The meeting was called to order by the acting Chairman,
Mr. Warner Pyne, Jr. , who Mr. Blair has asked to chair
the meeting in his absence, at 8: 20 P.M.
Present: Mr. Warner Pyne, Jr. , Acting Chairman
Mrs . Mary Carlson
Mr. Anton Schramm
Mr. Paul Kalos
Absent: Mr. G. Norman Blair
Also present: Mr. Charles R. Elfreich, P.E. , Town Engineer
Mr. James J. Johnston, Town Attorney
The minutes of the meeting of September 16, 1981 were
presented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved
as submitted.
Mr. Richard Ferrarone of Lane Appraisals presented the
Board with a letter from Mr. Togut, the owner of the pro-
perty authorizing him to represent his application.
The Board questioned Mr. Ferrarone as to where the front-
age would be on the vacant lot and Mr. Ferrarone said
they could have frontage on either Glenn Road or Spruce
Road but it would probably be on Glenn Road. The Board,
also, discussed the right-of-way shown on the subdivision
map and it was pointed out that it belonged to the Town.
After further discussion the Board decided to schedule
the Public Hearing for the next meeting and the Secretary
was asked to prepare the notice.
120 PARCEL 253
Mr. Forbes represented the applicant, Mr. Michael Harring-
ton. Mr. Forbes had written a letter to the members of
the Board advising them that the Zoning Board of Appeals
had approved the application for the variance for the
50 ft. frontage at their meeting held on September 30th.
Mr. Forbes asked that the Planning Board now consider
the application for final subdivision approval .
The Secretary was advised to schedule the Public Hearing
for the next meeting .
Mr. Kalos requested that he abstain from voting on the
application since he is a resident of Colonial Avenue.
Mr. Pyne read the Notice of Hearing.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Mamaroneck Planning
Board pursuant to Section 276 and 277 of the Town Law
will hold a continuation of the Hearing of September
16, 1981 on October 16, 1981 in the Auditorium of the
Weaver Street Firehouse , Weaver Street and Edgewood Avenue,
Town of Mamaroneck, Larchmont, New York at 8: 15 P.M. on
the application of Garfield Housing Corporation for the
amalgamation of two parcels into one and the extinguish-
ing of three Town streets with the creation of one Town
street on the property located on the southwesterly side
of Chatsworth Avenue and known on the Tax Assessment Map
of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 133 Parcel 148 and
299 .
TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that all persons present will be given
an opportunity to be heard.
The Chairman, also, read a letter addressed to Mr. Blair,
as Chairman of the Planning Board dated September 24th
from the Town Attorney, Mr. James Johnston. In his letter,
Mr. Johnston, advised that after examining the minutes
of the meeting of July 15th and the State Law applicable
to Environmental Impact Studies and the Town 's Environ-
mental Quality Review Law the examination revealed that
the Planning Board with a vote of 3 to 2 had in all ways
complied with the applicable law. Mr. Johnston further
said that he had obtained a portion of the minutes of
the meeting held on September 16th which were confined
to the closing of the meeting indicating that the Board
might obtain a legal opinion from him as to whether or
not an Environmental Impact Study can now be asked for
by the Board.
Mr. Johnston , alo, said in his letter that according to
the Public Notice for the hearing on September 16th the
purpose of the meeting was to consider the amalgamation
of the two parcels into one and the extinguishing of three
streets with the creation of one Town street and that
Mr. George Forbes had made his presentation on behalf
of the applicant. Mr. Johnston additionally said that
at the end of Mr. Forbes presentation when the audience
was asked whether or not anyone wished to say anything
against the application they took it upon themselves to
address the Board seemingly as the Lead Agency for the
Environmental Quality Review Law which was completely
Also, Mr. Johnston said that from what he had learned
from personal conversations with the Board 's Secretary,
the Attorney for the applicant, Mr. Guadagnolo 's Attor-
ney and other third parties the concerns of the people
in attendance were mainly matters that should be brought
to the attention of the Zoning Board. In conclusion,
in his letter Mr. Johnston said that in his opinion the
Board should not withdraw their determination and should
proceed with the completion of the hearing started on
September 16th.
The Chairman said that the only issue before the Board
for discussion was the "subdivision" and the neighbors
concern about the water problem. Mr. Pyne said he had
investigated the flooding issue and learned that it has
been under discussion for 12 years and the final deter-
mination has been that the construction will not make
conditions "worse".
Mrs. Carlson said she had spent an afternoon in the West-
chester County Planning Department and also spoke to Mr.
Peter Lielenthal and Mr. Steven Goldstein who told her
that the Board could reverse its decision.
Mr. Forbes stated that the law is clear and that the Board
had acted properly and the 30 day "protest period" had
Mrs . Kaplan of 99 Madison Avenue said she has a water
problem now and her basement floods. Mrs. Kaplan, also,
said that she could produce documents to prove that there
is a very serious water problem and that she still has
questions about some of the answers on the Environmental
Assessment Form.
It was pointed out that the property in question is now
zoned RTA which allows a six story apartment house.
Mr. Sanders of 42 North Chatsworth Avenue said he had
many questions about the answers given on the Assessment
Mr. Buchman who represented the Premium Point Association
spoke of the affect that the project would have on the
Premium Marsh lands .
Mr. Henry Neale, an Attorney, who said he represented
Dr. and Mrs . Wilson said that the Board could change its
decision regarding the need for the Environmental Impact
Mr. Schramm said he felt the Board had discussed the En-
vironmental issue as required and on a vote of 3 to 2
had made their decision . Mr. Schramm, also, said that
the Town Attorney had advised them that they acted in
accordance with the law.
Mr. Kenneth Schmelkin of 3 Washington Square said he felt
the Board was not serving the people.
Mr. Pyne said he thought the Board had acted in good faith
and they were only working for the good of the Community.
He again said that the only issue before the Board was
the "amalgamation of the two parcels".
Mr. Goldstein of 21 North Chatsworth Avenue said he had
looked at the plans and felt that the street leading from
their building has been moved a considerable distance
from the original plan . Mr. Goldstein, also, said that
it disturbs them that it appears some of the trees will
have to be removed which serve as a barrier for noise
and traffic.
Mr. Ted Brown asked for a clarification of "Jefferson
Street" . It was pointed out that the new Jefferson Street
which is now a "paper street" will be adjacent to the
old Jefferson Street and will be wider. The Board stip-
ulated that the developer and any future owners must main-
tain a barrier of hedges as a buffer at the Madison Ave-
nue end of the private driveway. The neighbors requested
a wall but Mr. Feder said the Fire Department would not
allow it since if the Fire Department or any other emer-
gency vehicles need to get through they could run over
the hedges .
Mr. Kalos and Mr. Pyne both said the Board should discuss
the issue only.
Mrs. Carlson said that according to the Master Plan it
was recommended that the property in question be used
for a park.
Mr. Forbes said that the Town Board had now rezoned the
property to RTA and when the Town had a study made several
years ago by Raymond and May Associates they recommended
the property be rezoned RTA.
Mr. Henry Korngold of 6 Lafayette Road said because of
all the children in the neighborhood they wanted the streets
left deadend and the proposed plan will destroy the neigh-
borhood. Mr. Korngold said that the hedges can be torn
down .
The Board discussed as to whether the entrance to the
garage could be changed to the other side from what is
shown on the plan and Mr. Elfreich said if they did it
would place the traffic on North Chatsworth Avenue.
The Board, also, discussed traffic and Mrs . Kaplan said
Mrs . Siconolfi had taken a traffic count between 4:30
P.M. and 4:40 P.M. Mrs . Kaplan said the traffic was very
heavy in the ten minutes and the proposed project will
add to the traffic. Mrs . Kaplan urged that a traffic
study be made.
Mr. Kalos spoke and said if the subdivision is not approved
both properties could be built on and no change in the
road; would be necessary. He, also, said that the Board
should approve the application if acceptable and if they
have any suggestions they could be made.
Mr. Forbes said they would not be before the Board if the
Town Engineer had not approved the plan and they had com-
plied with all the regulations of the Town .
Mr. Kalos said in his opinion he did not think the impact
on traffic will be so great. A question was raised as
to off-street parking and it was pointed outthat there
would be no change.
Mr. Dallos of 1 Huguenot Drive said since the Board has
doubts about their impact statement why make the same
mistake again .
Mr. Kalos said he had heard enough evidence and even though
he had reservations and thinks a lot could be shown with
a traffic study he does not think it will make that much
of a change. Mr. Schramm said he would vote without
a traffic study and Mr. Pyne said he felt the only addi-
tional cars would be residents . On a vote of 3 to 1 the
Board decided to pass the application with Mrs . Carlson
voting against. The Board passed the application with
the stipulation being added to the Resolution that the
developer and any future owners maintain a barrier of
hedges at the Madison Avenue end of the private driveway.
The following Resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, Garfield Housing Corp. has filed an
application for the approval of the amalgama-
tion of two parcels into one and the extinguish-
ing of three Town streets with the creation
of one Town street on the property located on
the southwesterly side of Chatsworth Avenue
and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck as Block 133 Parcels 148 and 299;
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 276 and 277 of
the Town Law a Public Hearing was held on Sep-
tember 16 , 1981 and a continuation of the Hear-
ing was held on October 14, 1981 after notice
was published in the official newspaper of the
Town of Mamaroneck, the Daily Times; and
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans and
determined that the same are satisfactory;
RESOLVED, that the application of Garfield Hous-
ing Corp. be approved subject to the following
conditions :
1 . That the applicant obtain appro-
val from the Westchester County Health
Department for all public water sup-
ply facilities to serve all structures
intended for human occupancy constructed
in said subdivision .
2. The applicant shall install all
street improvements in accordance
with the plans and specifications
as filed with this application and
in accordance with the standards and
specifications acceptable to the ap-
propriate Town Departments and any
revisions which are noted on the final
3. No building permit shall be issued
until the applicant either furnishes
a performance bond or posts a cash
deposit in the amount specified by
the Town Engineer for the completion
of such improvements , such bond to
run for a term of one year and to
be issued by a bonding or surety com-
pany approved by the Town Attorney
as to form, sufficiency and manner
of execution .
4. That formal offers or deeds of
cession to the public of all streets,
highways or public places and any
necessary easements indicated on the
plans filed with the Planning Board
shall be in form satisfactory to the
Town Attorney and shall be held by
said Attorney until such streets are
formally accepted by the Town Board,
provided that such delivery of such
offers or deeds shall not constitute
an acceptance by the Town of the dedi-
cation of any such street, highway,
easements or public places , nor waive
the payment of necessary title charges
and recording fees , but that such
acceptance shall be based solely upon
the adoption of a Resolution by the
Town Board.
5. That the applicants obtain approval
from the Westchester Joint Water Works
and from the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck for the relocation of
the water mains as shown on the con-
struction drawings and that an amount
sufficient to cover the amount of
the relocation of said water mains
and appurtenances as estimated by
the Manager of the said Water Works
be deposited with said Water Works .
6 . The applicant furnish construc-
tion drawings to be approved by the
Town Engineer.
7. That the applicant or any future
owners maintain a barrier of hedges
as a buffer at the Madison Avenue
end of the private driveway.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon compliance with
all of the above conditions , the Chairman of
the Planning Board is hereby authorized to sign
the map as evidence of approval of same.
It was decided that because the next scheduled meeting
was on a holiday (November 11th) the meeting be held on
November 18th .
There being no further business to come before this meet-
ing it was adjourned at 11 :30 P.M.
ita A. Johns , Secretary
A Court Stenographer was present for the application of
Garfield Housing Corp. and his report is filed in the
folder for the applicant.