HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928_01_04 Town Board Minutes T LEE T—=G 0 30 '1'. e meet it called to order 'by -or Sur on at 8 5 5 P P:-: s e t Sn-()-rvisor carton u,t ices-s Boyd, Col`rs , Hoililell and Leeds o ­n Cleri: Sh-=an C o=i;ell o r G ai-lb 11 e Upon riot­on, it -,,,cted to 77i �' h the re din of -(linu,tes of meet.Lr�s not yet a-_,D-jDr3•red. T'--- Cleri,, stated t',-at -ou.rsaant to notice dul4 a,'Ter'ised , t,le Board Should ro,,jT ccnsLler th-- to re-Zon_- a-s Busiln- ecs C di,C Zii Cte all, that -ciece of lot 135 block 79 , sen- Ilion 4 , on the south side of 'L.I-e Boston -Post Road, 694 feet eaet 3onnett Averugs , -:,-ithin an F anclaesifiecl L''e r readinZ of the 101 4 ce EE ad-=-E-r' ised -nI after disc-,L7ssion -and CojjS4 I�eration, no -,)erson aj)--)earin- for Cr -U U__ t e c.1)-_rj 11 t i o n, i t 7 r 0.S U.- �:)Cn 1:10' 1 on, , dU'77 SeCCil e CK,L-1,1709 that the Tc7e7ri Board ci- the To-,vn of Haiaarcineclx:, a s Sj _�_1- � ,_o 4-n a Boa-d of A­ eals and as a Town EOE�rd. does he­e!_)77 I­' 0ve-1 for fUr'-U'IC-r 1 ccnsid-2at ion, the Cat4 C):, _1 10 re-zone U -1 Ict IB in blocl_- 39, section 3 , on tl-ie -cu t - h sife of t',-e' Dostoz, Post __Ioad 6✓4 fee;, east fro-=, Eonnett 1,-v-enue and i t h i r 0.11 F un.c!a s s Fl e d his ri c t 1='e C1 e rl- Stc t e d +ha t your s u f)i i t to -L h- n G t i C,e U.17 L e r t i s c-, Board. should no-.,- cc:side-2 'he a-.--clicat on and 1 --(1 for -Duildi-S, lues-<lLt 4, ch had -seen denied the buildi-rig C mm- i-:i ieeiOn as b e I nZ i n vi o 1 a t i on 01 z o n-i _rI E- or d i nc n c e rE E,�, ' ter- __L L nz c n o c e -, s Er!7-rt i z ed. -.n_� e, ter due c o n-e i a c n., i t .;8„S, Ul on i',lo t i c,zi d,,-'ly secondeal =,,SpI77D, that t�,e Tc-:,`n 3oard of the C,_,n of T--7, m-ronecl-, LittinE jointly a, 3card of 2.jf�i,-,eals and as E,, Tovn Board does i:e2e­by lay over for fili her O;4- -L-Iton-io cci7s_l -e-ration, the c_n Gr i 11 f c r the e 27 e c i on c f a one -1 co,_­,, and fill-In.-station on the I- - lo�:,'cn Post Road, 694 fee' sou`­ side ol b U -east of 3c_nnet+ T.111- in an F I'LUDC 7-a s S i o'j r j C. -�)e'iticn ---onn Charles -7. �� �,r, i Jr. , was ­ceJved a-n d read, r-1 qu e i-_nf g e?'c-_-=tion from the ta--,, roll -o f 1927 , all of I e C i 0 r 2 , block 1 0 , l6t EB, ,.n property ,-Tas -DurcI-ased cod_ is be-11-­ used for free li-"bTary -?,ar-poses: T�lc ordered _D12'Ced. =, III-e 2Z-C! r^.:errej to 1."cu-nsel for re- oru _a-_nd reco.= E-nda+ion. I— COILITMI_117Ee he-e+ofore a-D­ooin+e.L in connection zi-th the re__,od­lin_, cf 'Uhe To-, n T�TE.11 re-j.0-_-', -0cr_.=es2 -at -L,iis U_­;-!e. Lhe o o=-4 'tee here to fc r-e appointed in connection th a--,��Dlicatlons --r efore t':-,e T-o-nn Board f0_ ersc-lion of a gas stL:,t-! 1-i1 and =vine; of 2, -ouF�e or. tn-e co---,ner/of 11yrtle Boulevard azif 7(1 n e Street , 2e-oortl this tii:,ie. Thc cot-imi+tee -ne-.,etofore -10 ua'-Le uID +'Ie quest -on of irsurance r:a`Lters re2,ort -J-_G; re at ti7-:e. The committee on cells for the 6ieaver _.treet ?oboe Station re ports -irogre s s, and Stated that it had c in plans or s-D e c i f i c 2,t i o n s -1vTr,i ch it dF s i r--eL t c e s e n t t c C o an s e o r s zf 11,- i s s i o n to lb a-1 IY for a ri-o r o val upon motion, du second-ed., it FL-[,S 0777D. 'H-" ' 1-e -Ijimns cr S,,eC4 �j C a on'S as submitted by t'-,e co=-4t'--e on cells, is here"b-Y to CoLirsel, -,:Tho is au-tI,or- zed and requested to foi ,'I:T ard same to for a-o=oroval before the ro-per de-oart- Lh�. Sutton. r--T,)rPse17'Jhi.-- a, co=i'tee fro--rf, the Larc?=3-1-1' ii one Club , 77-. -nt� nr� a co-mi(iittee fr-T-.�, +"re Larch- r- jresc -1,ont Garden s s-o and YcGui-nne ss, , rep re sent inz a com- _,.-ittee fro-,-, fhe Ch&JUsv.-orth -ssociationp ap)pearec� -before t-'-e and S-10-:6 -.1 O-DoosiU" On LC the alt e-ations of the -'resent. Tcmi Hall. ATI,sro prese-nt, and a.3�ea rin, in o-Qpositf on to the saii- e -7. S e ve-- s and -r. 17C7 ear 'obin, sor -I'fter a lengthy' C I LI.SCUSSIOr of tlic entire sitaaticn, the f :matter I.,as referred to the co=ittee on To-,.-,,,n A c o i.-== cation fro-f 1!eaver Street Fire Co--I-.)al'ly -.2a�- recei-,T-d and read callin,- the 3oa:-f., 1s attention to the lacier c` ins-Jection in the constraction of ne,:-o buildirE;s. The coy=.uni--ation ordered received, placed or, file and referred to the buildi--ng for re-Dcrt 2Dnd su-,)ervieion. The report of the --'Iecei7er of for the -month of Decer,ber, 19271 was received, road , ordered placed on file and as follo""s : J-anuar-1 3rd, 1923 Sir Pursuant to SE5c'ion 23 of the -,IestchPetcr 'n-Untj '10,7 T.a--,, I hereb- respectfully report t:-Le amount, of State , Countk, Tc-,=, School Hi.cl'hway and S-.lecial District ta:�:es, together 7.5,ith the interest and -3e,nal-c-ies thereon, collected b Lic 'Lurins t`l-- sonth of 19 7 T=S 19.26 TZ:73 11925 1 -117 3 _LL Cz Tr. -1 mote ard �O _nCIT 1 ,3271,98 2S-4.33 32.67 64A 98 -2 7 G-__0-3 r_=_1_7_ 1. 615 1 T oIun 247 3 6 50.77 9. 07 317. 20 -District 995. A 0 124.68 5.54 1§1 Se^ve--- Ta--, s I 409003 43125 1 0 cam is 9,1 8 6i. �O 8 07 School Fist is 8 3 7. 4 9 I , 262n52 2 5 112. 5 Into r e s a 1 tioS 804. 87 299. 56 1161^9 179. 6 8 �Izl cn��0 Total _1e,:)osited -..,ith the 31ir7,�t 71 T- j onp 7 TT 13 , Qf) The report of the 'To`:v'n Clerk for the month of December, 1927 , 7as received , _lace? on file and is as foilocJs � January third 1 9 2 0 George U. Burton, Esc. Supervisor, To-,zn of Dear Sir„ I beg to submit here7i .h the report of the office of Town Clerk for the month of December , 1927 , vhich is as follows - Dog licenses issued 4 7. 00 Hunting licenses 11 6 7. 90 *T .., n 1la riage licenses O 16.00 '.. Chattel Sort ages .riled 98 l0. Total amount received 140.82 Paid to County Treasurer, dog fees 6..00 Paid to Count7C1erk, hunting fees 0. 0 0 Paid to ColintU Clem', marriage fees � x.00 20.0'0 17 7 C- _ � _..__- Paid to Sup= 7isor >2Ci.SS Respectfully submitted � Frederick K� Sherman Tc7n Clerl, Unoin ::lotion, the mentiino adjourned at 10630 P. li . '. I I IL� _ Town Clerk