HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_01_12 Town Board Minutes L TI1 G OF TH< TO_,aIT ECAPO
held Jar uary 12,1927.
The meeting Sias called to order by Supervisor
Burton at 8.30 P. v .
P ITT: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd.,HoTell,Leeds
Torn Clerk Sherman
Counsellor Ga«ole
The Supervisor st:zted that the nesting had been
c::.11ed in accordance w th a resolution of the3oa:rd to
receive and open bids in connection with the sole of
;150,000. Seer District Bonds.
On motion, duly seconded, it was
Hf_--SCDP_'=, that the call of the meeting
be approved.
The Supervisor asked if there wa any one +resent
who h6:Id not submitted his bid.
On motion, duly seconded, it was
IESOL7.7-D, that the bids reeooivied for the
sale of :'.150,G00. tierver Ixistrict Bonds
:Series G� of Sewer D istriet YO. 1 of the
Town of lkJlasnaroneck, -pursuant to Ivoticc
of Sale thereof, dated decernber 15th,
1926, be now opened.
The Clerk proceeded to ppen and read each of the
several bids received, all of which were on the official
form of proposal furnished by the Town, and accompanied
by certified or cashiers ' checks in the required amount,
and ighich mere as follows :
4 l�zs o 4 1�2 a
Batchelder & Co . &
vitesson & Co. •� 151035. 00
G.B.Gibbona & Co. 150206.10
h.J. Van Ingen & Co. &
1L.aa1-1factureTs Trad.
& Trust Co. 154348.50
Pulleyn & Co. 150028. 50
hazaaroneck Truet Co. 150480. 00
Harris Forbes & Co. 151073.50
The Supervisor stated that the resolution hereto-
fore adopted by the Town Board authorizing the issuance and
se.le of .';,150,000 Setqer District Bonds of the Town of
luaniaroneek had provided that bids be received. for bonds
bea-rin& interest at the rate oz" Beth f and 4„o per annuru
but that bids for bends bearing interest at the rate of 4-%
,,er annuia, if any legally acceptable bid wa.s received for
bonds bearing interest at the rate of 4`/ -would not be
accepted. He furtLer stated that bides had. been received
for bonds bearin,_; interest c.z the rate of 4 %a per annum ana
it was therefor in order tlr_.t a resolution be adopted fizzing
the rate of interest on said bonds at 4;1�%a per annum.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
=SOLWED, that the .;?15C,000. Sewer District
Bonds of the To: n of 1Jiamaronec' , the
issuance and sale of which were harctofore
aut='lorized by 'resolution of this 3oard at
a .meting duly called and held on Dcce.nber
15th, 1926, bids for which bonds have been
c-�eneu and bids having- 'been received for
bonds to bear interest at the rate of 4;a
per annum, shall bea,-r interest at the rate
of 4Y� per annum na.yable semi-annually on
the first days of July e.nd January of each
year; �.nd it vsas further
SOLVED, that said interest rate at 4_y-n
per annt-uf, be inserted in the fora of bond
heretofore adapted.
The following resolution was offered by Pdr. Justice
Boyd and seconded by 1.1r. Justice Leeds
50 , that the bid of Harris Forbes
Co. of !T-_,_r Ycr . City, having bid the
sum of ?-151078. 50 for �I150 ,000 par value
Sewer T'istrict Bonds of Sewer District
Nis. 1 of tale Town of llarnarcneol, bearing
interest at the rate! of four and one
quarter n=or centum 14 i/C ? per annum and
aecruec_ interest at the rate borne by
the bonds , from the date of the bonds to
the date of -payment of the purchase -price ,
pursuant to the resolution of this Board
—' and to the ?? ptice of Sale mae-e in
accordance with law, and the said bid
being the highest and best bid received
for said bonds, aild it complying with the
terms and conditions of said 2,ictiee of
Sale , tie said bonds are hereby awarded
to the said "Harris Forbes & Co, and the
aforesaid bid is hereby accepted, and the
Supervisor is directed t-o deliver the said
bonds upon their execution and upon
receipt of the ,purchase price therefor.
The resolution was put to a vote , and was adopted
as follows :
Ayes- Supervisor Burton
Jtiatice Boyd
Justice Howell
Justice Leeds
Clerk Sherman
IQ-:.yes- None
The Supervisor thereu_bon declared the resolution
— adopted..
Upon motion duly seconded, it tiaas
�-LTISO=:, that the Supervisor and Counsel
be and they hereby are authorized and
empowered and directed to take any and
all steps wvnich may be necessary in the
premises to consummate the sale of the
aforesaid ,�i150,000 Sewer District Bonds ;
and it was further
EWGIVEN, that all other bids be rejected
and that the certified checks of the
unsuccessful bidders be returned by the
Clerk upon obtaining proper receipts
Supervisor 3urton recommends that he be authorized
to raise the sum.of 1,17500. by a temporary certificate of
indebtedness in order that the Police Commissioners may be
placed in funds with which to meet the salaries of the
captain and officers and other expenses until the 1927
taxes are collected.
Justice Leeds thereupon offered for adoption the
following resolution, be it
RMOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and empowered to borrow
upon the faith and credit of the Town of
hamaronecs the sum of 7500. for which sum
he shall issue in the name and under the
seal of said Town, in anticipation of the
collection of taxes levied and assessed for
police purposes against the taxable property
situated within the police district and
which will become due and payable on April
ist, 1927 , a certificate to be sold for not
less than par value thereof, to bear interest
at a rate not to exceed 61 per annum, and to
mature at such time as the Supervisor may
determine. Said certificate shall be paid
with the taxes which will become due or,
-April lst,1927, and which have been levied
and assessed for police purposes according
to law, as aforesaid; and it is further
RlSOLVID, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk
be and they hereby are authorized and
empowered to sign and execute such papers
and instruments as may be .roper to effect
the sale and delivery of such certificate.
Upon a vote being taken upon the foregoing
resolution4 the same were declared unanimously adopted by
the following vote-
Ayes - five
Noes- none.
The Clerk stated that pursuant to notice duly
advertised, the 3osrd should now consijer applications for
buillinS permits nuich had been denied as being in violation
of the Zoning Ordinance.
Upon the reading of the notice as advertised
and after discussing and considering in full the various
applications and plans for building permits , before the
Board, it was upon motion, duly seconded, unanimously
E7SCLVLD, whereas the Town "BoaTd of the
Town of havaroneck has duly advertised
pursuant to law, a Public YeetirE for
the purpose of considering certain
applications therein stated, made under
the Zoning Ordinance of the Unincorporated
Part of the To-wii of lieu"- rorecic, 'which
a,p lications are now _,ending, and
L'.'ie said To,,m-i Board having hold
said Hearin& and both parties alp Baring
for arid/or in oo_posJtion to the granting
of said application a,s irovided under
the said Z. oninc- Ordinance , and. after
Idlat QorsiderLition, TITEPEF=- , E77 IT
0,�&CL' , that the Town Board of the Tom-i
of IlLamaronec-1c, sittinS Jointly as aBoard
i Appeals and- as aTwun Board, does hereby
C=,.nt the following apyolicatlons from
the decision of the EuildinE GoTimmission
Y.,]aich decision is herein reversed, and
does herebly, aon-,ent to the granting of
the following a-oplications, subject in
c,-ch respective case to the s-,3ccific
conditions and safeguards therein stated-
i. AI--)lic�- 'Jon of Felix C. B arch for the erection of a sign
D� �4 - I
B o,,,r d on the southerly s i de of J_�Tll tle =P'VenU6 , adjacent to
ta t_J on -_P ar--,--, -pr ov i C,,e d- th-i t the said si e;n board i s not
greater in size than lox 15 f e e t; said --. i L-In b d to be
erected not lea-_ than 20 feet fro-, the front lot line , and
that the same -be constructed in accordance with the ruling
of the Builair_L-; Commission.
G. ap- - �_ -,,I:a. 1-11
,�lic� tjon o ' �il6tedt-Steen Inc. for ti - erection
of a siE;n bo_,,rd on the .-,s'esterly side of Chatsworth �� venue
near layrtle _iivanue , Urovided that the said sign board is
nct greater in size than 9 Y. 16 feet -, _-arOfarly aneilorzd to the
buildi-'Z and constructed in F,,Lcouraamce „ith the ruling of
the Building Commission.
3. A ,plication YAO . 911 of the Bonny Briar rlaunt',ry Club nor
tine erection of a private garage on its AJropartywithin 75
feet of its front L=o-lparty line. on Vve��,Ver Street, jaovidinz
that the said garage is used_ on the cll;Co -property only for
club purposes.
4. kpy)lication No . 915 of Howard H. She-_m for the
erection of a one faL�dly dwollin& L�nd garage on the s outh
side of Fernwood Road, 106 feet from 1,Lfcst Brookside 7' rive ,
,,---,n less than one-tent's-1 of an acre.
The Clerk presented a communication from the
uea.ve2 Street F ire Comj)any re-'-orting that in aas4ierino an
alar-m of fire the t,,,io -motor -fire apparatus collided
aa,i,�,aEinZ the rear mud gu�,.ro_ on the ]�jum,[je-r, and breal:in_c tyuo
ladders on the pumper and- two on the truck. The Fire
Co,mpa,ny fu tlhe_- asked that tpae mud �-card be 22p-jaired and
in vie-,,-,- of the fact that the American la Fra-nce Co.mpany
had reco-,,m-_,iandea the p-arch_-sinZ of new lam,7-ers in place
of Te-oairirg the oroken ones, a--Zed that four ladders be
=_ chased as follo ws :
1_�4a foot --inLia lad-der at �L` 90.
1-25 foot- singly ladder at ';=60.
1_12 foot roof ladder at 1, 34.
1-24 foot extension ladder at
Total- 264. 00.
The communication was ordered noted in the
minutes, placed on file , R d. the entire matter was
referred to the F ire House Committee of thisioarl for
their consideration and recommendation, with lower to
matte the necessary purchases and repairs as so
recommended by the Committee.
`- UDon motion, the 'meeting adjourned at 10.50 PA.
��—Town Glerk-