HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_03_08 Town Board Minutes 4L MEETING OF THE TOINT BOARD TOWN OF MA11ARONECK held March 8th , 1927 . The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9 :00 P.M. PRESENT : Supervisor Burton, Justices Collins, Howell , Leeds, Town Clerk Sherman. Upon motion it was voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved. The Supervisor presented the budget for the year 1927. After reading and upon discussion, it was RESOLVED , that the budget for the year 1927 be and it hereby is approved, spread upon the minutes , placed on file and the Super- visor is authorized and directed to present a copy of same to the Board of Supervisors. The budget is as follows : B U D G E T OF THE T0'JN OF M-21ARONECK, NEW YORK f or the year 1927 . FIRST:- RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck and collected, and when collected paid to the Supervisor, the following amounts for the purposes hereinafter set forth , to wit : A. To pay the salary of the Supervisor under the westchest ef County Tax Act , 3,000.00 B. To pay the salary of the Clerk to the Super- visor, 20500.00 C. To pay the salary of t. e Town Clerk, 3 ,500.00 D. To pay the salary of the Receiver of Taxes , and Deputy 5,500.00 E. To pay the salary of three assessors 7,150.00 F. To pay t he salary of t he Overseer of the Poor 1 ,800.00 G. To pay the compensation for janitor service , 1 ,500 .00 H. To pay f or the rent of Town offices 3 ,960.00 I. To pay for the temporary support of the poor, 1;6,000.00 less amount available for such purpose 3,000.00 J. To pay the allowances for public health nurses, 2,380.00 X. To pay for Memorial Day appropriation and rents American Legion quarters, 300.00 L. To pay the principal on voting machine bond #7 1,000.00 vd 9 15. To pay the interest on voting machine bonds 90.00 N. To pay the salary of the Superintendent of Highways, allowances , etc. , 41000.00 0. To pay the salary of the Supervisor under the Highway Law, 2,000.00 P. To pay for the removal of snow , cutting weeds, brushes , etc. 3,500.00 @. To pay for the purchase and repair of machinery, tools , etc. 3,000.00 R. To pay the principal of State Highway Bond #13, (B.P.R.Improveme nt 2,000 .00 S. To pay the interest o£ State Highway Bonds, (B.P.R.Improvemen t) 315.00 T. To pay the interest of State Highway Bonds, (v7. 3.Part I, Improvement) 675.00 U. To pay for the construction and repair of bridges 2t600 .00 Less amount available 10,000.00 Total amount , Town at large 43,670.00 OUTSIDE OF TIE VILIAGE OF IARCHMONT APED MAMARONECK SECOND ;- RESOLVED, that there be levied and collected upon the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck, lying outside the corporate limits of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, and collected , and w1-Bn collected paid to the Supervisor, the following amounts for the purposes hereinafter set forth,to wit ; A. To pay for the repair and improvement of Highways , 30,000.00 B• To pay the principal of Murray Aveme con- plet ion Bond #12, 1 ,000.00 C. To pay the interest of Murray Avenue com- pletion bonds, 168 .75 D. To pay the principal of Chatsworth Avenue improvement bond #5, 10000.00 - E. To pay the interest of Chatsworth Avenue improvement bonds, 287 .50 F. To pay the principal of Sidewalk Bond X10 , 1, 000.00 G. To pay the interest of Murray Avenue widening bonds, 2,160.00 H. To pay for the preservation of peace , 459250.00 �.I 2. To psy for the alteration and reconstruction of police quarters , 149981.99 J. To pay the salary of tre health officer, 1,200 .00 E. To pay the salary of the Registrar of Vital Statdstics, 500 .00 L. To pay the salary of the Building Inspector, 2,250.00 M. To pay t1- salary of the Inspector of Construct- ion, 20040.00 N. To pay the rental of street lights , 7, 500 .00 0. To pay the interest of Park Bonds, 6 ,660.00 P. To pay for the maintenance of parks , 3,430.00 Total amount, Outside District, # 119,428.24 FIRE DISTRICT NO. I. THIRD:- RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town Of Mamaroneck, lying within Fire District No.I ani collected and when collected , paid to the supervisor, the following amounts for the purposes hereinafter set f orth, to wit : A. To pay t he principal of Fire House Bonds, Nos . 29 t o 35 inclusive , 6,500.00 B- To pay the interest of Fire House Bonds , 1,950 .00 C. To pay the principal of Fire Apparatus Bonds, Nos. 5 and 6 , 2,000.00 D. To pay the interest of Fire Apparatus Bonds, 250.00 E. To pay the rental of Fire Hydrants, 40000.00 F. To pay tle compensation of Special Officers , 61900.00 G. To pay for the collection and disposal of ashes , garbage , refuse , etc. , 10 ,000.00 H. To pay for supplies , equipment , maintenance , etc. , of fire apparatus, buildings, etc. , 3, 500.00 Total amount , First Dist. No. I, 35,100.00 FOURTH :- RESOLVED, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the To wl of Mamaroneck , lying within Fire District No. 2 ani collected, and when collected, paid to the Supervisor, the following amounts for the purposes hereinafter set forth, t o wit : A. To pay for tYB rental of Fire Hydrants 120.00 B. To pay for the rental of fire house, repairs , maintenance , etc. , Fire Company No. 2, 350.00 C. To pay fcr the collection and disposal of ashes , garbage, reguse , etc . , 1 ,550 .00 Total amount, Fire District No. 2 2,020.00 SEWER DISTRICT FIFTH; - RESULJED, that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck lying within Sewer District No. 1, and collected and when collected, paid to the Supervisor, the following amounts for the purposes hereinafter set forth, to wit ; A. To pay the interest of bonds aril maintenance of plant , etc . 3718CO .00 Total amount , Sewer District, 37,800 .00 The Clerkbroaght to the attention of the Board the matter of the publication of the list of audited town accounts f or the year 1926. Upon motion duly see onded , it was upon roll call, 3ES0L , that the matter of the public- - ation of the list of audited town accounts f or the year 1926 be and the same hereby is referred to the Town Clerk with power to act therein in accordance with tae law. Upon motion the meeting ad joumed at 10 :30 p.M. � . Town Clerk.