HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002_07_23 Coastal Zone Management Commission Minutes Town of Mamaroneck — Village of Larchmont COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION TOWN CENTER: 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 — 914-381-7845 CZMC Minutes July 23, 2002 A regular meeting of the Coastal Zone Management Commission(CZMC)was held on July 23, 2002 in Conference Room A, Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,New York. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Marc Godick, Acting Chairperson Lili Andrews Dickson Brown Katherine Dehais Bernard Kaplan Dr. C. Alan Mason Howard McMichael REGRETS: 41110 Madelaine Berg Frank Buddingh Elizabeth Cooney John Feingold OTHERS PRESENT: Marlene Kolbert Trustee, Village of Larchmont, Liaison to CZMC Phyllis Wittner Councilwoman, Town of Mamaroneck, Liaison to CZMC Elizabeth Paul Environmental Coordinator, Town of Mamaroneck John Knoetgen Architect, 30 Rockland Avenue Valerie Green Applicant, 30 Rockland Avenue Charles Green Applicant, 30 Rockland Avenue Tony Campanella Applicant, Hampshire Country Club Benedict Salanitro Engineer, 52 Country Road Michele Callisto Applicant, 52 Country Road Scott Williams Engineer, 217 Hommocks Road Eric Rosenfeld Applicant, 217 Hommocks Road 1. Approval of Minutes The minutes for June 25, 2002 were approved as submitted. CZMC—7/23/02,Page 1 of 4 Printed on Recycled Paper Revised 9/13/2002 2. Referrals a. Freshwater Wetlands and Watercourses Permit-Valerie Werter Green-30 Rockland Avenue-Block 222,Lot 1 Referred by the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board The applicant is proposing to construct a rear addition within the 100-foot wetland buffer zone. The property is located adjacent to the Leatherstocking trail on the corner of Highland Road and Rockland Avenue. Approximately one-half of the house is located within the wetland buffer zone. The applicant is proposing to place an infiltrator system in the rear of the property to control stormwater runoff, however the applicant has not completed any test pits or conducted any percolation tests to determine if this location would be suitable. It was noted that this was a wet area with visible rock outcroppings and it could be possible that an infiltrator would not properly function at this location. CZMC finds the proposed rear addition to be inconsistent with the policies set forth in the LWRP. However, the potential impacts of the proposed action can be mitigated by the use of adequate surface water and erosion control measures. CZMC recommends that the applicant dig test pits and conduct percolation tests to determine the appropriate design and location of the infiltrator system. In addition, CZMC requested and the applicant agreed to leave the existing vegetative buffer at the rear of the property in its natural state. This would protect the wetlands area from fertilizers and pesticides and will help screen the house from the hiking trail. b. Freshwater Wetlands and Watercourses Permit-Hampshire Country Club/Tony Campanella- 1025 Cove Road-Block 414,Lot 20 Referred by the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board The Hampshire Country Club is seeking to legalize a 300-yard long, 8-foot wide golf cart path that was constructed in the wetlands buffer zone without a wetlands permit. A portion of the path is located in the Town of Mamaroneck and a portion of the path is located in the Village of Mamaroneck. It was noted that the Environmental Assessment Form was incorrectly completed because the applicant did not identify the property as a Critical Environmental Area. The Country Club has been before the planning board once and is now in the process of having a drainage plan for the path prepared by an engineer. CZMC indicated that our policy is that the project should not result in a net increase of run-off. The Country Club proposed a French drainage system to the pond, which would simply convey the water to the pond, and would not provide retention and detention characteristics of natural infiltration. CZMC suggested that the Country Club evaluate alternatives to effectively capture the run-off resulting from the new path which could consist of optimally placed drainage structures in the overall drainage area as opposed to simply along the perimeter of the path. Alternatively, CZMC suggested that the Country Club evaluate controlling the quality instead of the quantity of stormwater collected from the golf cart path. CZMC-7/23/02,Page 2 of 4 Revised 9/13/2002 Strategically planted vegetation along the streams or along the path may help the Country Club achieve this goal. The proposal was adjourned until next month. c. Freshwater Wetlands and Watercourses Permit-Michael Targoff/Michele Callisto -52 Country Road-Block 315, Lot 463 Referred by the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board Benedict Salanitro, the engineer for the proposed project,presented the plans for the construction of a single-family residence on an unimproved lot. The lot is a flag lot located between two other flag lots and will require a long driveway leading up to the proposed house. The adjacent property has a stream and a pond that triggered the need for the applicant to obtain a freshwater wetlands permit. The majority of the parcel is sloped away from the golf course and runoff is currently brought down the hill by a series of drainage pipes. Runoff then enters a culvert that crosses the proposed driveway and drains into the pond at 50 Country Road. The proposal currently calls for a series of drywells to handle stormwater runoff from the roof of the house and French drains along the driveway. The applicant's engineer has proposed modifying the plans for the driveway and using a combination of asphalt and either gravel or paving stone to reduce the amount of impervious surface. CZMC noted that some of the diameters of the trees to be removed are inaccurate on the plans. The applicant agreed to correct any discrepancies. CZMC also requested that the site plan be revised to include the topography of the adjacent properties and the location of the pond and stream at 50 Country Road. The project was adjourned until next month. CZMC will contact the applicant to schedule a site visit. The applicant will place stakes at the site to show the location of the footprint of the house. d. Building Permit and Surface Water,Erosion and Sediment Control Permit-Eric Rosenfeld-217 Hommocks Road-Block 417, Lot 1 Referred by the Town of Mamaroneck Building Department Scott Williams of Daniel S. Natchez and Associates presented the proposal for the upgrading of the drainage system for 217 Hommocks Road. The property is currently flooded during rainstorms. The proposal involves upgrading the trench drain in front of the garage, the catch basin located near the southeast corner of house and the connecting piping. An overflow pipe will be added to the system, leading to an underground storage tank equipped with an automatic pump. The applicant does not require a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers or the NYS DEC. CZMC finds the proposed drainage system upgrades to be consistent with the policies set forth in the LWRP provided that the proper erosion and sediment control measures are CZMC-7/23/02,Page 3 of 4 Revised 9/13/2002 � l used during construction, inclusive of lining and covering all excavated soils with plastic sheeting. 3. Old Business a. Open Space Inventory The open space committee mailed a letter to the Mayor and the Village of Larchmont Open Space Committee urging them to look into the protection of the Shore Drive parcels. A copy of the letter will be distributed to CZMC. Two additional open space packages were completed and submitted to Elizabeth Paul. b. Moratorium on Zoning Variances in the Village of Larchmont Marlene Kolbert explained the moratorium on zoning variances in the Village. The Village has hired a consultant to review the zoning ordinance and make recommendations to the Village on how they can prevent"Mc Mansions." Phyllis Wittner discussed the process the Town is using as it considers amending the zoning code to incorporate Floor Area Ratios. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. The next scheduled CZMC meeting will be held on August 27, 2002. Anyone unable to attend this meeting should contact Elizabeth Paul at (914) 381-7845 or at conservationdept@townofruamaroneck.org CZMC-7/23/02,Page 4 of 4 Revised 9/13/2002