HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_09_21 Town Board Minutes 71 KEETIFT OF THT TC77 BOARD TOTY 77 1AT175=7, Y 7. held September 21st, 1521 in the absenze of So.pervisor Wrtwn, the meeting was mailed tc order by justice Boyd at 9 ?. H, Presdnt: TaFtIvas Boyd, 07sll and vee�ls Tcar Clerk She-nan Counsellor 2amble Upon moticnit was voted to dispense with the rwadin�_- of the minutes of meetings not yet alprovod. The Clerk stated that pursuant to notice duly advertised the 7oard should now consider apylicatiors for building yermits which had been denied as being in Yolaticn of the Zoning Ordinance. Upon reading of the notice as advertised and after its- cussing and considering the various applications and plans fo-1: >'..a. ._o permits before the Board. at whiah Kra hr. Holy and Mr . Parsons appeared in opposition to the grnting of a permit to H. A. Stone, for the erection of a gaTa%a a on Wen acad, WI'- was upon motion, duly seconded, unanimonsly RESOLVEU, WERFAS , the Tomn Bbari of the Town of Mamaroneck has duly advertised pursuant to l.a a public meeting f= f tathe purpose oconsidering cerin, syllioaticris therein stated, oade under the Zoning Crifnancs of the aninoorper- ated cart of the TgTn of MamaroneWn which applications are now pending, and 7=7 "= qPTA In=" 7nPVA hPus -0 Vni '', said hearing and both parties having been granted the privilege of appearing for and in opposition to the granting of certain applizatLonz as prcvidW Order ths sold Zoning Ordinance and after due consideration, therefcze be it REVIVED, that the Tozn Board of Th-z- Town of Mamaroneck sittinE ntly as J Board of Appeals and as a := Enarf' does hereby &rant the folloTing opplic- ations from the decision of the 3sild- ing Commission, which decision Ls hereby reversed art loss hsrsty consent to the granting of the fol0wiPig apyllcatfcno sub2sat in each respective case to the specific conditions and safaSuards there- in stated. 1 Application QCQ,V 11= 72ulen , !no . , 01 the erection of a one faw5ly Welling and too oar private gara Se or the northeast cornsy of alen 7a§as :rive and Waken Tier, Qnt'h 7riva . ;=videl that the building is erected, not less then 1S feet fr:n the front 7ot line cn ;Nn 7agles Drive , An? be it further a SCL771, that the f0lowing applications be laid over fcr further cvnVaEration: ear i . Application "1 1056 of Patrick A, Geary for the vrectio-,' of a two car garage and storage room on the ncrth side of MM--;- street, 15 057 from . saver Street, wyithin a residential district . 2. Application 11060 of Harry A. Stern for the erection of a garage on the south side of Glen Road, 120 feet from Valley Road over a private right of way. And be it further RFS017ED, that the following ayllioations be denied. 1 AjplAcgt!cn T 100 , of john YanSusi for the erection of a three car bu,siness garage an the east side of weaver Street within a residential district . 2. Application 01055 of Arthur De Allesume for the erection of a one family dwelling on the east side of 7allay Mace, 325 feet from 5th Ave . , with®n 6 feet of the side lot line and within 30 feet of the front lot line. The report of the Receiver & Taxes for the month of August vas received, read ordered, placed on file and is as follaw' TC77 OF MAMAROUETY OFFICE OF R70FIV7R OF TAXES September Ist, 1 ..327 Sir, Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax La7 7 hereby respectfully re ,et tha amount of State, County, Town, School, Highway and Special District taxes, together vith the, interest and penalties thereon, collected by me during the montl� of Augustj 1527. 1927 Taxes 1926 Taxes 1925 Taxes All Arrears Eta! State & County 1 ,790.05 234. 74 7. 33 2,032.12 HiShway 410. 20 Q.46 2- Z6 4402 Town wa. 74 District i,441M Dist . 1 50, 6s School Dist . To . I Arrears 50.15 zo- 38V 1 57 . 39- 90 1. 70 605. 23 so=. 67 342. 2 Z, 146 a 52 WoNax 463A2 Interest a MEAN 290.40 50. 51 ilkW 027.4 WOOL 77 Deposited with the First National 2ank of MamaronectRI0,014- 72 Respectfully submitteo To Geo . T. Burton, Supervisor Santo Lanza Tcwn of Mamaronecl- yawaronech, N Y, Recd ver of Taxes P"' 4il The report of the Tw n Kerk for the month of Augnst was received, read, ordered placed an file and is as, follows : TOWT C17RNIS OF F107 TOWN OF XAMUCNECK, N. -,f. Teptsmber first" 1 9 2 1 George T. Burton, Ea q® Supervisor, Town of Mamaroneck ismaroneck, New Yo& Bear Sir: Z beg to submit herewith d report of the office of Town Clerk for the month of August, 1927, which is as follows : Dog Licenses issued 22 $57. 5c Hunting Licenses 19 23 715 Marriage Licenses 12 20 ' 4-00 ~rated Mortgages filed 128 13 . 35, Alls. 6357— Total amount received —711 ?aid to County Trees , dog fees Paid to County Clark, hunting fees :5.00 Paid to county Clerk, marriaGe fees 12.00 81.010 Paid to Supervisor 137. 63 aespectfully submitted Frederick M. Sherman, Town Clerk A communication from the Weaver Street Fire Company was received and read advising the Town Board that Driver Paul Cara had resifned effective September !at, and asking the approval of the appointment of John Madden, commencing September !at at Q25.00 per month. 7pan motion, duly seconded, it was FTSOL7ED, that the resignat Driver Paul Caro, effective ist, be and the same hereby a7d be it furthee-L Lon of September is ancepted. RES017ED, that the appointment of john Madden to the position Of TY7er for the Weaver Street Fire Als2stus, T, and the same hereby is approved for the probationary pnTl -d of three months commencing Septembaz !at, 1527, and that his compensation be fixed at the sun of 027.00 per month. A communication froz lies julia 0, Hill was received and read re,�esting jerr issi:r to use the auditorium of the Weaver 47aaw Fine House on 7ednesday afternoons for the Larchmont Girl Scouts Upon motion, duly seconded, it was ITSOLVED,that the application on behalf of the Larahmont airl Scouts Ar the use of the auditorium of the Weaver Street Fire House on 7adneaNy afternoons be and the sane hereby is apyroved, Ujcn motion. the meeting adjourned at 10: 20 P. A -ALAL- -7 1177--- Town, n r 77: