HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_12_21 Town Board Minutes 119
,, ,,E T of = TO EO�20
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TM,'T L_
..,eld Dece _ber 21st . 1927.
---- The ZIleetillg ic7as called. t0 order 'by SaLervisor .Murton 2,t
8 a .5 Pm 1:[m
Present : Sagoervisor Barton
Justices Bo,Td, 'Hovvell £ 11d Leeds
Toi^_^. Clerk Sha_=ian
Counsellor GaiRble
Upon liotior, dul-ly Secon(ded., it ,-,,as voted to disf Ense it—_.1
the reading of the 1linutes of leetirgs nit c puroved_.
The Board = ain too'_,- a':J for cons id-ration t;.e ar--oi'catien
"G. Wovi_1-, o_ . _sm 1^> PerciasePe ..rizich had: been la.id over at the
last _2?eeting, an a-c-pllcat-ilon to F-_,o .re 2 tv,:c faII2il-.- d-vaell-ing fror-ri the
Of I=;;7rtle SCL'-IevarC: and Tine S reete to the f_0..:'':.h side of
Cabot t east fl^ r, �"rtle Boalc 'vardo ���ithin an
abG Road, i60 fee ws G =,
Resi dent-ial ;'ii sari Ct.
rij-, _a,r12-5 -in favor Of 1.1cc aDpli Ca-' jon '.7_.S ?�� l'. Gug , 1 :;°dl
and _r T. l:ir0nd'co
A_?ea.2J_ng in oopcsitioi1 tG t' e a}rplicatlo . rnas Tor®
re-or _tinting the Larchi. ont C •id_ens =ssGCiation.
Lt t!1i s isle .,..e Clerk read a, convnal_ca.ti.on f"ro>^ Justice
Collins 1C "i .1c`1 he stated hi's inability t0 be present a
-ueet� , to r°ocrt on behalf of the co -,mni ttee in to the
reGoin-F 1c--t1on. He further aS' EQ. that the co=_i4k,ee _hD ld
•1G1-1 CVCr at'd Tc-_70"rt "_'JiC L'BSS c this L !_ em. q
The C0r1C1anicatioil orderest Glaaed on file and- so nOied
in the uinates.
=1 ter diSCa eS1011 a.ndi - ° c n,
co- - :, ) r �
dal-i7 seccnded, anani-mously
RBSOL717B, th_',t .;7iollc2tion Yo.. v T,o irg,
Of ir'rsm Tm PerCia_sEpe for pe=i ssion to
ra_ove a o fanli y,r drrelling from the corner
Gf rtle Boulevard and 7i.ne Street, to
tide north side of Cabot Road_, 160 feet east
<;i;� it T-7-^t'.:_e .'_`CLlI e?2rCiy -.'i tRin 2n _ 7'c Sld e17
- o.l dist-rict, b- over for fartl"lci con-
sid---"ration c>nd; rc-ferred bacl, to t e committee
heretofore ap-pointed,. for its re-port and_
ie Boar ga.n tcoh aJ for con Siderat'_o'_1 o._pli Oatd0on 10
1090 o Espec Sales Co=? , ch had beer! lair over a.; the last
meeting , an - piolCp Oil fG'r he Ere C tioi7 of 2 y7U.hliC gas S c.t1Cn
on t _e east side of 1-yrtl -'.venL'E s. 35 feet. iron. Vine Street 7,'-i t:^_in j
_._ - . _ . .
an ii RESiQen 6lc`1,i CL1 StriCt.•
S' r. ral El' ras J=E5211 and Sy70lic - :faiOr 0f the all"y711C-
c,t 1 011.
ll_r. Scllra:Ii'aeh, Tc"!7re Sel'lting the Larcl-z_iont. Gardens ksSGcia-
ti0n ..rc^,3 present and a_7a eared in G-�opOsition to the a._oplication.
'-'after d1 HCU,SH10i7 and COYi°iClE ra,t l0fl, it :-,'c.5 V.":lon i7aotior,
duly seconded, u_maninioo.sl; ,
B SvL D, that a y)14 cati01: ?,-c m I090 of
{e7:5 3aies Coij.a , for the erection of
}public --as st.8.tion on the East side of _
I=yrtle A4'enue, 35 feet frog. 17ine Streets
an Residential district , be
Laid over for further consideration a.nd
referred back to the cc':rnittee heretofore
a-cpoin ted for its report and, rcco=endati On.
T.-r. ,chaa:ibau.lt &o-,eare(i before the Board reaae-sting -Der- ..
i ission df. the Board_ to inst-.11 the gasoline tanl1 s underneath the
sidec;allc fronting his -,)roJerty On dine Street . with the -,pumaps fo:"
said tanks inside the building lines,
.,=ter discussion, it '.'as u--on rec0iT(miendation of Counsel,
L?na.nl iOU.sl'i
7SOLV7D t'_nat Err: ission is i,ereb-- granted
to lr.. ArchaI.�lbault to Install gas01i122 ialilzs
under: eath ,he sider;alk of Vine ,Street, ::!ith
the pvra-,:s of said tai-1;s insic'.E the building
_^,.es,, i.r ovl0.ed t;la t the said Hr.
enters into and ei_ecu.tes an -_ gree:_Ient _arenared
and a-o;r_roved by Counsel.
S. Faillace , represeilti-ng the of Oo i'le rC.e
again a- pEared before ne Board, questing i'nfo 'Tnation in connection
c0 y o;yin Hal
l'v*i th nter2l�latEd "-2pro v eL1C-n t,s of t_1e T � 1®
He G'as a��vised b7 the Coraittee in charge that they had
t.a__en the matter u p �ith th E architect and tzat 1-
reiDort would
undoubtedly be ready Li a very short time.
Justice Boyd brought uij the question of County
Park ?roperty, wherein laic cro�ccrvy is revenue -producing..
after discussion and conside'rati0n the matter i':as referred
to Counsellor Gamble for his action thereon,
counication from the Garden Club of Larch ont eras
received and read, reouesting ti'e use of the auc` itOrium of the
:heaver Street Fire House or J-Ianuar 3 Ct'^ 1c� D Pa
s .., ,,�u, or a �=ldgE _ rtlr
fbr the '0 e_nefi t Of t'_1e tsard.en Club.
The co:.,runication t:,as ordered received , placed on file,
and upon motion, fcal-Yseconded, it r�.s
R"SOL LD. that -De —issicn is hereby granted
to '.n8 rs,7,rden Slub c LarC1"i"._OY!tg use of ?:.he
aLiC.i tGriUlil of 'he . eaver Street hire House
on Janrary 30th. 1920, _or a 3ridge Party,
the s=e being for the benefit of the Garden Club.
petition ,:as received_ frorl 3EVerend 3. Bel 1-egro on
behalf of the C'-lurch of Stn Vito, asking e°em: ,,tier_ frorz the tax .roll
en section S, block 49, lots 12 to 26 inclusive , the same being
property purchased for church purposes.
The '_Jetitio'r :;as ordered received, placed on file and
referred to C,oursellor Ga:' 1;,1e together with the Assessors for
'report and recormnendation.
h corAmunication froi":'1 the Larcl-z_iont Gardens ?,ssociati on
received and reaCL reco=endUng the appOini,,m Elit of a Board of _il[ heals
lvithout aelay,
Hr. Schromek, re-ioresenting the Larcluiont Gardens i',ssocia-
tici'! ,;°.as -oresent, and siooke on the -;subject..
_,fter C_iscussl0'P_ and consideration, the cmimiLuaication -,.r as
ordered received , placed on file and referred to the Supc..rti-isor for
his reco=ie'ndation.
-L resolitition f'roi,l the _-a-rde=s 2-sscciation liras received
and read in reiat ion to bla stingy o_p°_rat ion s In that sect iori Of the
To-,Fn by se-,YEr construction i:ror1�.
le resolu;' - c =c
on :Jasrdered. r� �lvecl; placed oil file and
ref erred tc t;aE Serer Co: ni
sSion for its attention.
'the Supervisor reported that ,c h tt ded o t .e itn
='..S SE SSOr h,U1 Ca,hV, ,',C Tay CCiifEl'Ci.OE 1.,11. at Al,, a.rlfq lip 1'_i2,J10n t0
the Coanty rcualization rates, and he requested that a. resolution be
ado-3d a-�Spr07ing of the '-pEnC'li"ll..re5 of the ssesso" i'_1 Connection
U"Pon 'i=;lotion, duly Seconded, it i7aS
RISOLTLD, that the e::penses inc"u"rred by
.ssessos 1.13,7cah7l in attendin^' the '!a:a:
Conference held at Albany, 1 . Y. , be
and the sal.-Le "hereby is made a Town charge ,
and that the sa,�ie be presented upon a
-a rO?per lOS'l_i CiaiYli t0 the Board of Sri C!itor5
for its action.
T-4-le ClefL reported in r2yation to the conditions of iine
old records at the Toi'i11 Hall 2 and he req .estad Lhe e__ripIoTf2ert of
SoS"Re person for the -purpose of 'J1acir�, said ?`ecoTd,s
ill.- Condition.
Upon the -teco=endation of the Tocrn Clerk, it „as
upon nzetion, duly seconded, and u-Pon roil call
u'�SOL7j'ID, that the Clerk be, and he '-ereby
is authorized and e.a_JOwered to have the
records at the Tc-'-n Hall filsd ;n/. rroper
"!:fanner, and i. lat t1-.e e:°:pellse incurred t,nerem
— by, be itade a proper Toirn charge.
The Cler'. reported the need of add 4tlonal equi_o__ie It in
Ilis office arid ` eco=endeed the -ourchaze Of Sa ie.
The r,atte'r '.:gas referred to the To-,-,,,n Cler?z far esti ^_ate
and recort.
Upo11 _ration, duly seconded, it c.-as uppon roll call,
F °v^L-T D, that t;J2 fol1P'.ain; To-%,n Officials
be bonded in the foll0 ing a -cants ' _
Su_ervisor �G20,00G.GG
To'zn Cler'_ 1,000.00
Receiver of T .-,es r 0
Superinte'iV de_t of -!iEnL,mIrs 2. 000. 00
7--tides of the -Peace 1, 000.00
Overseer of the :Poor 1,000.00
Constables 1 .000. 00
Serer Coiliissioners 10,000.00
Polios Coi_ni ssioners 10 ,000. 00
and it .eras farther
RESOL`I"D, that the SU'Je.visor be 21 d Tie
hEreb is authorized an'C ri4rec' V t0 file
-:Ii th -.he Coumty CI er'c oi° . .,,tchestcr County,.
the bond of tl e To*,ro Clerh, JL r ua t to the
prcvicJcn o_ Section 92ef f t._e To lo,
The Clerk 'presented For approval the bonds of various
Town Officials.
After due ccnsiderztion, it was upon motion, duly seconded,
RESOLVED, that the following bonds Toe E. d
the some hereby are approved and ordered
�ol aced on file.
George W. Burton, Supervisor 520,000.00
George V. Burton, Supervisor MAWay, 60,000. 00
Frederick 11. Sherman, Town Clerk 1,000.00
Ailliarr «. Hoyd, Justice of the Peace 1,000. 00
Patric' H. Collins, Justice of the Peace 1, 000. 00
:Santo Lanza, Receiver of Tames 20 ,000. 00
John L. Coles, Superintendent of Highways 2,000.00
John Bloomer, a Poor G, 0
Z! BIoa �� Overseer of th., Po„_ _,0 0.��0
The report of the Receiver of Takes foi tae month of
November, was received, read ord =ed placed on file and is a�;
follows- _
Decembe list, 1927.
Pursuant GO Section 23 Of '-'1C- ':'Ie-t Ctle stC'i County Tan La,Vda ?
hereby respectfully report the amount of State County, Town, School,
Highway and Special District tines, together with the interest and
penalties thereon, Collected by me during the mcrth of --ove --oer,
1927 T_ S 1926 T_T 'S 1925 Tp`_ ES All AR77ARS TOTA-L
State and County T ,481.69 336.29 67.14- 1,885.12
_'Ii��'r::'a':' 249. 46 4. 12 53<58
Tovrn 2.76. 24 71. 77 18. 62 366.53
District 891. 72 12. 4-6 904.18
Sever Tan Dist. 1 368. 63 4.52 372® 94
School Dist. Yo. I 13139. 26 850. 99 350. 56 14,'it.0. 81
School Dist. fG e ? 1.13 M3
='.nears 359.91 359. 91
Interest and =era tiesl,003. 03 259. 44 147. 06 559. 23 1, 960. 0
iGT_:L n
Deposited with tie 2i st v:ationa,l Bank of Ya tiro cic 0,853. 06
Respectfully su _:.it ter
To George "+ Burton, Sujervisg2 Santo Lanz
To= of i2 ..LarO neck,
ronech, 'T. Y. Receiver oI Taws.
repol of the Torn Cleih for h.e ,onth of ido -i.fcer,
z.ras received , read.„ ordered ?lased on file and iS s follels ;
Dece.-_be-r Pifteanth
1 9 2 7
George .. Burton ,
Suyerviscr, To-.-ni cf
Dear :Sir:
I T^e-g tp sutbinit here': it the report of he office s t C___Cc Of
the Town Clerk for -he month of T_?ovember. 1927 , - hicn_^_ is as foilmas ;
Dog licenses issued 5 >14n25
Deer P° if 12 15>00
L it ii
Chattel rlOrt---=ea fZled 127 1-.04
To ta1 amount received
Paid t the County Treaam , dog fees 13e00
Pales L�,c Ccvn,, i
; Cl, �t, , a un.ing zees 448 04
Paid to Co,, :-Ity Clerk, deer fees 12> 00
Paid i,o Covnty Clerh iia=i -e fe s 12.00
Paid: to Su._�e-rvisor
Respect-full ubmitte7 ,
Frederi, cLr ._® Si en-nan
TO 'A1 Clo h
UTyon _-„ ion, the m.ecti.g edjourne? at 11 1, 1>
._6 .. 5a _
To-gin Clerk