HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_02_23 Town Board Minutes FETING OF THE TOWN ppBrrOAAYRD TOWN OVUEARONEC held ,February 23rd,1927. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9.30 P.M. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton -- Justices Collin: ,Hotic*elijeeds Town Clerk Sherman . The minutes, of meetings of December 15, 1926 vanuard, 5th3 12tna 26th and February 2nd,1927, were read and upon Motion approve . The Clerk stated that the meeting had been called in accordance 7ith a. re$olution of the Town Board heretofore adopted to receive .aids on Section B in connection with the reaonutr ictien af the Tearer Street Fire House. The Clerk er h" r eaa the notice C,° ..ed said t'_rLa,t the same had been duly published. Won motion, duly seconded, it was RES✓IVED, that the call �mC notice of the meeting and the report of the C e -a be and the same hereby are in ;all' respects approved. _ The Chd..in n.,an asked if there were any A:it de 7�rLo desired to be heard in connection with I1 fi the e:.s There being none, the Chairman stated that uf.aas J there was an opposition, the Clerk would proceed .o open the b ids Y ;�eiyes . There being no opposition, the Clerk Jroceeded to open the 1S}s received, which were as i?1 lfw48 Bidder mount hh1loy Bros. 4200. Chas.G.hhiol?no 3600 Louis Gross 2690. Gahan Construction Co. 2585. all of which bids were on the form of proposal, and complied with the conditions as specified, in the proposal. ?7pon motion u!y Seconded, it was RESOZ7ED,that the Toara go into executive session to consider and tabulate the bids received. T=ie Board then reconvened, and upon motion duly seconded, it. .�a RESOLL" D, th t the bid of the Gc.!'1L?,$3 Construction Co. in the Suit of WK. for furnishing material and perform- ing the labor FeSj i 'h° � d under - lam'. w:_A�..._ ed. ZAn C..iw Section B of the specifications for reinforcing'_"a.'!:1g tl3e apparatus floor in Ve ti'ueas"er Street Fier House in r accowdanca with the plans and sDecifi- c ati ons for same, be aoc€+y?ted 2,A'Pd that the contract be awarded to he said Gahan ConKruction Company; and it as further RESOLVED, that Counsel be and he hereby is authorized and directed to preParr-- the necessary contract covering said work, band etc. and that the Supervisor cnrdTown Cam. � �, A,t'd.�ey hereby are . TCJ i'•r. 1ry.0".'�i Fe•- 1,LP;... authorized and empowered to execute the same for and on behalf of the ToWIn of lSamaroneck, when presentee' by Counsel; an! it was further RESOLVED, that all other bids for Section R be "=eyeected and the Town Clerk aL1.t orizea and directed to return the deposits and,/o-- bonds, _eceiVed; and it was further RESOLVED, that the Hm01_tnt of said contract `f herein, together with the cost of engineers' fees, incidentals and expenses in connection a'Pith said contract belevied and collected upon!:,n Fi1"8;:'L>' ht and Water Supply District I of the Toxin o F:':��:"^-a ^.ne h, upon District; f.,i'e taxable 7 � _ "_operty situated, within the said the same to be col.l.ectedi. with the tames due . April a'il lstj927 ; and it was further RESOLVED, that he Supervisor and Town Clerks _- be a,n•in they hereby are authorized and empowered to i^o-r°ra°"i upon the faith ani credit ^ the Town T to n it s5` gal .sv ���.n ow' �T�..a,ro.nec_., the �r (oaf not the to exceed $3,000. in anticipation tames to be collected. on April ist,1927 levied oo^.p'a,1:1Sv the taxable property situated within Fire;LiSht and Water supply distri , ^,� I of the TG'.i?2T of 1 maron.eck; and it was further RES01'T thu.''v thou, Supervisor r+ �n ha- y .;w : '.,e�."�.4 be <�,,. hereby in autho2ized n.`Si1 empowered to issue a temporary certificate of indebtedness in the amount of not to exceed ?'a.sg000. which Of e s13d,l1. bear interest �.t the :L°2tN ® not i',"e_:-`: than 6% peT an nomg payable at such time as the supervisor months may fix, not exceeding, hw rte°FS: f t°°n frnr the date thereof; an! is dispose of said tenDowary certificate of indebtedness for not less than the par l e thereof; and be it further j RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Town Cleo_ be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to execute and attest, respectively the ,af'ores.atid. certificate of indebtedness in the name and on behalf of the Town of Nkm<a. o iE'ck and to execute such other and. 3 s t o further rtu°.'>�YL •- 3t,, as may be necessary effect c+h'.: sale thereof. The Clerk star""? that pursuant to notice duly advertised the Board should now consider e applications for building permits 7hich had been denied as being in violation of the Zonin i' Ordinance. Upon xe7 reading of the notice as advertised. any! after discussing anC1 considering the same-various appli- cations and plans for building permits before the Boars, it was Upon motion duly seconded, una?%}.Illn17ally RESOLUE�VIHEM� S the Torn ward of the Town of Nimaro"s'ech has duly a117ertlIsed pursuant to ln7v a public meeting for the purpose of considering certain applications herein statedl made under the Zoning Ordinance of the Unincorporated Part of the Town n of himarone'ckp which h a;CSplicati on is now }wending, and 'a HEREAS, the. said Town Board having held said Hearing and t7oti' parties having been granted the privilege of appearing for and/or in opposition to the granting of certain appl ications as provided under the said Zoning Ordinance a? after due consideration, therefore, be it L RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mmarone h, sitting jointly as a Board of Appes s and as a. Town Board does helreb;, grant the following applications from the deecisif:t��n of the Building Commission, which decision is _-'e1°=eby reversed and does hereby consent to the granting of the following applications subject :b' .'l. h respective case 4J the specific conditions and safes ardw therein stat q: le Application #925 of Lloyd R.Harris for a one family dwelling and garage on the no P.._"'llcre5t Avenue 630 feet west from Weaver that the building is erected not mess than t€7.e° front lot line. the erection of nth side of Street,r feet t y"f.ro :i.r!ed f0 from, 21 Application #762 of Colin C.Kgy for t''.`Le erection of one family dwelling and __rage can the northwest corner of eater Street and Briarcliff Road, cp 2aw e i by the B ni ld% hg Commission ender date of ?.„Tch ist,1920, he and the same is amended to provide for the building to We erected not less than 27.3 feat from the front lot line on Weaver Street; a,l"{'t be it further RESOLVED, that the following applications be laid over for further consideration: e 1. !iteration application J2 of Carmine” Tortorel _a for the erection of a one family dwelling on the north side of Beech Street w=esterly from TYrtle Avenue. 2. Ili'_7?, 1a-t on #926 of Emanuel SL'Sfliiers iQr t'°m^e erection of a(-ione f�ami.l =54:?elli,na on the north side of Beech Street e 3L.''i feet f'rcm? l''yy°.t:tle .hi?°'.:;?"_°u. e; to it further RESOLVED, that ,application #923 of Luigi Lions for the erection of a stone building on the west e i ae- of Lr_ay .:"-_v enue 400 feet north faom PYy{rtLe Avenue be and the same hereby is deniea, and the decision. of the Building Commission affirmed. The Clerk presented a communication by C.A. Bach Field requesting that ao ion be taken on his ayt?J.3catiwn rav the erection of a house on Sale' Toad which application was heretofore presented to the T .aRncr and no -x.:y?".._ca tahan thereon. Upon motion .1,uly aeocn ded, it ,S"aa JL ca, , on - #167 -ld fcr t.ae P-Iteration ;„ f a dwelling on the -,veTat slidle of Val�llay Road lbet"Yeer. Sian and Forest .Ayenues vid"hin 30 -fe t of the front --lo” linep an in connection is th whi-,hl auplil-z�,tirm -,wels he-retofo*.e ..,ranted lby the Board of h%Lugaals and the same havinc heretofloxe du3 this Board, arc! apposition to the grar� t-Jng of said Appeal liav-Jng 1:)een presented to this Board at, . Fearing d.-c,2,,r held,, the Ap2eal is hereby denied the de--* s4on o� the Boa-,-,,-I of ♦p-.,eals reversed. The r-Do-' ow' the Of tav:eE for the month of l2-nuax73 1927 waB reC-i7ecll , read, ordered. placed on fila amd. iz as f01107,5 - Felbanuary 1st, 1927. Sir. Pursuant to Section 23 of "he Testchesto-r County To:,- I herelby respectfUllY report the e.=,ant of State. County,. Town.School, and. Special DJ , 4 t t �5 tr�c ?.7.eF, tos,ether with the interest and panEJtles thereon,. col lecte'-ft lby me �,,uri-ng the month of 1927. 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 a.I I te,�:es ta-xes taxes tezes ta-mes ax a, total State PC cowxlt7� 1626.13 483.31 2109.941 Hill�` 'In.ray 1190.15 1d-6m86 .537.02 Town 347.67 1&4 Dist. 118-1.55 498.05 16 79.TOT' S e r t"a HE — Dist.j 327.63 2.10 S ew?e--v As emt. SC-hoot Di 5t.1 99 36®66 12-1-7.60 112041.26 91-hool Di5tm2 2.07 � 8 2.07 -,,x r e ar 4-93 dpi 2�88, In t.& -Pnit s. 1063.13 40�.139 167.3-8, -15.89 2.86 452. 4�- ID-1 03.43 �TLo+"I 2 Pep 9 s i ed wl th 1&t 7atE1n Ba.nk o-LP IlLaml ke. 0 O's 9. c a 1l 9" I; Santo 1�,,nZp,- P ac u._'',° of TG- Georse T.Burton.Su-e.,-rises .V To-,,,n of ILmaronecic '701"k A communication from the Weaver Street Firs Company was received and read advising ng the Board that fireman c^ Y'? R?i.7.1l1L!g had resigned his position and e'3.w,=a,.1'v123g the approval of this Board that the Captain of the Fire: Company had appointed A. Paul Caro. The communication farther asled that the appointment be approved and effective as of Fabouari 18th, 1927. The we'. manication was ordered placed on file and upon the recommendation of the F3i° Committee, ' t was upon motion d ly se^O8 a e % anl upon Roll Call unanimously RESOLVED, that TAT:• Paul Caro be and he hereby is appointed driver of the 'heaver Street Fire apparatus for the period of three T.RQT!-jths and f._rat his compensation be fixed- at the 5t7m of $125. Der month payable semi-monthly. .1: communication from the Larc` mont. Gardens ._association was received and read in ::"eplytt, the Clerk' s letter of December 1851526, n,..siait4ing a, list of six names for consideration and appointment to the Board of Appeals. The communication tap ordered place' on fire, noted in the minutes ;7,yy^rl the matter referred to the Supervisor for has report and recommendation. A communication from the Village Board of the '.,. Village of L .1_rc.5'InU'..,t was received and read, requeSt.ina the loan of voting machines at the coming Village; election to be held Virch 15, 1927. The communication was ordered not ea in the aaal',",utes and "µpla.ced on file, and upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the request of the Vill;aZe aoav d of the Village of l:archmont for the use of the Torn. voting maa5.].i'?G- at "gibe timing Village election to be held March 15, 19 27 be and the same hereby is grarte?; an! be it further RESOLVED, that the Cate and Custody of the voting machines be left in the hands of the Town Clark who is the custodian of same. The Supervisor presented his annual report for the year 1925. The same was recei7e?v ordered noted in the minutes and placed on file, and upon motion :iuly seCt3T1de it Was Ra.i��SCIVED, that the SL.Iper7i `}.r be and he hereby _ a7 trG liz ed and empowered to G ha.,i<4e his a$2I15j-cil repot for the year 1926 published in accordance with law� The SUPOr7iMr 2"°pOlted that the _ eomr& in the office of the Receiver of T?.xPS r-:.s^>Io e'+: th .,i. lots 16 and ( ':%S block 3, section 1, as '"s i°.n on the c rt m 2 were school tax of ✓ , sale of 1926, and by the town and school taxes for the year 199+26. As the Ton of kjr"s?,',`70:roneck took title to said lots an .Tuly 2nd., 12252 the Sr%1me l`a7in'_ been acquired for e e purpose of widening ening 511. ray .,.^�°T aY uej no taxes should rj l'Sa e been levied against the some after that date, and that he would entertain ',a motion directing the Receiver of Taxes to cancel the taxes in question. Tudge BoyQ thereupon, offered for adoption following the RESOV'aD, that the Receiver of Taxes be and he hereby is n authorized an directed to cancel the 925 school taxes and the 1926 ton and school taxes, levied against lots 15 a1'!C' Ot Mace 62, section 1 iAgit7i.1g - referc..°.i:%e t.=.eY°7y0n to en.^s.l ai Elon a. vote being taken upon the foregoing reso`ution, the same ira.s declared unanimously adopted Ujon motion, the meeting adjourned at