HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971_01_27 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes 1
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at
8:15 P.M.
Present: Mr. Richard F. Eggers, Chairman
Mr. Price H. Topping
Mr. Donald D. Geary, Jr.
Absent: Mr. E. Robert Wassman
Mr. Henry E. Mullick
Also present: Mr. William Paonessa, Building Inspector
The minutes of the meeting of October 28, 1970 and
December 1, 1970 were presented and on motion duly
made and seconded, approved as submitted.
The Chairman declared the hearing open and the Sec-
retary presented for the record the affidavit of
publication of the notice of hearing.
Mr. Eggers explained to the applicant that because
only three members were present the decision would
have to be unanimous and the applicant had the priv-
ilege of postponing their application to another
meeting without penalty. The applicant declined
to adjourn and the Chairman asked the Secretary to
read the application.
Application of Power Test Petroleum Distributors,
Inc. for modification of Article IV Section"410
Schedule of Non-Residential District of the Zoning
Ordinance which requires that structures be set back
25 feet from adjoining Residential District so as
to permit the construction of a one story gasoline
station building to be erected having a 10' rear
yard on the premises located at 2385 Boston Post
Road and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck as Block 505 Parcel 415 on the grounds
of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
The applicant, Power Test Petroleum Distributors,
Inc., were represented by Judge Isaac Rubin of 10
f/ er
Fiske Place, Mount Vernon.
Judge Rubin stated that the applicants were request-
ing permission to construct a one story gas station
30' x 15' to be erected 10' from the rear and sou-
therly boundary line. The 10' setback is to be ap-
propriately landscaped. The former proposed service
area on both sides of the building is to be elimi-
nated and a 50' x 15' grass area at the southeast-
erly part of the property along Dean Place is pro-
The proposed new building will consist of 450 square
feet as compared to the 1234 square feet of the exist-
ing building. The applicants propose to demolish
the existing office and 2 bay garage and the exist-
ing pumps are to be removed. Two pump islands run-
ning parallel to Boston Post Road are proposed and
each island would contain four pumps. The most north-
erly pump closest to the Boston Post Road would have
a setback of 20 feet from the street and the most
southerly pump island would be 25 feet south. The
present underground tanks would be replaced by three
8000 gallon tanks.
Judge Rubin quoted from Professor Anderson in his
"American Law of Zoning" and stated that several
points should be considered in connection with the
"practical difficulties" standard which should be
applicable as provided in Section 267 of the Town
Regarding how substantial the variance is in rela-
tion to the requirement Judge Rubin stated that the
proposed building is only approximately 1/3 the size
of the existing structures occupying only 450 square
feet of the rear yard requirement of 25 feet which
represents only 20% of the restricted area and con-
sidering that a new and modern gasoline station will
replace an old one admittedly in need of major im-
Another point the applicants brought out was regard-
ing the increased population which they claim because
it is a non-residential area will not be affected
and there will be no change in the character of the
neighborhood as there are now two other existing
gasoline stations across the street and a diner ad-
jacent to the property with a large parking area
at the rear.
In regard to the point as to whether the applicants
can erect a new building without violating the Zon-
ing Law the major problem with the operation of the
present gasoline station is the visibility to traf-
fic on the Boston Post Road.
The last point in connection with the "practical
difficulties" standard according to Professor Ander-
son states that if an application is disallowed the
applicant will continue his unsightly establishment
and the neighborhood will be further diminished be-
cause of it.
Judge Rubin then stated that he had discussed the
application with Mr. Joseph A. Minniti, an Attorney
of 1 Depot Plaza, Mamaroneck, New York, who repre-
sented Mr. Lawrence Spano, whose property adjoins
the proposed gasoline station, and his client Power
Test Petroleum Distributors, Inc. was willing to
comply with any request to remove the objections
of the adjoining property owners. Mr. Minniti said
that Mr. Spano had requested that for the proposed
landscaping they put in hemlocks instead of shrubs
and that the air meter be relocated.
Mr. Minniti stated that they would prefer the pro-
posed sidewalk on Dean Place be concrete instead
of asphalt and the vents coming from the lavatories
be in the rear instead of through the roof. Mr.
Minniti, also, said as far as the lighting is con-
cerned the adjoining property owners suggested that
the lights be cast to the front instead of the rear
and that if the station was to have a warning alarm
it be put inside instead of outside.
A question was raised as to the radius of the curb
cut on Dean Place and Mr. Wechsler who is an employee
of Power Test stated that whatever the Town required
they were willing to conform and if it was more prefer-
able to extend the sidewalk on Dean Place his firm
would comply. Mr. Wechsler presented a picture to
the Board of the proposed station and said that they
intended to erect the best looking gas station pos-
The question was raised regarding the hours of opera-
tion and Mr. Clifford Henry of 18 Dean Place spoke
about the number of children on Dean Place and the
traffic. The Chairman pointed out that there was
no requirement in the Ordinance regarding the hours
of operation or traffic but Mr. Paonessa stated that
it would be necessary for this application to go
to the Town Board who in turn will refer it to the
Planning Board for their recommendations.
After further discussion the Chairman asked for a
short recess and when the Board returned the Chair-
man stated that they had decided on placing certain
conditions if the application was approved which
would be incorporated in the Resolution.
A vote was taken on the application and the result
was as follows:
I f q
Commissioner Eggers - Aye
Commissioner Topping - Aye
Commissioner Geary - Aye
The application was therefore granted and the fol-
lowing Resolution was duly adopted:
WHEREAS, Power Test Petroleum Distributors,
Inc. has submitted an application for
a building permit to the Building Inspector
for the construction of a one story gas-
oline station building having a setback
of 10' together with plans; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that
the plans submitted failed to comply with
the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mama-
roneck with particular reference to Article
IV Section 410 Schedule of Regulations
for Non-Residential District together with
a 10 ft. buffer strip on the premises lo-
cated at 2385 Boston Post Road and known
on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of
Mamaroneck as Block 505 Parcel 415; and
WHEREAS, Power Test Petroleum Distributors,
Inc. has submitted to this Board an appli-
cation for a variance on the ground of
practical difficulty and/or unnecessary
hardship for the following reasons:
1. The applicants claim that
the proposed structure is only
1/3 the size of the existing struc-
tures and there will be no affect
on increased population because
it is for non-residential use.
2. The applicants maintain there
will be no change in the neigh-
borhood as there are now two exist-
ing gasoline stations across the
street and a diner adjoining the
proposed gasoline station.
3. Because the present gasoline
station has not sufficient visi-
bility of traffic on the Boston
Post Road a more open service
area will help solve that problem.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans,
reviewed the application and has heard
all persons interested in this application
after publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the ap-
plication on the following grounds:
(a) That there are special cir-
cumstances and conditions apply-
ing to the land and/or building
for which a variance is sought,
which circumstances and/or con-
ditions have not resulted from
any acts of the applicant sub-
sequent to the date of the Zon-
ing Regulations appealed from.
(b) That the aforesaid circum-
stances and/or conditions are
as follows:
1. That the proposed
new station will replace
an old gas station in
need of major repairs.
2. There will be no
change in the charac-
ter of the neighborhood
as there are already
two gasoline stations
and a diner.
3. The applicants are
permitted to build a
gas station but because
of the visibility of
traffic on the Boston
Post Road it is more
feasible to erect the
building at the rear
of the property.
4. That said circum-
stances or conditions
are such that the par-
ticular application
of the Ordinance with
respect to Article IV,
Section 410 would de-
prive the applicant
of the reasonable use
of land and/or build-
ing and that for these
reasons the granting
of the variance is nec-
essary for the reason-
able use of the land
and/or building and
that the variance as
granted by this Board
is the minimum adjust-
ment that will accom-
plish this purpose.
5. That the granting
of this variance is
in harmony with the
general purposes and
intent of this Ordi-
nance and will not be
injurious to the neigh-
borhood or otherwise
detrimental to the pub-
lic welfare; and it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted to the applicant and that Article
IV Section 410 Schedule of Non-Residential
District of the Zoning Ordinance so as
to allow the construction of a one story
gasoline station building to be erected
having a 10' rear yard instead of a 25'
setback from adjoining Residential District
on the premises located at 2385 Boston
Post Road and known on the Tax Assessment
Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block
505 Parcel 415 in strict conformance with
plans filed with this application and a-
mended, subject to the following conditions,
provided that the applicant complies in
all other respects with the Zoning Ordi-
nance and Building Code of the Town of
1. That the applicants relocate
the curb cut on Dean Place and
center between the gas pump island.
2. That the applicants provide
a 4' wide concrete sidewalk along
Dean Place.
3. That a post and rail fence
be provided along the westerly
boundary line.
4. That the air meter be relo-
cated 10' southerly from the curb
5. That the 10' buffer be planted
with 6' high evergreens to form
a landscape screen.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with
the Rules and Regulations of the Zoning
Ordinance where a variance is granted the
applicant shall obtain a building permit
within three months of the filing of this
Resolution with the Town Clerk. The build-
ing permit shall be void if construction
is not started within six months and com-
pleted within two years of the date of
said permit.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be
filed with the Town Clerk as provided in
Section 267 of the Town Law.
There being no further business to come before this
meeting it was adjourned at 9:20 P.M.
Rita A. Johnso , Secretary
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