HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986_11_12 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK NOVEMBER 12, 1986, IN THE COURTROOM, TOWN OFFICES 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK CALL TO ORDER The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8:20 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Sanford A. Pell, Chairman Mary Carlson Anton Schramm Gaetano Scutaro Patricia Latona Absent: Lester M. Bliwise Norman L. Cannon Also Present: Lee A. Hoffman, Jr. , Town Attorney Cary B. Trachtman, Town Engineer Phyllis Wittner, C3?C Shirley Tolley, CZ MC Jean A. Marra, Recording Secretary SCHEDULING The Chairman stated that the next meeting of the Planning Board will be held on December 10, 1986. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of October 8, 1986 were presented and, on motion of Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mr. Scutaro, were unanimously approved. -4111 November 12, 1986 2. CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION 179 Griffen Avenue - Block 306 Parcel 663 Mr. David Arnow Mr. Fredric Myers of Myers Contracting presented the applicant's request to install four solar panels to the rear roof of existing structure which he stated will not be visible because they will be hidden by trees and will lay flush on the roof. Mr. David Arnow stated it was his understanding that a public hearing was only necessary because of the Building Inspector's interpretation of how high the solar panels would be mounted on the roof. Attorney Hoffman stated that the Planning Board did not have the authority to overrule the interpretation of the Building Inspector. At this time, on motion by Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mr. Scutaro, it was unanimously resolved that the Planning Board be, and it hereby is, designated as the Lead Agency in this matter. Thereafter, on motion by Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mrs. Carlson, it was unanimously resolved that this matter be set down for a Public Hearing to be held on December 10, 1986 unless the Building Inspector reverses his previous interpretation of the statute which applies to this matter. 3. APPLICATION - FRESHWATER WETLANDS & WATER COURSES PERMIT MR. RONALD PICKET 5 DEERFIELD LANE BLOCK 325, PARCEL 81 - 2 - November 12, 1986 Mr. Picket, together with his architect, presented the application for adding a deck to the present home. He stated that he was approximately fifty feet away from a three-foot deep, man-made pond which was constructed at the same time as the house was. He added that the concrete walls, which enclose the pond, keep it self-contained. Mr. Trachtman requested revised plans showing the exact distance of the proposed deck in relation to the lake. There being no further questions or comments from the Board, Mr. Schramm moved that this be considered a Type II Action requiring no further environmental review and that the Planning Board be designated at the Lead Agency. Mr. Scutaro seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board. After further discussion, on motion by Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mr. Scutaro, the Board unanimously adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, Mr. Ronald Picket, residing at 5 Deerfield Lane, Mamaroneck, has applied for a permit pursuant to Local Law #7 of 1986; and WHEREAS, this Planning Board has previously determined that the proposed action is a Type II Action and that this Planning Board is the appropriate Lead Agency with respect to Environ- mental Quality Review; and WHEREAS, the Consulting Engineer to the Town has submitted comments and recommendations in writing regarding this application to the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, this Planning Board has determined, pursuant to Local Law #7, Section 88-6 (D) , that the activity proposed is of such a minor nature and is compatible pursuant to 6 NYCRR 665.7; - 3 - November 12, 1986 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board makes findings of fact as follows: 1. The activity proposed is of such a minor nature as not to effect or endanger the balance of systems in a controlled area; 2. The proposed activity will be compatible with the preservation, protection and conservation of the wetland and its benefits, because (A) the proposed activity will have only a minor impact, and (B) it is the only practical alternative, and (C) is compatible with the economic and social needs of the community and will not impose an economic or social burden on the community; 3. The proposed activity will result in no more than insubstantial degradation to, or loss of, any part of the wetland, because of the minor impact of the activity and the protective conditions imposed by this resolution; 4. The proposed activity will be compatible with the public health and welfare, because of its minor impact in the controlled area; AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board determines that a hearing pursuant to Local Law #7 of 1986 be, and hereby is, dispensed with; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the application of Mr. Ronald Picket for a permit, pursuant to Local Law #7 of 1986, be, and it hereby is, granted subject to the following terms and conditions: a. This permit shall expire upon completion of the proposed activity or one year from the date of its issuance, whichever first occurs; b. This permit is personal to the applicant and may not be transferred to any other individual, entity, or a combination thereof; - 4 - November 12, 1986 c. The applicant is required to deposit $500 with the Town Comptroller to ensure satisfactory completion of the proposed project and the rehabilitation of any effected or disturbed areas; d. Work involving site preparation shall only take place from Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M.; 4. FURTHER CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND ALTERNATE SUBDIVISION LAYOUT SALEM DRIVE & BOULDER CIRCLE BLOCK 309 PARCELS 1799 AND 3 MR. ROBERT ARMOUR Mr. William Maker requested that this matter be heard at a later time during the meeting. * * * * * 5. CONSIDERATION OF SITE PLAN APPLICATION 13-19 MADISON AVENUE BLOCK 132 PARCEL 469 MADISON-LARCHMONTT, INC. E. FERRARONE, PRES. George Forbes, Attorney for the applicant, together with Mr. Ferrarone, presented the revised application to use the former Daitch Shopwell for offices. He stated that the necessary zoning variance was obtained from the Zoning Board of Appeals and that they are now requesting final approval of the site plan and that the public hearing be waived. Chairman Bell inquired if the application was complete and Mr. Trachtman responded that he had some question regarding fire protection for the change in use but that there was no significant difference because no construction was involved. Mr. Forbes stated that there was a sprinkler system on the premises and that additional sprinkler heads would be added as the offices were divided. - 5 - November 12, 1986 Mr. Trachtman then mentioned that traffic would be generally less during the day but that it could be heavier during the morning "peak hour." Mr. Ferraone stated that according to the traffic study, it was estimated that traffic would be one-seventh of what it was when the building was used as a grocery store. Mr. Schramm stated that he would like some input from the Police and Fire Departments. Attorney Hoffman then asked the Recording Secretary if notices were sent out to those departments and Ms. Marra stated that they were and only one response was received from the Police Department wherein it was stated that they had no objection to the proposed site plan and felt that less traffic would be generated by offices than there was with Daitch Shopwell. Mr. Ferrarone stated that the parking area was changed to include a "U" instead of cars having to back out if no space was available. Mrs. Carlson stated that she felt a public hearing was necessary because of the impact this would have on the neighborhood and she added that the environmental impact was also an issue to be addressed. Mrs. Bea Powers, a resident of Maxwell Avenue, stated that she reviewed the site plan and noticed that a tree was removed to which Mr. Ferrarone replied that it was a contained tree (tubbed) and that it would not fit in the area they had planned. Mrs. Powers then stated with the elimination of the grocery store, the trailer trucks making deliveries were also eliminated. Mrs. Delaurentis, of 194 Murray Avenue, stated that the Town was growing too fast to handle all of the traffic and that a public hearing should be held in order to hear what people have to say. - 6 - November 12, 1986 After further discussion, and on motion by Mrs. Carlson, seconded by Mrs. Latona, it was unanimously resolved that this matter be scheduled for a Public Hearing to be held on December 10, 1986. * * * * * 6. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION APPROVAL 109 GRIFFEN AVENUE BLOCK 305 PARCEL 903 MR. RONALD LOURIE Mr. Gabe Senor, P.E., presented Mr. Lourie's application to subdivide 2.4 acres into two parcels in an R-20 zone. He stated that the proposed subdivision would create a non- conforming frontage for Lot #1 and that that proposed residence on Lot #2 was approximately 50 feet from the Sheldrake River. Chairman Bell inquired if the application was complete to which Attorney Hoffman stated that it was complete for sub- division approval but that a Freshwater Wetlands permit would be required and suggested that Mr. Senor work closely with Mr. Trachtman concerning what documents would be necessary. At this time, on motion by Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mr. Scutaro, it was unanimously resolved that the Planning Board be, and it hereby is, designated as the Lead Agency. Mr. Trachtman stated that he did not have all of the required information to make a determination in that no contours were shown for the adjacent property. Attorney Hoffman conversed with Ms. Tolley concerning the proposed application after which she and Mr. Senor engaged in a conversation. - 7 - November 12, 1986 Ms. Tolley stated that the CZ Ng could only review a completed application to which Mr. Senor stated that the necessary information would be supplied. Thereafter, on motion by Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mrs. Carlson, it was unanimously resolved that this application be considered a Type I matter with mandatory referral to the G MC. * * * * * 7. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION APPROVAL 127 GRIFFEN AVENUE BLOCK 305 PARCEL, 850 MR. MARTIN KROUNER Mr. Donald Mazin, the applicant's attorney, and Mr. Krouner presented the application for subdivision and requested that the public hearing be waived as no public street was being proposed in the subdivision. Attorney Hoffman stated he would have to review the Town Law in order to make that determination. Mr. Trachtman stated that no topography or utility hookups were shown and he then inquired about any possible blasting to which Mr. Mazin replied that blasting would only be necessary if a basement were to built and that it could be done by hand. Mrs. Latona inquired as to depth of the bedrock to which Mr. Mazin stated that the engineer could not be in attendance but that the information would be forthcoming. At this time, on motion by Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mr. Scutaro, it was unanimously resolved that the Planning Board be, and it hereby is, designated as the Lead Agency and that this be declared as a Type II Action. - 8 - November 12, 1986 Thereafter, on motion by Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mr. Scutaro, it was unanimously resolved that this matter be scheduled for a Public Hearing to be held on December 10, 1986 for Preliminary and Final Subdivision Approval based on the determination by Attorney Hoffman as to whether this application did constitute a formal subdivision according to Town Law. * * * * * 8. PRE-SUBMISSION CONFERENCE FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL 1375 BOSTON POST ROAD BLOCK 411 PARCEL 196 MIDLAND CONSTRUCTION Mr. Victor D'Ortona, of Midland Construction, and Mr. Jan Degenshein and Attila Bodnar, Architects and Planners of Nyack, New York, presented the application for the proposed condominium office building and Mr. Degenshein then displayed an artist's rendering of the proposed project. Mrs. Carlson asked where the proposed building was planned in relation to East Creek which runs in back of the property to which Ms. Tolley stated that the proximity would have to be determined by the Freshwater Wetlands Map and she would look into the matter. Mrs. Carlson then questioned how run-off would be dealt with to which Mr. D'Ortona stated that it would be detained in an underground chamber and that no water would enter the creek. Chairman Bell inquired about the parking arrangements and Mr. D'Ortona explained how the easement agreement between the Carforas and Midland Construction was intended to create a synergistic effect since an office building and a restaurant would have different peak parking demand cycles thus eliminating the possibility of spill-over parking being necessary. - 9 - November 12, 1986 Mr. Degenshein inquired if the plans submitted had to be signed by a professional engineer or if that requirement could be waived as they were Architects and Planners to which Attorney Hoffman stated that he would look into the matter. Mr. Trachtman stated that the side yard setback dimension had to be corrected on the plans submitted and Mr. Bodnar stated that would be done and he then submitted completed Environmental Assessment Forms. Attorney Hoffman said a subdivision application would be required as well as a copy of the easement agreement for parking. Mr. Scutaro asked if the building could be moved closer to the street to which Mr. D'Ortona replied that it couldn't be moved because the building could not be located over the sewer easement. Ms. Wittner questioned the necessity of another office building to which Attorney Hoffman and Chairman Bell explained that this area was zoned for business use. 9. APPLICATION - FRESHWATER WETLANDS & WATER COURSES PERMIT 875 FENIMORE ROAD BLOCK 312 PARCEL 1 MR. R. SCHEUER Mr. Richard Scheuer and his Architect, Jim Cohn of Center- brook Architects, presented the application to do some work on the grounds and in the kitchen and then submitted revised plans for a Freshwater Wetlands and Water Courses Permit. At this time, on motion by Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mr. Scutaro, it was unanimously resolved that the Planning Board be designated as Lead Agency and that this matter be declared as a Type I Action with mandatory referral to CbMC. - 10 - November 12, 198E Chairman Bell, Mr. Hoffman and Mr. Trachtman then answered many of the applicant's questions and stated that no further action could be taken until comments were received from the Coastal zone Management Commission. 4. FURTHER CONSIDERATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND ALTERNATE SUBDIVISION LAYOUT SALEM DRIVE & BOULDER CIRCLE BLOCK 309 PARCELS 1799 AND 3 MR. ROBERT ARMOUR William Maker, Esq. , William Morgenroth, P.F. and Mr. Armour presented an additional set of plans which had five alternatives to the previous subdivision layout together with an accompanying four-page letter and Mr. Morgenroth then proceeded to explain the alternative building layouts. At this time, Mr. Maker requested that the Board declare this as a significant or nonsignificant unlisted action to which Attorney Hoffman stated that significance could not be determined without first reviewing the plans which were just submitted and Mrs. Carlson then requested that the wetlands be depicted on future plans submitted. Thereafter, on motion by Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mrs. Carlson, it was unanimously resolved that this be matter be declared as an Unlisted Action. Chairman Bell requested that Mr. Trachtman review the newly submitted plans and put his comments in writing. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion by Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mr. Scutaro, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 12:57 A.M. W t A Jean A. Marra Recording Secretary - 11 -