HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989_02_08 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE
Present: Sanford A. Bell, Chairman
Jerry R. Donatelli
Norma Jacobson
Patricia Latona
Alan P. Murray
James J. Romeo
Absent: Anton Schramm
Also Present: Lee A. Hoffman, Jr. , Town Counsel
Gary Trachtman, Consulting Engineer
Claudia Ng, Environmental Coordinator
Shirley Tolley, CZMC
Elaine Price, Town Councilwoman
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
William E. Jakubowski, Building Inspector
Steven M. Silverberg, Special Counsel
Marcy Altman, Public Stenographer
Carbone, Kazazes & Associates
225 Mt. Pleasant Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Bonnie M. Burdick, Recording Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bell at 8:24 PM.
John Kuhn a/k/a Hans Kuhn
12 & 14 Copley Road
Block 409 Parcel 326
On motion by Mr. Romeo, seconded by Mrs. Latona, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and hereby is, declared
The Public Stenographer was present for this application and her
transcript will become a permanent part of this record.
On motion by Mr. Donatelli, seconded by Mrs. Latona, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and hereby is, declared
The Board was concerned that the utility hookups for the two houses
might be connected or that easements might be necessary. Mr. Hoffman
February 8, 1989
assured the members that these concerns would be answered before the
subdivision map was signed. Granting of subdivison approval would be
conditioned upon approval of a side yard variance by the Zoning Board.
Therefore, on motion by Mr. Murray, seconded by Mrs. Latona, the
following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, John Kuhn, a/k/a Hans Kuhn, has submitted an
application for final subdivision approval for a parcel at 12
and 14 Copley Road, known as Block 409 Parcel 326 on the Tax
Map of the Town of Mamaroneck; and
WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted an application for final
subdivision approval in proper form and complying with all
the requirements of the Town, other municipal agencies, the
comments of the Consulting Engineer to the Town and this
Planning Board; and
WHEREAS, this Board has previously determined that this is a
Type II Action pursuant to SEQRA and has completed all
proceedings relevant to SEQRA with respect to this
application; and
WHEREAS, this Board held a Public Hearing on the application
for final subdivision approval on February 8, 1989;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that final subdivision
approval is hereby granted to John Kuhn, pursuant to his
application and subject to all the terms and conditions set
forth below;
1. This approval is contingent upon approval by the
Town of Mamaroneck Zoning Board of Appeals of a
side lot variance on Lot 01 on the subdivision map,
which would reduce the total required side yard
from 20 feet to 16.8 feet;
2. The applicant shall produce one set of prints to
the Office of the Consulting Engineer to the Town
and one set of prints to the Building Department
showing the "as built" conditions for the curb
cuts, curbing and utility hookups prior to the
signing of the subdivision map by the Chairman of
the Planning Board;
3. If any of the utilities for the two houses are
hooked up in a common hookup which require
easements for access once the land is now longer in
common ownership, all such easements shall be
submitted to the Counsel for the Planning Board for
approval as to content and form, and such easements
February 8, 1989
shall be recorded, prior to the signing of the subdivision map by the
Chairman of the Planning Board.
2434 Boston Post Road
Block 503 Parcel 326
(George & Edith Realty Corp. )
2434 Boston Post Road
Block 503 Parcel 326
These two applicants which have been treated together were not ready
for consideration at this meeting. The matters were adjourned to the
next Planning Board meeting.
On motion of Mr. Romeo, seconded by Mr. Murray, the Board unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
requires the filing of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement
while considering Master Plan Update Phase I and Phase II.
As part of the SEQRA process, it is necessary that the Board
accept the DEIS as complete. Mr. Trachtman had reviewed the
document and determined that it meets State requirements.
Therefore, on motion of Mr. Murray, seconded by Mrs. Latona, the
Board unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
accepts the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the
Master Plan Phase I and Phase II of the Town of Mamaroneck as
Proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance were included as exhibits
in the DEIS. Mr. Bell requested the Board to consider these as well as
the DEIS. Mr. Hoffman stated that it would be necessary to hold a
Public Hearing on the DEIS at the next Planning Board meeting.
Therefore, on motion of Mrs. Latona, seconded by Mr. Donatelli, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby sets Wednesday, March 8, 1989
at 8: 15 P.M. as the date and time for a Public Hearing on the
February 8, 1989
DEIS of the Master Plan Phase I and Phase II of the Town of Mamaroneck;
and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board Secretary is hereby authorized to
publish the Notice of said Public Hearing in the Official
Newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck.
Mr. Hoffman stated that the period for written comments on the DEIS
could not be closed until after the Public Hearing.
The Board was concerned that the creation of the new Service Business
Zone would cause the removal of the control it exerts when issuing
Special Permits. It was the consensus that the sixth permitted use
under Service Business should still be subject to a Special Permit.
Much discussion about the Mixed Use Business District ensued especially
concerning the area at Madison Avenue. It was estimated that the
square footage that could be assembled there was 83,000. There are now
ten parcels with many owners.
Mr. Romeo reiterated his requests for new definitions in the Zoning Law
particularly one for the front yard, and Mr. Jakubowski suggested
making a provision to measure elevation at the curb on the street with
the front yard.
The Floor Area Ratio (FAR) was 1:1 in the Master Plan and 1.2: 1 in the
Appendix. 1.2: 1 would allow 20% more building or a total of 72,000
square feet in the proposed new zone on a 60,000 square feet lot.
Under the Master Plan new auto-related operations (gas station,
dealerships etc. ) would not be permitted on the stretch of the Post
Road from McDonald's to the Village of Larchmont line. Existing ones
would become a non-conforming use. If an existing business were
discontinued for a year, the non-conformity would no longer be
allowed. The Board approved of this concept.
Discussion continued about the Mixed Use Zone. The Board agreed that
should apartments be created in this zone, the average-sized apartment
should be a minimum of 750 square feet. There was a great deal of
discussion and some disagreement among the Board members concerning the
number of parking spaces which should be required for buildings built
in the new zone. The Board could not agree on specifics but wants to
retain control of this aspect of a new building.
Concern was expressed about specifics of design and the possibility of
a large building casting too large a shadow. Mr. Hoffman reminded the
Board that any Type I action goes to the CZMC.
February 8, 1989
The Board spent considerable time reviewing and commenting upon the
material in the DEIS. A letter from Mr. Altieri to Mr. Shuster which
coherently summarized the Board's comments will be an addendum to these
On motion of Mr. Donatelli, seconded by Mr. Romeo, the minutes for the
meeting of January 25, 1989 were approved.
On motion of Mr. Romeo, seconded by Mrs. Latona, the meeting was
adjourned at 11:45 PM.
Bonnie M. Burdick
oTown of Mamaroneck
LL Town Center
740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3319
Office of the Town Administrator
February 10, 1989
Daniel Shuster
RD#1 - Box 259
Stone Ridge, NY 12484
Dear Dan:
The Planning board, at its meeting of February 8, 1989, accepted as
complete the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the update of the
Master Plan. The Planning Board, however, did have comments on the
DEIS and the proposed zoning amendments appended to the DEIS.
Let me outline for you those oanments. The proposed addition to the
zoning ordinance of 89-28.1 - service business district. Section 2A(6)
pianos automatic car washing facilities within the principle uses of
the service business district. The Planning Board indicated their
preference for this use to be placed back into the Special Permit
category. Section 4B(1) - this section refers to the areas where the
MUB district may be mapped in accordance with the procedure set forth
in the Town's Zoning Ordinance for zoning amendments. The MUB district
may be mapped in either the business or the service business district.
The Planning Board has oo mented that the NUB district may not be
appropriate in the service business district. They appear concerned
over the mix of residential units with such uses as restaurants,
nurseries, etc.
The Planning Board also commented on Section 4C and D. They indicated
that clarification was necessary between the category of principle use
and special use. There is same confusion between the two. Therefore
review this item for further explanation to the Planning Board.
Section 4E(1) (b) - The Planning Board was concerned as to how building
heights would be determined. Therefore they would like to see wording
incorporated requiring height to be calculated from the average street
grade of the site at the curb of the front yard.
Section 4E(1) (d) - Side and rear set back. The Planning Board proposed
the following alternative formula for calculating side and rear set
backs. A minimm set back of 10' would be established. Above the
minim,tn, a formula of 4" per 1' of building height would be used to
calculate the total set back.
Section 4E(2) - Residential Density - the Planning Board would like to
give consideration to a minimum or average apartment size of 750 square
feet as opposed to your proposal.
Section 4E(3) (b) - there was a great deal of discussion on this matter
and it was felt that since the Master Plan Update discussed the over
burdening of existing municipal parking, that this formula therefore
would further exacerbate tt.. situation by allowing a reduction in
required parking for mixed residential and commercial use. They would
like for you to consider on the formula in Section 89-15 of the Zoning
Code as an alternative to your proposal.
Section 4E(4) (c) (i) - The Planning Board would like to know what this
section means. Everyone was unfamiliar with the technical language.
They could therefore not evaluate the implications of this section.
Am, The Planning Board has set March 8, 1989 as the date for the public
hearing on the DEIS. You should be prepared to attend this meeting and
it would be preferable that your responses be available to the Planning
Board prior to that meeting.
If you have any questions, please call.
Very truly yours,
Stephen V. Altieri
Town Administrator
cc: Supervisor Battalia
Councilwoman Price
Chairman, Planning Board
William Jakubowski