HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_07_06 Town Board Minutes (2) I AINUTFS OF A SPECIAL HEMING OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWT OF o,jS,i'„i,C,?ii lld,C , X. Y. held July 6th, 1927 The meeting qas called to order by Supervisor Burton _ at 11:00 P . Y. Present: Supervisor justices C Town Clerk Counsellor Barton Mine, Howell and Leads Sherman Gamble Counsellor Gamble stated that the meeting had been called, pursuant to law and to a resolution of the Town Board adoOted at a meeting held June 1 g ] Y27, to act upon petition t11 er with the m 04P Board requesting said Board t0 CdS:te:1"iC'L the present boundary lines of Sewer District No , 1 , of the Ton of Hararoneek and the Sever 7, as _ to , System therein, now es ��-oli sr_e so as to include in and make. a Part Of said District the � territory embraced mithin the said proposed extension, ghich is described in said petition. The Clerk reported that due notice of the time and place of 'folding the "f_^_eetl had been given by postinS and cublishing as provided by law and pursuant to resolution of this P arr' The Clerk oresanted and read to the ueeting .. copy of the notice, together mitt affidavits of publication and osting Upon Doticn, duly seconded., it was FSOLVED, that a. Copy of the notice of the meeting and affidavits of public- ation and of posting be ordered rileK Counsellor Gamble stated to the meeting that the petition receive! and filed by the Bo:r•d had been signed by 4-'.,e owners of real property within the area or the gain District to be served by the proposed extension to said ystem representing more than once, half in value of the taxable Deal property within such ire a, as appears by the last preceding completed assessment roil., and that the said petition co:mnlied in form substance, an in the Yann-er c exac ';ticn, so .far as a nliceble thereto, with he rejair5mants of the petition for ne esta.bli h ent of a sewer district and stated Here, he proposed e e--'- _ace for such therein t ia,X� ,,u.._t r�,01`n� ,. r 0_ 'iJ _ d i 81[ extension or extensions, to-wit: The uJ ,, of �`Z'wo Hundred Fifty Thousand 4250,000) Dollars an? that said petition had endorsed thereon the written approval of all of tie __ .,gibers of the Board of Sewer ! o t. _i ssioner of Song :is tri. d No . 1, and that there was presented with. Vii:_:; said secition a i - '- y r pared by a cony . ent ineer, showing the area proposed to be served by such proposed extension and such change or changes from the l ns shown by the map and plan °.ttached to the petition for the estAlishment of said '.el'"er District No , 7 , which is prepared in the same manner as tie original may and plan and approved by the State Board of Health. The chairman stated that she Board would be Slad to _-_:r n,* person who o d s irM to be hi r prior to the Board t_' ing action upon s i d itona After discussion, all p nrsnn:s 'resent being in favor of the adoption of . Y o ut_c n by thy. Board authorizing the aforesaid extension, it was, � n motion of . Justlod Collins, secor ed. by 'r" Justice Leeds, unanimously 111- RESMED, whereas a petition signed and acknowledged by ow=s of real vrojeTty in a proposed extension of the ;recent Sewer District To . 1, of the Town of Mamaroneck, representing more than one half in value of the taxable real yToperty therein, ac appears by the !ast precelinE completed assessment roll, as is provided by Seitions 2W-KO-A of the Town La.,v of the State of Yen 7orl, has been duly filed with this Board, which said petition describes the proposedentanlion to Saw= District No . 1, and, states the naximum amount proposed tobe expanded in the construction of said proposed extension to the aforesaid Sewer System; that opposite the name of each yetitionar appears the assessed valuation of the Teal property owned by him or hat in such pronosed extension to the said Se nec., District , according to the last preceding assessment roll; and WHEREAS5 T7777 is annexed to and presented with and made a part of said -etition a map and plan/ of the proposed extension to the said Sewer District No . I and said Fewer System, with specifications of dimensions and- connections and outlet to the Sewerage 7isTos"1 7orks and Outfall Sewer, ch has been prepared by a competent engineer; and, THETTAS , S117yetitioneTs nsk the Town Board to make an order estsblishin, the Sewer Dist- rict described in said untition and stating the amount proposed to be expanded in the construction of said Sauer System; and 7HEREAS, in said petition asking for the establishing of a Sewer System the pat&- tionars likewise pray as urivided under Section 230-A that the entire portion of the system in said proposed extension desig- ned ultimately to serve the entire proposed extension to said Sewer DiStTiCt YOI n shall be constructed in the first ftstance, and have described the soil portion, or yortions in their petition and inCoated the same on the said map annoyed to said Intition gnd. hive soecified tho zani= amount pr000sed to be sx- ended in the construction of said portion or portions of the sail syztem' and said yetitionsys further ask that the To%r.q Balrd �K include in its order eatablilhing the said Sewer District a direction That the Sewer Commissioners shall construct the entire Oortion of the said system in the said vT000sod extension designated in the, said natition until axtnnsfons the7 .to shall be authorized as provided. by law; and 7717M . t�s Toun 7haTd is estlyfina. that the patiticnarE are owrars of real PrOjartY in the gropoesd extension and nin more thar one half in value of the taxable real PTOPM7 th3rOn and is also sztisfielhat the real property ocnstitut3a Athin tho proposed extension is or will be of sufficient value to pay for the cost of the constrvctio-n of the Sauer System in sail proposed District or extension, ac _rd to th2 estimated cost thereof as set forth in M TeCticn, and is wise satisfied that no real pwop2rty which RM M will not be substantially 'be n o f`_t zd by the groposad Sad= System is included in the ;royosai antension to the District. and that all 2rov- isions of the law relating to the establishment of the proposed extension to Sewer District No . 1, have bean, lied Vith, 7EEREAS, the Town Board has daternined that all the property, yroperty conars and intsrested parsons within the prop- osed extension to the District are benefit- ed by said extension and the construction of a Sewer System therein, an? that all pro;erty, or property owners benefited are included therein, and that no nroyarty, property owners or any interested yeTscnz not included in the proposed antension will be benefited thereby, and 7H7170' said proposed extension is des- cribed in sai? petition as follows- BEGIFYING, at a joint on the northerly houndary line Of Sevar ZistTiot Yo ,l of the Town of Mamaroneck as now constit- uted, which point is agVroyimately 271 easterly of the boundary line between the Town of Mamaroneck and the City of Yet Rochelle, thence northeasterly 4271 to a point 2001 easterly of 7nol1wocd Drive, thence east _y 1701 to a noint which is 1501 northerly of the northerly side of Vine Road, thence northerly 1500 ' to a point 1001 northerly of the northerly side of UaTd Lane, at a point 2v , westerly of tic gestariy siIa of Teaver Street, thence ,C) easterly and parallel with tie northeriv side of said lane and across 7a;nvor Street at right angles thereto and thence 125t easterly thereof, thence southerly and along the easterly Side of Twaver Street as it winds and turns and 1501 easterly thereof to a point approximately 2001 northerly of the northerly side of Collins Avenue, thence northoastarly and parallel with the north- eTiy side of Coijins Avenue 6001 , thence southeasterly to the northerly side of Collins Avanus and a;proniEatply at right angles thereto, thence across Collins Avenue to the corner formed by the intersection of the southerly side of Collins Avenue and westerly aide of Carroll Drive, thence along the scuthsr!7 side Of Collin':_ Avenue 501 , thence easterly and sou thessteTly and along the easterly locuniary lines of Lots Nos . 24 to V, inclusive, in Block 3-E, Ssoticn 2, thence westerly along the division line between lots Nos , !6 an? 17 in said Block to the easterly side of Highland Road, thence across Highland Road, thence so�th,Tiv g the I and al)on 01 westerly side of Highland Road and in front of lots 7os . 4-2b, inclusive, in Bloom 3, Section 0, thence southwesterly along the division line between jots 26-27, in Said Block 0, Section C, 100' to Lot 23, in said Black, thenc! along the roar boundary line of lot 7c, 2! to Lot To .. 10, Block Q_C, Section 2, at which point the said line of the proposed extension joins the Sewer Di6trict To . I of t_he Town of Havaroneof as now constitu tea Rd continues along the present northerly boundary line thereof, as follows , thence mEsterly and parallel withthe easterly (northerly at this point) sidd of Rockland Avenue and at a distance of 150' northerly there- from to a point 150 ' easterly from the easterly side of 75aver Vtxewt, thence northerly 2501 and parallel gith the easterly side of 7eaver Street and 1401 easterly thsTefrom; thence aesterly W frcy said point last ja2cribed, creasing Murray Avenue at right an,iwe to the 7enterl- side thereof to a point 150 ' westerly there- from, thence southorly parallel with rTay Avenue and 100 ' 0est- nsly therefrom shames southwesterly 275' , vhich point is 2001 northerly from and at rilht angles to the northerly side of 7ina Road at tv± easterly and thereof, thence southwesterly 4001 thencqUatherly 2001 , thence westerly and nearly psralial with Forest Avenue 11254 which is the point or place of beginning, all of which proposed eztensi On to said Sewer District jTq l of the Town of 'd avaroneck as more specifically ,hoNn on a ccrtain may entitled "_Sewer District Noy 1 of the ToV`J:! of Mam ronec k, Westchester County, N. t` Plan ...12':'ding T'TcDos.`:,C' Extension to be known as Section E, Apr'il, l 027,. j 2 Van Ettan C � E- 0, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the aforesaid Petition be approved by this Board; and be it further RESOLVED that the aforesaid described property and iropwcsad extension be and the same hereby is established, annexed to„ and made a mart of said Sewer Di st- rict, Yo . 1, of the Town of ''_owaroneoh, and be it fvrCher RESOLVED,D, that ty!'ie present Saner Di s tric t No = 1, Of the Torun of !`a:raro'nec'k as now constituted, together with the s°t✓nsi on thereof her _n establisher!, continue to be £nown and desiSned .a..s "Sewer District Yo . 1 of the T'oe?n of and that the said District No . 1 and the extension thereto as herein authotized, , W-hereby established, i • o , tnv original District No , 1 and the extensions thereto, be here- after bounded and _ escrib'e d on follows' B +G1771NG, at a point on the .crest rl - side of Chats, rr t'^ "z„n tie, 110 feet e_uth _ th e intersection of the srttierl �' ds of Myrtle Avenue and the westerly site of Chatsworth Avenue at which the intersection of the Oounfary Zane of the ` illage of l arc hTo nt and the Town of Mamaroneck converge, running thence southerly and along ta.id westerly side of Chatsworth Avenue 'which is also the boun_-'ar7 line of said Village of Larchmcnt and Town of Sad r aro',neok 125 feet to the north''rI7 boundary line of the Village of r,a-rchn nt raining thence westarl, along the northerly boundary line of the 7illaSe of Larchmont 200 feet to a pint Where seise Village lint°. if ocntinaed would intersect the easterly boundary line of the City ;y of Y Rochelle, thence northerly along said boundary line° b6tiM1leen the Town of Mamaroneck and the Oiiy of New Rochelle, 5600 fact to a 'point 625 feat north of the northerly side of Forest Avenue at which point Forest Avenue intersects the aforesaid boundary lin€., thence easterly 25 feet and nearly =rallel with said `oro_t ,?venue (at which point said district as now constituted joins the proposed extension hereby proviu''ud_ to be included in said Sewer District? , thence north- easterly 225' to a point 200 ' easterly of 7nollwood Drive, ,!h':.eras' easterly W;0 ' to a. point xxxyx which is 1;C' northerly of the northerly side of Tine Food, thencex northerly 1500 ' _�. a point l t rA-rl.y f the northerly site �", .raTf la= at a Point _t?0 nort'.� o_ 2508 Westerly of the westerly side Of hover Street, thence e st- =rly and parallel with the n- r h ,rly side of said Lane across t av i'T Street, at right angles thereto and thence 12')g easterly thereof, thence southerly and along the easterly side of 7eaver ?treat as it winis an? turns and 1501 easterly thereof to a point approximately -00 ° northerly of the ro her!7 side of Collins ;Avenue, thaniehotth e,_terly and parallel with the northerly .._d'e of Collins Avenue 6001 , thence southea.=t 'rly to tie _ herl'' side of Collins Avenue in? ..r ' - "..' t "1Y at r "ht angles thereto, thence across Collins Avenue to the or= forms? b.> the .- i® section of the s, JthaT17 side Of Collins •. / nua end thy r west" 17 of n._ roll- Drive, thence along the scutherl'r side of Collins t � i Avenue 571 thence easterly '�P`G'. 7a1��_ i - fir 7 _ .'.' along east- erly boundary lines of Lots s 2' 4 2 57, inclusive, i r Bloc' , Section , thenc ,westerly along the .'_V `_on line het wean_ Lots Ncs . 226 _7d 227 in said Block to the aast=& sits & Highland Road, thence ,across T Rl __^d Road, thence southerly _ along the weaterly side of Highland Road, and in front of Lots I Yet . 107-105, inclusive, in Block , Section , thonc,2 s -uthwasterly along the division line betweqn, lots Yos loc- 110, in said Block-; Section i 100 fast to hot 70 lC6 in said Block 1 Section . thence along the rear a bondary le in of Block No . 106 to Lot Yo . 33, in slook , Section at which point the said Trcucand extension rejoins the prevent ncrherly t boundary line if Noon District 7c . 1 of the Town of Uamaroneck, as now established, t he o a Point 1501 nortrly from the castor de (northerly at this point of Rockland s easterly and paraliel cith Rockland Avenue aW_ 1501 northerly therefrom "1425 feat, thence southeasterly t,-j the venter3y side of Rockland Avenue intersecting the same at a point 1251 easterly from the cornmer formed by tho inter- section Df the easterly lide of Forest Avenue with the westerly side of Rockland Avenue; thence southeasterly and along the easterly side of boundary of the Develo m yents of Stations knwn o as "lolonial ?ark" and"Larohnont Cardens ", respectively, an-,-' as shown on the respective reported maps of said sections, 1480feet, to the ncrtharly side of Little 7arms Road, which point, is 1501 easterly from the corner forned by the intars52ctii­� r of the northerly side of little Farms Road and the easterly side of Edgewood Place; thence easterly 2001 along the northerly side of Little Farms Read if the same ware grolongadi thence southeasterly, and at right angles to said line just das3ribad., to the northerly side of Stony Side Drive; thence southeasterly 200 feet crossing Stony Side Drive and at right angles to the northerly side thereof; thence southerly 200 feet; thencC, south5astarly and to the westerly side of Gray8tons Road inter- seating the same at a point lK northerly from the ocrneo formed by the intersection of tia westerly side of Waystona Road and the northerly side of Carden Road; thence southeasterYr 3501 , crossing tie easterly side of Graystcne Road and the north- erly side of Garden Road, intarseCting the said streets at points 501 northorly and 25' easterly, respectively, from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Graystone Road and the northaTiv aide of Garden Road; thence easterly and at right angles to the line just described, 100 feet thence south- 3astsTiy 300fast crossing Rocky Road Drive at a right anS15 to the northerly side thereof; thence sDutherly, and wp7rcyimatahr parallel with Rocky Road Drive, 225 feet; thence easterly and crossing North Brook Road and South Erect Road, at right angles thereto, to the scutierly side of South Wook Road at right angles thereto, to the southerly side of South 'r'ook Road, inter- secting the latter at a point 251 northerly from the intersection of the westerly end of South Brook Road and the easterly and of Lakeside ?rive; thence 2501 easterly to the boundary line of the Town of hamarstnecl which is also the :a5turiy boundary lint of the Village of Mamaroneck, intnTsectiQ the sane at a point 12-5' northerly from the intor sec tion of said boundary l7 Y1 with the northerly side of Harmon Drive; thence scntherly and along the aforesaid boundary line of the Town 3f Mamaroneck and tts zastaTly boundary line of the 7illaZe of Mamaroneck, crossing the Right- of -lay of tie New 7onh, N, H. & Ha R. F. , and Palmer Avenue, to a point at the aforesaid boundary lines 1751 southerly from where it crosses the southerly aide of Palmer Avenue; thence southerly and along the aforesaid boundary line of the Town of Yamaromck and the Village of Mamaroneck to a point approximately 1001 southerly from the southerly side of the Boston Post W thence westerly and parallel with the southerly side of the said Boston post Road and 100 feet southerly fheTefrom 050 feet to a point 100 1 easterly from the easterly side of the Hammocks Roadway, thence southeasterly and parallel with said Hammocks Roadway, and 100 feet easterly therefrom 3251 , thence south- westerly an? across said Hammocks Roadway at right onglIes to the westerly side thereof and 100 feet be7cnd, thence northwesterly and again parallel oith said Hammocks Roadway and 100' thorefro-r''I to a point 1001 southerly from the southerly side of said Boston Post Road, thence westerly andalain parallel nith the 5outherT7 side of the Boston post Road an! 1001 southerly therefrom 15501 ; thanoe dontinuing wastorly an? parallel with the southerly side Of the Boston Post Road and 1001 southerly therefrom SOO ' to the lain of intersection of said boundary line of the Town o? Tamarcnnk- with the easterly boundary line of the Village of Lorchmont, ! Said point being about 100teet southerly from the South side of the Boston Poet Road, thence northerly and alonE said easterly boundary line of the Village of Larchnont and across the Right- of-Tay of the N. Y. N. M H. R. R. , to the junction of said easterly boundary line of said Village of Larchoont with the northerly boundary line of said Village, thence westerly, north- erly and westerly and along said northern boundary line of the said VillaSe of Larohnont to the point or beginning of place ', and all of which said proposed Fewer District anAthe extensicns thereto is more specifically shown and set forth on four certain maps entitled "Town of Tamarnneck, TeEtchester County, New ycry' A Gensral Plan of Proposed Sewers in certain Districts, the Outlet from which is throuZh District No . 1, larobsont, By L . E � Van Etten, Civil Engineer, February 7, 1918" ; " Town of MamaTonwc 7wEtchester County, y y. , A,Generai Plan of Proposed Sewers in District No . 1, Suction C . By L. E, Van Witten, Civil 7nEineer, December 12, 15211; "Town of 7anaroneck, A GdnaTal Plan of Proposed Section D. , Sever District No . 1, L. T. Van Etten, Civil Engineer, December, lcM ; and "Sever District No . 1 of the Town of YavaToneck, Testchaster County, NO York, Plan Showing Fron- osed Extension to Be Knoon as Section Z, April, 1?27, L. E. Van Fttan' C . Es' That the District W 1, of Sewer District No . along the northr r! aforesaid proposed extension to said Fewer the Town of KaTaroneck joins and abuts upon I of the Town of hawaToneck as now established y boundary line thereof, further 77SOLVED, that the Sewer Commissioners of Sewer District Nn 1, are hereby diTected and empowered to construct, attain by DuToh,ase, agreement or otherwise in the first instance at the entire Oortion of the Sewer System in O&id proposed extension designated ultimately to serve the entire proposed extension to Sewer District To . 1, as described herein and as designated in the said netition at a cost of not to exceed Two Hundred Fifty Thous nd (0090300-0) Dollars until extensions thoreto shall be authorized as provide! by Lag; and it iS further RTSOLVED, that for all jurnoses of taxation and assessments this resolution and the Cart ificate herein authorized to be filed shall take affect immediately; and be it further RES( LMD, that the aforesaid extension to Sewer District No . 1, herein authorize! and established shall hereafter, for all puTposes be regarded as a part of the original s-stam, taratofore established, and shall be construct- ed and raintained by the Sewer Commissioners of the said Sewer District To . 1, of the Town of Mawaronadk, and the cost of construction thereof shall be provided for ly the issuance and sale of Town Bonds in the same nunber as ie Lace yrovided in the Town La and by Chapter 422 of the Laws of 1022 and by Charter of the Laws of 106, of the Stat3 of NA, Y- ork-A or so much thereof as is applicable) for the na-ment of the cost of tie original system, which said bonds shall be a Town charge and the princival and interest thar5tf, together with the chat of maintainance of such entensions or extension, shall be collected from the real property within the sai? District by the aforesaid Sewer Commissioners in the same manner as tboulh said extension or extensions had formed a part of the oriZiral sysve�o constructed in said Sewor District No . 1 . Upon motion, the vestinga diouTned at IIS40 P. m town Clerk