HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981_04_22 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8: 15
Present: Mr. A. William Boraczek, Chairman
Mr. Egbert R. Hardesty
Mr. Laurence G. Bodkin , Jr.
Mr. Peter G. Moore
Mr. Stephen K. Carr
Also present: Mr. William Paonessa, Building Inspector
The minutes of the meeting of March 25, 1981 were presented
and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as submitted.
The Chairman declared the hearing open and the Secretary
presented for the record the affidavit of publication of
the notice of hearing.
Mr. Boraczek asked the Secretary to read the first appli-
Application of Rosenshein Associates for modification of
variance granted by Zoning Board Resolution dated Febru-
ary 28, 1979 permitting the construction of a retail shop-
ping center (stores) and non-conforming parking facilities
for 141 cars. Also, Article XI Section 89-66 Subsection
A and C "Off-street Parking Requirements" which requires
an additional 12 parking spaces for proposed restaurant
use on the premises located at 1266 Boston Post Road and
known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck
as Block 407 Parcel 192 and 503 on the grounds of practi-
cal difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
Mr. Rosenshein appeared before the Board and said that
since a lease for the proposed restaurant had been signed
they had applied to the Town Council for a Special Permit.
The application for a Special Permit had been approved
after their request had been presented to the Planning
Board for their review and one of the conditions of the
approval by the Town Board was that the applicant obtain
a variance from the Zoning Board for the required parking
for restaurant use.
Mr. Rosenshein explained that the proposed restaurant would
be a high quality type and said that the architect and
tenant were'present if the Board had any questions.
Mr. Rosenshein stated that the Zoning Board had approved
his application for the shopping center with less parking
spaces than required and he has entered into a contract
with the School Board for a piece of property which would
add an additional 19 spaces. Mr. Rosenshein, also, said
that everything was in order but the sale of the property
is subject to a referendum that will be held on May 20th.
Mr. Rosenshein further said that his money is being held
in escrow until the sale is completed and even if they
did not acquire the land they will not have a shortage
of space. The applicant said that at present they do not
even use 30% of the parking and the restaurant would pro-
bably be busiest at night and on Sundays when the stores
are closed.
Mr. Boraczek asked Mr. Rosenshein why he could not wait
until next month after the referendum has been decided
and Mr. Rosenshein said that Mr. DeFonce the proposed ten-
ant for the restaurant has been waiting for about nine
months . The Board questioned as to how many bays the res-
taurant would occupy and it was pointed out that it would
take about 12 bays.
Mr. Paonessa explained that because of the change of use
specifically, "restaurant use" , the parking requirements
call for an additional 12 parking spaces . Mr. Paonessa,
also, said that even if Mr. Rosenshein acquires the addi-
tional 19 spaces from the Board of Education the parking
will still be nonconforming.
Mr. Rosenshein said he had planned to rent the spaces in
the shopping center for 12 boutique shops but because of
the economy he has not been able to rent and his hardship
is economic.
According to the Resolution that was approved by the Town
Board the restaurant will operate from 12 to 12 midnight
Sunday through Thursdays from noon to 1 A.M. on Fridays
and Saturdays and there would be no live music or dancing.
Mr. Bodkin asked Mr. Rosenshein what his procedure would
be to stop cars from parking and going elsewhere and Mr.
Rosenshein said presently they have more parking spaces
than they need but if it ever becomes a problem they would
chain off the lot at night. Mr. Rosenshein pointed out
that even if the Board of Education turns the referendum
down they would still have room on their property to pro-
vide parking and would only be minus about 4 spaces out
of the 19.
The Chairman asked the other members of the Board if they
wanted to vote on the application or if they thought Mr.
Rosenshein should return next month after the referendum
was either approved or disapproved. Mr. Rosenshein said
if the referendum was turned down he would agree to remove
the macadam he had put in on the Board of Education pro-
perty and the Board asked if he would agree not to start
the work on the restaurant until after the referendum was
decided upon.
After further discussion the Board decided to vote on the
application but if approved it would be with the conditions
that if the voters turn down the referendum the applicant
remove all paving that was done on the strip that belongs
to the Board of Education and that no work be done on the
restaurant until after the referendum is decided.
The vote was as follows :
Commissioner Boraczek - Nay
Commissioner Hardesty - Aye
Commissioner Bodkin - Aye
Commissioner Moore - Nay
Commissioner Carr - Aye
The following Resolution was therefore adopted:
WHEREAS, Rosenshein Associates have submitted
an application to the Building Inspector to
allow an additional 12 parking spaces for res-
taurant use, together with plans; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that the
plans submitted failed to comply with the vari-
ance granted by the Zoning Board Resolution
dated February 28, 1979 permitting the construc-
tion of a retail shopping center (stores) and
nonconforming parking facilities for 141 cars
and Article XI Section 89-66 Subsection A and
C "Off-street Parking Requirements" which re-
quires an additional 12 parking spaces for pro-
posed restaurant use on the premises located
at 1266 Boston Post Road and known on the Tax
Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as
Block 407 Parcel 192 and 503; and
WHEREAS, Rosenshein Associates have submitted
an application to this Board for a variance
on the ground of practical difficulty and/or
unnecessary hardship for the following reasons :
1 . The proposed restaurant which
would contain only 3,080 sq . ft. would
be a high quality, intimate type of
sit down restaurant, featuring a desi-
gner decorated decor and would be
totally harmonious with other types
of retail stores within the shopping
center as well as other stores along
the Boston Post Road.
2. The entire site was formerly used
for many years by Post Lodge as a
restaurant and bar.
3. The opening of this restaurant
would be an asset to the area.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans,
reviewed the application and has heard all
persons interested in this application after
publication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the appli-
cation on the following grounds :
(a) That there are special circum-
stances and conditions applying to
the land and/or building for which
a variance is sought, which circum-
stances and/or conditions have not
resulted from any acts of the appli-
cant subsequent to the date of the
Zoning Regulations appealed from.
(b) That said circumstances or con-
ditions are such that the particular
application of the Zoning Board Reso-
lution dated February 28, 1979 and
Article XI Section 89-66 Subsection
A and C "Off-street Parking Require-
ments" for restaurant use would de-
prive the applicant of the reasonable
use of the land and/or building and
that the variance as granted by this
Board is a minimal adjustment that
will accomplish this purpose.
(c) That the granting of the vari-
ance will be in harmony with the gen-
eral purposes and intent of the Ordi-
nance and will not be injurious to
the neighborhood or otherwise detri-
mental to the public welfare; and
it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted and that the Resolution as granted by
the Zoning Board dated February 28, 1979 and
Article X Section 89-66 Subsection A and C "Off-
street Parking Requirements" be varied and modi-
fied so as to allow the proposed restaurant
use with a total of 160 off-street parking spaces
on the premises located at 1266 Boston Post
Road and known on the Tax Assessment Map of
the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 407 Parcel 192
and 503 in strict conformance with plans filed
with this application subject to the following
conditions , provided that the applicant complies
in all other respects with the Zoning Ordinance
and Building Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
1 . That the sale of school owned
property be approved by referendum.
2. That no work be done in the res-
taurant until Mr. Rosenshein has
title to the property.
3. That if the refererdum is not
approved Mr. Rosenshein comply with
the Zoning Board variance granted
February 28, 1979 and restore the
strip of land to its original con-
dition and construct the parking
facilities and use the property in
accordance with the approved plans.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the
Rules and Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance
where a variance is granted the applicant shall
obtain a building permit within three months
of the filing of the Resolution with the Town
Clerk. The building permit shall be void if
construction is not started within six months
and completed within two years of the date
of said permit.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be filed
with the Town Clerk as provided in Section
267 of the Town Law.
The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the next appli-
cation .
Application of Mr. and Mrs . Alan Siegel for modification
of Article VI Section 89-33 Subsection B (2) "Construc-
tion Requirements for an R-10 One Family Residence Dis-
trict" which requires a minimum side yard of 10 ft. to
allow the construction of a one story addition at the
side of the dwelling having a side yard of 4 ft. on the
premises located at 297 Murray Avenue (7 Rouken Glen East
Drive) and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck as Block 107 Parcel 408 on the grounds of
practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hardship.
Mr. Robert J. Ciamei , represented the builders, and Mr.
and Mrs. Siegel appeared before the Board and said they
are requesting the addition of a dining room. Mr. Ciamei
said the existing residence only has a small nook and
the reason for placing the dining room addition in the
proposed location is because of the proximity to the kit-
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chen . Mr. Ciamei , also, said that due to the topography
of the land which is very rocky the designated area is
the only feasible location and the existing corner of
the house is presently nonconforming.
In conclusion, Mr. Ciamei said that the proposed addition
will fit in with the homes in the surrounding area. Mr.
Siegel said that the present small nook only sits four
people and they would like to have more room.
After further discussion the Board decided to vote on
the application and the result was as follows :
Commissioner Boraczek - Aye
Commissioner Hardesty - Aye
Commissioner Bodkin - Aye
Commissioner Moore - Aye
Commissioner Carr - Aye
The application was therefore approved and the following
Resolution adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Siegel have submitted
an application to the Building Inspector to
allow the construction of a one story addition
at the side of the dwelling having a side yard
of 4 ft. together with plans; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that the
plans submitted failed to comply with the Zon-
Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck with par-
ticular reference to Article VI Section 89-33
Subsection B (2) "Construction Requirements
for an R-10 One Family Residence District" which
requires a minimum side yard of 10 ft. on the
premises located at 297 Murray Avenue (7 Rouken
Glen East Drive) and known on the Tax Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block
107 Parcel 408; and
WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Siegel have submitted
an application for a variance on the ground
of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary hard-
ship for the following reasons:
1 . The present residence does not
contain a dining room, only a small
2. Due to the geographic configura-
tion of the plot and contours and
excessive rock outcroppings, the
designated area is the only feasi-
ble location.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans,
reviewed the application and has heard all per-
sons interested in this application after pub-
lication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the applica-
tion on the following grounds:
(a) That there are special circum-
stances and conditions applying to
the land and/or building for which
a variance is sought, which circum-
stances and/or conditions have not
resulted from any acts of the appli-
cant subsequent to the date of the
Zoning Regulations appealed from.
(b) That the said circumstances
and/or conditions are as follows:
1 . Because of the topography
of the land Witch is rock
and the proximity of the
proposed addition to the
kitchen the proposed loca-
tion is the most feasible.
2. That said circumstances
or conditions are such that
the particular application
of the Ordinance with res-
pect to Article VI Section
89-33 Subsection B (2) "Con-
struction Requirements for
an R-10 One Family Residence
District" would deprive the
applicant of the reasonable
use of the land and/or build-
ing and that the variance
granted by this Board is
a minimal adjustment that
will accomplish this pur-
3. That the granting of
the variance is in harmony
with the general purposes
and intent of the Ordinance
and will not be injurious
to the neighborhood or other-
wise detrimental to the
public welfare; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted and that Article VI Section 89-33 Sub-
section B (2) "Construction Requirements for
an R-10 One Family Residence District" having
a minimum side yard of 4 ft. in strict conform-
ance with plans filed with this application
provided that the applicant complies in all other
respects with the Zoning Ordinance and Building
Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the
Rules and Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance
where a variance is granted the applicant shall
obtain a building permit within three months
of the filing of this Resolution with the Town
Clerk. The building permit shall be void if
construction is not started within six months
and completed within two years of the date of
said permit.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be filed
with the Town Clerk as provided in Section 267
of the Town Law.
The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the next appli-
Application of Melron Amusement Corp. for modification
of Article VD' Section 89-41 Subsection B (3) "Construc-
tion Requirements for a "B" Business District" which
requires a minimum rear yard of 25 ft. and Article XI
Section 89-66 Subsection A and C "Off-street Parking
Facilities" which requires a minimum sum total of 101
parking spaces to permit the construction of a one story
addition to the building maintaining an existing noncon-
forming rear yard of 8.3 ft. and providing 94 off-street
parking spaces on the premises located at 1265 Boston
Post Road and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the
Town of Mamaroneck as Block 412 Parcels 439 and 449 on
the grounds of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary
The applicant, Melron Amusement Corp. , was represented
by Mr. Roger Sirlin of Sirlin and Sirlin, 211 Mamaroneck
Avenue, Mamaroneck, who had presented the members of
the Board with a memorandum which was made part of the
record. Mr. Sirlin stated that the owners and their
Architect were also present in the event that the Board
had any questions.
Mr. Sirlin said that the Melron Amusement Corp. purchased
the land and buildings known as Cook 's Restaurant on
January 2, 1981 and there is an operating corporation
known as 1265 Boston Post Road Corporation with Mr. Mel -
vin Getlan add his brother Ronald Getlan as shareholders.
Mr. Sirlin pointed out that part of the present parking
is leased and their lease runs to the year 2011 .
Mr. Sirlin further said that the proposed addition would
enlarge the recreation room, dining room and entrance
area and if the variance is granted they still have to
obtain a "Special Permit" from the Town Board. Mr. Sir-
lin, also, pointed out that the applicants are seeking
two variances and the proposed expansion will be main-
taining the same rear yard as the Zoning Board had ap-
proved for Cook 's Restaurant in 1969. Mr. Sirlin said
that the Board had approved the prior expansion because
of the physical restraints of the property and the topo-
graphy is still the same with the sheer rock wall approx-
imately 8.3 ft. from the rear property line. Mr. Sir-
lin, also, stated the proposed expansion will not require
any blasting.
Regarding the variance for parking Mr. Sirlin said he
thought the the Town Ordinance was highly restrictive
and even utilizing the highly restrictive ordinance of
the Town of Mamaroneck the applicant is only 7 spaces
short. Mr. Sirlin said because of the existing game
room at the rear of the restaurant he cannot agree with
the Zoning Ordinance interpretation of existing "patron
use" and accordingly he said that the actual patron use
is only one third to one half the actual area of the
Mr. Bodkin questioned as to the type of mechanical equip-
ment the applicants referred to and Mr. Getlan said it
was basically the same as there is there now. Mr. Sir-
lin said he had been informed the Town Board was contem-
plating an Ordinance for "Pin Ball Machines" which was
submitted at the April 9th Meeting but it has never been
set for a Public Hearing.
Mr. Carr questioned as to the percentage that was being
requested for the dining room and recreation area and
it was pointed that 510 sq. ft. was being proposed for
the dining room and 1204 sq. ft. for recreation .
Mr. Morton Nitzberg of 11 Rock Ridge Road said he objected
to the application and felt it was an extension of an
existing fire hazard and a danger to neighboring homes
on Rock Ridge Road. Mr. Nitzberg stated that the vari-
ances requested for both Cook 's and the Shopping Center
will increase patronage and therefore add to the traffic
and the potential for accidents on the Boston Post Road.
Mr. Thomas Kirchoff of 25 Rock Ridge Road spoke against
the application and presented the Board with a petition
signed by about 20 residents on Rock Ridge Road . Mr.
Kirchoff said that the immediate property owners were
concerned and it could be a hardship for them with re-
duced property values. Mr. Kirchoff, also, spoke about
the odor from the cooking at the restaurant which pre-
vents the residents to some extent from outdoor living.
Mr. Kirchoff further said that presently they are dis-
turbed by people going in and out of Cook 's parking lot.
Mr. Otto Scheuble of 3 Rock Ridge Road spoke against
the application.
Mr. Jerry Glaser of 19 Rock Ridge Road said he objected
to the application and stated that the Getlans had pur-
chased Cook's because it was a "going concern" and only
wanted to make more money.
Mrs. Marsha Kirchoff, also, spoke and reemphasized her
husband's statements regarding noise especially in the
summer when the windows are open and if the variance
is allowed it would increase.
Mr. Harvey Singer of 10 Rock Ridge Road expressed his
objections and said he sees a change in atmosphere and
wonders whether it will remain a restaurant or an amuse-
ment park.
Mr. Sirlin pointed out that Cook's has a total sprinkler
system that was started in 1970 and the new owners just
completed other fire protection work about a month ago.
Mr. Sirlin, also, said that the Getlans have been in
the restaurant and amusement business for a long time
and want to maintain the same high standards that Cook's
have had.
Mr. Sirlin further said that Cook's had installed a com-
pactor to take care of the garbage and the residents
at the time they purchased their homes were aware that
the restaurant was there.
Mr. Getlan said they have a security man and have had
no trouble since and Mr. Sirlin said that presently Cook's
parking lot is rarely completely filled. It was, also,
pointed out that most of the patrons are only there a
very limited time.
After further discussion a vote was taken on the appli-
cation and the result was as follows:
Commissioner Boraczek - Nay
Commissioner Hardesty - Nay
Commissioner Bodkin - Nay
Commissioner Moore - Nay
Commissioner Carr - Nay
The application was therefore denied and the following
Resolution adopted:
WHEREAS, Melron Amusement Corp. have submitted
an application to the Building Inspector to
permit the constru r on of e one story addi-
tion to the building maintaining an existing
nonconforming rear yard of 8.3 ft. and provid-
ing 94 off-street parking spaces together with
plans; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused
to issue such permit on the grounds that the
plans submitted failed to comply with the Zon-
ing Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck with
particular reference to Article VII Section
89-41 Subsection B (3) "Construction Require-
ments for a "B" Business District" which re-
quires a minimum rear yard of 25 ft. and Ar-
ticle XI Section 89-66 Subsection A and C "Off-
street Parking Facilities" which requires a
minimum sum total of 101 parking spaces on
the premises located at 1265 Boston Post Road
and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the
Town of Mamaroneck as Block 412 Parcels 439
and 449; and
WHEREAS, Melron Amusement Corp. have submitted
an application for a variance on the ground
of practical difficulty and/or unnecessary
hardship for the following reasons:
1 . To the rear of the property is
sheer rock wall extending at least
8' above the parking lot grade.
2. The existing structure extends
within 8.3 ft. of the property line
and the proposed extension logically
conforms with the existing structure
and topography.
3. The variance of 7 on-site parking
spaces is a minimum variance since
the present Zoning Ordinance of the
Town of Mamaroneck requiring one on-
site parking space per 50 ' of patron
use is extraortdinarily restrictive.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans,
reviewed the application and has heard all per-
sons interested in this application after pub-
lication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board denies the applica-
tion on the following grounds :
1 . That the applicant failed to
show the following:
(a) An addition to the
present structure could
not be constructed in com-
pliance with the Zoning
Regulations .
(b) The topography of the
land prevented the construc-
tion of an addition in any
other location on the site.
(c) The existing building
could not be altered to
accommodate the proposed
new facilities.
(d) That the proposed new
facilities would not gen-
erate any additional traf-
fic and would require less
off-street parking facili-
2. That there are no special cir-
cumstances or conditions applying
to the land for which the variance
is sought, which circumstances or
conditions are peculiar to such land
and which do not apply generally to
land in the district.
3. That the facts and circumstances
claimed by the applicant to entitle
him to the variance are not such as
would deprive him of the reasonable
use of the land.
4. That the granting of the variance
would not be in harmony with the gen-
eral purposes and intent of this Ordi-
nance and would be injurious to the
neighborhood or otherwise detrimental
to the public welfare.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be filed
with the Town Clerk as provided in Section 267
of the Town Law.
There being no further business to come before this meet-
ing it was adjourned at 10:50 P.M.
Rita A. Johnso , Secretary