HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_04_06 Town Board Minutes 3
held April 6th, 1927.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 9 -00 P. M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burton,
Justices Howell, Leeds ,
To-vin Clerk Sherman,
Counsellor Gamble
Upon motion it was voted to dispense with the reading
of the minutes of meetings not yet approved.
The Clerk stated that pursuant to notice duly adver-
tised the Board should now consider the various applications
and plans for building permits which had been denied as being
in violation of the Zoning Ordinance .
Upon reading of tIB notice as advertised and after
discussing and considering the various applications and plans
for building permits before the Board, it was upon motion
duly sec onded , unanimously
RESOLVED, tfhereas the Town Board of the
Town of Mamaroneck has duly advertised
pursuant t o law, a public meeting f or
the purpose of considering certain app-
lioations therein stated, made under
the Zoning Ordinance of the unincorporat-
ed part of the Town of Mamaroneck,
which applications are now pending, and
WHEREAS, the said Town Board having held
said h ear ing and both part ies having been
granted the privilege of appearing fvr
or in opposition to the granting of
certain applications as provided under
the said Zoning Ordinance and after due
consideration, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck, sitting jointly as a Board
of Appeals and as a Tome Board does hereby
grant tYa following applications from
the decision of the Building Commission,
which decision is hereby reversed and
does hereby con sent to the granting of
tl7B £allowing applications subject in
each respective case to the specific
conditions and safeguards therein stated ;
1. Application #948 of Morgan J. Hickey for the erection
of a one family dwelling and garage on the south side of Little
Frame Road, 60 feet frian Cherry Street , provided that the
building is erected not less than 25 feet from the front lot
line and 5.33 feet frcm the side lot line .
2. Application #949 of Mora rd Holding Company for the
erection of a one family dwelling on the north side of Garden
Road , 120 feet fran Greystone Road, provided that the building
is erected not less than 25 feet from the front lot line and
4 feet from the side lot line.
/i J
3. Appli cat ion #950 of Richard C . Heather f or the erect ion
of a one family dwelling on the north side of Heather Lane ,
113.55 feet east from Weaver Street , provided that the build-
ing is erected not less than 20 feet from the front lot line.
4. Application #958 of Eric 47. Anderson for the erection
of a one family dwelling on the north side of Garden Road, 250
feet from West Brookside Drive , provided that the easterly side
of the house is not less than 8 feet from the side lot line,
excepting a pier which maybe erected not less than 6 inches
- from said line .
5. Appli cation #961 of R. Swenson f or the erect ion of a
one family dwelling and garage on the south side of Palmer
1venne, 2010 feet west from 'Heaver Street, provided that the
building is erected not less than 22 feet frcm the front lot
line and upon the further condition that a blue print of the
property survey be filed with the Building Commission.
The Board took up for consideration the application
heretofore filed by Mr. H. M. Williams asking for reclassific-
ation of his property situated at the southeast corner of
Madison Avenue and Washington Street.
The Clerk stated that he had been informed that the
advertisement had in relation to the rezoning of the south
side of Myrtle Avenue from Residential B to Unclass-
ified F. had been contrary to lawn inasmuch as the law spec-
ified that tkat a ,period of fifteen days must elapse before
the hearing can beheld, and therefore the action of the
Town Board at its meeting held on March 23rd last was illegal.
The Supervisor then stated that it would be in
order for the Town Board to rescind its action of March 23rd
in the rezoning of the south side of Myrtle Avenue, westerly
from Chatsworth Avenue and to authorize the holding of an
other hearing in accordance with the law, taking up at the
same time the application of Mr. Williams for the rezoning of
his property.
The Clerk then presented a communication from Mr .
Frank M. Gagliardi, petitioning the Town Board to reclassify
his property t o Business C from Residential A s ituat ed at the
northwesterly corner of Beech Street and Myrtle Avenue, also
a plot of land on the northeasterly corner of Myrtle Avenue
and "snood Street and the adjoining plot 100 x 100 on the easterly
side of Wood Street.
It was thereupon motion duly seconded and upon
roll call unanimously
RESOLVED , that the action of the Town
Board at its meeting held on March 23rd
1927 , in the rezoning of the south side
of Myrtle Avenue to F Unclassified be
and the same hereby is in all respects
Upon motion duly seconded , it was upon Roll call ,
-- unanimously
RESOLVED , that a hearing be held upon
the applications of the Hillside Hold-
ing Corporation for the reclassificat-
ion of certain premises situated on
the southerly side of Myrtle Boulevard
west of Chatsworth Avenue, the south-
easterly corner of Madison Averue and
Washington Street, the northwesterly
aobner of Beech Street and Myrtle
Averaa.e, the northeasterly corner of
Myrtle Avenue and Wood Street and the
adjoining plot 100 x 100 on the easterly
side of Wood Street in the Town of
Mamaroneck, and for that purpose the
- 3rd day of May 19 27 , at 8 :30 P. M. at
the office of the Town Clerk be hereby
designated as the date for such hearing;
and be it further
RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk be and he
hereby is authorized and directed to
give and publish due notice of such
Justice Leeds offered for ad apt ion the following
resolution: Be it
RESOLVED , that the resolution adopted
by this Board at a meeting held on
February 2nd, 1927 , authorizing the iss-
uanoe of a certificate of indebtedness
in the sum of $3,000. t o pay the cost
of contract A for the alteration and
reconstruction of the concrete floor
of the weaver Street Fire House , and
the resolution adopted at a meeting held
on February 25th, 1927 authorizing the
issuance of an additional certificate
of indebtedness in the amount of $3,000 .
to pay the cost of contract B for the
alteration and reconstruction of the
concrete floor of the Weaver Street Fire
House, be and the same hereby are rescind-
ed with the same force and effect as if
the same had never been passed.
Upon a Note being taken upon the foregoing resolution,
the same was upon roll call unanimously adopted.
RESOLVED , that there be levied and assess-
ed and collected against the taxEble property
of the Town of Mamaroneck lying within fire
light, water district (outside the corporate
limits of the Villages of Larchmont and
Mamaroneck) the sum of Six thousand. ("$6,000)
Dollars to pay the cost of contracts A ani
B f or t he alt erat ion and ree on struet ion of
the c merete floor of the Weaver Street Fire
House .
Upon a vote being taken upon the foregoing resolution
the motion was declared unanimously adopted by the following
vo to :
Ayes 6 - Nays 0
The Supervisor recommends that he be authorized to
raise the sum of Six Thousand ($6,000.00) Dollars , authorized
in the preceding resolution by the sale of a certificate of
indebtedness in anticipation of the collection of taxes which
will be levied on April 1st , 1928 .
Justice Collins therefore offered for adoption the
following resolut ion;
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and empowered to
borrow upon the faith and credit of the
Town of A4amarmneck the sum of Six thousand
(06,000.00) Dollars for which stun he shall
issue in the name and under the seal of said
Town, in anticipation of the collection of
such taxes levied to pay the cost of contracts
A and B for the alteration and reconstruct ion
of the concrete floor of the Weaver Street
Fire House and assessed against taxable property
situated in fire, light and water district
(outside the corporate limits of the Villages
of Larchmon t and Mamar one c k) and which will
beanie due and payable on April 1 , 1928; said
certificate to be sold for not less than the
par value therefor, to bear interest at the
rate not to exceed six (6%) per cent per annum
and to mature at such time as the Supervisor
may determine. Such certificate shall be paid
with the taxes which will become due on April
let , 1928 and which have been levied and
assessed for fire purposes as aforesaid; and
it is further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk
be and they hereby are authorized and empowered
to sign and execute such papers and instruments
as maybe necessary and proper to effect the
sale of said certificates.
Upon a vote being taken upon the foregoing resolutions
the same were declared unanimously adopted by the following
vote ;
Ayes 4
Nays 0
Communications were received frm the cleaver Street Fire
Company advising the Board that Driver Frederick graft had
resigned, effective March 31, 1927, and that the officers of the
company had, subject to the approval of the Todva Board , appointed
Clarence Stout , of Mamaroneck, New York, for the probationary
period starting April 1 , 1927,
Upon motion duly seconded it was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the resignation of Frederick graft
as driver for the weaver Street Fire Apparatus be, and
the same hereby is accepted , effective as of March
31, 1927 , and it was further
RESOLVED , that the reccmmandation of the fire
company in the appointment of Clarence Stout, of
Mamaroneck, New York, as a driver for the weaver
Street Fire Apparatus for the probationary period
of three (3) months commencing April 1, 1927, be ,
and the same hereby is approved and that his
aompensation for said period be fixed at the sum
of One hundred and twenty-five (? 125) Dollars per
A communication was received ffom the weaver Street Fire
Company advising the Town Board that engineer Nolan is now in line
for an increase of Five ($5) Dollars per month, canmencing April
1, 1927, in acoordance with, _ the sliding wage scale adopted by the
Tomm Board at its meeting held on March 6 , 1926.
Upon recommendation of the fire house committee it was
upon motion duly seconded and upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED , that the compensation of engineer
Patrick Nolan for a one year period commend-
ing April 1, 1927, be fixed at the sun of One
hundred and seventy ($170 ) Dollars per month.
A c ommuni cat ion from the Chatsworth Heights Association
was received and read, calling..to the attention of the Board the
proposed construction of two houses on Beach Street not in ace ord-
ance with the zoning ordinance . The Communication was ordered
received, noted in the minutes and placed on file .
Mr. Gamle reported on behalf of the committee that he
had conferred with Mr. Davison and Mr. MoPueston of the legal
department of the Westchester Street Railroad Company, in relation
for the consent to operat busses on the -,Yhite Plains-Mamaroneck
line in place of trolleys and that they had consented to certain
slight charges in the form of consent which they had heretofore
decided upon.
After discussion upon motion duly seconded it was
RESOLVED, that the matter of granting the
emsent be further adjourned until the n%xt
meeting of the Board .
Justice Collins presented the following resolution and
asked its adoption,
WHEREAS, it appears of record that certain
premises described on the assessment roll of
the Tovm of Mamaroneck as Lot 1 , Block 11 ,
Section 7 , were acquired by the Roman Catholic
Church of St . Augustine of Larchmont, Td. Y. , on
June 4, 1926; and
WHEREAS, a o1mreh is now being erected upon said
NOW, THE£?EFORS, it is
RESOLVED , that the Receiver of Taxes heand he
hereby is directed to cancel and discharge the
school taxes of 1926 levied on September 1, 1926 ,
and the town taxes of 1927 which will become a lien
on April 1, 1927 , against said premises described
as lot 1, Block 11 , Section 7, as aforesaid, and
that he make a proper notation on the assessment
roll with reference to this resolution.
Upon a vote being taken upon the foregoing resolution, the
same was declared unanimously adopted by the following votes
Noes : None
Justice Leeds presented the following resolution;
WHEREAS, this Board has received from the
Receiver of Taxes of this Town a statement
under the provisions of Section 28 of the
Westchester County Tax Act , from which it
appears that on April 1 , 1927, the sum of
$39 ,605.04 was outstanding and unpaid
for School taxes , which were levied on
September 1 , 1926 ; and
MFMAS, the Supervisor has requested
this Board to authorize the issuance and
sale of one or more temporary certificates
of indebtedness not exceeding in the aggregate
said sum of $39 ,605.04 being the amount re-
ported by said Receiver of Taxes to be un-
collected and outstanding on April 1, 1927 , as
NO7i, THEREFORE, be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions os
the Westchester County Tax Act , the Supervisor
be and he hereby is authorized and empowered
to borrow upon the faith and credit of the Town
of Mamaroneck the said sum of $39,605.04 for
whi ch sum he shall i ssue in t I-B rame and under
the seal of said Town against uncollected School
Taxes levied on September 1, 1926, one or more
certificates of indebtedness each in such de -
nomination as the Supervisor may determine, not
exceeding in the aggregate the said sum of
$39,605.04 which shall bear interest at a rate
of not more than 5% pear annum and shall be made
payable at such t ime as the Supervisor may de-
termine, but not later than June 1, 1928 . Said
certificate of indebtedness shall be signed by
the Town Clerk; and it is farther
RESOLVED , that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to dispose of said
certificate of indebtedness for not less than
the par value thereof; and it is further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor ani Toirtm Clerk be
and they hereby are authorized and empowered to
sign and execute such papers as may be necessary
to effect the sale of said certificates .
Upon a vote being tarn upon the foregoing resolutions
the same were declared unanimously adopted by the following votes
.Ayes ; 4
Noes ; None
Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 11 :50 p. ItI.
Town 01 er nr-----