HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977_09_14 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD OCTOBER 12 , 1977, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET AND EDGEWOOD AVENUE, LARCHMONT, NEW YO RK. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:15 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mr. Fred L. Maggini , Chairman Mr. Joseph Rigano Mr. G. Norman Blair Absent: Mr. Edward J. Cibulay Mrs. Mary Carlson Also present: Miss Susan Gallion, Westchester County Planning Department - Division of Natural Resources APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of September 14, 1977 were presented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as corrected. PRELIMINARY HEARING - BLOSSOM GROVE SUBDIVISION Mr. David Jutkowitz, Mr. Spencer' s Attorney said that he had been in touch with Mr. Johnston, the Town Attorney, regarding the right-of-way and he had understood that Mr. Johnston was to have sent a memo to the Planning Board regarding the legality of the right-of-way. The Planning Board had not received the memo. Mr. Jutkowitz, also, said that the sale of the property had been approved by the Board of Education and Mr. Spencer expected to take title to the property in the near future. The Board discussed the plan that Mr. Spencer had submitted and the applicant agreed to change the lot line and add the parcel marked " I" on to lot 10. Mr. Spencer said that the subdivision conforms in all respects to the Zon- ing Regulations. Mr. John Ibelli of 987 Palmer Avenue who represented the Palmer Avenue Association said that the neighbors were concerned about the appropriate construction as well as the zoning and they appreciated the fact that the Board had been reasonable in regard to the cul-de-sac. Mr. Ibelli questioned the location of the houses on lots 9 and 10 and said that the revised plan looked the same as the one that had been submitted previously. Mr. Spencer agreed to locate the houses so that they would not be too close to the existing dwellings. Mr. Ibelli , also, said that the neighbors on Blossom Terrace were concerned about the blasting and the trucks coming through Blossom Terrace when Mr. Spencer would be building. Mr. Spencer said that when possible he would probably bring his trucks and equipment through from Palmer Avenue and the Board said they did not have the authority to restrict Mr. Spencer's trucks. The Chairman asked Miss Gallion if she had any suggestions and she reminded the applicant that when they were going to do the curb cuts on Palmer Avenue it would be neces- sary to obtain a permit from the Westchester County Depart- ment of Public Works since Palmer Avenue is a County road. After further discussion the Board told the applicant that when the problem of the right-of-way had been resolved with Mr. Johnston, the Town Attorney, and the final map was prepared the Secretary would arrange for the Public Hearing. REDUCTION OF BOND - "THE FAIRWAYS AT PRINCE WILLOWS" - SECTION 1 , 2 AND 2A The Board had decided at the September Meeting when the Public Hearing had been held for the reduction of the bond to hold the application over for thirty days so that Mr. Pollack could complete the necessary work. Mr. Widulski represented Mr. Pollack and said that most of the work had been completed. The Board decided that they would approve the reduction of the bond from $56,000. to $5,000. subject to the in- spection and approval of the Town Engineer and Superin- tendent of Highways. The following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, on February 9, 1977 a Public Hearing was held on the subdivision of land located at the end of Fairway Drive and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 333 Parcel 3000 and part of Parcels 836 and 837; and WHEREAS, the applicant had submitted savings bank pass books in the amount of $50,000. and $6,500. in lieu of a Performance Bond; and WHEREAS, certain of this construction work has been completed in a manner satisfactory to the Town Engineer and Superintendent of Highways; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 277 of the Town Law, a Public Hearing was duly heard by this Board on September 14, 1977 and decision reserved for thirty days so that the applicant could com- plete the work and at the meeting held on Octo- ber 12, 1977 the Board considered the request for the reduction of the bond from $56,500. to 0�4r $5,000. as recommended by the Town Engineer; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that certified copies of this Resolution be sent to the applicant, Mr. A. Pollack. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this meet- ing it was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. • lam? 6 C Rita A. Johnson, Secretary