HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_12_15 Town Board Minutes 1EET L"1 i 01' T1 -] 7 BC,-'nom T P, 02 ' c?RC ''T'G3T, l;. Y� 1c1d 71ecei?,, er 15t%i5 192.7, The ineeting cas called- to order b;; su-_e-r- sor Burton 8 .30 P. Pre sent Super-disor Sartori Justices Bo--d , Cc 11 irs j C.,e11 _^-:;rid Le scIs TO ?i1 Cle:.-h S cr_aan Co-mnseilo Ga"'Ib le U1pOn moticn, duly =.:C-c Gnded, it c..S doted_ t0 di S,�ense r ---i t,n t-_/le rem-di= Of the inn �t ee -'s not 1rC-t __ °_ S OS tl tin The Board to oii u.-G for co'_lslde ra ti on the `n-P lcwtl on 1`,c '.To-Ting of lirs. T. Perciasepe , h_', c', had been laid ov. _• at the la st me e t ino,, an �ppliceticr, to r_noTe a. taro fa.a 11-7 t17,-ellirig frns the COr'n8r Of ?i(,rtle Bouie a--d a--mi Vine StrCety to the north side of Cabot Rood, 160 feet east fluid 1 yrtle Boulevard, 'ithiri an _ Resldentl:=,l ;,,ist21ct. .?r. Gagliardi ,ic.8 ,oresemit o.n s?Johe its favor Of the '.. a.Fiplication� 1r® SC'.t'_arie1c. re-presenting the L�—,-c'tn__Ont '.i rdens -.°socia- .ion uas Dresert and ap-peared ini 0p?pOsit10n to the apolic"_tlon. ftc_^ discussion, and- ccnsid-ers.tion, -Motion dull:- seconded, unani_aousl 1'�71S0TV1TD; that acDlication Yo. J , E 0 7 1n?' of 7-rs¢ T. Pe o- as=lpe for 1i,saion t0 - r rnove a-_ ttre 1-1-1 i a - J Ong o� ti2e corner of L'yrtle Boulevard and Vine Street, to the north side of Cabot Rcad. 160 feet east 1t18 BGlt18�rarCiy ito4Y 0.n ti pie S1Cteli ia.l district, be laid over _or further eon- sic?-ration and 'refer-red back to the co=ittee heretof Ore 2..p1G0inued, for its i"ejDort. and iecolnnendatior, The Board_ tool-, 11-o for cOnsideratidn a,,-)p ic^'.t 101! 1G. 1C)9v of Zesbec s'?.1es Cor-p. , ��.hich '.lad been laid- over at the !as call?1 a-_D.: l 1Cc,. iori FOT t112 2TeQ. t_on Of a pu'b'lic gas station, on the cast side Of liyrtle _�_venue5 35 feet. from Vine .Street wi , __= a-i �es i6ent- ial district. Tar. CalGer -,,as _oresent and sy?oke Ln fvo_ of ti_c app11 atiGa 1gT'_ ,5'.Cn==C 2c ._°.i1L-nom i.'i2 ,=c'[r-i"iOnt. Gardens sSC,_4 a° t1Gn , s ,,resent c d c:.p pt' .rod in Oypp OS!t1 on to the c.plplicatl oil. :ft°T Gl sCl:S°__vim s. a_i1 C1 C011S1Ge c.t i On g. l : ?2.sg L''.J ._ ':0 t1Un. dulf secon ev , cna­i -oasis R S 'L1 y eat p?pli ._,on 17o. 1C90 of _ebec Sales Corp. , for the erection of a olio r.s s t at `n of t1 c east =idle cf rLle '_Tenue , 715 feet fro.a Vine Street, rl _n azi __ Re _ei_ti -.1 cis rict9 be 1 il'_ 07er he oneid_era.tion anl _efe--_^rea ba.c? to the cor=ittee heretofore -Cpointed fo report n1r! reco=end° ."),t On. 117 1r® -CCha--fbau'!t y7e before 'he Tj'oc.r0, and requested e- -mission to e;it'_hclr T h G a,rLLclicatiml on a_rypeal, far the ins t ail® ati on, of gasclire - Dips '+ thin the Side 'ral'_S area on Vine .Street. Upon motion,. dull- seconded, i t eras =SOL=, -chat at the request of .rehanibavlt, permissi an is gran ticd- ta -s;tharati., his .ppliC at 4 on for the ereetio:n o - gasoLne i.a :ias 7,,!i hin the side•eralic area on Vine Street. Sir, _,-01l .nbav-It requested _per"fission of tie Board to insI-- tae ;asoli e tan' s underneath the s d "ral_!c, ,rith the Dus_nyos for said t-ailcs inside the building lines. _ter consideration, t'�e matter uas referred to Counse? - lor Ganbl.e. The Board then took vp for corsiderption the restgnatian of Police Co,TUtlissioner, H. H. Whitalter , which had been laid over at the ycr°e- i ous _neeting. =-=ter the reading of the resigration by the Clerk at which time was also sub=it_ted e, financial report of all -=unds in the hands of the Police Colm-lii sSioner, it ;'7-�,,.s; u_Oon .iuflti Cn; duly seconded , a^SCL7'�, that thg> e:signa.ticn, commun- icationJand financial r8-port SUbrlitted b;r Hr. Hm H. ":iii ta'-ier, be and the s_._le is ordered received and placed on files and be it further =SCI?VTD , that the resignation of Hr. H '7'i.itahe"r as 1014, Ce Corr J ssionc- be, and the same hereby is accepted. 3t tine request of the Supervisor, the folio:':i; g resclu- tion *. as presented and upor motion. Seconded,. it :7 ,5 , ulDcn "CI- call, Ltnai<i 1QU S1I .do'i�t.-GL . '.. H7SCLS?l'B, that until the further order of this Board, the Trust Comp ,Il j of Laic-1miniit be , and hereb., is requested, authorized and em.po-.-,,e-red to honor and drafts drawn a. ainst all police funds of the Torn of _.__ -Cnec2 Fvhen S: ned by Commissioner Beli- '. C. Birch. and countersigned by7 Su'2''rV1SOr George ., Burton; and fur`--r ?vSOlUD, that the Torun Clerk file ,,,ith each Ban' or Trust. CCm"yJa'ly havin- olice funds of the TO-un of T"ari'crcnec'_,_ certified COpy of this resolution, The Cleri{ presented a Co--=T '1_icat'_On from r. F. i'1® Gag= liurdm v,it'_1 -,eference to the diairn of C r' 1le L. riskier, in t-.eV sum of �?4 ,973 . 74., recorl=anding that the same be 2-fErred to the Board of Toren auditors for -arorer action. The coni._Lmication ,tras ordered received , placed on file and referred to the Board of uditcrs , to:geth=r -,it', Counsel. TT-,-,,on mction, the meeting adjourned at 10 P. H. T ,ar_ ^lam