HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926_11_10 Town Board Minutes V,
TON OF 1_kW.RO1=
held November 10th,1926.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 10. 30 P.h.
PRESENT: :supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd,Gollins,F.ovell,Leeds
Town Clerk Sherman
Counsellor Gamble
The minutes of the meetings of July 7th, July 21st,
August 4th, August 10th, August 11th, August 25th, September 7th
September 15th, September 24th, September 25th, October 5th and
October 14th, 1926, were read and upon motion approved.
The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of
October,1926 , was received, ordered placed on file and is as
follows :
November lst,192.6.
Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax Law,
I hereby respectfully -report the amount of State , County, Town,
School, Highway and Special District taxes, together with the
- interest and penalties thereon, collected by me during the month
of October, 1926
1926 1925 f9-C 1923-1920-- all
taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes arrears total
County 1282, 92 81.56 _. _1.364.48
Hi�:n6,aY 21_3._97 10. 37 �._ _. _ 230.34
Town 274.32 22.63 � � 296. 95
Dist. 666. 22 35. 24 _ a .� 701.46
seller tax
Dist.l 196.46 6.73 _. _,.._._ 203.19
List.1-21637.13 773.81 _s. 22410.94
List. 2- 15.52 15.52
Arrears 36.41 7.59 23, 08 71.61 138. 69
Penits. 696.31 190.07 15.69 6.69 14-.5?138.41 1061.72
_, .. Total- 26423.29 .®
Tie„posited�ivitY. 1st National Bank of ,Mamaroneck- ,�v26 :2L.29�
Respectfully submitted,
Santo Lanza, Receiver of Taxes.
To: Geo. W. Burton, Supervisor
Town of Mamaroneck,New York
A communication from the Board of Sewer Commissioners
was received and read requesting the issuance and s. ale of bonds
in the sum of aA50, 000. for the construction of sewers in the
unincorporated section of the Town.
The communication was ordered placed on file and the
-.- matter referred. to Counsel.
A communication from Messrs. Brieson & Gchrenck on
behalf of their client, Mr. George L. Bourne , was received and
read., requesting refund of penalties imposed for interest on
tax payments.
The communication was ordered noted in the minutes,
placed on file and the matter was referred to Gou sel for his
Upon the recommendation of the Supervisor, it was
upon motion duly seconded and upon Roll Call
RESOLVED, that Mr. Wilkie Richardson be
and he hereby is appointed janitor of the
Police House at -dgenood Road at a salary
of 440.00 per month; same to be effective
as of August 14th, 1926.
A communication from the Weaver Street IT ire Company was
received and read requesting increased compensation for the paid-
driver, Albert Francis, who has served the three month' s probation-
ary period.
The matter was referred to the Committee on FireHouse.
The Clerk presented a claim of the Gaimewell Company
for payment on the contract for the installation and furnishing
of a fire alarm system in the Fire House, calling for 85%
payment on completion of the work, in the sum of Q42250. 00.
The matter was laid over and upon the recommendation of
the Committee on Fire matters, it was
SOLVED, that the Town Board meet with
the members of the Veave-r Street Fire
Company on Saturday, November 0th next,
at the Fire House for the purpose of
inspecting the fire alarm system.
The Committee on Fire House discussed with the Board
v< rious fire matters and after considering the same , these matters
were left in the hands of the Committee.
The Clerk presented a communication from the New York
and Stamford Railway Company submitting to the Town Board a new
plan for the co-ordination of motor bus and trolley transportat-
ion within the Town. of Mamaroneck.
The communication was ordered noted in the minutes and
placed on file and the Glerk was requested to prepare copies of
— the samef or the members of the Board for their considerate on.
Police Commissioner Vhi.taker appeared b efore the Board
and took up the question of a pension fund for the Town police.
After discussing the matter with the Board, Counsel
was requested to devise some plan and present the same to the
Tovin Bca: rd- for its consideration.
On motion, duly seconded, it was
RESCLV , that whereas a claim has been duly
presented by Mrs. Helen D. Stewart for a ref u d
W of X68. 00 on account of State, County andTown
taxes for the year 1926 paid underBill No.
3252 on Lot Nos. 16a and 17 in Block 15,
Section 7 on the Assessment. Idap of the Town of
Mamaroneck, and
VH=E ,LS said claimant paid the total sum of
X74.80 the aforesaid lots raving been included
in the tax bill through a typographical error,
said claimant only being required to pay the
sun of .-6..60 for said taxes for the said year
on Lot 4a, Block 15 , Section 7, and
.MHL-`AS said overpayment and claim has been
investigated by the Receiver of Taxes and
found correct, therefore, upon the recommen-
dation of the receiver of Taxes,
BE IT RESOLYED,- that the aforesaid claim of
Mrs. Helen D. Stewart and the overpayment
through error of the aforesaid. t. axes be and
the sere hereby is allo-vaed and approved for
payment and the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to make the
aforesaid refund of .68. 00 to the claimant
herein, end
BL IT FURTF tt F1SOL= that the Supe rvisor and
the t�eceiver of Taxes be and they hereby are
authorized and directed to make any changes
in their respective books of account or
records as may be necessary in accordance
with the terns of this resolution.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
SCITNED, that whereas it has been brought to
the attention of this Board that Luclide Brondoli
who is the owner of Lot No. 24B, Block 55,Sect-
ion 2 on the Assessment Map of the Town of
Mamaroneck was erroneously assessed on the basis
of such lot being a 25 foot lot whereas in fact
such lot is a 5 foot lot, and
',7F+ AS the said Brondoli paid State,County &
Town taxes for the year 1926 on the basis of
said correct statement, and
,7EM=-AS The said Brondoli has presented a claim
W. to the Town of 1l maroneck for the overpayment of
said taxes on the basis of said incorrect
assessment in the sum of .,11.66, which claim
the lieeeiver of Taxes has investigated and
found correct, therefore, upon the recommendat-
ion of the xeceiver of Taxes,
BM IT � SOLVED that the Supervisor, the Receiver
of Taxes and the Board of Assessors be and they
hereby are authorized, empowered and directed
to correct their respective books of record
and account, including the assessment roll so
that said lot 24B in Block 55, section 2 on the
After discussing the matter with the Board, Counsel
was requested to devise some plan and present the same t the
Town Board for its consideration.
On motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that whereas a claim has been duly
presented by Mrs. Helen D. Stewart for a refund
of 168. 00 on account of State, County andTown
taxes for the year 1926 paid underBill No.
3252 on Lot Taos. 16a and 17 in Block 15,
Section 7 on the Assessment Map of the Town of
Mamaroneck, and
WER AS said claimant paid the total sum of
171.80 the aforesaid lots having been included
in the tax bill through a typographical error,
said claimant only being required to pay the
sure of 4x6.80 for said t axes for the said year
on Lot 4a, Block 15 , Section 7, and
, 17"AS said overpayment and claim has been
investigated by the Receiver of Taxes and
found correct, therefore, upon the recommen-
dation of the Receiver of Taxes,
BE IT RlSOLVED that the aforesaid claim. of
'Tors. Helen D. Stewart and the overpayment
through error of the aforesaid taxes be and
the sage hereby is allowed and approved for
payment and the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to make the
aforesaid refund of x068. 00 to the claimant
herein, and
HE IT FURTHER RISOL7ED that the Supervisor and
the Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby are
authorized and directed to make any changes
in their respective books of account or
records as may be necessary in accordance
with the terms of this resolution.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
SOLVED, that whereas it has been brought to
the attention of this Board that Euclide Brondoli
who is the owner of Lot No. 248, Block 55,Seet-
ion 2 on the Assessment Yap of the Town of
Mamaroneck was erroneously assessed on the basis
of such lot being a 25 foot lot whereas in fact
such lot is a 5 foot lot, and
`HERnAS the said Brondoli paid State,County &
Town taxes for the year 1926 on the basis of
said. c-orreet statement, and
ITEREAS the said Brondoli has presented a claim
-- to the Town of Mamaroneck for the overpayment of
said taxes on the basis of said incorrect
assessment in the sum of : 11.66, which clad
the Receiver of Taxes has investigated and
found correct, therefore, upon the recommendat-
ion of the Receiver of T axes,
BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor, the Receiver
of Taxes and the Board of Assessors be and they
hereby are authorized, empowered and directed
to correct their respective books of record
and account, including the assessment roll so
that said lot 24B in Block 55, Section 2 on the
Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck shall
be assessed correctly, and it was
FURTITM I SOr= that the aforesaid claim of
Euclide Brondoli be and the same hereby is
approved f or payment and the Supervisor is
authorized- and empowered t.o make the aforesaid
refund of1Z. 78 to the claimant herein,
and it was
FUR= =-SOLVi=�, that the Supervisor and
Receiver of Taxes and Board. of Assessors be
and they hereby are authorized and empowered
to take such further action as may be necessary
in accordance w ith the terms of this resolution.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
R_SOLVI=, that whereas a claim has been presented.
to the Town of Mamaroneck by William H. Meyer
for a refund in the amount of taxes in the amount
of x,6.62, being School taxes for the years 1913
and 1916 paid in duplicate of Lot Numbers 11 and
12 in Block 40, Section 6 on the assessment
Map of the Town of Iiamarcneck, and
sir, LS said duplicate payment and the c laim
predicated thereon have been investigated by
the Receiver of T axes and found correct,
therefore, upon recommendation of the Receiver of
BY IT IT-SOLT that the aforesaid claim of
Viilliasm H. Meyer for .; 6. 62 be and the same
hereby is approved and ajloyved and the Supervisor
be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to
make payment of a refund In the sum of �;6 .62
to the said claimant, and
= IT FIMTHIM RESCID= that the Supervisor and
Receiver of Taxes be and they hereby are
authorized and directed to make such changes
in their respective books of record and
account as may be necessary in accordance
with the terms of this resolution.
The Clerk reported that application had been made by
Miss Hill on behalf of the Girl Scouts asking for permission to
use the Fire House auditorium as a meeting ;.,lace for the Girl
Scouts' Troop.
Upon motion duly seconded, it was
t SCL7T7 , that permission is hereby given
to the Girl Scouts for the use of the
auditorium in the Weaver Street Fire House
as a meeting place ; se.id permission being
at the pleasure of the Board.
The Clerk reported that various organizations and
individuals had made applicaticr_ for the use of the Town Hall.
The matter was referred to the Committee on Town Hall,
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11. 4-5 P.IV'i.
Town Clerk.