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1986_07_09 Planning Board Minutes
MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK JULY 9, 1986, IN THE COURTROOM, TOWN OFFICES 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW Y01( CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:20 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mr. Sanford Bell, Chairman Ms. Mary Carlson Mr. Anton Schramm Ms. Pat Latona Mr. Norman Cannon Absent: Mr. Lester M. Bliwise Mr. Gaetano Scutaro Also Present: Mr. Lee Hoffman, Town Attorney Mr. Gary Trachtman, Town Engineer Ms. Jean A. Marra, Board Secretary Public Stenographer from: J & L Reporting Service 185 Post Road White Plains, New York The Chairman stated that Mr. Norman Cannon was appointed to fill the expired term of Emil Nicolaysen on the Planning Board by the Town Board at its last meeting. He proceeded to introduce Mr. Cannon who is Vice President of Harper & Rowe Publishers, Inc. and welcomed him to his seven-year term of office. SCHEDULING The Chairman stated that a Special Meeting of the Planning Board would be held on July 22, 1986 and that it will take the place of the regularly scheduled August meeting. Planning Board Minutes - July 9, 1986 OAPPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT AND SITE PLAN APPROVAL THE LITTLE SCHOOL - 1201 PALMER AVENUE The Public Stenographer was present for a brief portion of this application and his notes will become a permanent part of this record. Ms. Lillian Mullane, Director of The Little School, Mr. John Mullane, and Mr. John Hesslein, Architect, appeared in support of their application to use the Old Courthouse building as a nursery school. Mr. Hesslein stated that the changes the Board Members suggested at the last meeting have been complied with in that the traffic flow would be counter-clockwise and the driveway widened and the number of parking spaces was increased to 10. Mr. Trachtman stated that he had several concerns regarding the revised plans which were submitted. He stated that the southwest boundary would require new macadam with no runoff of water onto the adjacent property. He added that in order to improve visibility when exiting from the property, the hedges had to be cut back. He also stated that the present sign on the north side of the driveway was in a poor location and suggested it be placed in a more visible location. After a brief discussion, Mr. Schramm moved that the Planning Board be designated the lead agency regarding the environmental impact, Ms. Carlson seconded the motion and the Board approved it unanimously with Mr. Cannon abstaining as his Oath of Office was not yet on file in the Town Clerk's Office. Mr. Schramm then moved that a determination be made that this is a Type II Action requiring no further environmental impact study. It was seconded by Ms. Latona and the Board approved it unanimously with Mr. Cannon abstaining as his Oath of Office was not on file in the Town Clerk's Office. Mr. Schramm requested that the applicant submit a new set of plans showing that a tree was removed and depicting the new parking area. - 2 - Planning Board Minutes - July 9, 1986 The Chairman requested that the Traffic Control Commission be furnished with a copy of the proposed plans and stated that their comments and suggestions would be appreciated before the next Board meeting. Mr. Hoffman asked to be furnished with a copy of the written statement submitted by the State of New York regarding the requirements they impose on a nursery school facility. The Chairman stated that this matter would be adjourned to the July 22, 1986 meeting. INFORMAL PRE-SUBMISSION CONFERENCE FOR SITE PLAN - COUGHLIN REALTY CORPORATION Donald Mazin, Esq., 1415 Boston Post Road, Larchmont, Mr. John Coughlin and Mr. Joseph Coughlin appeared in support of their proposed application to erect a two-story office building. Mr. Hoffman explained that under Site Plan Law, the Applicant may come before the Board and discuss the proposed concept in general and ascertain if there are any significant problems or any procedural matters that must be attended to and also to see what variances would have to be applied for through the Zoning Board of Appeals. Ms. Latona stated that the plans as submitted do not meet the parking requirements the Town has imposed. Mr. Mazin explained that the building will be used primarily to accommodate insurance brokers who do most of their work via the telephone. Ms. Carlson indicated that the use of the building does not present a concern, but the intensity of it does cause a problem. She also indicated an error in the plans which were submitted in that the building next door was only one-story and not a six-story building as depicted. - 3 - Planning Board Minutes - July 9, 1986 © Mr. Mazin said he spoke with the prior owner of the premises who indicated that the tanks had been removed. Mr. John Coughlin stated that the proposed building would be an excellent contribution to the area and that parking was a problem throughout the entire county. He also stated that he planned to erect an attractive building with a professional job being done by professional people. The Chairman stated that the informal conference on this matter was closed. * * * * * APPLICATION FOR FLOOD PLAIN PERMIT - MR. JOHN KLUGE Geoffrey Young, Esq., of Seacord, Young & Young, 277 North Avenue, New Rochelle, Mr. Ed Hanington, Engineer, of 16 Fast 41st Street, New York and David Anthony Easton, Architect, of 323 East 58th Street, New York, appeared in *✓ support of the proposed application to construct a two and one-half story addition to an existing one-family dwelling located on Beach Road in Premium Point. Mr. Young submitted and read a presentation to the Board in support of the application, and this document will become a permanent part of this record. Mr. Hanington stated that Mr. Kluge purchased an adjoining parcel of property and built the existing home and then had the other home demolished but the existing residence is inadequate for his needs. Mr. Hanington then submitted a letter to the Chairman outlining the materials to be used along with the proposed construction plans and said letter will become a permanent part of this record. Mr. Young stated that this application went before the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance with respect to the house not fronting on a public street. He indicated that the Fire Department did an "on-site" inspection of the premises and that they and the Police Department submitted letters stating that access of emergency apparatus to the premises presented no problems. - 4 - © Planning Board Minutes - July 9, 1986 Mr. Trachtman voiced his concern that the proposed addition was below the base flood elevation level. He stated that he found the grounds of hardship a difficult matter to consider in this situation. He concluded that all conditions had to be satisfied by the applicants in order for a building permit to be issued. Mr. Schramm summarized that his concerns dealt with the sanitary system, possible pollution problems, the effect on the Town regarding insurance policies and the Coastal Zone Management Committee's involvement on this application. Mr. Cannon stated he had questions concerning the insurance coverage, public health and safety standards and the Coastal Zone Management Committee. Ms. Carlson requested input from the CZM on an informal basis as well as a map depicting a larger area of the premises in relation to the neighbors. She then stated that this could possibly be an issue with the Board of Health. Ms. Latona stated that no hardship situation had been shown to her satisfaction and that she would like the matter referred to the CZM for their comments. The Chairman stated that he felt there was a large aesthetic component to the application and that hardship would have to be demonstrated. He stated that he also had concerns with public safety and the Town's responsibilities in case of flooding. It was the concenses of the Board that the matter be referred to the CZM on an informal basis for their consideration by July 21, 1986 and the matter would be adjourned until the July 22nd meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:35 P.M. :;!/ .. /% / f,a .. J an A. Marra, Board Secretary - 5 - (INSERT) COUGHLIN REALTY CORP. July 9, 1986 Planning Board Meeting Mr. Mazin: We are proposing a two-story office building and we are looking for guidelines regarding the type of building. Mr. Hoffman: Under Site Plan law, the applicant may come in and discuss the concept in general and find out if there are any significant problems and any procedural matters that must be attended to and what various variances would have to be applied for through the"Z oning Board of Appeals. Pat Latona: Parking — the Traffic Committee of the Town of Mamaroneck has stated that parking is a tremendous problem in this area. It does not meet the needs as proposed. Mr. Mazin: There are alternative situations which we are looking into. Mr. Coughlin will eventually take over the entire building but right now there are 11 employees who are Town residents. There will be about 15 - 19 personnel to start. Some get rides to work, others walk. Insurance agents do most of their work over the phone. Mr. Schramm: Use of office building is acceptable. Mrs. Carlson: Use of this is fine but the intensity of it is too much. Also, it appears to be a three-story building. Mr. Mazin: It is two stories -- total height is under the requirements. It will be dug down. Mrs. Carlson: What level is the deck? Mr. Coughlin: First-floor level with parking underneath. July 9, 1986 Mrs. Carlson: The building next door is a one-story building; not six story. Mr. Coughlin: Correct. He (the architect) confused it with the apartment building. Mr. Mazin: I spoke with the prior - owner of the premises and they said the tanks were taken out. The neighbors were spoken to and their general feeling was to have something nice there. Mr. Coughlin: I have tried to keep this low-key. Many people said they would support me and think it would be an excellent contribution to the area. Parking is a problem throughout all Westchester County. My present place is too small and my landlord sold me this parcel. I have been in the area 50 years and I bring good credentials and support 10 families who are employed by me. I want an attractive building and a professional job done by professional people and I am allowing room for expansion. 9/j/e - 2 -