Since there was no Chairman appointed, the members voted
to select a Chairman for this meeting. The Board voted
to have Mr. Kalos chair the meeting.
Mr. Kalos called the meeting to order at 8: 15 P.M.
Present: Mr. Paul Kalos, Chairman
Mrs. Mary Carlson
Mr. Warner Pyne, Jr.
Mr. Anton Schramm
Also present: Mr. Charles R. Elfreich, P.E. , Town Engineer
Mr. James J. Johnston, Town Attorney
Mr. Forbes , the Attorney for the applicant, Mr. Harrington,
explained to the Board that this application had been made
back in June to the Planning Board. Mr. Forbes stated
that since the Planning Board did not have the authority
to grant a variance in regard to the frontage they had
applied to the Zoning Board and obtained a variance. Mr.
Forbes said that at the meeting of the Planning Board on
October 14th they had been given preliminary approval on
the subdivision and they are now requesting final approval .
The Board found that there would be no environmental im-
pact since it was a one family residence and will not cause
significant problems to the water supply, sewerage disposal ,
drainage, fire protection or noise.
The Board voted on the application with Mr. Kalos abstain-
ing since he is a nearby resident of Colonial Avenue and
with a vote of 3 to 0 the application was approved.
The following Resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. Michael J. Harrington, owner of
the premises located at 36 Colonial Avenue and
known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of
Mamaroneck as Block 120 Parcel 253 has filed
an application with this Board for the approval
of the subdivision of this plat; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 276 and 277 of the
Town Law, a Public Hearing was held on December
9, 1981 after notice was published in the offi-
cial newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, the
Daily Times; and
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans and
determined that the same are all satisfactory;
WHEREAS, this Board has determined that since
the application was for a one family residence
it will not cause problems to the water supply,
sewerage disposal , drainage, fire protection
or noise and therefore will not have any signi-
ficant adverse affect upon the environment; and
RESOLVED, that the application of Mr. Michael
J. Harrington be approved and the Chairman of
the Planning Board is hereby authorized to sign
such division map as evidence of the approval
of same.
BLOCK 412 PARCELS 338, 347 AND 365
Mrs. Novak, the owner of the property, was represented
by Mr. Edward P. Tanenbaum, an Attorney of 271 North Ave-
nue, New Rochelle. Mr. Tanenbaum said that there has
been a problem as to whether Old Hommocks Road is a pub-
lic street and that there was a Town Board Resolution
which was dated 1964 listing all the streets in the Town
and old Hommocks Road was on the list. Mr. Tanenbaum
pointed out that the new Hommocks Road was not built at
that time and he read a portion of the Resolution .
Mr. Tanenbaum further said that the Novaks have owned
the property for many years and they have a builder who
wants to build three houses. In addition, Mr. Tanenbaum
said he felt that the Community needed the money and the
homes would add taxes.
The Board questioned as to whether the lots conformed
to the zoning and it was pointed ou that they were all
in conformance. Mr. Johnston said that the Resolution
Mr. Tanenbaum referred to was a form that the Town sends
once a year to the State for funds for the Highway Depart-
ment to cover snow removal , etc. In conclusion, Mr. Tanen-
baum said that they were aware it would be necessary to
go before the Zoning Board to get permission to build
because of the road.
After further discussion the Board decided that they would
have a Public Hearing at the next meeting to be held on
January 13, 1982.
Mr. Kalos explained that he had asked Mr. Johnston, the
Town Attorney to be present to assist the Board in cer-
tain determinations that may or may not be made. Mr.
Joel Sachs, an Attorney with the firm of Plunkett and
Jaffe of 1 North Broadway, White Plains, represented Gar-
field Housing Corporation and said that he had presented
members of the Board a "Memorandum of Law" and a brochure
which the Secretary had hand delivered to the members
of the Board along with a letter from Mr. Neale who repre-
sents the Larchmont Hills Assocation. Mr. Sachs presented
the members of the Board and the Secretary with a copy
of a statement that he wanted to make on behalf of Gar-
field Housing Corp.
Mr. Sachs said they wanted to set the record straight
that the applicant has always been Garfield Housing Cor-
poration and not Mr. Feder's project. Mr. Sachs stated that
Garfield Housing is a subsidiary of the Gotham Organiza-
tion , Inc. a major real estate developer who have been
constructing resident buildings and other structures
in the New York Metropolitan area for about 50 years.
Mr. Kalos read the Public Notice as follows:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Law, the
Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board will hold
a Public Hearing on December 9 , 1981 , in the
Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver
Street and Edgewood Avenue, Town of Mamaroneck,
Larchmont, New York at 8: 15 P.M. to determine
whether its decision not to require an Environ-
mental Impact Study on the application of Gar-
field Housing Corporation rendered at the meet-
ing of said Board on July 15, 1981 should be
present will be given an opportunity to be heard.
Mr. Kalos said in view of the concerns of the Community
and the material that was received by the Board after
they had made their determination at the July 15th meet-
ing they have to decide whether or not they would reverse
their decision not to require an Environmental Impact
Study. Mr. Kalos asked Mr. Johnston if they would be
free to reverse if they find the same set of facts and
Mr. Johnston advised that they could but would have to
give the reasons why they are reversing since the Courts
are looking for facts. Mr. Kalos questioned Mr. John-
ston as to whether if they asked for an Environmental
Impact Study would a full form be required and Mr. John-
ston replied that the Board would be the judge of that
and after the form was received they could determine whether
they wanted any additional information.
Mr. Kalos asked Mr. Johnston whether if the Planning Board
determined to reverse their decision would it bar the
Zoning Board from obtaining the information which would
be obtained in an Environmental Impact Statement. Mr.
Johnston replied no and the Chairman said the Zoning Board
could ask for information with respect to any issues they
wished and the Planning Board findings would not be a posi-
tive bar to that action .
Mr. Sachs said the applicants had submitted a 24 page memo-
randum and that since the Board had determined on July 15th
that an Environmental Impact Study would not be required
Garfield Housing Corp. had expended thousand of dollars
for major additional work on the development proposal .
Mr. Sachs stated that the applicants would not have with-
drawn their application but would not have gone ahead if
the Planning Board had not given their approval . Mr. Sachs
further said that the Planning Board as Lead Agency had
allowed sufficient time for the agencies involved to ex-
press their objections which they had not done.
Mr. David Tulchin of 9 Lafayette Road said he objected
to Mr. Sach 's statement that the reasons the planners wanted
the hearing reopened was because the public "stampeded"
the Board and Mr. Tulchin said the neighbors were concerned
that certain answers that had been made on the Environmental
Assessment Form were incorrect.
Mr. J. Henry Neale, Jr. , an Attorney, said he represented
the Larchmont Hills Association and there was nothing in
the Town Law or related statutes that prohibits or restricts
a Planning Board from reversing a prior determination.
Dr. Alan Mason, who is a member of the Conservation Advisory
Commission said he did not feel that the Planning Board
was being "stampeded" .
Mr. Sachs said that the Conservation Advisory Commission 's
report was dated August 4th which was after the July 15th
meeting and the time allowed for the answer of the Notice
designating the Planning Board the lead agency.
Mr. Robert Barrett, Chairman of the Conservation Advisory
Commission said that they received the notice designating
the Planning Board the lead agency but did not have an
opportunity to discuss the Environmental Assessment Form
until their meeting of July 16th.
Mrs. Adrienne Fousek of York Road said as a taxpayer she
was concerned as to whether if there were any drainage
problems would the Town be liable.
Mrs. Abt of 7 Lafayette Road said she did not know why
the builder was so afraid of an Environmental Impact Study.
Mr. Goldstein of 21 North Chatsworth Avenue said he had
been into the Engineer's Office and had reviewed the plans
and the plan presented at the meeting showed the road in
a different place. Mr. Goldstein said the Zoning Board
had postponed their hearing because the plans in front
of their Board were different from those presented to the
Planning Board. Mr. Goldstein said the moving of the road
on the property which at the present time belongs to the
Town will necessitate the removal of trees and parking
spaces .
Mr. Johnston pointed out that there was provision in
the contract between the Town and Garfield Housing Corp.
to provide parking even during construction .
Mr. Neale said that the Board should vote to open the
Public Hearing and make their determination since they
had decided at the last meeting they would hold the Pub-
lic Hearing.
Mr. Sachs said that they were asking the Board to reverse
their decision to hold the Public Hearing since it was
the same project and there was no new information.
Motion was made and seconded and on a vote of 4 to 0
the Board decided to proceed with the Public Hearing
to determine whether they would reverse their decision
made on July 15th .
Mr. Sachs said on behalf of his client he was not acknow-
ledging that the Board had jurisdiction to reverse their
decision since they had been provided with a number of
documents including the short Environment Assessment
Form and the long one, a report by Woodward-Clyde Con-
sultants, Inc. plus the transcript of 65 pages from the
meeting of July 15th . It was decided that all the re-
cords would be reviewed including the comments from Mrs .
Kaplan, the CAC report and letters from the Premium Point
Association .
Mr. Sachs pointed out that the Engineer who had prepared
the Environmental Assessment Form was present and if
the Board had any questions they could call on Mr. Mor-
genroth. It was pointed out again that it was the same
project as was before the Board in July and there were
no changes and no new evidence. In addition the appli-
cation was the same but certain letters and reports that
were not received until after the meeting of July 15th
plus the opposition from the neighborhood.
Mrs. Carlson said Mr. Sachs had referred several times
to the Public Hearing on July 15th but she said it was
not. Mr. Tulchin said the residents were not heard at
the July meeting and the September meeting was the first
meeting they were given an opportunity to present their
case in detail .
Mrs. Agnes Doran of 21 North Chatsworth Avenue questioned
the value of the applicant filling out the Environmental
Assessment Formand felt it was "self-serving" .
Dr. Leo Wilson said he has lived on Lafayette Road for
a long time and has experienced many floods in his base-
ment. Dr. Wilson said he had spoken to the Town Council
and they have put in new sewers but we have not had any
heavy rains in recent years to determine whether or not
they will be effective. Dr. Wilson further said that
they felt an apartment building will have a significant
effect on the water, flooding, etc. and a building of
this size will have a serious impact on the area. Also,
Dr. Wilson said they are concerned about the streets
being "dead end" as a lot of children play in the streets
and an apartment house will cause traffic problems.
Mr. Morgenroth said the Assessment Form was a basic form
and was filled out on the basis of information available.
Mr. Morgenroth said that the questions are to provide
obvious answers and not misleading ones and there had
been a question about visual impact of the building .
Mr. Morgenroth, also, said that the Town Board had zoned
the property for multiple residence and you cannot take
somebody's lot and say it cannot be developed. Finally,
Mr. Morgenroth said a report had been prepared on the
drainage and some water lines and drain lines would have
to be relocated.
Mrs. Wilson said she recognized the fact that Mr. Morgen-
roth is an Engineer but their property is lower and the
thruway property slopes down toward their area plus there
are underground streams.
Mrs. Goldstein of 21 North Chatsworth Avenue said that
according to Mr. Morgenroth's Assessment Form they an-
ticipated 60 cars an hour and felt that the air quality
would be more affected than it is at present from the
cars on the thruway.
Mrs. Carlson said the consolidation of the three roads
into one will cause the polution to be centered in a
smaller area and that at present cars that are using
three roads will induce traffic to be centered on a single
Mr. Frank Connelly, who is Mr. Guadagnolo's Attorney
said they had appeared before the Board in February of
1972 and it was pointed out that there would be no foun-
dation problems and the Town Engineer at that time said
there would be no foundation problems. The Superinten-
dent of Highways said that there would be no sewer pro-
blems and the Chief of Police said there would be no
traffic problems . Mr. Connelly said 10 years ago the
Zoning Board felt that the traffic could be easily han-
dled for 162 units on the Guadagnolo property and there
would be no drainage problems and we had "experts" and
we would like to think they told the truth.
Mr. Kenneth Schmelkin of 3 Washington Square said since
this has been going on since 1966 the developer to be
secure could do an Environmental Impact Study and he
would like to remind the Board that Mr. Blair had made
the statement that if the Town Attorney would allow,
the Board would reverse their decision.
Mr. Neale said they should have a full SEQR statement
and provide the thirty days after the notice for the
agencies to reply.
Mrs . Carlson said on July 15th she voted to require the
Environmental Impact Statement for the following reasons :
1 . The history of this site is well known .
Proposed developments here have generated en-
vironmental concerns for at least 12 to 15 years .
Any development which further disturbs the al-
ready unstable soil and water conditions of
this site will affect not only the immediate
neighborhood, but the several neighbhorhoods
downstream through which the Pine Brook and
Premium River flow, as well . These streams
empty into the Premium Marsh Conservation area
which is protected by the Town, the Village
of Larchmont and the City of New Rochelle.
2. Under Town Local Law #1-1977 (our own En-
vironmental Quality Review Law) it was clearly
a Type I Action requiring an EIS as specified
in parts (c) and (d) on page 2306.
3. Section 10 of the State Environmental Quality
Review Law, also, applies to this project and
requires an EIS.
Furthermore, the Environmental Assessment Form
submitted by the developer was inaccurate and
incomplete and therefore unacceptable.
Mrs . Carlson further said she felt these con-
siderations were too important for her to waive
an Environmental Impact Statement and based
on the opinion of the Town Attorney of Novem-
ber 12th that the Board reconsider their pre-
vious action and require an Environmental Im-
pact Statement she was voting to require the
Environmental Impact Statement.
Mr. Sachs said that from Mrs . Carlson 's statement he
felt she was opposed to any further development of the
property and from the history of the parcel in question
it is evident that many of the people in the room would
like the property to remain vacant.
The Chairman said he thought they should vote on whether
they should reverse their decision and he had voted in
July to have the Impact Statement. Mr. Kalos further
said that at the July meeting they had decided it was
a "type 1 " action but since then new evidence has come
in and their decision should be reversed.
Mr. Sachs questioned as to what the new evidence was
and Mr. Kal(p said the concerns of water and drainage
were a significant issue.
Mr. Tulchin said that on September 16th more new evidence
had been presented. Q�
Mr. Pyne recommended that they should reverse their deci-
sion and Mr. Schramm agreed.
The following Resolution was therefore adopted:
WHEREAS, members of the Planning Board agreed
that they should reverse their decision rendered
at the meeting of said Board on July 15, 1981
that no Environmental Impact Study should be
required on the application of Garfield Housing
Corp. , and
RESOLVED, that the Board will not convene on
this application until they receive a Draft
Environmental Impact Statement in accordance
with SEQR.
Mr. Neale said he would recommend that if the applicant
wanted to press forward that he, Mr. Sachs and Mr. Barrett
get together and prepare the recommendations on how to
proceed. Dr. Mason who is a member of the Conservation
Advisory Commission said that if the Board wants them
to assist they will work with Mr. Sachs. Mr. Sachs agreed
that he would be happy to meet with Mr. Johnston and
Mr. Neale.
There being no further business to come before this meet-
ing it was adjourned at 11 :15 P.M.
t, K.
ita A. Joh9 n, Secretary
NOTE : A Court Stenographer was present for the applica-
tion of Garfield Housing Corp. and his report is filed
in the folder for the applicant.
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