HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984_11_14 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD NOVEMBER 14, 1984, IN THE COURT HOUSE, 1201 PALMER AVENUE, LARCHMONT, NEW YORK. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:25 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mr. Paul Kalos, Chairman Mrs. Mary Carlson Mr. Sanford Bell Mrs. Caryl B. Mahoney Mr. Lester Bliwise Absent: Mr. Anton Schramm Mr. Emil Nicolaysen Also present: Mr. Lee Hoffman, Jr. Town Counsel Dr. Alan Mason, Conservation Advisory Committee Mr. Gary Trachtman, Engineering Consultant APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of October 10, 1984 were pre- sented and on motion made and seconded approved as submitted. APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION OF JOSEPH T. MALONEY (BERRINGER PROPERTY) FENIMORE ROAD - BLOCK 302 PARCEL 1 - BLOCK 304 PARCELS 1 and 58 - BLOCK 312 PARCELS 45 and 130 The Chairman stated that the members of the Planning Board had viewed the site with members of the public on November 3rd and they now have before them a Draft Environmental Impact Statement. It was pointed out that it was the first time the Engineer had seen the document and the public had the right to look at the Draft and comment on it. Mrs. Carlson asked if they would be able to suggest additional information and Mr. Hoffman said that after the Board reviewed the document if they felt there were any questions they could ask for more information. Mr. Hoffman, also, said that after the Draft Environmental Statement has been re- viewed by the Engineer if he has any comments the Board could accept the document and it would then be public re- cord and the public would have access to it. Mr. Hoffman further said that any comments made prior to the Board's acceptance of the document would not be part of the pub- lic record and any comments made would have to be resub- mitted after acceptance. A suggestion was made that the Public Hearing would pro- bably be in January. Mr. Kalos pointed out that the applicant has requested an amendment be made since Mr. Campbell had submitted a letter asking that the proposed 7 ft. berm adjoining Mr. Scheuer's property be changed so that the berm would be no higher than four feet and other land be used for water retention. Mr. Campbell said that they were asking Mr. Morganroth their Engineer to amend the drainage study and it would be submitted to the Planning Board and Mr. Scheuer within a week. Mr. Hoffman explained to the Board that once the Board makes their finding that the document is complete and ac- cepts it there is a certain time period in which the pub- lic has time to comment. Mrs. Carlson said she had read the Draft through once and she questioned who would maintain the retention area and who would be responsible and that question should be ad- dressed in the report. It was decided that the Board would make their decision at a later meeting as to whether they would accept the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT - FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. - 1391 BOSTON POST ROAD - BLOCK 411 PARCEL 196 The Chairman explained that at the last meeting the Board had discussed whether they wanted to make findings on the type of action. Dr. Mason pointed out that the application for Power Test had been turned down by the Town Board and their applica- tion was similar to this. Mr. Hoffman said that there was a question as to whether the use was conforming and whether they would have to sub- divide the property. Mr. Kalos requested a memo from Mr. Hoffman on this. Mr. Gioffre said that Firestone intended to own the entire piece of property and the only question had to do with the relationship of parking and the circulation of the cars. Mr. Dolph Rotfeld, who is the Engineer for the applicant said he had spoken to Mr. Elfreich, who had told him they had a tv inspection and the report showed the sewer was adequate. Mr. Rotfeld stated that the plan shows two catch basins which will run into a retention tank and the runoff will be no greater than it is now. He proposed that a hood be used to contain any oil or grease that may wash off in the parking lot. Mr. Rotfeld further said that the floor drains in the building would be connected to a sand and grease filter prior to discharge into the sewer system. Mr. Robert Schoenberger, who is a resident said he was concerned about the area and did not think we needed another garage in the area. The Board discussed the impact on traffic of the two dif- ferent uses. Mrs. Carlson said she wants the applicants to show the relationship to the adjacent properties such as Hommocks parking lot and the Larchmont motel. Dr. Mason said he wanted more information on how the oil problem will be solved. Mr. Schoenberger pointed out that there will be an increased traffic flow. Mr. Hoffman pointed out that the Board could determine with respect to the Environmental issue what type this application is but he was not in a position to give any information on the two different uses. Mrs. Mahoney questioned about what Firestone did with the old tires and the applicant said they have trucks that come and pick them up and they would be stored inside. Mr. Hoffman advised the Board to deal with SEQR with res- pect to type, determination and significance and after that they can discuss the application and make the neces- sary recommendations to the Town Board for the Special Permit. The Board on motion made and seconded with all members present in favor voted for the applicant to prepare the long Environmental Assessment form with specific attention to the oil problem. PRESUBMISSION CONFERENCE ON APPLICATION FOR CAR DEALERSHIP - 2155 PALMER AVENUE - BLOCK 501 PARCEL 1 Mr. John A. Geoghegan, who is the Attorney for the appli- cant appeared before the Board and said they intended to expand the present building in the rear to provide service for new cars. Mr. Geoghegan explained that there initially would be very few models available of this particular car and they anticipate a growth company. Mr. Geoghegan said they intend dealing with drainage on the site but if necessary they could put in tanks under ground. Dr. Mason said that the drains go into the Pinebrook and the Premium Marsh and they would be concerned about any oil spillage. Mr. Geoghegan said they had met with some of the neighbors and a question was raised as to how many cars would be parked on the site. Mr. Geoghegan pointed out that this particular car was an expensive car and Mrs. Carlson ques- tioned about the servicing. After further discussion the Board advised the applicants they could submit a Special Permit application to the Town Board and at the next meeting of the Planning Board after the application has been submitted to them by the Town Board for their recommendations the Planning Board could hear the proposal and the application for Site Plan Review if it is submitted. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this meet- ing it was adjourned at 11:15 P.M. /et; Rita A. Johnsp , retary * Mrs. Carlson recommended that they review cluster hous- ing which is one of the alternatives that could be accom- plished.