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1979_05_09 Planning Board Minutes
MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD MAY 9, 1979, IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET AND EDGEWOOD AVENUE, LARCHMONT, NEW YORK. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:20 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mr. G. Norman Blair, Chairman Mrs . Mary Carlson Mr. Walter Pyne, Jr. Mr. Anton Schramm Mr. Paul Kalos Also present: Mr. Charles R. Elfreich, P.E. , Town Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of April 11 , 1979 were presented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as submitted. Mr. Blair informed the members of the Board and those present that Mr. Esposito's application which had been heard at last month's meeting was not on the agenda for a Public Hearing as the applicant had not submitted the final plan. PRELIMINARY HEARING ON SUBDIVISION OF LOT - LAUREL AVENUE - BLOCK 124 PARCEL 215 Mr. Richard Spinelli , a Surveyor, who prepared the plan represented Mrs. Polera, the applicant. Mr. Spinelli said that the plan shows three conforming lots , two of which already have houses on them which comply to the R-6 Zone where they are located. The three lots including the vacant one all have the required area . The Chairman pointed out that there would be no Environmental Impact and the Secretary was asked to arrange for the Public Hearing for the next meeting on June 13, 1979 after she receives the final drawing. OLD BUSINESS - DOHERTY PROPERTY - BLOCK 504 PARCELS 252 AND PART OF PARCEL 231 The Board had heard this application at its meeting of November 8, 1979 and Mr. Dennis Dillingham who is the applicant, Mrs. Doherty's son-in-law represented his mother- in-law. At the previous meeting the applicant had been asked to check the records to see if they could find any information as to the ownership of Gaillard Place and Mr. Dillingham said they had spent a day in White Plains checking the records. Mr. Dillingham stated that they discovered that sometime in the 1930' s the road had been had been offered to the Town but the Town never accepted it. Mr. Elfreich, the Town Engineer, advised that the subdivi- sion showed two lots in accordance with the regulations, but that the applicants would have to improve the street. Mr. Elfreich said they could construct a small cul-de-sac and some paving and curbing would have to be done. The Board discussed the location of the utilities and decided they would have to check with the Town Attorney to deter- mine the legality of the unimproved street. REFERRAL FROM TOWN BOARD - RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT - GENERAL NURSERY BUSINESS - 633-635 FIFTH AVENUE - BLOCK 132 PARCELS 175 and 643 Mr. John A. Geoghegan , Esq . of 209 Harrison Avenue, Harri- son, New York, represented the prospective purchaser of the property, Mr. Auricchio. Mr. Blair advised that the Board had heard an application for this property at its meeting of September 13, 1978 for a Special Permit to use the building for an auto repair shop. Mr. Acocella, the owner of the property had pro- posed to lease the building for the purpose of an auto repair shop but the contract was never fulfilled. Mr. Auricchio proposed to purchase the property and use it in connection with his landscaping business . The ap- plicant wants to store his supplies and equipment on the property but does not envision retail sales . It was pointed out that the property was originally used as a Nursery and the prospective purchaser intends to park his truck and tractor on a parking area at the rear of the property with trees for screening. Mr. Geoghegan said they did not intend to add any other buildings and basically the previous nursery use would not be changed. After further discussion the Board decided that they would recommend that the Town Board grant the application and and the Secretary was asked to send a memo to the Town Board advising them of their decision conditioned upon no retail sales . REFERRAL FROM TOWN BOARD FOR RECOMMENDATIONS - APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT - ROOF MOUNTED SOLAR HEATING PANELS - 18 ORSINI DRIVE - BLOCK 119 PARCEL 164 Mr. Katz, the applicant appeared before the Board and said he had applied to HUD back in 1977 and then made an application to the Building Inspector of the Town of Mamaroneck for a permit in October 1978. Mr. Katz said 26 of his neighbors had signed a petition in support of his application. The Chairman asked Mr. Katz if he had seen a memo that the Town Engineer had presented to the Board with 7 condi- tions which in his opinion should be considered with their recommendation for approval . The first condition stated that completed plans and speci- fications be submitted to the Building and Plumbing Inspector. The second condition in Mr. Elfreich 's memo stated the maximum height of the proposed collectors above the exist- ing roof line should be set. Mr. Katz said a standard collector is no more than 8 ft. high and it is impossible to say how much it would be over the roof line. Mr. Katz said setting heights will set precedents in the future. Mr. Blair stated that the Board does not set precedents. Mr. Katz, also , said that it was impossible to erect col- lector for this type of operation with less than three col- lectors as it would not be effective. Mr. Schramm ques- tioned as to whether the panels were not set according to the manufacturer' s recommendations . Mr. Katz said that the State and Federal Government are trying to make the Solar Energy Program work and be effective. Mr. Katz , also, said that some manufactureres were selling the entire package and installing the panels closed in. Mr. Elfreich said he was concerned about the height of collectors above the roof line and thought a maximum height should be set. The third condition Mr. Elfreich mentioned in his memo questioned as to whether the collector area of 40 sq. ft. was actual or projected. It was pointed out that the panels are usually between 32 and 40 sq . ft. Mr. Elfreich 's proposed fourth condition requested that the type of anti-freeze in the collectors will be non-toxic. Mr. Katz said that the anti-freeze in his collectors was non-toxic. The fifth condition proposed by Mr. Elfreich stated that the details of the 80 gallon tank should indicate two walls between domestic water and anti-freeze to protect against contamination of domestic water. Mr. Katz responded that the State does not recommend the double wall . Mr. Elfreich 's sixth condition was that in the event that the unit remains idle either because of mechanical failure and the owner does not attempt to repair same or the econo- mics of the system prove fruitless then the Town Board should direct the property owner to remove the portion of the unit mounted on the roof. Mr. Katz advised he antici- pated that within the near future this type of installa- tion will not be subject to a Special Permit. © The seventh condition that was suggested by Mr. Elfreich was that all proposed plumbing be installed within the existing frame structure. Mr. Katz said he intended to comply. After the Board discussed the application and suggestions made by the Town Engineer they decided to recommend to ® the Town Board that they approve the application. The Secretary was requested to recommend to the Town Board that the application be approved. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this meet- ing it was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Rita A. Jo nson Secretary H