HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016_12_13 Recreation Commission Minutes TOWN OF MAMARONECK RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES December 13, 2016 PRESENT: James Druker, Chairman Dr. Robert Morello Nathalie Orans Rita Plansky Susan Sigel EXCUSED: Terry Rainaldi William Paonessa ALSO PRESENT: Jill Fisher, Superintendent of Recreation Vicky Laoutaris, Recreation Supervisor Jaine Elkind Eney, Town Board Liaison Eileen Puleo, Commission Secretary CALL TO ORDER: The meeting held at the Hommocks Park Ice Rink was called to order at 7:25 P.M. by Chairman Druker. ACCEPTANCE OF MEETING MINUTES: On a motion by Chairman Druker, seconded by Commissioner Morello, the Meeting Minutes of November 8, 2016 were unanimously approved. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. A Thank You letter was received from Ms. Ahyoung Lee. Ms. Lee's children participated in our Magic and Aviation Program on November 11th and they absolutely loved the programs and the instructors. 2. A letter from Meryl Rubinstein was received on November 29, 2016. Ms. Rubinstein has met with the Superintendent of Schools with regards to the hourly rate for Early Morning Swim. The days that we are in the pool with the Mamaroneck Swim Team we will be billed '/2 the hourly rate. This will create a savings of approximately $6,000. The Recreation Department is losing approximately $30,000 on this Early Morning Swim Program. Chairman Druker has suggested that a letter to the School District be written letting them know we may need to cancel this program. A motion was made by Chairman Druker that this program needs to be self-sustaining. All in favor. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE: Ms. Fisher reported the following: 1. The House League Hockey program has an enrollment of 115 as of December 1st 2. Session 3 of skating school began December 12th with 406 enrolled. 3. The December Ice Rink Calendar is enclosed for your information. 4. Our Kids and Adult Paint Night took place on Friday, December 2nd with 48 participants enrolled. 5. Many fall programs are concluding in the next week. Winter programs will start in January. Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes December 13, 2016 — Page 2 SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE CONTINUED: 6. The Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department Toy Drive was held on Sunday, December 11 to 7. The November, 2016 general public rink attendance numbers are enclosed for your review. 8. Groupon sales to date are $4,979. Groupon sales are down by over 200 from last year for this same time period. 9. Our 2016 tennis programs had a total enrollment of 532 participants. 10.The Dolphins Pre Swim Team conducted a mock swim meet with Badger Swim Team on Wednesday, November 30th. This event provided a great experience for both teams. Thanks go out to the coaches of both teams for putting this together. 11.The Carpino-Steffens Fields were aerated, seeded and fertilized on November 21st. Fields will be closed until April. 12.The 2017 Spring/Summer brochure is currently being worked on. It will be available and out to residents the beginning of February. Registration is set to begin on Monday, March 6th 13.Final bills will be sent out to the Mamaroneck School District and Larchmont Jr. Soccer League as soon as the final field maintenance bill is received. 14.Jennifer Pollak returned to work on December 5th from maternity leave. A special thank you to Vicky Laoutaris and Eileen Puleo for doing a great job covering for Jennifer during Jennifer's absence. 15.Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer the option to renew Pool, Tennis and Rink Permits online until after April. The Town's IT Department hopefully will have us ready to provide this service later this spring. 16.The sound system at the ice rink is operational but does have some issues. Rob Lunde is in the beginning phases of getting estimates to replace the existing equipment. A preliminary cost estimate came in at $23,000. 17.Rob Lunde is scheduled to be out for several days in December due to shoulder surgery. 18.The ice rink walkway has been decorated for the season with snowflakes. Rob and his staff did an incredible job decorating the facility. TEEN TRAVEL PROGRAM: Vicky Laoutaris, Recreation Supervisor presented a tentative Teen Travel Camp schedule. With the tentative trips in place, a new reduced fee structure for the Teen Travel Camp was presented as follows: Session 1: $1,225 Session 2: $1,250 Both Sessions: $2,350 After further discussion and review, Chairman Druker, seconded by Commissioner Plansky, made a motion to approve the new Teen Travel Camp fees as recommended. All in favor. 2017 SPRING/SUMMER PROGRAM FEES: On a motion by Commissioner Plansky, seconded by Chairman Morello, the following fees were approved: Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes December 13, 2016 — Page 3 SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE CONTINUED: 2017 ADDITIONAL SPRING/SUMMER PROGRAM FEES PROGRAM ADOPTED 2017 Camps Hommocks Playground 2nd child Resident $640 Rye Neck $785 Non Resident $835 3rd child Resident $620 Rye Neck $765 Non Resident $815 Hommocks Total Camp 1st child Resident $1,615 Rye Neck resident $1,860 Non Resident $2,010 2nd child Resident $1,585 Rye Neck resident $1,830 Non Resident $1,980 3rd child Resident $1,555 Rye Neck resident $1,800 Non Resident $1,950 2017 RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING DATES: On a motion by Commissioner Morello, seconded by Chairman Druker, the Commission unanimously adopted the following meeting dates for 2017. January 10th February 21st March 14th April 4th May 9th June 13th July 11th August 8th September 12th October 10th November 14th *December 5th * To be held at the Hommocks Park Ice Rink, Community Room. All meetings will begin at 7:15 P.M. in the V.F.W. Lodge, 1288 Boston Post Road in Larchmont, except where noted. Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes December 13, 2016 — Page 4 SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE CONTINUED: ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, on a motion by Chairman Druker, seconded by Commissioner Sigel, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 P.M.