi-
dence and enclosed family swimming pool having a rear
yard of 15 feet instead of the minimum required rear
yard of 40 feet on the premises located at 3 Hilltop
Road and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck as Block 228 Parcel 75 on the grounds
of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
Mr. Herbert Werner presented his application to the
Board and showed the members pictures of his present
home at 777 Fenimore Road. The applicant stated that
before he had purchased the property in question from
Mr. Dubilier the sale was consumated on the basis
of the variance being granted and the application
had been approved with the amendment that the build-
ing be located a minimum of 5 ft. back from the pro-
perty line without extending any further in the rear.
Mr. Werner said that after he had purchased the pro-
perty and obtained cost appraisals they decided to
build a smaller house than the one shown on the ori-
ginal plan. The applicant said that the new plan
showed the same boundary lines as the original plan
but the pool would be enclosed.
Mr. Werner pointed out that his hardship was in the
shape, topography and unusual access to the lot and
that the house they planned to build is designed to
fit into the existing topography of the lot. Mr.
Werner's Architects, Mr. Finn and Mr. Jenter were
present to answer any questions and the Chairman in-
vited the neighbors to come up and look at the pro-
posed plan.
Mr. Hermino Traviesas of 5 Hilltop Road said that
although he hated to lose the beauty of the property
he feels Mr. Werner is trying hard to build a house
to adapt itself to the unusual piece of property.
Mrs. Dubilier of 1 Ridgeway Road said she reiterated
all that Mr. Traviesas said and although she will
miss the woods she knows that Mr. Werner will build
a beautiful house.
Mr. Joseph Someck of 11 York Road said they were the
only property owners who would be directly affected
by Mr. Werner's request and that they did not under-
stand why the house could not be located on the lot
so that a variance would not be required. Mr. Someck
presented a letter to the Board signed by Mrs. Someck
which was read by Mr. Wassman. Mrs. Someck said in
her letter that they objected to the variance because
they did not like the idea of a house being built
15 feet from their property line and feels it will
deteriorate the value of their property. Mrs.Someck,
also stated in her letter, that her second reason
for objecting was the unusual large area of blacktop
which will be very close to their property and an
eyesore when they sit on their terrace.
After further discussion the Chairman asked for a
short recess. When the Board returned a vote was
taken on the application and the result was as fol-
Commissioner Wassman - Aye
Commissioner Geary - Aye
Commissioner Boraczek - Aye
Commissioner Hardesty - Aye
The application was therefore approved and the fol-
lowing Resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. H. Werner have sub-
mitted an application for a building per-
mit to the Building Inspector to allow
the construction of a one family residence
and enclosed family swimming pool having
a rear yard of 15 feet together with plans;
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that
the plans submitted failed to comply with
the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mama-
roneck with particular reference to Article
IV Section 410 Schedule of Residence Dis-
trict Regulations for an R-20 Residential
District which requires a minimum rear
yard of 40 feet on the premises located
at 3 Hilltop Road and known on the Tax
Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
as Block 228 Parcel 75; and
WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. H. Werner have sub-
mitted to this Board an application for
a variance on the ground of practical dif-
ficulty and/or unnecessary hardship for
the following reasons:
1. The applicant's hardship
is because of the shallow depth
of the lot, the topography and
the unusual access to the lot.
2. The house the Werners intend
to build is designed to fit into
the existing topography of the
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans,
reviewed the application and has heard all
persons interested in this application
after publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the ap-
plication on the following grounds:
(a) That there are special cir-
cumstances and conditions apply-
ing to the land and/or building
for which a variance is sought,
which circumstances and/or condi-
tions have not resulted from any
acts of the applicant subsequent
to the date of the Zoning Regula-
tions appealed from.
(b) That the aforesaid circumstances
and/or conditions are as follows:
1. The lot was an
approved building site
as shown on the Sub-
division Map of Sound-
view Woods Section 3.
2. The lot has limited
frontage and access
due to existing Town
parcel along Hilltop
3. The lot has shallow
depth and the topography
of the lot restricts
the location of the
proposed dwelling.
(c) That the granting of this
variance will be in harmony with
the general purposes and intent
of this Ordinance and will not
be injurious to the neighborhood
or otherwise detrimental to the
public welfare; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted to the applicant and that Article
IV Section 410 Schedule of Residence Dis-
trict Regulations for an R-20 Residential
District of the Zoning Ordinance so as
to allow the construction of a one family
dwelling and enclosed family swimming
pool having a rear yard of 15 feet on
the premises located at 3 Hilltop Road
and known on the Tax Assessment Map of
the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 228 Par-
cel 75 in strict conformance with plans
filed with this application provided that
the applicant complies in all other res-
pects with the Zoning Ordinance and Build-
ing Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with
the Rules and Regulations of the Zoning
Ordinance where a variance is granted
the applicant shall obtain a building
permit within three months of the filing
of this Resolution with the Town Clerk.
The building permit shall be void if con-
struction is not started within six months
and completed within two years of the
date of said permit.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be
filed with the Town Clerk as provided
in Section 267 of the Town Law.
The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the next
Application of Mr. Joseph Rizzotto for modification
of Article IV Section 421.4 Walls and Fences which
restricts the height of walls and fences in a Resi-
dential District to 4 ft. so as to permit the construc-
tion of a 5'6" high wall in the front yard and Article
IV Section 455.2 Layout and Location of Off-street
( J ( �
Parking which requires that unenclosed parking fac-
ilities be developed 25 ft. back of front property
line so as to allow off-street parking facilities
in the front yard of the property having 0 ft. set-
back on the premises located at 9 Thompson Street
and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck as Block 124 Parcel 670 on the grounds
of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
Mr. Rizzotto presented his application to the Board
and stated that his reason for wanting the 5'6"
high wall was for privacy. The applicant said that
the proposed location was the only area where they
could have any activity and if the wall were per-
mitted it would be necessary to park his car in
front. Mr. Rizzotto presently is parking his car
on the side of the house.
It was pointed out that the swimming pool occupies
most of the back yard. Mr. Wassman asked Mr. Riz-
zotto why he could not have a hedge or some other
evergreens for a screen. Mr. Rizzotto said he was
not able to grow any shrubbery because of the soil.
After further discussion a vote was taken on the
application and the result was as follows:
Commissioner Wassman - Nay
Commissioner Geary - Aye
Commissioner Boraczek - Nay
Commissioner Hardesty - Aye
The application was therefore denied and the fol-
lowing Resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. Joseph Rizzotto has submitted
an application for a building permit to
the Building Inspector to allow the con-
struction of a 5'6" high wall in the front
yard and to allow off-street parking fac-
ilities to be developed in the front yard
of the property having a 0 ft. setback
together with plans; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that
the plans submitted failed to comply with
the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mama-
roneck with particular reference to Ar-
ticle IV Section 421.4 Walls and Fences
which restricts the height of walls and
fences in a Residential District to 4
ft. and Article IV Section 455.2 Layout
and Location of Off-street Parking which
requires that unenclosed parking facilities
be developed 25 ft. back of the front
property line on the premises located
at 9 Thompson Street and known on the
Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mama-
roneck as Block 124 Parcel 670; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Joseph Rizzotto has submitted
to this Board an application for a vari-
ance on the ground of practical difficulty
and/or unnecessary hardship for the fol-
lowing reasons:
1. The applicant wanted the
5'6" high wall for privacy.
2. The proposed area was the
only site for any activity and
if the wall was permitted it
would be necessary to park his
car in the front.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans,
reviewed the application and has heard
all persons interested in this application
after publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board denied the ap-
plication on the following grounds:
1. The Board felt that a hedge
or some other evergreens would
provide the privacy the appli-
cant wanted.
2. That there were no special
circumstances or conditions
applying to the land for which
the variance is sought, which
circumstances or conditions
are peculiar to such land and
which do not apply generally
to land in the district.
3. That the facts and circum-
stances claimed by the appli-
cant to entitle him to the vari-
ance are not such as would de-
prive the applicant of the reason-
able use of the land.
4. That the granting of the
variance would not be in har-
mony with the general purposes
and intent of this Ordinance
and would be injurious to the
neighborhood and detrimental
to the public welfare.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision
be filed with the Town Clerk in accord-
ance with Section 267 of the Town Law.
/ J1c-
The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the third
Application of Mr. Roy Borrelli for modification
of Article IV Section 410 Schedule of Permitted Ac-
cessory Uses in a Residential District to allow the
construction of an in ground swimming pool located
10 ft. from the dwelling instead of the minimum re-
quired 15 ft. on the premises located at 15 South
Drive and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the
Town of Mamaroneck as Block 108 Parcel 107 on the
grounds of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary
• hardship.
• Mr. Borrelli presented his application to the Board
and stated that the rear of his property is much
• higher than the rest of the lot with a rock ledge.
The applicant stated that if the pool was located
the required 15 ft. it would necessitate the removal
of the rock ledge at the southwesterly corner of
the lot.
Mr. Borrelli presented a letter to the Board from
his neighbor, Mr. E. Roger Hotta of 17 South Drive
stating he had no objection to the application.
. ---- Mr. Robert Joslyn of 9 Glen Eagles Drive stated that
there was an erroron the plan showing the height
of the fence and he could-not see why a swimming
• pool was a hardship. Mrs. Joslyn said she had called
Mr. Paonessa at the time Mr. Borrelli had installed
• the fence. Mr. Paonessa said that at the time Mr.
Borrelli erected the fence he had sent a Violation
• Notice and that Mr. Borrelli had put in curbing and
the fence was installed on top of the curbing.
Mrs. Lytton of 11 Glen Eagles Drive and several other
neighbors expressed concern over the blasting that
would be necessary if the pool was allowed and Mr.
Paonessa assured them that any blasting performed
in the Town could only be done by a licensed blasterer
who had to post a bond with the Town before he could
do any blasting in the Town.
After further discussion the Chairman asked for a
short recess and when the Board returned Mr. Wass-
• man asked that the application be deferred for thirty
days so that members of the Board could go out and
• look at the fence in question.
• The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the last
Application of Mr. Alexander Fusco for modification
• of Article IV Section 440.3 Non-Conforming Use of
• Building to allow alterations to an existing non-
conforming one family dwelling so as to create a
• two family dwelling which is not a Permitted Use
in a "B" Business District on the premises located
• at 610 Fifth Avenue and known on the Tax Assessment
Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 130 Part of
• Parcel 541 on the grounds of practical difficulty
and/or unnecessary hardship.
Mr. Reuben Sirlin, an Attorney of 211 Mamaroneck
• Avenue, represented the applicant and stated that
the property is in a business district. Mr. Sirlin
• said that his client did not intend to change the
structure as the facilities are already available
for a two family house and the surrounding area- con-
• sists of multiple dwellings. Mr. Sirlin, also,
stated that the house in question is the only one
• family dwelling in the xieighbcrhood and the addition
• would not change the character of the area.
Mr. Sirlin presented the Board with a petition signed
• by the neighbors approving the application. It was
pointed out that the building had been moved from
• another location and at the time it was moved it
was conforming. Mr. Sirlin stated that the change
• in zoning created the hardship.
After further discussion a vote was taken on the
application and the result was as follows:
Commissioner Wassman - Aye
Commissioner Geary Aye
Commissioner Boraczek - Aye
Commissioner Hardesty - Aye
The application was therefore approved and the fol-
• lowing Resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. Alexander Fusco has submitted
an application for a building permit to
• the Building Inspector to allow alterations
to an existing non-conforming dwelling
• together with plans; and
• WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that
the plans submitted failed to comply with
the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mama-
: roneck with particular reference to Ar-,
ticle IV Section 440.3 Non•-conforming
Use of Buildings which requires that a
non-conforming use of a building only
be changed to a conforming use and does
• not permit a two family house in a Busi-
ness District on the premises located
at 610 Fifth Avenue and known on the Tax
Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
• as Block 130 part of Parcel 541; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Alexander Fusco has submitted
to this Board an application for a vari-
ance on the ground of practical difficulty
and/or unnecessary hardship for the fol-
lowing reasons:
1. Property is presently non-
conforming and when originally
moved was conforming.
2. When the house was moved
it provided the utilities for
a second family.
3. The surrounding area con-
sists of Cwo and three family
dwellings and the addition would
not change the character of
the area.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans,
reviewed the application and has heard
all persons interested in this application
after publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the ap-
plication on the following grounds:
(a) That there are special
circumstances and conditions
applying to the land and/or
building for which a variance
is sought, which circumstances
and/or conditions have not re-
sulted from any acts of the
applicant subsequent to the
date of the Zoning Regulations
appealed from.
(b) That the aforesaid circum-
stances and/of conditions are:
1. Because of the change
in zoning the house
was made non-conforming.
2. All the other res-
idences in the neigh-
borhood are multiple
dwellings and the ad-
dition will not change
the character of the
3. That said circum-
stances or conditions
are such that the par-
: t d7
ticular application
of the Ordinance with
respect to Article IV
Section 440.3 Non-Con-
forming Use of Build-
ings would deprive the
applicant of the reason-
able use of the land
and/or buildings and
that for these reasons
the granting of the
variance is necessary
for the reasonable use
of the land and/or build-
ing and that the vari-
ance as granted by this
Board is the minimum
adjustment that will
accomplish this purpose.
4. That the granting
of this variance is
in harmony with the
general purposes and
intent of this Ordinance
and will not be injur-
ious to the neighbor-
- - hood or otherwise detri-
mental to the public
welfare; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted to the applicant and that Article
IV Section 440.3 Non-Conforming Use of
Buildings of the Zoning Ordinance so as
to allow alterations to the existing non-
conforming dwelling and to permit the
use as a two family dwelling- in a "B"
Business District on the premises located
at 610 Fifth Avenue and known on the Tax
Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
as Block 131 Part of Parcel 541 in strict
conformance with plans filed with thic
application provided that the applicant
complies in all other respects with the
Zoning ordinance and Building Code of
the Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with
the Rules and Regulations of the Zoning
Ordinance where a variance is granted
the applicant shall obtain a building
permit within three months of the filing
of this Resolution with the Town Clerk.
The building permit shall be void if con-
struction is not started within six months
and completed within two years of the
date of said permit,
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be
filed with the Town Clerk as provided
in Section 267 of the Town Law.
There being no further business to-•come before this
mee.tiag it was adjourned at 9;45
Rita A. Johnson Secretary
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