HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_04_09 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes Not 5. Vol . Bo . 2. MINUTES BOARD OF U EALS UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE-TOWN OF AAMARONECK, N. v. S' :31 AL SET I NG Thursday evening 'aril 3, 1931. PRESENT: Acting Chairman Raynor, 7essrs ;-'7orth, Smith and Cross . also :.:r. Brewer chairman of the Building Commission. SUBJE©T:- Appeal No WIPP Building tpplication 7o. 1518. Application of Miss M. E. W. Grant to erect a greenhouse on the East side of "leaver Street opposite and diaganallr south of Howell .venue , under Section 11 !article 3 of the Zoning Ordinance . PREMISES AFFECTED: -East side of Weaver Street opposite and diagonalir opposite Howell :venue . APPEARANCES: For applicant ; -:'.r. W. :'essers:nith attorney at law. For opposition;-Mrs Jennie V. Coriell 98 'leaver Street . ACTION OF BOARD: Application granted on condition. THE VOTE: Affirmative: Acting c'_hair:aan Radnor, Messrs; "'orth, Smith and Cross. Negative; .one/ Absent: Mr. 3ossbottom. THE RESOLUTION: Whereas an application was filed under 'lrticle 3, Section 11 of the Zoning Ordinance br !ass E. W. Grant to permit the eretion of a greenhouse on the east side of "!eaver Steet ',diagonallr opposite and to the south of Howell Avenue and + Whereas there appeared in behalf of the applicant a Mr. "Tesler M. Messersmith attorney at law accompanied br a petition of 19 owners in fee of real property adjoining or within the vicinity of the proposed im- provement not in objection to such and Whereas there appeared in opposition a :.:rs Jennie V. Corriel an owner in fee of real property immediately adjoining the property in question stating that in her opinion said proposed greenhouse would materially re- duce the values of property in the neighborhood and Whereas the fact was explained to the 2oard , that the project woulf not be conducted in any manner that would be detrimental to adjoining or adjacent i rot ertr owners and "lhereas the applicant agreed to strike out from the plans as filed, the word ( office) and��<�; "` '7hereas the applicant also agreed to p operlr shrub the front of the premises affected so as to beautify- the appearance thereof it was therefor 7 SOLVED that the ap iication of ..'_iss :._eriam 7. W. Grant be granted and the decision of ',hr Building Co:n:mission reversed. Jlerk BOARD OF APPEALS SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 9 , 1931. PRESENT: 0. A. Raynor, Acting Chairman. Messrs ;-C. C. ':'orth, F. G. Smith, C. W. Cross. Building Commissioner, H. J. Brewer. Clerk. L. F. Williams. APPEAL No. ?=.UI LD ING APPLICATION No. 1120. APPLICANT- John J. Mahr (owner) SUBJECT- Application (re-decision of the Building Commission) under Article 3 Sectionll of the Zoning Ordinance to permit in a residence use and ''A" area district the erection and maintenance of a one-fancily residence 23 feet and no inches from the property and/or building line instead of the ZOifobt set back as recuired by the zone resolution. PREMISES AF"'ECTED: Southeast corner of Mountain Avenue and Huguenot Drive, Town of Mamaroneck (unincorporated section) known as Lots Block on a certain map entitled "Map of Larchmont Hills , Subdivision Ho. 2". APPEARANCES 11'or Applicant-John J. Mahr. ( owner) For Opposition-No one. ACTION OF BOARD Application granted on condition. THE VOTE Affirmative-Raynor, Worth, Smith, Cross. Negative- No .onee Absent- Rossbottom. Whereas John J. Mahr ;owner) filed Larch 16, 1931 an application under the building zone resolution to permit in a residence use and "A" area district the erection of a one-family residence building 23 feet and no inches from the building; and/or property line instead of the 30 foot set back required by the building zone resolution; premises , Southeast corner of Mountain Avenue and :iuguenot Drive, Town of Mamaroneck ( nincor- porated section) and ',,'hereas a public hearing was hell onthis application by the Board of Appeals at a special meeting April 9 , 1931 after due notice by publication in the public press , and Whereas the use district maps accompanying the building zone resolution show that the Southeast corner of Mountain Avenue and Huguenot Drive is in a residence ''A" area district, and Whereas the decision of the Building Commission rendered ::arch 16, 1931 reads ; there will exist a violation of Article 3 Sectinn 11 of the zoning ordinance ; residence will be in an "A" area district nearer than 30 feet from the building and/or property line of Moun- tain Avenue , and 'ihcreas owing to the fact that the property in question is on a corner and that it would prove a hardship on the owner in the free use of same , and Whereas no one appeared in opposition to the erection of said structure, situated as Hereinbefore mentioned, and '"hereas the 7oard deems the variation is warranted under Article 3 Section ll it is therefor iiESOhVED, that the aoard of Appeals does hereby make a variation of the building zone reso±ution and that the a')plication be and it hereby is granted on condition that the one-family residence be not less than 23 feet and no inches set back from the property and/or building line of Mountain Avenue and that the requirements of the zoning law otherwise shall be complied with in all respects. . . 7 ,__?/ • . • , - ar.,X-7- clarA:•,,, 44(44. fi472/7 >1-leeW ,-744fe cierk : _____ _ _ , ,• , , ii4 I . 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