HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981_06_10 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD JUNE 10, 1981 , IN THE COUNCIL ROOM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET AND EDGEWOOD AVENUE, LARCHMONT, NEW YORK. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8:45 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mr. G. Norman Blair, Chairman Mrs. Mary Carlson Mr. Warner Pyne, Jr. Mr. Anton Schramm Mr. Paul Kalos Also present: Mr. Charles R. Elfreich, P.E. , Town Engineer APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of May 13, 1981 were presented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as submitted. REQUEST FROM TOWN BOARD FOR RECOMMENDAIONS ON APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT - NURSERY SCHOOL - SAMSON MANAGEMENT CORP. - BUILDING NO.6 - LARCHMONT ACRES APARTMENTS - BLOCK 408 PARCEL 86 Mr. Thomas E. O'Brien , an Attorney of 1890 Palmer Avenue, represented Samson Management, the owners of the building. Mr. O'Brien said that they intended to use two apartments for the Nursery School and the children would be ages 3 to 5 with hours from 9 to 12 and 1 to 5. Mr. O'Brien stated that the children would be dropped off in the cul -de-sac and no additional parking would be required. Mr. O'Brien further said that there would be no additional cooking facilities required as only juice, milk, sand- wiches, cookies, packaged foods, hot chocolate, etc. would be served and there would be approximately 30 chil - dren altogether but only about 15 at a time. Mr. O'Brien, also, said that the school would be staffed by three people, two already live in the Larchmont Acres thus requiring no additional parking and since there is a shortage of this type of facilities it would be a bene- fit to the community. Mr. O'Brien additionally said that the two apartments were on the ground floor with nothing below and they faced the present playground. In conclusion, Mr. O'Brien said that the staff was well -qualified with two of the staff members being fully licensed and accredited and they expect to operate for a twelve month period. Mr. Blair explained that the Planning Board could only make recommendations to the Town Board and that the Town Board would hold the Public Hearing and give either their 14.12 approval or disapproval . Mr. Blair said that the Town Attorney had told him of a case where the Nursery School was in a private residential area and the Court had over- ruled the decision because it was ruled to be a viola- tion of the natural expectation of a quiet and uncrowded environment in a residential area . Mr. Blair stated that even though this is -n apartment house it could be similar. Mr. O'Brien said this is done in Jew York and Is ideal for working mothers . Mr. Pyne asked if any of the tenants in the apartment house had been polled and Mr. O 'Brien said not yet. Mr. Schram said he had looked at the plans and objected as he feels this is not an appropriate place for this particular use. Mr. Pyne questioned about the occupancy of the apartment and it was pointed out that it is probably 100% occupied. Mr. Kalos expressed the opinion that even though a Nur- sery School is a good idea it could cause problems and he was concerned about the location where the children were to be dropped off. Mr. Schramm, also, questioned about the toilet facilities and wondered if they would meet the code. Mr. Widulski , the Engineer for the ap- plicant said they will comply with all the codes includ- ing the requirements for the State Education Department. After further discussion the Board decided they would recommend the Town Board approve the application with the condition that the use be reviewed every 18 months. PRELIMINARY HEARING - SUBDIVISION OF LOT - 36 COLONIAL AVENUE - BLOCK 120 PARCEL 253 Mr. Forbes represented the applicant, Mr. Harrington and Mr. Kalos declined from making any comment or vot- ing on the application since he lives at 44 Colonial Avenue. Mr. Kalos said that if the application goes before the Zoning Board as a close neighbor he will pro- bably be notified. Mr. Forbes said that the applicant wants to sell the vacant parcel and the proposed lot will have a frontage and width of 50 ft. instead of the required 60 ft. Mr. Forbes, also, said that he realizes the Planning Board cannot grant a variance and it will be necessary for the applicant to apply to the Zoning Board for the vari- ance. Mr. Forbes asked that the Board give preliminary approval so that he could make application to the Zoning Board. After further discussion the Board decided to deny the application without prejudice stating that if the Zon- ing Board of Appeals grants a variance subject to the approval of the Planning Board the Planning Board will then take action . APPLICATION OF GARFIELD HOUSING CORPORATION - AMENDED MAP - BLOCK 133 PARCELS 148 and 299 The Board accepted the application and Environmental Assess- ment Form of the Garfield Housing Corporation and made the determination that they were the Lead Agency. The Chairman said that it was possible that the application is a Type II action but no determination would be made at this time . The Board decided that in order to allow the 30 day period for the responses to the determination the July meeting be changed from July 8th to July 15th. The following will be notified that the Town Planning Board is the Lead Agency: Members of the Town Zoning Board of Appeals Westchester County Health Department Westchester County Department of Environmental Facilities Town Conservation Advisory Committee Westchester County Executive's Office The Board is also requesting comments on the Enviromental Assessment Form from the Town Engineer, Building Inspector and the Town Attorney. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this meet- ing it was adjourned at 10:20 P.M. 'Rita A. Johns , cretary vl