HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984_10_10 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD OCTOBER 10, 1984, IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET AND EDGEWOOD AVENUE, LARCHMONT, NEW YORK. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:30 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mr. Paul Kalos, Chairman Mr. Anton Schramm Mr. Sanford Bell Mrs. Caryl B. Mahoney Mr. Lester Bliwise Absent : Mrs. Mary Carlson Mr. Emil Nicolaysen Also present: Mr. Lee Hoffman, Jr. , Town Counsel Dr. Alan Mason, Conservation Advisory Committee APPROVAL OF MINUTES • The minutes of the meeting of September 12, 1984 were pre- sented and on motion made and seconded approved as submitted. APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION OF JOSEPH T. MALONEY (BERRINGER PROPERTY) FENIMORE ROAD - BLOCK 302 PARCEL 1 - BLOCK 304 PARCELS 1 and 58 - BLOCK 312 PARCELS 45 and 130 The Chairman explained that the Board would have to deter- mine the type of report and study they would require to be submitted by the applicants. Dr. Schloss of 31 Kolbert Drive showed a short film on how the street looked when there was a heavy rain and said they were concerned that the development will increas? the water run off. Dr. Mason had given the members of the Board a report des- cribing the drainage situation and questions regarding traffic. Mr. Hoffman advised the Board that they should discuss not only drainage but other issues that should be addressed in the Environmental Study. Mr. Schramm said that in his opinion there were three major concerns; sanitary sewers, flooding and the road and that they should be carefully addressed. QMr. Pravda of 22 Salem Drive questioned about the trees that would have to be removed. Mr. Morganroth pointed out that that would be part of the site plan and the drainage would be in accordance with the standards for the County and the main stream going through the property would not be touched. Dr. Schloss said the proposed black top will affect the stream. Mr. Morganroth said that the water that comes through the property is mainly from the golf course. Mr. Pravda suggested that the study should also include traffic. Mr. Kalos pointed out that cul-de-sacs are not permitted over 400 ft. but the Planning Board does have the right to allow this. Mr. Schramm said he did not think any increase on the traf- fic will have any significant impact. Mr. Kalos said that a subdivision over 10 acres requires a dedication for recreation and they would have to decide whether in lieu of land they could request money for the Town. The issue of blasting was also brought up and Mr. Hoffman said that could be addressed in the Environmental Study. Mr. Morganroth said there was considerable rock outcrop- ing and they will try to minimize because of the costs. © It was pointed out that the Board would like to go o as a group to look at the property and Mr. Morganroth he would have the surveyor put in stakes where the road is planned. After discussion the Board decided with all the members voting in favor they would allow the developer's Engineer to do the Study for review and on motion made and seconded the Board resolved the following: WHEREAS, Joseph T. Maloney (Berringer property) has submitted an application for a subidivision, and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has found that a Draft Environmental Impact Statement should b- prepared; and NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Board has determined that the developer's Consultant may present the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for their review with particular detailed emphasis includ- ing layout of drainage, sanitary sewers, proposed runoff compared with the situation as it now exists with particular review of holding methods within a scope that would normally be accepted. 4:: FURTHER, the Draft Environmental Impact State- ment should include a study of the proposed cul- de-sac and its impact on traffic, fire trucks and potential through traffic and in this a num- ber of alternative methods of handling the site if the Board does not allow the longer cul-de-sac including impact on extending the road and pos- sibility of using a second road on site. The Board decided that the would go out to look at the site on Saturday, November 3rd at 10:00 A.M. and invited anyone from the public to come along. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT - FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER CO. - 1391 BOSTON POST ROAD - BLOCK 411 PARCEL 196 Mr. Bruno Gioffre, an Attorney represented the applicants and said Firestone had a contract to purchase the property from the Estate of Solomon Petchers. Mr. Gioffre further said the property is located in a Business District and part of the property is occupied by the International House of Pancakes. Mr. Gioffre said they proposed to construct a building on part of the property which will conform to all the zoning requirements and meet all the standards in terms of drainage, water retention and there is adequate capacity for the sewer lines. Mr. Gioffre also said that they would provide customer service inside the building and the parking area will be suitably screened. Dr. Mason pointed out that at the rear of the property they have problems with oil spills and he would like to know what specific plans the applicants are going to make for containing oil spills so it will not get into the drain- age system. Mr. Bliwise asked if their parking was to be separated from IHOP's and Mr. Gioffre said the parking was more than adequate. Mr. Hoffman pointed out that the application had been re- ferred to the Planning Board from the Town Board for a Special Permit and they would have to make some SEQR deter- mination. Mr. Schramm suggested one of the problems that should be addressed is traffic and also concern of the oil spill plus drainage. On motion made and seconded with all the members voting in favor the Board decided that Mr. Gioffre submit more detail in regard to traffic, sanitary sewer system, full drainage system, retention with provisions for the con- tainment for the oil, hours of operation, parking to be used for the proposed building and International House of Pancake and a sketch of the site for traffic flow and parking. Mr. John Geoghegan, an Attorney for a proposed user of r4 the former nursery property on Palmer Avenue appeared to inquire about Planning Board procedure in dealing with a prospective application. The Board then made a motion to go into Executive session. REFERRAL FROM TOWN BOARD RE SPECIAL PERMIT HEARINGS The Town Board had requested the Board to discuss the pos- sibilty of the Planning Board hearing all Special Permit applications since they already make recommendations after hearing the applications. The Board requested the Secretary to advise the Town Board that since they have made recommendations in the past re- garding Special Permits it would save time for the appli- cants if the Planning Board heard the applications and had the Public Hearings. The Planning Board was willing to accept the autonomy as an appropriate delegation if the Town Board should so decide. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this meet- ing it was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Rita A. Johns n, Secretary