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1989_04_12 Planning Board Minutes
MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK APRIL 12, 1989, IN THE COURTROOM, TOWN CENTER 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK, NEW YORK Present: Sanford A. Bell, Chairman Norma Jacobson Patricia Latona Alan P. Murray James J. Romeo Anton Schramm Absent: Jerry Donatelli Also Present: Lee A. Hoffman, Jr. , Town Counsel Gary Trachtman, Consulting Engineer Elaine Price, Councilwoman Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Daniel Shuster, Planning Consultant Shirley Tolley, CZMC Phyllis Wittner, CZMC Danielle Leo, Public Stenographer Carbone, Kazazes & Associates 225 Mt. Pleasant Avenue Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Bonnie M. Burdick, Recording Secretary CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bell at 8:21 PM. PUBLIC HEARING - DRAFT GENERIC ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Master Plan Updates Phase I & II of the Town of Mamaroneck On motion by Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mrs. Jacobson, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and hereby is, declared reopened. The Public Stenographer was present for this application and her transcript will become a permanent part of this record. On motion by Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mr. Romeo, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and hereby is, declared closed. Mr. Hoffman stated that there would be a 20 day period following the closing of the Public Hearing for the public to make written comments on the DEIS. Comments were expected from the CZMC and the Consulting Engineer. April 12, 1989 -2- © It was the consensus of the Board that Mr. Hoffman should draft proposed findings and render his opinion of the additions to the DEIS and the proposed changes for the Master Plan and the Zoning Ordinance which will be made by Mr. Shuster and Mr. Silverberg. Mr. Hoffman stated that the Board would need additions and/or changes from Mr. Shuster by Friday, May 5, 1989 in advance of the next meeting of the Board - May 10, 1989. Mr. Shuster stated that he would prepare responses to the Board's comments made during the process of review and then react to the written comments of individuals and agencies other than the Board. PUBLIC HEARING - ADOPTION OF MASTER PLAN UPDATES Phases I & II of the Town of Mamaroneck On motion by Mrs. Latona, seconded by Mrs. Jacobson, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and hereby is, declared open. The Public Stenographer was present for this application and her transcript will become a permanent part of this record. On motion by Mr. Romeo, seconded by Mr. Schramm, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and hereby is, declared © closed. Mr. Hoffman stated that a Public Hearing on the Master Plan - Phase I and Phase II was optional but was scheduled in accordance with the policy of the Town. The determination of the Master Plan, he stated, will be a result of the extensive work of the Planning Board of the past 6 to 9 months. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Hoffman made a suggestion for incorporating Mr. Altieri's letter into the minutes of February 8, 1989. On motion of Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mr. Romeo said minutes were unanimously accepted as amended. On motion of Mrs. Latona, seconded by Mr. Romeo, the minutes for March 8, 1989 were unanimously approved. CONSIDERATION OF SITE PLAN APPLICATION AND SPECIAL PERMIT Hommocks Ice Rink Town of Mamaroneck Mr. Altieri presented plans based on preliminary drawings for a new ice skating surface, rink enclosure, possible supplementary building and a recreation building at the Hommocks recreation April 12, 1989 -3- O complex. Preliminary plans were presented as the Town is soliciting bids for two types of building and two types of rink. A special permit is necessary in addition to site plan approval because of the nature of the facility - the permit will cover hours of use etc. The "bubble" is 15 years old. The Town Board determined last year to replace it; and new refrigeration equipment was purchased prior to the '88 - '89 skating season. The proposed enclosure for the rink would be either a tension-membrane structure or a modular building similar to those used for warehouses. Facilities for a larger waiting area, new bathrooms, a changing room for hockey teams and a concession area which would be placed so that it could be used at the pool in the summer would be a part of the project. The material used for the rink itself has not been determined. It could be either concrete or a sand mixture. Should the decision be made to build a concrete rink, the facility could be operated year-round and be used for such activities as the day camp, indoor soccer and high-school baseball. The recreation building would be used for ice-related activities and parties, teenaged recreation, aerobics classes and so forth. The parking lot near the rink entrance will no longer be for the general public. The entrance to the rink will be relocated, gravel Cpaths will lead from the large school/town parking lot. A chain-link fence would be necessary to protect the tension-membrane building. The Town wants to build the new facility this summer before the new skating season begins in November. The cost is projected to be $2.3 - $2.5 million. Optimum time for building is before November. Revenues for ice skating have risen. With the Rangers using Playland and the closing of other nearby rinks, the use of the Hommocks has increased. Mr. Altieri reminded the Board that the school system has the use of the rink at premium times. The value of this time (approximately $40,000.00) is not reflected in the balance sheet for the rink. It is projected that with a new facility revenues will rise 30-35%. Tom Birdzell, a member of the committee working on the ice-rink proposal, was in the audience. He stated that there had been 26,000 individual paid admissions in 1988 and that at peak times - Saturday and Sunday afternoons - the ice was "packed". Mr. Altieri stated that the Recreation Department plans to extend the ice-skating season by several weeks. Realtors have told the Town administration that the ice rink is an attraction to those considering moving to the Town. Mr. Altieri stated that bids will be accepted for the project April 12, 1989 -4- © about May 12, 1989 and accepted about May 17, 1989. The useful life of the facility is estimated to be between 20 and 40 years. Chairman Bell stated that the individual members of the Board sit as taxpayers as well as a Planning Board. He stated that a great many recreation dollars will be spent on the rink proposal. Mr. Bell was particularly annoyed by the "concave" tennis courts at Central School. He stated that he would have to abstain from voting on the project. Mr. Altieri reminded Mr. Bell that it would be possible to request a permissive referendum at the time the project goes before the Town Board. Mrs. Latona, Mr. Murray and Mr. Schramm expressed the opinion that approval of the project itself was not being asked of the Planning Board. Mr. Romeo stated that as he had been closely involved with the planning of the facility he, too, would abstain from voting on the matters at hand. The Board, particularly Mrs. Latona, had questions concerning environmental effects of the project. Mr. Altieri stated that there would be a minimal impact on the playing fields or East Creek (other than the actual buildings themselves) : no new areas will be covered with macadam; equipment will be stored immediately East of the building; the Zamboni ice cleaning machine is serviced off of the site; water based paint is used for hockey lines; and flooding should not be a problem as the maximum ice surface will be 3 inches. A storage tank with the capacity of 1000 gallons for heating oil will be at the site. Power will be obtained from the New York State power authority. Con Ed will supervise the construction of and service the electrical installation. It is estimated that the energy costs for the proposed facility will be less than those for the current one. Because of the nature of the land it will be necessary to build an ejector pump on the sewer line which will go from the new service building to Hommocks Road. Mr. Romeo commented that such pumps are commonly used in current condominium construction. Piles are also necessary. Mr. Schramm was concerned that creosote may leach into the subsoil. Steel piles could be used. The piles will extend 27' down. A "heave" shield will be build under the rink whether it is made of concrete or not. Mrs. Latona had a question on #14 of the EAF. Mr. Altieri will supply a more complete answer. When questioned about traffic and school/Town use of the complex, Mr. Altieri stated that the peak use of the facility should be on weekends and during school vacations. The Town Recreation Department schedules special events at night or prior to holidays. O April 21, 1989 -5- © Mr. Hoffman requested a copy of the agreement between the Town and the school system concerning the parking area, pool and playing fields. Mr. Trachtman stated that by law a survey is required before the Board may approve the project. He had communicated with the Board by letter concerning the Hommocks rink proposal. Said letter will be made a part of the record. On motion of Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mr. Murray, the Planning Board requested a survey of the area where the proposed facility would be built. On motion of Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mr. Murray, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Planning Board is the Lead Agency and solely responsible for determining whether the proposed action may have a significant impact on the environment FURTHER RESOLVED, that this application is a Type I action under SEQRA. On motion of Mrs. Latona, seconded by Mr. Murray, it was unanimously ORESOLVED, that this application be referred to the Coastal Zone Management Commission. On motion of Mr. Schramm, seconded by Mr. Murray, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby sets Wednesday, May 10, 1989 at 8: 15 P.M. as the date and time for a Public Hearing on the application of The Town of Mamaroneck; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board Secretary is hereby authorized to publish the Notice of said Public Hearing in the Official Newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Bell noted that Mr. Hoffman had provided the Board with a memo regarding the changes in SEQRA designations concerning freshwater wetlands. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Mr. Murray, seconded by Mr. Romeo, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM. • ` br Bonnie M. Burdick