HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927_01_05 Town Board Minutes AIETIM Of THE TOM BC,�RD TC�= CF 1, ILT<CK held January 5th,1927. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8. 45 P .I. PRISHZT: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd,Collins,Hovel1jeeds Town Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble Upon action, it was voted to dispense with the reading of minutes of meetings not yet approved. KessTs. James Steen and O.H. Rutan appeared before the Board, asking permission for the erection of a renting office on the northwest o ornar of Cha.ts�-qcrth and Lyrtle Avenues . After discussing the application the Board advised the aertlemen present that the building was erected without permission within the sidewalk area and recommended that the building be removed inside of the property line and that the application be filed with the Building Commission for the issuance of a permit. The Clerk presented the report of the engineers heretofore appointed by the Toun-:joard and theF ire House Commission recommending the best method of correcting the apparatus floor in the heaver Street Hire house, which report was read and discussed. The Committee having recommended that bids be received for the doing of the necessary work as detailed in their report, upon motion dull seconded, it was T a0l='D, that the report of YeEars.A.H. Stevenz ,C.I.Z. Glark and A.T.Foote, engineers the method of correcting the apparatus floor in the We'aver StreetFire House be approved and filed and the afore- said engineers authorized to prepare detailed specifications for reacting bids for the said work recommended by them; and it was further -U-SOITT-D, tha-, t Counsel be and he hereby is authorized and directed to prepare a Yotice of Advertisement for bids to be received by the Town Board in accordance with said recommendation aw sjecificnti=5 of the engineers ; said bids to be received on January 26th,1927 ; and it was further ESSCLVID, that the Town Clark be and he hereby is authorized and directed to publish said advertisement in the Daily Times, and such other papers as may be designated by the said engineers. A coiolflunication from the weaver Street ? ire Company was received and read, nvvisinL the Board that at its annual meeting held on December 8th,1926, fir. Compton D. Bray had been elected captain of the Weaver & tract Fire Company for the ensuing year tojethwr with a nowiloard of Officers . The communication was ordered noted in the minutes and placed on file. The report of the Receiver of T axes for the month of Dece :ber,1926, was read_, ordered_ placed on file; and is as follows : January 23rd, 1927. Sir : Pursuant to Section 23 of the idestchester r ounty Tax_ La.w I hereby respectfully 'report the amount of State,County, Town, School, Hi6hway and Special District taxes , toEether with the interest and penalties thereon, collected by me during the month of Dncemoar, 1925. 1926 19251924 1903 1922 all int. &'_. tame taxes taxes taxes taxes arrearsyenits total State . _ County 1647.33 143.19 1790.82 Qk!Ej;y_ w25 7u _� _ .40 d . ._. 4E6. 12 Town---- 352430 39. 70 __ _ _ 392. Dist. 1265.63 121.36 1386. 99 Suer - .. Tax list. S.,Y!ccl Dist. 1 6182.42 1232.55 7414. 97 Dist.2 1.05 1.05 _. �_ _._._.___.._., ..____ _-..__----._. .47-___Y.__.- - Krrears 138. 94 65. 06 43. 24 159. 23 406.47 Int.& Pan!ts. 841<17 344. 28 30. 92 27.84 20.40 222._53 1487. 14 Total w 13781.13 Deposited with the 1st Nat' l. Bank 13781. 13 Respectfully submitted, Santo Lanza, Receiver of taxes. To : Geo . W. Burton,Supervisor Town of Hamaso neck, �J.ciilaT 0 n�Gti y ZT.1. .1 communication from the Receiver of Taxes was received and read, stating that he had appointed, subject to the approval of the torn Board, Ire. Jennie L.Griffen, a2 Deputy Receiver of Taxes for the year 1927 , and he recommended the approval of his action. The communication *as ordered glaced on file and upon motion duly seconded., it was , upon Roll Call, unanimously RESCLV D, that the appointment of Ivirs. Jennie L. Griffen as Deputy Receiver of Taxes be and the same hereby is approved, s ubject to her qualifying and securing the necessary bond. A conwriunica-)Aion ,rjas received from the "West® chaster County -Planning Federation, ackin6 the ToF%n of :laiaaroneck to become a member of said federation, for the LLD a:� pose of creating a centralized bureau of data -- and information in relation to "plannins and zoning. The eoinmunieation was ordered "olaced on file and the :natter was referred t o the S U— ervisor for his report a,nd recomounda.tion. `Me Committee on ire House reported that the officers of the Fire Gotiipany had reco-(ILmended the following improvements in the fire house : 1. Cabinet for the store room 2. Facilities for lockinG the .motor oil drum 3. ReplacerfEint of the hose coplings 4. Printing and distributing fire cards "dooden alarm boa-rd -with box numbers and l OCFstions. Upon motion duly seconded, it was , upon Roll Call =SOLIT="j that the Comarnittee on F ire House be and they hereby are authorized and empo•vered to have the necessary repairs - anal im-rovements installed at the Fire: House as hereinabove recited. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 9.30 1'.1L. Town Clerk.