HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_10_05 Town Board Minutes M 117T7100 07 :HE TOTY 00-7 =7 OF ITTAT7701, held 50tcher 1527, The masting was called Q crisr by at 5: 70 ? U Present: Supervisor Ru=tz-'' justi3as Wyl, Collins , Howell in! Lasts T:7n Clark 7her=,,-- The minutes of tha Meetings of july 9th, 10h, !njnst 5th, l7th, Zoth; Seytener 2nd, 6th, 7th, 177h, an& 272t 7sr-z, read =1 wjwT 2zVon agnoc7ed. The 0=1 stated list D=Fnant in notice in!; the Boad uld now =nsllmr apylloaticns nnd d 7erDtnl- ssf' for the bui2dimz permits wills had teen Knted as being in wa- la.tion of the Zoning 7rdinance. After realkng of the notica ae ad7eotisad sW oftei aiscussing and considering the vaTiwoz syllications ana plams fw.z huildin& peuVta 0fors the WaTA, L7 7sa ajon antion, fuly ascc7o- FZS317K, 17HERIAD, the Town Ward of zh,�, Town of ham&=Eck has duly awertiso, =Tsnent to law, a public meeting for the purpose of considering certain applicationz theTain Voted, mode under the Zoning Ordinanoa of the Unincorporated part of the Town of laya- roneck, which applicalions are now mending, and 7HFREAE , the said Town Board havinS held hearing and both parties havl% been the privQeEa of appearing for or in oppositios. to the granting of certain apilications as 12ovided Under the said Zoning Drdinarce and after due consideration, therefoze, be it WS01AD, zhat zhe Town Board of the Arn of Vawaronaok, sitting jointly as a Board of Allesla and as a Tawn Ecard Was hersbv grar- the following apilfcations from the Aeoision of the Building Comnission, which fsoisl=,� I is hereby reverseo and does herAy consent to the granting of t1a fillaTing applications swifelz in slot case to the spezifio onnAti3ns, and vafeZvaras therein stated hp;llcaticn 0062 of Wiman A Glashon for the aisatio--o, of a ona fanily avElling on the north side of Heath Roal, 98 feet Test of Taylor Place, Tr2viged the bulldinS Is areotej n,tIssa than 2: feet from the front lot line or Heath Rcad, Application 01064 of 7illian lohan for the erection Or a jAvate garage on the north vast corner of ?alysr Kenya jn-j, Merritt Street, yrovifel the,t said garage is erected not less than 15 feet from the front lot line on Territt Street; and it wa--, further, R7SCL77n, that the fn:! :7AnE applicatfcns be Wd Oran for further consideration and feferred to a committee f3T its rspDrt recommendation. M Application of L. 1. Archambeult . jr . . for tba imstsil- ation of a gas zank underneath the side wall on Vine Street. The thsrsuzon allYnts! t cow- mittee: justice Leeds, Counsellcr aamble, and Town Clerk Sherman, Hr. De Alleaume a reconsideration of his one fam!17 Oelling On th fraw 5th Avenue, Uthin Q feet of the front lot agpeared isfcre the Board and reZuestud applicaMcn AC55 for t'_; arection of a, a east side Of Valley Place, 325 feet feat __ in t"S QTS 10 line and rithl-r !ins. Tfon Motscn, duly seccnded,, it as Q Alleaums -for the eTeCIT n family Melling on the east gide of 7ailey Place, 325 feet from 5oh jv5rne, fre e l line 0-1 6alm 0 _W � om th sid ot an! -ithin 30 feat of the front ict line . be arl the same hereby is re- considaref an! a wommittEe allointed for its report and recommandstiona The Supervisor theTsuyon algointed the following com- mittee : justice Leads an& 70yd, jWMce WYE offered for adontion the followinE resclationi 7WRTTS , this Town 7th, 1527, Mo7t a of the erchany of tcfcrs adqufTed by Or part jurycaes josechine A. Wroh the jayment tc the mentioned 7rDyerty and Ward dif 3n Te7tembsr resolution alyriving certain 113jerty Mrs- the Own of hamaronsc : and prcleTty owned by and Falix 0 . Birch, and, owners of said last of the sum 0 Q2,C00 .0O3 ER Ac prior 1c the ocnsunmation of sal ' SyChar,ES IMA 2=7FYan2a Said Oselhine A, Kroh and Falls: C . Birch conveyed the jaize7. of land yrzyosed to be exchaw,ged to jeure,.. 17e=le Realty Corporation. Now, therefore, ta it RES017M , that the reso:7tions aaw;ts2 b-y this Marl in Feltarber 17th, 1527, aqrov- Any of said sxchanEs and payment of said SO of 12,00 .0C be and zhe same lareby are yofifted to the extent K snbstituting 1 - Ours! lusmue Realty KryDraticn fn the ylaca s,nT steaa of KSE;hins A Koch and Felij 0 , Birch wherever sai6 names va- snoes,D: and Iss further RESOL77D, that said resclutions be and heret,,, We in all Dther losTloctil ratifinf s7d zonfirmel. The juesticn. bf the adaytizn of the foT2goLng 2esclu�- ions -as put to a vote oith the fKlawing result, Ayes : b, Toes : n=a 89 The SupaTvllor foj=01 "hat le has not sufficient foi:nfs On In-and 71th which tc mate jay=t if QW .CTQ .Q v thi Laurel Avenue Reh1ty Corporation in part jayment fDr the ex- Chan& of oertain prcysrty authorized at a mseting 3f thiF Esara held in Septezber l7th, 1127, in? stated thot he zoold entertain a resolution agircyriatOg said amount ani directing that it be levied in the budget for the year 1525 and providln� that the safse be raised by the issuance and sole of a certificate of indebtedness . justice ColUns thereupon offered for adwItIcn. the fc1lowinE rasolutizn: 3s it FEW77:, that there W le71S? and assessed against all the taxable Ircyarty situated within Town Part District No , 1, of the Town of Mamaroneck, N. I. , an! onliected, the sum of 82,0 won 0 for the purpose of living of the jurchase rice of Lot No. 14 a yoTtion & Lot 23 as shown on a certain zou entitle! "Val of 115 lots at Larchvcnt , Town- of Nanaroneok, 7astahester County. Y. I. , prclarty of Archibald 3. ruffie, 7sq. 1 and filelin the office of zh--- negister of 7ast- chaster County on March Sth, 1155 Molum7s 11 Of ToYs at Toga 5 for park es and M e it further purpos ; R79OLVET, that the SuIsrYso- be and he here- by is RutbOrized and to borrow unon, the faith and credit cf- the 7own of Mamaronsc'k 'the sum of 12,CCC -OC for nhich s= he thaW, issue in the name and under the sea! of said �Cwn in anticipation of the collection of taxes levied to may the 23st of osrtain real vrslertY to be used for lark jurposes within town Park District, go , 1 of the Town --f Waroneck, Y. Y. , and asseses! against the taxable Ircrarty xithir said ?ark District joutside of the ccryorats limits of the Villages of Lardhmont and Mazarorech) am. 7hich taxes are to become due and jayable on April 10 , 192S; aall certificate to be sold for not less then the jar 7alue there- of, to bear interest at a rate not to eN- meed ✓% pe-r a---. arf, to Motors at such time as its injer7isor way dzternine, such certificate shall be paid with the Taxes which will bacome due on rpr! I ist, 1325 and which have heretofore been levied and assesses for said purpose as afn7esaiQ and be Lt furths7 170177D, that the Funsrviscr and Tiin Clerk be and they hereby a-, - * -- ,. and eLlowered to siEn and are execute such napers and docunents as vay be necessary to effect the salz and delivery of said cartificats The questizn :f the adootion of the foregbing resolution was Put to a vote with the following result . Ayes : El Noes : mcne. The Clark ;Sported the receipt of a IstitiIn and orjss together with a writ of certiorari fros Hr . Ashley T . Ole, in connection with the action of the people of the State of New Yor'.,-, of the reigtion of the 7estchester ligbtinZ Company against the State Tax Commission Uo of Mamaroneck) . m T h s r--: c T i- :�f l-..'_^_4 0 1 e T�'- -,-; �--- C.e r--d T!--,- S' - "' .n -he- t * '7-- Mze-2 Th- 7-a-perfisor 're s-- t ro2 ��a fo, t - ,C-C " f 7 beloz, -L-he du.�y seGonfear,', 7 7 717- f 7� -he rez- -"' - '�' -' " ' - -n �D-n c�f a,,)aT ci ZL- �� �---e 7DS C 1,777-L� z I,e T 1,7 n - °r I --,---', -,�-f 1- eby ca"se -7, +- t ?ems 'a cl Sectior 01� 7 77;7 I i lL aE of be ar E, de s an4j -po-f L4 we and election t