HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985_03_13 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD MARCH 13, 1985, IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET AND EDGEWOOD AVENUE, LARCHMONT, NEW YORK. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the acting Chairman, Mr. Schramm. ROLL CALL Present: Mr. Paul Kalos, Chairman Mrs. Mary Carlson Mr. Anton Schramm Mr. Emil Nicolaysen Mr. Sanford Bell Mrs. Caryl Mahoney Mr. Lester Bliwise Also present: Mr. Lee Hoffman, Jr. , Town Counsel Mr. Gary Trachtman, Engineering Consultant Mr. Stephen Altieri, Town Administrator Dr. Alan Mason, Conservation Advisory Committee APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of February 13, 1985 were pre- sented but Mrs. Carlson asked if they could be voted on since the transcript from the Public Stenographer had not been filed. Mr. Hoffman advised that the minutes should - not be approved without the transcript. PUBLIC HEARING - SITE PLAN REVIEW - GARFIELD HOUSING CORP. The Board voted to accept the long form Environmental Assess- ment Form on Garfield Housing application on a vote of five in favor with Mrs. Carlson abstaining and Mr. Kalos absent from this portion of the meeting. The following Resolution was adopted: Garfield Housing Corp. , having submitted an appli- cation for Site Plan Approval, and also having submitted a long form Environmental Assessment Form with additional comments, and the Consulting Engineer having corresponded and conferred with representatives of Garfield Housing Corp. and hav- ing reported to this Board, and the members of the Board and the Consulting Engineer having re- viewed the prior Draft Environmental Impact State- ment and Final Environmental Impact Statement sub- mitted for this site by the applicant, and the Planning Board having previously determined that the proposed project was a Type 1 Action pursuant to SEQRA, THIS BOARD, makes findings a fact, as follows: 1. This Board previously accepted a Final Environmental Impact Statement, which was accepted by this Board on October 13, 1982, for a project on the same site as the proposed action. 2. The proposed action will cause less total impact on the environment, with no anticipated impacts being in- creased by the proposed action when compared to the prior proposal. 3. The prior Environmental Impact Statement and Final Environmental Im- pact Statement, the long-form and cor- respondence between and among the Plan- ning Board, the Consulting Engineer, and the applicant or its representa- tive, are specifically made part of the basis of this determination. BASED UPON THE FOREGOING, THIS PLANNING BOARD determines that the pro- posed action by Garfield Housing Corporation will have an impact on the environment, but that the impact can be mitigated in accordance with the Environmental Assessment Form and additional comments submitted, and that no Draft Envrionmental Impact Statement need be prepared for this proposal; and The Secretary to the Planning Board is directed to prepare a Notice of Negative Declaration and serve same upon the proper parties. A Public Stenographer was present and his report will be made part of the record. The Board discuseed the Site Plan review and a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the Public Hearing until the next regular meeting on April 17th. APPLICATION FOR D'ELIA AND DECARO AUTOMOBILE DEALERSHIP - 2155 PALMER AVNUE BLOCK 501 PARCEL 1 Mr. Geoghegan, who is the Attorney for the applicants said they had at the request of the Planning Board filed a long form EIS together with a detailed analysis of traffic and drainage which had been reviewed by Mr. Trachtman. Mr. Geoghegan further said they had filed an application for a Special Permit before the new procedure had gone into effect and they have since filed an application for Site Plan Review. There was a question as to whether the Site Plan application had been certified by the Building Inspec- tor. The Board discussed the application and decided that the long form EIS which had been submitted is appropriately detailed and on motion made and seconded the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the applicant submitted both a short form and long form EIS and additional comments have been received from the Consulting Engineer and the Planning Board has determined that the proposed action is unlisted this Board makes the final findings of fact: 1. An application for a Special Per- mit was submitted to the Town Board but is now pending before this Board. 2. The proposed Site plan application has been submitted and filed. WHEREAS, the Environmental issues have been pro- perly mitigated including a proposal for oil sep- arators, methods of retention, and ingress and egress of traffic. WHEREAS, based upon the foregoing this Planning Board determines that the proposed action by D'Elia and DeCaro Automobile Dealership will have an impact on the environment but the impact can be mitigated in accordance with the documents received and no Draft Environmental Impact Statement need be prepared. The Secretary was asked to prepare the necessary notice. All the members voted in favor except Mrs. Carlson who abstained since she did not think the question of parking had been addressed but after further discussion she with- drew and voted in favor. Mr. Bliwise was absent for this matter. Mrs. Carlson pointed out that there has always been a pro- blem with the County drain but Mr. Rotfeld the applicant's Engineer pointed out that the drain was not on their pro- perty and they were using the existing sewer line. Mr. Hoffman pointed out that at the hearing for the Special Permit application conditions can be made and Mr. Schramm said the major concern is drainage. PRESUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FOR AUTOSPA - 178 MYRTLE BOULEVARD Mr. Paul Monsell, an Attorney represented the applicants and said that they had submitted a short form EAF. Mr. Monsell stated that the applicants propose to use the exist- ing structure which is owned by the Chatsworth Plaza Co. Mr. Monsell further said the franchise will be operated by Mr. David Epstein and the garage will be used for "drive-thru" oil change, oil filter change and lubrication services. Mr. Schramm questioned as to how many cars they expected to do in a day and the applicants said about 30 to 35. It was pointed out they would have three bays and would be opened six days a week from 8 to 6. A ques- tion was also raised as to the receptacles that would be used and who would pick up the full cans. Mr. Hoffman suggested the application for Special Permit be handled first and recommended that the applicants speak to Mr. Trachtman with respect to SEQR and in particular with regard to the disposal of oil. Mr. Hoffman suggested that they submit their application for the next meeting for a Special permit and whatever is appropriate for SEQR. OLD BUSINESS The regular meeting was closed and the Board continued to discuss the comments that had been received on the Maloney application and asked Mr. Trachtman to look into the pos- sibilities of any road alternatives. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this meet- ing it was adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Rita A. Job( on, Secretary