HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979_09_12 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD SEPTEMBER 12, 1979, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET AND EDGEWOOD AVENUE, LARCHMONT, NEW YORK. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:20 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mr. G. Norman Blair, Chairman Mrs. Mary Carlson Mr. Warner Pyne, Jr. Mr. Anton Schramm Mr. Paul Kalos Also present: Mr. Charles R. Elfreich , P.E. , Town Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of June 13, 1979 were presented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as submitted. PRELIMINARY HEARING - BLOCK 406 PARCEL 335 Mr. Sarac presented his application and plan to the Board and they reviewed it. After a brief discussion the Board decided they could envision no problems since both lots conform with the Zoning and the Secretary was asked to arrange for the Public Hearing at the October meeting after the final plan is submitted. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SPECIAL PERMIT - DANDRY PROPERTY - 2155 PALMER AVENUE - BLOCK 501 PARCEL 1 - PROPOSED NEW CAR AGENCY The Secretary presented the Board members with a copy of a plan for the use of the property as a new car agency. It is necessary for the applicants to receive a Special Permit for the use of the property for the servicing and repairing of automobiles. The property had been developed for a nursery and greenhouse but has been vacant for some time. Mr. Forbes, an Attorney, of 7 Woodland Avenue, represented the applicant, Mr. Arthur Miller and said that it is nec- essary to have service as part of a motor sales agency and that a new addition will be erected for the display of Porsche-Audi cars . He further stated that the proposed use will not generate any more traffic than any other permitted uses and since the garage work will all be done indoors there should be no noise involved. Mr. Arthur Miller, who is the applicant, said he now has a Lincoln Mercury Agency in Eastchester and invited the n (' Board members to come over to look at his operation in that location. 41:0 It was pointed out that the greenhouse had been removed and the open floor space will become a display area for the new cars and the one story addition at the front of the property will be used for a showroom, display and sale of autos . The existing cellar floor will be used for storage, mechanical equipment and cleaning and pre- paration of cars, The additional construction that is contemplated on the space remaining between the new one story addition and Harrison Drive will be a small paved area for the outdoor display of 4 cars. The existing parking area on the westerly and northerly side will be maintained and landscaping will be added between the new addition and Palmer Avenue which will be landscaped as a lawn. Mrs. Carlson asked about the oil residue and the appli- cant said that the trucks pick up the old oil . Mr. Pyne asked the applicant what his responsibility will be as a tenant and he replied he was committed to a long term lease and will be responsible for the property. After further discussion the Board decided that there would be no environmental impact and asked the Secretary to send a report to the Town Board recommending their approval of the application. OPEN MEETINGS LAW AMENDMENT The Secretary give the Chairman a letter from the Town Attorney regarding the Open Meetings Law Amendment in which it was noted that after October 1 , 1979 notices regarding all meetings are to be posted conspicuously in one or more officially designated public locations. It was suggested that a Resolution be passed to offici- ally designate a location and that the Town Clerk's Bul - letin Board be used. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Open Meetings Law Amendment that all notices regarding the calling of meetings of the Planning Board be posted in officially designated public locations, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the members of the Planning Board approve the designation of the Bulletin Board in the Town Clerks ' Office for the notices of r all meetings of the Board. REPORT FROM FREDERICK P. CLARK ASSOCIATES The Board discussed the draft of the Preliminary Zoning Analysis and several members had sent their comments to Mr. Vandernoot. A copy of the Board's comments is attached. .ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this meet- ing it was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. --7 / ita A. John n, Secretary 1 • C1i6 , : TOWN OF MAMARONECK PLANNING BOARD 7{0 MAMARONECK NEW YORK jf��j 1 WEST POST ROAD 'I L ga$S MAMARONECK. N. Y. PLANNING BOARD CRITIQUE PRELIMINARY ZONING ANALYSIS September 19, 1979 The Planning Board at its regular meeting September 12 , 1979, reviewed the Frederick P. Clark Associates Report dated July 5, 1979 and found it to be generally satisfactory and worthy of implementing. Hereinafter, are the Board's reactions to specific items, keyed to the original report by appropriate number and/or title. 1 . Definition of District: Agreed that the definition is unnecessary and should be omitted. 2. Definition of Family: Agreed that up to four unrelated individuals could live together as a single housekeeping unit. 3. Definition of Rear Lot Line: The Board has had difficulty in the past in regard to irregular lots , those in cul-de-sacs and corners , determining rear lot lines . It is agreed that the recommended definition should be adopted. 4. Cluster Zoning: Agreed that "conservation" type cluster zoning should be considered, especially as it might be applicable to remaining large open spaces. 5. Schedule of Rulations and Permitted Uses: Agreed that an additional statement should be added prohibiting all other uses . 6. Municipal Uses in One-Family Districts : Agreed that this type of usage should be listed as a Principal Use permitted by right, and that the wording of the lead-in sentence of Section 89-20 B be revised as recommended. 7. Accessory Professional Offices: Agreed that this type of usage should be subject to Planning Board Site Plan approval (see later) . 8. R-GA Uses : Agreed that the definition be changed as recommended. 9. Professional Offices R-TA Districts : Agreed that such usage should be limited to ground floor level and not more than 10Z of the total floor area of the building. 10. Office Building Districts: In view of the elimination of the current OB Districts, it would be appropriate to eliminate such unnecessary text from the Ordinance. At such time as they might be re-established, the appropriate text at that time could be reintro- duced. 11 . Fast Food Restaurants : The Board favored limitation of this type of usage by limits on the distance between such establishments , special off-street parking requirements, and Special Permit approval by the Town Board. There was strong feeling that an adequate definition of a "Fast Food Restaurant" should be included. 12. Unattached Accessory Buildings in Rear Yards: Agreed that this should be stated only once, as a separate listing, and that the current statement be revised as recommended. I OWN OF MAMARONECK PLANNING BOARD MAMARONECK 740 NEW YORK ) $(WEST POST ROAD M68 MAMARONECK. N. Y. Q1J 8 PLANNING BOARD :CRITIQUE, 2 September 19, 1979 13. Minimum Floor Area: Agreed that no statement is required for minimum floor areas. 14. Building Coverage R-A Districts: Agreed that maximum coverage for each individual building lot should be increased to 40%. 15. Side Yards R-A Districts : Agreed that the statement on "Minimum side yards" be amended as recommended. 16. Density Requirements R-TA District: Agreed that the minimum lot area per dwelling unit be reduced to 1 ,000 square feet. 17. Maximum Lot Coverage R-TA District: Agreed that the maximum lot coverage be increased to 25%, excluding parking structures. 18. Maximum Building Height R-TA District: The Board by simple majority (not unanimous), agreed that the maximum building height should be increased to 7 stories and 80 feet. 19. Buffer Areas: Agreed that the section on buffer areas should be rewritten as recom- mended. As this requirement might apply to enlargement or alteration to existing build- ings which might not be able to comply, relief could be granted by a Zoning variance. 20. Planning Board Site Plan Approval : The Board concurs that site plan approval be granted to the Planning Board. This would be expeditious since the Planning Board is the "lead agency" for all SEQR matters, and also makes recommendation to the Town Board regarding Special Permits. In regard to the latter, it was felt that Special Permit approvals remain with the Town Board. 21 . Off-Street Parking: Agreed that off-street parking requirements be revised as recom- mended. 22. Landscaping in Parking Areas : The Board felt that landscaping in parking areas was highly desirable, and that the recommended statement be added to the Ordinance. 23. Application Fees : It is the Board's understanding that fees are payable for all application procedures with the Town. However, only fees for Zoning variances are stated in the Zoning Ordinance. If such is not the case, adequate fees should be established. Two Family Dwellings: Agreed that the minimum lot area should be defined as recommended in the report. R-A vs R-GA Densities : The Board agreed with the recommended statements that each dwell- ing unit be located on its own lot, and that the minimum side yard requirement apply only to unattached dwellings and adjoining other districts. Further, it is recommended TOWN OF MVMAMARON E CK PLANNING BOARD MAMARONECK 740 NEW YORK x WEST POST ROAD AMARONECK. N. Y DIXR501.a(xt PLANNING BOARD CRITIQUE, 3 381 -2558 September 19, 1979 that the gross area be 5,000 square feet, with a minimum lot size for each attached dwelling of 2,500 square feet. Off-street Parking for Residences : The Board by majority (not unanimous) agreed with the standards recommended in the report, including provision for Special Requirements for housing for the elderly, etc. Again , Planning Board approval of site plans would be helpful in implementing this. Zoning in Private Clubs: It is the Board's opinion that the existing clubs be maintained in "holding zones" as recommended. This would keep all clubs in their present zoning districts , except that it is recommended that the area encompassing the Hampshire Club be rezoned to R-20 as recommended in the report. Larchmont Reservoir Property: Agreed that the property should remain in a "holding zone" as currently established. Town Land between North Chatsworth and Madison Avenues : In general , the Board agreed with the recommendations of the Clark report for this property and adjoining areas . However, there was considerable difference of opinions regarding details of density, height, location on size, etc. Some members of the Board seemed reluctant to make a • firm decision without having a specific proposal to approve or disapprove. Ferndale Place: There was no strong feeling on the Board regarding the suggested alter- nates for this property, and it seemed that the recommendations of the Clark report might be implemented in any of the alternate ways proposed. Palmer Avenue West of Weaver Street: Again, the Board expressed no strong feelings regarding this property, but did seem to lean toward maintaining the existing structures in a residential and professional office area, with parking in the rear, as recommended in the report. Byron Place - Maxwell Avenue: The Board concurs that it would be desirable to expand the LI District to all of the properties not facing Madison Avenue. • Building Coverage in 3 District: Agreed that the recommended changes to the Ordinance be implemented to have the maximum floor area and the height be the controlling factors of density. Environmental Quality Review Law: Since the Town's version of SEQR has never been published, there is considerable doubt as to its content. However, if it has not been updated to conform with the State 's requirements , this should be done. Further, it is the Board's understanding that they are the "lead agency" , and for this reason recom- mend Planning Board approval of site plans as a means of bringing the required action to the Board. If this law is to be implemented intelligently, it should be printed and distributed.