HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973_11_28 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at
8:15 P.M.
Present: Mr. Richard F. Eggers, Chairman
Mr. E. Pobert Wassman
Mr. Donald D. Geary, Jr.
Mr. Andrew W. Boraczek
Absent: Mr. Eebert R. Hardesty
Also present: Mr. William Paonessa, Building Inspector
The minutes of the meetings of October 3 and October
24, 1973 were presented and on motion duly made and
seconded, approved as submitted.
The Chairman declared the hearing open and the Sec-
retary presented for the record the affidavit of pub-
lication of the notice of hearing.
Mr. Eggers asked the Secretary to read the first ap-
plication which had been adjourned from the last meet-
Application of Mr. Roy Borrelli for modification of
Article IV Section 410 Schedule of Permitted Accessory
Uses in a Pesidential District to allow the construc-
tion of an in ground swimming pool located 10 ft.
from the dwelling instead of the minimum required
15 ft. on the premises located at 15 South Drive and
known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mama-
roneck as Block 108 Parcel 107 on the grounds of prac-
tical difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
The Chairman requested Mr. Paonessa to explain the
question that had been raised at the previous meet-
ing in reference to the fence being in violation.
Mr. Paonessa and Mr. Eggers had visited the site and
the Building Inspector said that because of the grade
of the lot the fence in some spots was more than the
required 4 ft.
Mr. Borrelli stated that the rear of his property
1 .J (/
is higher and that if he located the pool the required
15 ft. it would be necessary to cut into the rock
ledge at the southwesterly corner of the lot. The
applicant said that the property of his neighbor who
objected to the fence was 7 ft. behind the retaining
wall and the top of the fence at some points is 2
or 3 ft. above ground level. Mr. Eggers asked Mr.
Borrelli if he had added a layer of stone at the rear
on the retaining wall and fill on top but the anpli-
cant said it was like that when he purchased the house.
After further discussion a vote was taken on the ap-
plication and the result was as follows:
Commissioner Eggers - Ave
Commissioner Wassman - Aye
Commissioner Geary - Aye
Commissioner Boraczek- Ave
The application was therefore approved and the fol-
lowing Resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. Roy Borrelli has submitted
an application for a building permit to
the Building Inspector to allow the con-
struction of an in ground swimming pool
located 10 ft. from the dwelling together
with plans; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that
the plans submitted failed to comply with
the Zonin' Ordinance of the Town of Mama-
roneck with particular reference to Arti-
cle IV Section 410 Schedule of Permitted
Accessory Uses in a Residential District
which requires the pool be located 15 ft.
from the dwelling on the premises located
at 15 South Drive and known on the Tax
Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
as Block 108 Parcel 107; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Roy Borrelli has submitted
to this Board an application for a vari-
ance on the ground of practical difficulty
and/or unnecessary hardship for the fol-
lowing reason:
If the pool was located in con-
formance with the Swimming Pool
Ordinance it would require the
removal of the ledge rock at
the southwesterly corner of
the lot.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans,
reviewed the application and has heard
all persons interested in this application
after publication of a notice thereof;
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the ap-
plication on the following grounds:
(a) That there are special
circumstances and conditions
applying to the land and/or
building for which a variance
is sought, which circumstances
and/or conditions have not re-
sulted from any acts of the
applicant subsequent to the
date of the Zoning pegulations
appealed from.
(b) That the said circumstances
and/or conditions are as fol-
1. If the pool was
constructed in com-
pliance with the Swim-
ming Pool Ordinance it
would require the re-
moval of rock.
2. If the pool was
located the required
15 ft. there would be
a sheer drop in the
rear to the property
3. That the height
of the existing fence
is permissible for
the installation of
a family swimming pool.
(c) That the granting of this
variance will be in harmony
with the general purposes and
intent of this Ordinance and
will not be incurious to the
neighborhood orotherwise detri-
mental to the public welfare;
and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted to the applicant and that Article
IV Section 410 Schedule of Permitted Ac-
cessory Uses in a Residential District
so as to allow the construction of an
in ground swimming pool located 10 ft.
from the dwelling on the premises located
at 15 South Drive and known on the Tax
Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
as Block 108 Parcel 107 in strict conform-
( j (
ance with the plans filed with this ap-
plication provided that the applicant com-
plies in all other respects with the Zon-
ing Ordinance and Building Code of the
Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with
the Rules and Regulations of the Zoning
Ordinance where a variance is granted the
applicant shall obtain a building permit
within three months of the filing of this
Resolution with the Town Clerk. The build-
ing permit shall be void if construction
is not started within six months and com-
pleted within two years of the date of
said permit.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be
filed with the Town Clerk as provided in
Section 267 of the Town Law.
The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the next
Application of Mr. Arthur J. Wexler for modification
of Article IV Section 410 Schedule of Residence Dis-
trict Regulations for an R-7.5 Residential District
to allow the construction of a two story addition
to the rear of the dwelling having a minimum rear
yard of 10 ft. instead of the minimum required rear
yard of 25 ft. on the premises located at 17 Valley
Road and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck as Block 115 Parcel 472 on the grounds
of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
Mr. Wexler presented the Board with photographs and
stated that with his application he had submitted
a letter which he wanted made part of the record.
In his letter the applicant gave his reasons for
asking for the variance. Mr. Wexler said in his
letter that they had bought the small four room
house in 1970 and at that time it was adenuate for
their needs as a young family with one small child.
The applicant further stated in his letter they would
like to enlarge their family and after their Years
of living in the neighborhood they are faced with
two alternatives of either moving to a larger house
or adding usable space to the present house. Mr.
Wexler, also, said in his letter that after looking
for a larger house which because of rising costs
is out of reach they decided to add space to the
present house and being an Architect himself he had
given considerable thought to the problems of add-
ing an addition without destroying the integrity
of the existing structure or the surrounding area.
( 7
The applicant, also, said in his letter that the
proposed location was the only feasible site to build
without violating the front yard renuirements; as
the rest of the property has a steep rock outcron-
ping. In conclusion, Mr. Wexler said in his letter
that the addition will add approximately 150 sq.
ft. to the area of the first floor which at present
has only 450 snuare feet and according to the nre-
sent Zoning requirements he is allowed 800 sn. ft.
Mrs. Howard English of 192 Rockingstone Avenue whose
property adjoins the lot in ouestion at the rear
was concerned about where the addition was to be
built and wondered whether a tree at the back of
the lot was to be removed. It was pointed out that
English's garage is at the rear property line and
Mrs. English questioned as to how the addition would
affect her garage and wall. Mr. Wexler assured Mrs.
English he did not intend to remove any rock.
After further discussion a vote was taken on the
application and the result was as follows:
Commissioner Eggers - Aye
Commissioner Wassman - Ave
Commissioner Geary - Aye
Commissioner Boraczek - Aye
The application was therefore approved andthe fol-
lowing Resolution duly adonted:
WHEREAS, Mr. Arthur J. Wexler has submitted
an application for a building permit to
the Building Inspector to allow the con-
struction of a two story addition at the
rear of the dwelling having a minimum rear
yard of 10 ft. together with plans; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the n_rounds that
the plans submitted failed to comply with
the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mama-
roneck with particular reference to Article
IV Section 410 Schedule of Residence Dis-
trict Regulations for an R-7.5 Residential
District which requires a minimum rear
yard of 25 ft. on the premises located
at 17 Valley Road and known on the Tax
Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
as Block 115 Parcel 472; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Arthur J. Wexler has submitted
to this Board an application for a variance
on the ground of practical difficulty and/
or unnecessary hardship for the following
1. The proposed location is
the only feasible site to build
• without violating the front yard
requirements because of the
steep rock outcropping.
2. The house at present only
has an area of 450 sa. ft. on
• the first floor and the present
requirements allow 800 sq. ft.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans,
• reviewed the application and has heard
all persons interested in this application
• after publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the ap-
plication on the following grounds:
(a) That there are special
circumstances and conditions
applying to the land and/or
building for which a variance
• is sought, which circumstances
and/or conditions have not re-
• sulted from any acts of the
applicant subsequent to the
date of the Zoning Regulations
appealed from.
(b) That the said circumstances
and/or conditions are as fol-
1. Because of the
topography of the lot
• the proposed location
is the only feasible
• site.
• 2. The house at pre-
sent on the first floor
• has only 450 sq. ft.
of floor area and ac-
• cording to the present
zoning the applicant
• is allowed 800 sa. ft.
• (c) That the granting of this
variance will be in harmony with
• the general purposes and intent
of this Ordinance and will not
be injurious to the neighborhood
• -- or otherwise detrimental to the
• public welfare; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
• granted to the applicant and that Article
IV Section 410 Schedule of Residence Dis-
trict Regulations for an R-7.5 Pesidential
District so as to allow the construction
of a two story addition at the rear of the
dwelling having a minimum rear yard of 10
ft. on the premises located at 17 Valley
Poad and known on the Tax Assessment Man
of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 115 Par-
cel 472 in strict conformance with the plans
filed with this application provided that
the applicant complies in all other respects
with the Zoning Ordinance and Building Code
of the Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with
the Pules and Regulations of the Zoning
Ordinance where a variance is granted the
applicant shall obtain a building permit
within three months of the filing of this
Resolution with the Town Clerk. The build-
ing permit shall be void if construction
is not started within six months and com-
pleted within two years of the date of said
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be
filed with the Town Clerk as provided in
Section 267 ofthe Town Law.
The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the last
Application of Mr. Thomas Cuglielmo for modification
of Article IV Section 410 Schedule of Regulations
for Non-Residential Districts which restrict the
maximum building coverage to 25% to allow a n ad-
dition to a commercial building creating a build-
ing_ coverage of 32% with off-street narking faci-
lities for 17 cars on the premises located at 626
Fifth Avenue and known on the Tax Assessment Man
of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 132 Parcel 61
on the grounds of nractical difficulty and/or un-
necessary hardshin.
Mr. Anthony Vitetta, an Attorney of 444 East Bos-
ton Post Road, Mamaroneck, represented the appli-
cant, Mr. Thomas Guglielmo and stated that his client's
tenant needs additional space. Mr. Vitetta said
that the applicant proposed to add an additional
three offices and lavatories and the addition will
separate the service area from the sales.
Mr. Vitetta pointed out that financially the addi-
tion is necessary as his client cannot ask for as
high rent on Fifth Avenue in comparison with other
choicer locations.
Mr. Eggers asked about the parking and it was Pointed
out that the proposed 17 snaces is the minimum re-
quirement under the present zoning for the proposed
After further discussion a vote was taken on the
application and the result was as follows:
Commissioner Eggers - Ave
Commissioner Wassman - Ave
Commissioner Geary - Aye
Commissioner Boraczek - Ave
The application was therefore approved and the fol-
lowing Resolution duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. Thomas Cuglielmo has submitted
an application for a building permit to
allow the construction of an addition to
a commercial building creating a building
coverage of 32% with off-street parking
facilities for 17 cars together with plans;
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that
the plans submitted failed to comply with
the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mama-
roneck as Block 132 Parcel 61; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Thomas Guglielmo has submitted
to this Board an application for a variance
on the ground of practical difficulty and/
or unnecessary hardship for the following
1. Proper utilization of the
premises due to its configura-
tion requires the modification
2. The size proposed is the
optimum required.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans,
reviewed the application and has heard
all persons interested in this application
after publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the ap-
plication on the following grounds:
(a) That there are special cir-
cumstances and conditions apply-
ing to the land and/or building
for which a variance is sought,
which circumstances and/or con-
ditions have not resulted from
any acts of the applicant sub-
sequent to the date of the Zon-
ing Regulations appealed fro m.
(b) That the said circumstances
and/or conditions are as fol-
1. The addition and
use of the property
will conform with the
2. That said circum-
stances or conditions
are such that the par-
ticular application
of the Ordinance with
respect to Article IV
Section 410 would de-
prive the applicant of
the reasonable use of
the land and/or build-
ings and that for these
reasons the granting
of the variance is nec-
essary for the reason-
. able use of the land
and/or building and
that the variance as
granted by this Board
is the minimum adjust-
ment that will accom-
plish this purpose.
3. That the granting
of this variance is in
harmony with the gen-
eral purposes and in-
tent of. this Ordinance
and will not be injur-
ious to the neighbor-
hood or otherwise detri-
mental to the public
welfare; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted to the applicant and that Article
IV Section 410 Schedule of Regulations
for Non-Residential Districts so as to
allow the construction of an addition
to a commercial building creating a build-
inc coverage of 32% with off-street park-
ing facilities for 17 cars on the premises
located at 626 Fifth Avenue and known
on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck as Block 132 Parcel 61 in
strict conformance with the clans filed
with this application provided that the
applicant complies in all other respects
• with the Zoning Ordinance and Building Code
of the Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with
• the Rules and Regulations of the Zoning
Ordinance where a variance is granted the
• applicant shall obtain a building permit
within three months of the filing of this
. Resolution with the Town Clerk. The build-
ing permit shall be void if construction
. is not started within six months and com-
pleted within two years of the date of said
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be
• filed with the Town Clerk as provided in
Section 267 of the Town Law.
There being no further business to come before this
• meeting it was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
✓Rita A. Johnson, Secretary