HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926_12_15 Town Board Minutes S7 Clz-�I ':�,11-71YG OF THE 7070 3a= T'37N OF held Deaember 1521926. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8.3c ?.Y. PE22ENT : Supervisor Burton juTtices Boyd,CollinsJowell ,leeds Town Clerk Sherman. Supervisor Burton called the ..esting to order and stated that the meeting had bean called for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing to take action upon a petition heretofore filed with the Town mard by the Board of Sewer 0=02fcnera of Sewer DistriAr, No. 1 of the Tvvun of TAP proneak, requesting the Tow-�'-, Board to issue and sell 1150,000. -prindipal of saner bonds for the construction of Contract No, 11 end for additions to and enlargement of the Sewage Dispose! Mant for Section D of the Sewer R ystem in Sewer District A . 1 of whe Town of Mamaroneck. " The Clerk read the notice stating the time, place and purpose of such Hearing and such other- InArmation us is reouired by law and presented P copy of said Notice together with an afffdavit of posting of such Notice in at least four of the most pij,'clic riaces within said District at least 21 days prior to such meeting and an affidavit of pEblication of such Mica once in each of the four weeks immediately preced- ing the week in which the Hearing was held in the Daily Times, a newspaper published in the County ant having general circulation in the District, there being no, newspaper published in said District. Upon motion , duly seconded, it was R LOT VED, that the Notice of the Public Hearing be and the same herebv is in all respects approved; and it PURTHEM RESGI-77=, , that a copy of tire rotice and of the affidavits of postinS and publication be filed with the Cler_�, in zhe Town records . The Supervisor state nruaeed to hear all interested No one being present either for or against the said seconded, it was that the meeting could ncu persons present. Wo wished to be heard, petition, on motion, Ruy RESOZMD, that the Hearing be non closed. Hr. Justica Collins and, 3,1r. Howall seconded the _ do Lion of the fol low fag weeolution, which was unanimously adopted: i39-2, UHEREAS, a petition for financinS a public district has been filed with the Board by Qa SaTer Commissioners of Sewer District No. 1 of the Tonn of Mamaroneck, 7hich has heretofore been duly established, and Wended and of which mans and plars have been duly filed, as extended and as requiTA. ly law; and 72=&Z , before takinS any action oo such petition , a public hearing hao been granted by this Board with full opportunity to all .'wee to persons to he heard, after notice, stating the time, place and rurpose of such hearing and containing a descriptivii of the said district had been Quen by this Board, by posting such nozine in at least four of the most public rVces within said district at least Venty-cne days Wor tc each hanring and by publishing once in each of the four weeks immediately preceding the week in 7hich such leering was hA6 in two nsyspaDern published in the County and ha7ing general circulation in the District , there being no newspaper pullishe? in said District Now, therefor,-, RES01VID, that this Board hereby determines that it is in the public interest to grant slrio-e the relief sought in tha petition ieferred to in the rpnitals hernmf. ramRlw. the financing of Se,7ar District Yo. i of the Town of Yamaroneck by the .,4;E of Sewer District Bonds of the Town in the aggregate principal amount of One Hundref and Fifty Thousand Dollars (0150,000 ) for the financing of cast of construction of Contract Sic. 11 and f 3 additions to anal enlazgenent of the se e die Dosai plant for by on D of the Sewer System of the said DiEtrIA; and further determines that all the property, property o7ners and interested persons 7ithin the said public district are innefitea thereby and that Vl the property on property oTners bane0tad are included the2ein. on motion, the Hearing adjourned at 3.45 P.H. eir x J IwyTITSG OF THE TC'iLT BOARD DMN OF iAIIAF'01E CK held Lece ben 15 ,1926. The zseeting was called to order by Supervisor _ Burtcn at 8*45 '.2L. °Y' 2SF.1TT: Supervisor Burton Justices a 3oyd,Gollins,Hoi1jell,heed-s Tovm ;Clerk, Shcrrian The minutes of meetings of 11over_?ber 10th, 17th and Decei.iber 1st,1926 were read and upon motion approved. The Clerk stated that the ,neeting ,mas called_ pursuant to notice duly advertised to corm der applicat- ions for building permits wiaich had been d.eniedd by the Building Gommission as being in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. -After considering and discussing in full the va:rieus applications and plans for building permits before the Board, it was upon motion duly seconded unanimously I SOLTJ 1, Whereas the Town Board of the Town of I,iamaronec"lti has duly advertised pursuant to law a public meeting for the purpose of considering certain appli- cations therein stated ira--°.de under the Zoning 0-rdinance of the Unincorporated Fart of the Town of i.!ianaror_ee_ , which a_cplioations are now pending; and the said Town 3 o�.rd having held said ne pin and those parties ap,,ea.ri.ng for and/or in opzosition to the granting of said applications as provided under the said Zoning Ordinance and after due consideration, therefore be it SCI TBD, that the To-rvn L oard of the Town of La,rarcnecZ sittin.,_ jointly as aBoard of Ap_aeals and as a, To, n Beard does hereby grant the follovain6- applications from the d_ecision of the Building Gorm:riission which decision is herein 'reversed and does hereby consent to the g-Panting of the following applications , subject in ea ch res�aective case to the specific conditions and safe- guErds therein stated: _ 1. A:p-.,lication #847 of .Llfredo Lopreto for the erection of a one family d,i,elling on the east side of Ghats,lrerth Avenue approxiimwtely 150 feet south of Glen. Poad, provided the ,wing wall of said building is erected 2 feet 6 inches from the side line. 2. Application ;'-5'02 of Gaetano C_;:iannetti for the erection_ of a one family dl.-yelling and garage on the northeast corner of Chat5wcrth Ai, enue and Bryson Street, providing t_iat the said building is erected 20 feet from the street line of Bryon . i---treet, and be it further RKS0177D, that Application X 901 of John 1 . Broomall for the erection of a one family dwelling on the southeast corner of ?_dgewater Place and Dillon Ro..d within 30 feet of both street lines be referred to Gouneel for his report and recommendation , and be it further RESOLVED, that Application #848 of Nicolas Leone for the erection of a one family dwelling and garage on the south- west corner of Test Brookside Drive and Fernwood Road within 30 feet of Fern- wood Toad be referred to the Building Commission for their consideration, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and be hereby is authorized and directed to certify the action of this Town Board to the Building Commission. A communication from the Larchmont Gardens Asso- ciation was received and read requesting information as to whether or not the resignations of the members of t ha Board of Appeals submitted to the Board sometime ago had been accepted; and if the resignations referred to had been accepted, requesting that a new Board be appointed without further delay. The communication was ordered placed on file and the Mark was directed to write the Larchmont Gardens Association requesting the submission of a list of tentative names for appointment as members of the Board of Appeals. .A communication from the Larchmont Gardens Association was received and read in relation to the condition of the Weaver Street Fire House. The communication was ordered placed on file and the Clerk was directed to reply thereto informing the Association of the investigations made by the Fire House Committee , and this Board, and the various recommendations and reports received by different engineers on this subject. A communication from the Receiver of Taxes , d.a.ted. December lst,1926, addressed to tie Town Board was received, and read, reporting that the amount of unpaid 1926 State, County, Highway, Town, District and Sewer Listrict No . 1 taxes is in the sum of r?35 , 781. 80. The Supervisor stated that it would be necessary at this time to authorize the issuance of certificates of indebtedness against the uncollected taxes hereinabove recited, and he requested that the following resolution_ be adopted. Upon motion duly seconded, it was upon Roll Call unanimously RESOLVED u iT17._ this Board has received from the Receiver of Taxes of this Town a statement under the provisions of Section 28 of the Westchester County Tax act from *which it appears that on December lst ,1926 the sum of `35 , 781.80 was still outstvndingg and unpaid for Sta.te ,C.ounty, Town and Districts taxes levied on April 111926 =27A.S , the Supervisor has requested this Board to authorize the issuance and sale of temporary certificates of indebtedness in s--id amount of ;;35 , 781. 80, ICU , THIREFGHE, be it RISOL71D, that pursuant tothe provisions of the Wastche2ter County Tax Act, the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to borrow upon the faith and credit of tie Town of Yomaroneck, the said sum of 035, 781-80 for which sum he shall issue in the name and under the seal of said Town against uncollected State, County, Town and Districts taxes levied on April lst,1926 , one or more temporary certificates of indebtedness which shall bear interest 4t a rate of not - more than 6% per annum and shall is made payable at such time as the Supervisor way determine bit not later than December let, I927, said certificates of indebtedness shall be signet- by the Supervisor and countersigned attested by the Town Clerk, and it is further HISOLVEDt that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to dispose of said certificates of indebted- ness for not less than the par, value thereof, and it is further RES0171D, that the Supervisor and Town Clerk be and they hereby awe authorized and empowered to sign and execute sack Oa2srs as may be necessary to effect the sale of said certificvtez. The Clark reported thLt the GaDewell GcmQanyj who had installed the fire alarm slate, in the Weaver Street Fire House had requested payment upon same in accordance with their contract. The report was ordered noted in the minutes and the Clark was directed to request the _weaver 6 treet7Tire Company to submit to this Board in writing its approval of the fire alarm system, and when such aDprovvl is received, to file the claim with the Town Auditors for proper audit, Mr. Collins moved and Mr. Howellseconded the adoption of the follouirg resolution, which was unanimous17- adopted: 7HEREAF, the T Board of the Town of Mamaroneck has , in the manner provided by law and by resolutions dated June 11, 1923 and February 18, 1925, respectively, extended Sewer District Yo. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, and 7HE EIS, the Board of Seiler Commissioners of Serer District No. 1 of the Town of Yama.roneck has heretofore filed in the office of the Town Clerk maps and plans of such District , as extend.ed and as required by law, and has reported to the To-,,;,7n Board the amount of cost of construction of Contract No . 11 and for additionals to and enlargement of the Serage' Dispo al Plant for Section D and of the Sewer `system of the said district determined as required by law, the said report of said cost reading as follows , BOARD 07 SEU C 1.C:I c:1Ci �J�iayR Tr DISTRICT rNJs Post Office Address : Laxchmont ,Y.Y. November l5th, !026, Town Board T_n>• � ,� of Fi'._Lrftaroneck i Elm Street Hai_'iaronech j.Y. Gentlemen . "e beg to ad7iSe YOU thEt this Commission has recently opened bids for the construction of Contrect No. 11 and for additions to and enlargement of the S age D is os ,_ Plant for Section D of the Sewer E;Tstf, in said 4wer District Tdo!I of the To7n of Mamaroneck. Based on these bids "Fie herewith respectfully report to you that the cost of construction thereof including engineers fees and. other ` _ essa x -A ens s in connecticn therewith will he upwards of 3150,000a therefore _ :e tfvlly request that you immediately authorize anu l .r°nt -Fh, insvp r'Snd sp7p of hnr5s o +' - aforesaid a7IlCi,`;S?t, to wit : 0150,000. Respectfully yours, DOIRD OF SEWER SE ER DISTRICT 70. 1 nT TE- TM.FN 07 s by R.HT Stevens, Chairman W.I. '-''"almer H.R. Mitchell , Seeretary. WHEREAS, after the filing of the said report or petition, this Board has duly Zra.nted public hearing after due notice and has duly made the determinations required by the General District law being Chapter 70 of the Lairs of 1926, n0-."r`, therefore _._ BE IT RES01VED , by the Town ward of the To : r'y of Mamaronee ,Westchester C.ountya= e,:_ York, Section 1 . X1.50,000. Sezer District. Boras of t'P__ Town of Mamaxoneck shah be issued - ._ __�vnt o b__. Tovi,.. ions of the Town Law, 'onstitJ.tin C latter 0: of the Kns^ol i.dated Lob's of the ° ate of New Yor_. and Chapter 422 of the Laws of 1922 and Chapter :594 of the laws of 1926 of the State of New York. Said a 4f bonds shall be dated January 1D 2927 and shall bear interest at the rate of four and One quarter per Ce._tum 0 ,41 �" or Out' _ i s and one ._ 1 p c., L!,._ �4i� �Pr ai�na.rn, Payable semi-annually on the first days of July and January in each year, shall be 150 in number, numbers! from ' to 150 : rtit :iv and shall be of the denomination 0141 ,00o, each, and :shall mature in the principal amount of $5,000. on January 1 in each of the years 1952 to !?7i, both inclusive,, and shall be in substantially the fo].lc7m lnF form: New YorR Coupon 0/16/23 T"a4 r ST ATF OF YZZ iC`RY COUNTY 7ESTCHESTEP T77T T Th_'; in T.Tyr G1- YO.SE in_EF D�ti�>:IS�WI_�GT �a0> 1 EnrTZ3 Series G. 11 1,000.00 The Town Of Mamalwneck in h l* :t r Cf T cs t o T..te77, of municipal Corporation Of the State of New vv . l<-� hereby acknowledges itsej ;�f' in?ebt5d and for 7a e received v U rn ,M a_ f promises �;� C,,.✓. tn the bearer of this rOridr Or if it f:8 t: registers',�'., 96:0 the 1 ..,-";3"0.,.ed ,_o_.,.e's o__ t1i0 first c-.'v 0_F January, 19 , the sum ;iii Thousand X21 CCO r;n1 and o Pay interest thereon _ tie rate of our ct.:1 one - 5 Per nt Q Ir( 1 per Ali_ ilx °_ + a!i+ud i'' the first days C July iv January iC._y Z each year from the dote of this bond until it matuTes ,and i y _.v 4 severally mature ,� Or the .i.Ju:Ja1s therefor an _ . _d hereto, Or if this b Sr l_ be r°f1it ° at en to the registered holder. r cth principal and interest of this bong are in lawful mane Of the UnTte;?L States Oi tlarS "cht toe Office of the TJfused_ States Trust j,pr: r o and 1";CSv C0pan°is 1i2:"t York Cit,•°,J• This bond may be 00=eWtei into e r°__.s ter-e O. !) 01, as Provided ' the Genera! T �a S Ul L: a l ?y 7 b0 �. tatn^T*e,-� � of Clerk, thereafter U is v Jupon 7TOsentation the said Town r ,1 er'r thereo s with a written assignment July achnor ledg "3 0r. J rro7ed. Upon presentation hereof, with such assignment, the e Tenn Cn .e1r ..h will note such transfer on this s 00'a d and on said lochs. This bond is One Of an issue Of , 150,000m Sewer DistliCt 70 . 1 bonds E.: ce a as to maturity, numbered from i to i0ir ln O 5 �. - _ T2, maturing Zvi as ' TA7L EIPt p � r r 1 e January I in each 01 the years 10x: o 1 76 B ti inclusive, issued Pursuant to the yrovisjon3 of the Town law constituting Chatyem 52 of the Consolidated Laws of the State QT Yew York and (°"_ atpr 422 of the Laws Of 1972 and vhatper 594 0= tl, T v.7.s of 1926 Cl tie State Of yew yet!, and r resolution 0f the Town E car, of the Town of Ma a D neck,ck, duly adopted December I5t;h,1926® It is hereby certified and recited that all ci,C d. "-I O:dS acts and thi ' gw 7s a 1_Cd. by the cons t $ ° -373`"L �rP aft . r f the State of _`ew York o exist , t� 3 have �: enr0 and.. have been p .. r .. ._ - _ ;' n PC':. c � r ' 911% �Y' l!. 0 issuance 'J� this bon? exist, have e h rj/1ene and have been per{' Tr- dy and that the..., s ctic of 7Cn.;.5 of T_71+:h C^1:.. is CII.-.a together nith all other indebtedness Of said 17'•"' n of Mamaroneck r,'1.neck is 4f thin every delt and other limit prescribed' ed by the constitution and '7B of said state, 151 IN 7ITYESS 7HERM37, the Town of Mamarcneck in t he C c,'__nty of Westchester has caused this bond to be signed by its Supervisor and the corporate seal of said Town to be hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk and the cannons hereto attached tc be authenticated by the faceimile signature of its Supervisor and this bondto be mile the first day of January, 1227. f %corporate seal ) ATTEST - ToTh clerh. - JOIHE' OF COUP011,T) To. The ?own of Havarcnec! in the County of 7estshester, e municipal cornoration of the State of Ne7 Yon, win gay to tie bearer on the first day 'of '' f i the sum of Dollars (t in lawful money of the Uniteo. StatsE of America, at the office of the United States Mortgage and Trust Company, Few York City, being six months , interest then due on its Sewer District No, 1 Bond, Se;: ieG G , dated January 1, 1927 b_-ar:.n.g niu_-nber fFCP7._, CT E__TDj:RS'=T )' VyVERSION CERTIFICATE 7Z HERTEY CERT17Y that upon the presentation of the bond with a -n-oitten re�ue2t by Ti e „T;n'., thereof for its conversion into a zegis were d bond , we have this it out off and destroyed coupons attached thereto, numbered from A inclusive, of the amount and value of eao.nt amonnting in the aggregate to Doi IE2& It," I W ' 2 and that the interest at tie rate of Der centum ? % A Der annave payable semi-annually an the first days of July an! January in each year, as vas yro7ided by the coupons , as well as the princiDal , is to be paid to tie legal representatives , successors or assigns , at tie office of the United States hortgage and Trust Comvany,7w-i York City, the place stated in the coupons . Dated, 19 0 Supervisor Town 0 1 erh REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the within bond was this day neEistexed in the name of the payee above named in th ks e boo Lept in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of 7estchester,New York, and is transferable only upon presentation to said Town Clerk with a written assignment Kly acknowledged or proved, at which time the nave of the assignee shall be entered herein and in said books by the said Town 7. lerh. IN 71TNE✓S 7H!RlQF, 1 have hereunto set my hand this day of 19 & Transf ers of thi :- b ond ha7e been registered as f ollows , D,P- IL e o f Name If Registered Registration Reointered H&11111'�'�'� f. Section 2. Tie Tain of Yamaroneal hereby c(i7enants to yaY tye principal and interest of the said bonds as the same all become due by levying and collecting an assessment or assessments on property of the district at such time or times and in such amounts as May he neceszory therefor. The Tcnn of Mamaroneck furtler co7enant1 that in case of a default in carrying out the terms of the foregoing covenant the said I own Till raise by ta7 upon all the taxable property in said Town from time to time a sum or sums sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds as the same shall become due. 3ection 3. The said bonds authorized by this _sesolution shall be sold ugon zealed proposals upon notice nubldshed not less than five or more than thirty days before such sale , at least once in The Daily Times w1aich is designate, the official newspaper of the said To few the purpose Cif such nublication , and also in Tie Fond Raves . a firannial newspaper published in the City of New York. Section 4. Said notice of sale shall be in substantially the folk: fng form. T07N C7 TRYARCNECK, Y117 YoaX NOTICE OF SALE 0150sOCO. SETER DISTRICT NO. 1 WYDS Sealed nrovosals will be recei7ed by e Town Board of the Town of Vamaroneck, in the County of Test stet, New York, cn January 12th, 1927 at 8.30 P.M. at No . 0 Elm Street, Ya--,naroneok, New York, for the purpose of 10150X(10. Sever District No. 1 Bonds of said Donn. A!--, of said bonds will be of the denomination of 111 ,000 each, 701 be dated January 1. !S27 and Till nature "W, 1000. an january 1 in each of the years 1952 to 1978 both inc lusiTe. Bids will be 2eceived for bonds bearing interest at the rate of both four and cne quarter ter centum 141%) and four and one half per centum. !Q%)- par annum, bids for bonds beaTin S interest at the rate of four and one half ner centum (Ak%) per annum, will not, however, be considercd if any legally acceptable bid is recsived for bonds bearing interest at the rate of four and one quarter per centum. (Q5; per annam. interest on said bonds will he payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the United States Mortgage and Trust Company, New York City. Bonds will be coupon bonds with the privilege of registration as to both nrincival W interest. T-h-B right is reserved to reject all bids and any bid not complying with the terms of this nctice will be rejected . The bonds Till not be sold for less than par and in additicn to the amount bid the successful bidder must pay accrued interest at the rate bonne by the bonds from the date of the bonds to the date of payment of the purchase price, All bidders are required to deposit a certified chuck_ payable to the order of the Te n of Mamaroneck for two per centum of the amount of bonds bid for, drawn *acn an incorporated bank on trust company. Checks of unsuccess- ful bidders will be returned uporr, the award of the bonds . Yo interest will be allowed upon the ount of One check of L successful b t er and buch check will be retained '�^o h l i i t payment for tV e bonds on t , u2 „r�11;,!'� ''.7' +t .. ... I'i 0,,.. .. ,_- J sEC"J:XC he Town against st .n T loss resulting 'P'R"om the failure of toe bidder to comply with the terms of his rid. Yro_oosal_s should be addressed to the Town Clerk, Hamaroneh, Yew York , and enclosed in a, sealed envelops marked on the outside " ro• J'osal for ` ewer D istriot Yo . Bonds" . The bonds will he prepared Under the supervision of the United States ?ortgage I Trust Com an 4 which .ril l Certify as t0 the genuineness of the 5igna'..tures of the officials and the seal impressed. thereon. Bids are desired. on forms 'Ihjoh will he furnished by said Trust Company on by the 'undersigned. The successfutl bidder oil? be furnished wit! the opinion of Messrs . .».t'_ 1Y't a p D. 1 ._ i IG. (. L:Jno f 11J 7 g - of yr.•.j, 'fork City, that the bonds are binding and legal o U1?gations of the To nn, nayable in the f_vst instance from assessments an? not from a general town tax, whiche however, may be levied if there is a shortage in the primary fund. By order of ..;?e i-,,wn Board of the Town of Mamaroneck. GEORGE 7. EURTW- e"i ner.visor Town Cloth. Dated, December A, 1226, MamaronsA,YeT York. Counsel advised the Board in the litigation atiop hezetafore brought by the Village of 2arc.'r1'+ent to ooi-noel the Town _,f Mamaroneck eck and the City of New -Rochelle to settle the bo ...iary line 'isDute heretofore existing bet en said municipalities , said Village had predic=ted the action on the fact that it OJi: Bd i property,�+..1 �y, .,d wit . its Ll-_rr ..er within said disputed area on which taxes were_. claimed by both of the aforesaid municipalities u that although it was ready, able and willing,.5 `e.0 pay said ta_PG; `y+lat. it was unable e ti determine to which ;unicipal _ty to ray same ame it could not be �-cmu lle(�' t 'ay samo to both municipalities , that in connection with said. litigation Councel for the Town n. of Mamaroneck had, pursuant to instructions of the Court, agreed wi tt2 ^ ns gel for the Allege of J.ia1^nhmont that pending the c,rt^"1_Cement of Said litigation and the determination by the Board Supervisors _ ,c�,�i 5'., as to the allocation of said boundary 'inn, 7hich deter- mination g . 10 allocate 11t Water Arks __ Vp _ _ - owned by the Village of Tarch ont, the TJ":'n of Mamaroneck o..eck 'ul; not ,._;, a'ge. `he V ill ' of l .lchriont with any r'i.talt ifs or interest an id unjaid tames but would accept the amount of said taxes as heretofore and hereafter assesied upor, . _ _ . � - conclusion _ d snttlenent _e_ boundary line disjute. Counsel further stated that said boundary line having now been determined by the Board of Supervisors that that part of the Water 7arks Prove= Coned by the 71lla6e of I-----rco27ont lying within the Town of vama2suss-L ant thU nart lying within the CitY of Few Pochelle respectively was dKinitely lnDon anj the Village of larchmont was now ready and willing to make payment of the unpaid taxes in the manner hereinaftex set forth, but that it was necessary to adopt a resolution approving the aforesaid settlement and tj,-,,e penalties an f. interest so the Supervisor and Recelop, nfli ==n anvirl, conclude the natter. Counsel fortleT advised the Nard that a spnnrc' action had been institute? by Qe 7' illa�-'e of I in connection wit! the property above described. He stated that in U22 when the larchmont 7ater Corpany property was purchased by the Village of Larchm.ont, the Ta-rc-I=,ont 77atter Ocnww had aRraed to rav all tanns than eup P,& vpa t . all except on that rart of its property within the dispated boundary line area on which both the City of Yew Rochelle and the Town of Mamaroneck uere taxing it and had sgreed to save the 7illage of harmless in the previses, and had made a deposit with the Title Company covering the Same ; that the Larchmant 71ter Company had demanded at that ti=e that it he all o7ed to pay said taxes but that the Toun of Mamaroneck vss unable to accept the same, and that the Ccmjany had then ad7izEf the '1.,7'5 ft and Counsel for the ToTn that unless it Tore allowed to pay said tewea it would insti ✓ute an action to compel the accentance of the samei that the commencing of such an action at that time 7OUld !a 7e been deLrimental to the iaterdsts of the Twon of Mamarcneck in the controversy with the 00 of Yen Rcchelle On the disputed boundary line, for which reason the larchmont Water Company had agrees not to institute the action at that time. Gounsel etated brought by the UK of the property for Company. that the acticn, se of lazahmcnt a n'i C therefore, nol�-'� as the present owner the larchmont 77 ater Counsel hdvisef the 3sard that the 'Village of larchmont acting cn behalf of the larchmont 71 ter Commany was now 7illing to compromise said second. actf cn 1-5, the -)a-,,sns-nt of the total amount of taxes due together with interest and penalties thereon, --A -Y Up Z---ertY to March 15 Nus interest at the rate of 3% Pei annu , 1922 m an said taxes from said date to y0vembe n is t,1926, a-Ml r zzme-ndea that said settlement be accEpted as he die not believe the ToWTn could recover the fall amount of the interest and penalties from 1922 to date for the reason herein stated. After discussion, upon ,ti,,, duly seconded, it was RES0172D, that the agreement and settlenent made by and on behalf of the Town of hama2oneck by Counsel with Counsel for the Village of :;ar,ch,,r -cnt be and the same hereby is approved and ratifiedt, and it was RJEOINED, that the Supervisor and Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby are authorized, empowered and directed to accept from the Village of larchmont or its successors and assigns , provided payment is made on or f beore February ist,1927 in full payment for the taxes now due for the years 1922 to PUMTEER RESCIVED, that the To-v::,--,, Clerl- be and he hereby is authcoiz5a and empowered to certify a copy of these resolutions and deliver copies of same tc the 5naer"vi sci. and Receiver of Tax �s No their respective records . Upon motion, duly seconded, it was 1926 inclusive (Tax Sales for the years 1922 to 1926 inclusive) an the following propert; as described on the Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, to wit: Description Sold to Year of Amount of Red s. _ t- interest Total anou=zt of P�qyerty Town tan tax ion reTaired to 1 Q 1 1 r ed e ani e C. 2 7 i✓23 1922 ✓8.28 75 4i.7✓ 1 4 1923 i922 4C9.99 75 174.25 584.99 1 2 1223 1922 40.99 75 17.42 N.W 1 4 1924 1923 399. 65 75 121.36 522.2E, 1 2 1924 1923 22.97 75 9.14 39.66 24 1 4 1925 1924 461.51 75 E5.38 547. 64 24 1 2 1925 1224 34. 62 75 6.40 41 .77 25 2 7 1926 1925 151.76 75 2.8Z 112.X 1 4 1926 1925 431.71 75 2S.05 453.5-2- 1 2 1926 1925 32. 31 75 2.10 35.16 Pipe line Murray Ave. 1926 1925 131. 72 75 S.57 141.11 pipe I 11-e hooray AV4 Stats, counjh� & Town 1926 78.81 7 .68 56.62 Pipe line Murray Ave. School tax 1926 37.95 1.90 39.85 to wit: the face amount of each respective tax levied, assessed and due for each respective Year on sach of the above Varcels for the years 1922 to 1226 inclusive, and it was FURTHZE RESGIVoo, that the Supervisor and Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby are authorized, ezooNere! Ord direoted to cancel on the: espective looks of record the unpaid amount of janeltjeE and interest rol,r�- sho-. n and accrued on the aforeoald Properties for said respective years 1922 to 1926, inolusive, upon receipt of the Wments Provided for in this rasolution� to deliver receirted tax bills in full for the aforesaid taxes upon -payii:,ent thereof a--- herein provided, and to issue such certificates of payment in connection there-"it h as they may deem necessary to cancel the Tax Sales for the years 1923 tr-, 1926 inclusive on said property, and it was PURTHIER RUCIVED, that Counsel be and he hereby is authorized and em7owersd to take such action as may be necessary to com- Drovize and settle the aforesaid action as herein providedl and it was PUMTEER RESCIVED, that the To-v::,--,, Clerl- be and he hereby is authcoiz5a and empowered to certify a copy of these resolutions and deliver copies of same tc the 5naer"vi sci. and Receiver of Tax �s No their respective records . Upon motion, duly seconded, it was 1� �I WL Q I to wit : the face amount of each Tespentive tax levied, assessed and due for each res5ecolve year on each of the above parcels for the year 1910 to 1221 inclusive plus the cost of sale and the statutory ancunt of interest and penalties due (for each respective parcel for each respective year .' from the respective due dates of each thereof2 to haroh 11,102 •luz interest at the rate of NO Jew annUm. on in face amount of each resjective to for each respecti-e par2el from March 158 1222 to Yovember ist, 1926; and it was ==a EES017ED, that the SulazAsor an:� Receiver of Tames is an! they hereby are authorized, empowered and direoted to cancel an their respective tooks, of record the unpaid amount of penalties an nou shown and accrued on the aforesaic. lioperties for saf ! respective years ON to 1921 inclusive, upon receipt of the payments provided for in this resolutic, to deliver receipted tam ILAIIE in :", f cr the aforesaid taxes upon payment thereof as herein provided, and to issue sucl- cestificatea of payment in connection thersuith as they may deem necessary to cancel the Tax Salee for the years 1921 to 1✓22 inclusive an said projertyj and it WES RESGIUD, that the Sulenvizor ond Teceivcr of Tames be and tney hereby are authorized, empowered and directed to accent from the Village of larchmont and/or the 12rchmont Tater Company or itE successors and assigns , gro7ided payment is made on or before December 31, lG26 , in full payment for the taxes now due for the years 191C to 1921 incluefvs (Tax Sales for the years 1911 to 1922 inclusive ) an the following D "r.e:"{'.y' as dezcribed on the Assessment Map of the Tonn of Mamaroneck, to witf Desce of Sold to Year of WON Cost of Ut. total to !nt. 3-15-22 total property town tax tax sale 3-15-22 3-15- 22 to 11-11-26 amount to redee--,.r 3.42 -Lc . Elack L Goodliffe farm Oct.3-11 1210 21 4.22 2.25 178,16 394. 63 71.76 466. 3c, Wf F9 if Oc:t. 1®_ 1911 322. 50 2.25 237 .74 572.49 111.39 683.83 Oct.7-13 1912 334.51 2.25 215176 552. 52 112.06 664. 53 Cat.3-14 1✓13 316.19 2.25 U1.82 500.26 105.92 606.18 H 0 d • ne. 7-16 1914 1✓15 316.40 1.00 221.4S 53088 177.18 716.061 3.39K.T.S. of Weaver Street M?.' 22-18 1917 30. 50 .75 13.73 44.98 17 .08 62.03 Pjne.--LB -Eq- 12-IS 35.05 11.94 47.74 19.53 67.37 .75 2 2 7ay-26- 20 1019 4102 .75 ✓113 51.65 23.36 75.01, : 4 Eny25- 22 1920 60.64 .75 59.47 700.86 353.16 1054.20 1 2 Yay25- 21 1920 50.45 .75 5.55 56.75 2Z.25 S5.N 1 4 Jne.21-22 1921 439.52 .75 5.103 492.27 261.00 753.27 1 2 ine.21622 1921 55.11 .75 4.24 40.06 2G.S8 61.04 7767-7-4-15.25 1200.90 3015.19 1301.67 S5.04 to wit : the face amount of each Tespentive tax levied, assessed and due for each res5ecolve year on each of the above parcels for the year 1910 to 1221 inclusive plus the cost of sale and the statutory ancunt of interest and penalties due (for each respective parcel for each respective year .' from the respective due dates of each thereof2 to haroh 11,102 •luz interest at the rate of NO Jew annUm. on in face amount of each resjective to for each respecti-e par2el from March 158 1222 to Yovember ist, 1926; and it was ==a EES017ED, that the SulazAsor an:� Receiver of Tames is an! they hereby are authorized, empowered and direoted to cancel an their respective tooks, of record the unpaid amount of penalties an nou shown and accrued on the aforesaic. lioperties for saf ! respective years ON to 1921 inclusive, upon receipt of the payments provided for in this resolutic, to deliver receipted tam ILAIIE in :", f cr the aforesaid taxes upon payment thereof as herein provided, and to issue sucl- cestificatea of payment in connection thersuith as they may deem necessary to cancel the Tax Salee for the years 1921 to 1✓22 inclusive an said projertyj and it WES F- T---TZ7-, s at :our e--y ja _1. 2 ve -e to 4 C cx on �7T-e -�uch aot 4-1 a may be =w«ate z t,o e and s ettl e ,-- r p j a- I L I -� a 0 t i c n a s h r c�,v d.e a n,d- t e R �-"07-1- 7 �hel the and. he heie-lb-Y is autiiorjz, to Ce--tiff-v a cle 5s 1-t" Cns and +lo a 7j,e,wez 1 11 s2me t,- the and Rece-'ve,.r of for +heir -ce G reco G uro,n, -'ric"i0n, Fj'- 7C Pa jzd4w- , J