HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986_01_29 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:15 P.M.
Present: Mr. A. William Boraczek, Chairman
Mr. Peter D. Mosher
Mrs. Elaine Price
Absent: Mr. Patrick Kelleher
Mr. J. Rene Simon
Also present: Mr. Lee Hoffman, Town Counsel
Mr. William Paonessa, Building Inspector
Ms. Cynthia Fawcett, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Price moved, Mr. Mosher seconded, and the motion to approve the
minutes of the January 7, 1986, meeting was unanimously approved.
The Chairman explained to the applicant that he had the choice to postpone
his application until the next meeting because a unanimous vote by the
three Board members present would be required for acceptance.
In the discussion that followed it was revealed that a letter of opposition
to this application had been received, written by a neighbor to the Board.
Following consideration of the situation, the applicant, Mr. Hass, decided
to postpone his application. The Board directed that this application be
placed on the agenda of the February, 1986, meeting.
Understanding the need for a unanimous vote by the Board members present,
Mr. James Nolletti chose to proceed.
The application was read by the Chairman as follows:
Application of Winged Foot Holding Corporation for modification of Arti-
cle VIII Section 89-44-D "Supplementary Regulations, Walls and Fences"
which restricts the height of fences in any required yard in a residen-
tial district to four feet maximum to allow existing approximately 200
linear feet of 8 foot high chain link fence with barbed wire extension
having a rear yard setback of 9 feet instead of the required minimum
setback of 50 feet on the premises located at Winged Foot Golf Club,
January 29, 1986
Fenimore Road, and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of
Mamaroneck as Block 347 Parcel 1 on the grounds of practical difficulty
and/or unnecessary hardship.
Mr. Nolletti, General Manager of Winged Foot Golf Club, stated that
the fence is needed as a result of the numerous problems they have had
with trespassers and vandals on the property. It is difficult to get
insurance coverage, and the insurance company asked them to do something
about the problem. They need to protect the Club, particularly the stor-
age area from which many things have been stolen, including soil.
Mr. Mosher said he had problems with the plan because it did not protect
the Clubhouse, pool, or water tower, and Mr. Nolletti stated that the
water tower is owned by Westchester Joint Water Works. The storage area
needs protection because of its particular history of trouble.
Mr. Mosher continued, stating that he did not like the idea of the barbed
wire. It would most likely end in a child climbing the fence and being
torn apart by it, and Mrs. Price agreed, saying that children will climb
anything, with or without barbed wire.
Mr. Nolletti agreed to get rid of the barbed wire, believing the fence
itself to be most important.
Mr. Mosher asked Town Counsel if the Town would be liable for injuries
resulting from the barbed wire if this application was accepted, and
Counsel answered that the Town would not be. The Chairman agreed that
the idea of barbed wire was not acceptable.
Mrs. Price asked how deep the pond is, and Mr. Nolletti answered five to
seven feet, with Mrs. Price commenting that if a lot of people are drawn
to this particular area, maybe the entire area should be looked at as an
attractive nuisance. Mr. Mosher stated that an attractive nuisance is
not the problem of this Board.
Mrs. Price asked where the nearest home was located, and finding the
location on the map, she expressed concern that this residence was fairly
close and asked Mr. Nolletti if he had considered any other strategy, such
as an alarm system. Mr. Nolletti responded, "Who would hear it?"
Mr. Nolletti reminded the Board that there were gas pumps there, and if
a car came along and hit those pumps, there would be a large problem.
Mrs. Price reiterated that this application was to legalize the existing
8 foot fence which Winged Foot put up without approval, and they need to
look at other possibilities, including lights, to which Mr. Nolletti re-
plied that they do have lights, which have not solved the problem.
The Chairman read a letter in support of the fence written by Jacques
Wullschleger, of Wullschleger Sales Corporation, 1460 Broadway, New York,
who is apparently a neighbor.
The Chairman suggested a vote on the application, with the deletion of the
barbed wire, which Mr. Nolletti agreed to.
January 29, 1986
The Chairman asked the Secretary for confirmation that all notices had
been sent out, which they were.
Mr. Nolletti added that they planned to do whatever they could do to
cooperate with the neighbors, including the trimming of a tree for one of
them. He reminded the Board that the fence ran only a short distance
where it did not conform to zoning.
Mr. Mosher said that an underground alarm would probably not be financially
feasible, and Mrs. Price emphasized that the applicant did not know be-
cause he had not looked into it.
There were no further questions from the Board and no comments from the
public. The Building Inspector said he had no better suggestions and
clearly understood that it was difficult to grow shrubs in that area.
Mrs. Price moved that the application was a Type II, having no adverse
environmental impact, Mr. Mosher seconded, and the motion was unanimously
approved by the three Board members present.
Mr. Mosher then moved to approve the application to permit the 8 foot
existing chain link fence as indicated on the plan, without barbed wire, on
the grounds of practical difficulty and hardship; the topography prevents
growing anything substantial, and there exists a definite problem with
trespassers, some of whom are vandals, and there is no other practical way
to protect the storage areas. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Price, and
unanimously approved by the three Board members present, and the following
Resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS Winged Foot Holding Corporation has submitted an
application to the Building Inspector to allow the existence
of an 8 foot high chain link fence approximately 200 linear
feet long with a barbed wire extension having a rear yard
setback of 9 feet instead of the required minimum setback
of 50 feet, together with plans; and
WHEREAS The Building Inspector has refused to allow such a
fence on the grounds that the plans submitted failed to com-
ply with the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck, with
particular reference to Article VIII Section 89-44-D "Supple-
mentary Regulations, Walls and Fences" which restricts the
height of fences in any required yard in a residential district
to 4 feet maximum on the premises located at Winged Foot Golf
Club, Fenimore Road, and known on the Tax Assessment Map of
the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 347 Parcel 1; and
WHEREAS Winged Foot Holding Corporation has submitted an appli-
cation for a variance on the ground of practical difficulty
and/or unnecessary hardship for the following reasons:
1. There exists a definite problem with trespassers/vandals.
2. The topography prevents growing anything substantial there.
January 29, 1986
3. There is no other practical way to protect the storage
(2 areas.
WHEREAS This Board has examined the plans, reveiwed the applica-
tion, and has heard all persons interested in this application
after publication of a notice thereof,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board granted the appli-
cation on the following grounds:
(a) That there are special circumstances and conditions apply-
ing to the land for which the variance is sought, which
circumstances and/or conditions have resulted from acts
of the applicant prior to the date of the Zoning Regula-
tions appealed from.
(b) That the said circumstances and/or conditions are as fol-
1. There exists a definite problem with trespassers/vandals.
2. The topography prevents growing anything substantial
3. There is no other practical way to protect the storage
areas except with an 8 foot high chain link fence 200
linear feet long but without a barbed wire extension
4. That said circumstances or conditions are such that the
particular application of the Ordinance with respect
to Article VIII Section 89-44-D "Supplementary Regula-
tions, Walls and Fences" would deprive the applicant
of the reasonable use of the land and/or storage areas
and that the variance as granted by this Board is a
minimum adjustment that will accomplish this purpose.
5. That the granting of the variance is in harmony with
the general purposes and intent of this Ordinance and
will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise
detrimental to the public welfare; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED that a variance is hereby granted and that Article
VIII Section 89-44-D "Supplementary Regulations, Walls and Fences"
be varied and modified so as to allow the existence of an 8 foot
high chain link fence approximately 200 linear feet long but with
no barbed wire extension and having a rear yard setback of 9 feet
instead of the required minimum setback of 50 feet on the premises
located at Winged Foot Golf Club, Fenimore Road, and known on the
Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 347 Parcel 1
in strict conformance with plans filed with this application pro-
vided that the applicant complies in all other respects with the
Zoning Ordinance and Building Code of the Town of Mamaroneck; and
it is
January 29, 1986
FURTHER RESOLVED that this decision be filed with the Town Clerk
as provided in Section 267 of the Town Law.
Town Counsel Lee Hoffman questioned the applicant to see if he understood
that the Board does not have the authority to require the applicant to
remove the barbed wire in areas other than the part of the fence which
falls under the variance. Mr. Nolletti stated that the applicant would
consent to a condition that barbed wire be removed from the entire fence.
There being no further business before the Board, the Chairman moved to
adjourn the meeting. Mr. Mosher seconded this motion, and the Board
unanimously voted to adjourn this meeting at 8:50 P.M.
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