The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:20
Present: Mr. Paul Kalos, Chairman
Mrs. Mary Carlson
Mr. Warner Pyne, Jr.
Mr. Anton Schramm
Mr. Emil Nicolaysen
Also present : Mr. James J. Johnston ,Town Attorney
Mr. Charles R. Elfreich , P. E. , Town Engineer
The minutes of the meeting of October 13, 1982 were pre-
sented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved
as submitted.
The Board discLssed the findings as set forth in the Final
Enivronmental Impact Study and based on the findings and
the factual record approved the subdivision plan for the
amalgamation of the two parcels and extinguishing of three
streets and the creation of one new street on a vote of three
to two with Mrs. Carlson and Mr. Nicolaysen voting against.
The Board, also, discussed the recommendations and con-
ditions that could be attached to their approval and the
following Resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, the Final Environmental Impact Study
for theLarchmont
La chmont Apartments , dated September,
1982, which was prepared after the submission
and review of a Draft Environmental Impact
Study in accordance with State Environmental
Quality Review Act procedures, was on September
15, 1982 found to be complete and in accordance
with local and-State statutes , and
WHEREAS, after considering the Final Environ-
mental Impact Study, it is determined that ,
subject to the conditions outlined
below, consistent with local social , econo-
mic and land use considerations , to the maxi-
mum extent practicable from among the reason-
able alternatives available, the development
of Larchmont Apartments is such as to minimize
or avoid adverse environmental effects. In
making this finding, the following social ,
physical and economic factors as outlined in
the Environmental Impact Study have been con-
1 . The site consists of two parcels
of land one owned by the Town and one
privately owned.
2 . The property was rezoned to R-TA
in 1979.
3. The site near the railroad staTon
is close to shops .
4. The adjacent uses are high-rise
apartments to the south , and single
family houses to the north . Thus ,
the site may be called a transition
5. The development of the site is
proposed in a manner that clusters
the buildings on the southerly end
of the combined parcel , and leaves
a buffer area including recreational
space, open space, and vegetation
along the northern side of the pro-
perty nearest to the single family
homes .
6. Under existing zoning, a six story
high rise building could be built,
7. The building as proposed (consist-
ing of 7,8 and 9 story portions) would
be taller than permitted by zoning
and taller than the adjoining struc-
tures. The building is to be developed
in a topographic low point.
8. The density of the proposed build-
ing exceeds the RTA density standards .
9. The proposed apartment exceeds
the coverage limits of the RTA zone.
10. The accessory garage would require
another variance.
11 . The property is part of the Pine
Brook drainage basin which suffers
from flooding downstream of the site.
The proposed plan would provide storm
water retention on-site in order to
reduce peak flows from the property
and thus avoid any downstream increase
in flooding as a result of the pro-
12. Nearby properties suffer from
flooding during rainstorms ..
The Town' s sewer
system (with the proposed improvement
in 5th Avenue) can handle the sewer
loads, although storm water will con-
tinue to overload the system during
peak rain periods. Thus requiring
mitigative measures if no further
impact is to be created.
13. Nearby intersections have traf-
fic problems which previous studies
have pointed out are a result of in-
efficient utilization of the avail-
able curb-to-curb street widths and
improper traffic signal timing. Traf-
fic engineering studies have shown
that with implementation of the im-
provements recommended in the Town
TOPICS study at these intersections,
they will operate at satisfactory
levels of service with the added traf-
fic from Larchmont Apartments.
14. Analyses of air quality and noise
show that projected increases in noise
and carbon monoxide emissions will
not be significant.
15. The projected increase in school
children is very small and can be
accommodated in the existing class-
16. A significant impact expected
from the proposed building will be
the visual change in the area from
a vacant to a developed site, and
the northward extension of the exist-
ing apartment development, closer
to the single family homes.
17. The alternative use most often
suggested was to retain the Town held
parcel for use as a park, leaving
the Guadagnolo parcel for high rise
development. Under existing zoning,
this could result in a six story apart-
ment of approximately 75 units. The
building could be much closer to the
nearby single family homes than the
proposed project. If the Town kept
the parcel for a park , it would lose
the net value of the sale plus the
annual income from property taxes ,
which would greatly exceed any required
public expenditures , for both the
Town and the School district.
18. The developer has agreed to modify
the proposed plan to provide a second
means of access and egress onto Madison
Avenue from the garage. This access
will be directly to the southeast
of the Madison Avenue barrier which
will remain. This will reduce the
Larchmont Apartments traffic on North
Chatsworth Avenue by providing a more
direct approach to the Thruway ramps
and Fifth Avenue.
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the requirements
of Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation
Law of the State of New York and Local Law
No. 1-1977 of the Town of Mamaroneck, the Planning
Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, hereby finds
as follows :
1 . Consistent with social , economic
and other essential considerations
of State policy, to the maximum ex-
tent practicable, from among the reason-
able alternatives thereto, the action
to be carried out or approved is one
which minimizes or avoids adverse
environmental effects , including the
effects disclosed in the relevant
Environmental Impact Statement.
2. All practicable means will be
taken in carrying out or approving
the action to minimize or avoid ad-
verse environmental effects, includ-
ing the effects disclosed in the rele-
vant Environmental Impact Statement.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that based on the above find-
ings and factual record, the Planning Board of
the Town of Mamaroneck hereby approves the sub-
division application for the amalgamation of
the two parcels of land as shown on the submitted
subdivision plan , and further approves the closing
of Garfield Street and the amalgamation of the
present Thruway ramps into a new street at the
easterly end of the newly created parcel . Con-
sidering the findings outlined above, and in
f � i.
order to minimize the environmental effects
of this approval the following recommendations
Q and conditions are attached to and made part
of the Planning Board's approval of the Larch-
mont Apartments subdivision :
1 . Automotive ingress and egress shall
be provided to both North Chatsworth
Avenue and to Madison Avenue, south-
east of the existing barrier.
2. The existing barrier on Madison
Avenue shall be retained.
3. In order to insure that traffic
flow is unimpeded, the width of new
Jefferson Street, presently proposed
as 60 feet, shall be reviewed by the
Town Engineer in consultation with
all appropriate authorities including
the Thruway Authority, taking into
account the amount of traffic projected
to use the street and the required
parking thereon. The width of new
Jefferson Street shall be set at a
figure satisfactory to the Town Engi-
neer which simultaneously fully and
safely accommodates the required traf-
ILO fic flow and parking and which provides
for the maximum possible width of the
buffer area on the western part of
the site. The sidewalk shall be con-
structed as proposed, including new
Jefferson Street and North Chatsworth
4. In order to provide for both a
smw th flow of traffic on North Chats-
worTh Avenue and proper provision for
left turns into the site, subject to
the approval of the Town Engineer the
curb-to-curb width of North Chatsworth
Avenue shall be widened west of the
new Jefferson Street, to match the
width east of Jefferson Street, with
a smooth transition effected to the
existing cross section at Adams Street.
5. In order to provide for the safety
of area residents , the detention basin
shall be surrounded by a fence, vega-
tative barrier or combination thereof
satisfactory to the Town Engineer.
Alt 6. Wherever feasible considering the
site plan , parking layout and required
engineering improvements , every attempt
shall be made to retain all existing
trees larger than 8" in diameter at
breast height which are in open , land-
scaped parts of the site.
7. Compliance shall be made wit
h all
terms of the contract wit
h the
of Mamaroneck.
8. The Conservation Advisory Commis-
sion recommendations shall be dealt
with by the Town Engineer.
9. The site is zoned for high rise
construction. The Planning Board reco-
mmends that appropriate agencies of
the Town of Mamaroneck, including
particularly the Zoning Board of Ap-
peals , give consideration to the signi-
ficant impact of the proposed struc-
A Court Stenographer was present and his Report will
be the record of the hearing.
There being no further business to come before this meet-
ing it was adjourned at 12:00 P.M.
i a A. Johnson , ecretary