HomeMy WebLinkAbout1926_08_04 Town Board Minutes i�
MT:11?G OF TLL! ?'OT'I: 30 sRD
TOT1r? OF T,,1.IL^RCi3 ECK
held August 4,1026.
The meeting ,gas called to order by Supervisor
Burton at 0.45 P.M.
PRESENT: Supervisor 3urton
Justices Boyd,Hovell and Leeds
Tann Clerk. Sherman
Co ns ellcr Gamble
Upon motion it *as voted to dispense with the
reading of minutes of meetings not yet approved.
A communication from Rr.C.W.Moody®Vice-President
of Rouken Glen Co. `has received and read, requesting
permission for the erection of a street sign on the south
side of Fenimore Road about 1750 feet east of Cornell Street.
After due consideration the following resolution
,as pre.tinted and unanimously adopted.,
RE CINED, that the Building Commission be
and it hereby is requested to grant
permission to Mr.C .T.Yood .*,Vice®Pres.ident
- of the Rouken Glen Co . for the erection of
a street sign on the south side of Fenimore
Road about 1750 feet east of Cornell Street.,
provided that the sign is of proper con-
struction and that the same be erected with
a set back from the roadway of 200 feet.
In accordance r ith a. prior direction of the 3oard,
Counsel presented for its approval a resolution exempting
from takes the parcel of land owned by the Mamaroneck Free
Library, in accordance with a request for said action by
Charles Y. Barterjr. , President of the same.
Counsel stated that under the !at the real propertrr
being property cyned by a corporation organized exclusively
for educational, literary and library* purposes was entitled
to exemption if used fors aid _purpose although not in actual
use therefor by reason of the absence of suitable buildings
or imyro vements thereon if the construction of such buildings
or improvements is in progress or in good faith 1" eap
Counsel °tested that r advised by Mr. Baxter
that the building of a library structure on said property
,as not in progress .
Upon notion duly seconded, it was
RESC+LVED, that t ereas Mamaroneck Free
Library, a corporation organized under
the University of the State of New fork,
acquired on or about December 4th,1525
for library purposes, certain real estate
at the southeasterly corner of Prospect
Avenue and Elm Street in the Village of
Yama °oneck, known as Lots ld, 17 and 19c
in Block 50 of Section 9 on ta'='2e Tax 1 a_—c, �y
o t'_e�e Turn of Yamaroneck since then it has
held, ssa;id lots continuously, and.
THERI"S said property is exerpt from.
taxation under the provisions of the Tay
Ian , it being real property of a corporation
organized for ed»ca.tional , literary and
library purposes from v ich no rents , profits
and income are derived, the same being exempt
even though not in actual nse therefor by
reason oppSfa the n absence of a suitable budding
or improvements thereon if the ei.'+cn truection
of such buildings or improvements is in
good faith contemplated by such corporation.
HIREx` said property is so held , THEREFORE,
be it
RESCIVED that the Supervisor and the Receiver
of Taxes be and they hereby are authorized,
empowered and directed to cancel on the re-
cords all taxes, if any, not a lien on said
nboverty for the year 1926, and to take all
such and further action as may be neoes°wrIj
to clear the unpaid tames on the aforesaid
lots for said year; and be it fuxthei°
RESOLVED that the Board of Assessors of the
Town of Manaronech be and it hereby is directed
to e°amrt the aforesaid property from taxation
and the Tonn Clerk be and he hereby is aat ericed,
empovered and directed to file sith the said
Board of Assessors a Certified copy of this
re€olutionj and be it further
RESOLVED that nothing herein contained shallp
hove:=er, be construed to exempt said property
from taxation Shen, as and if said property= is
conveyed by said Mamaroneck Free library, at
Which time it shall automatically become liable
for taxation.
The Supervisor reported to the Board of the present
situation in connection vita the establishment of buses in
}estchester County and particularly along the Sound share
He stated that this Board has heretofore held
meetings after due advertisement and had heard various
applicants for a franchise to operate buses n ithin the Town
of Mamaroneck and that it sea necessary for the Toon Board
to determine shich application, if any, it desired to further
consider and in case the Board desired to act favorably on
any application, it v:as necessary under the lau; to advertise
a Special Nearing at shich the application woula be considered,
shich advertisement must contain the streets shich r uld.
be traversed by said bus line or lines so that all parties.
interested in the same might have notice thereof and could
attend ta.id Bearing and be heard.
On motion duly seconded, it %as
RESCIVED, that Vis Board hold a Special
Meeting on August 10th, 1920, at 8.30 P .M.
to consider the application of the County
Transportation Company,Inc. for consent to
operate bus es „ ithin the Tonn of Mamaroneck
for, upon and along the streets , public
places and routes described in their
application and wylic=tion supplemental
theretoi and it %as further
RESOLVED, that at such Special Meeting the
Board hear all persons interested in the
said application sith respect thereto and
also with respect to the terms and conditions
which if the consent is granted should be
grantedh and it was further
RESOLVED, that Counsel be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to immediately
prepare a notice of the Public Heating in
proper form; and it as further
RESIOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to publish said
notice in the Daily Times on August 5th, 7th
and 9th, 1926; and in the Lar c wont Times
on August 5th, 1925,
The SupeTviser stated that the County Transportation
Company,Inc. had applied to the Public Service commission
of the State of New York for a.. certificate of convenience
and necessity.
At a Bearing held some days ago before said Public
Service Commission same had been adjourned to August 11th
He stated that this application was made for
consent to operate in certain of the municipalities vithin
the County and waan part of the County aide plan of 'bus
Upon motion duly seconded it was
RESOLVED that Counsel be and he hereby is
authorized and directed to attend the Hearing
upon the application of the County Transportation
Com;any,Inc. before the Public 'Service Commission
on August 11th and at any adjournment or adjourn-
ment: thereof and to take such part therein as
he in his judgment believes is for the best
interests of the Town of Mamaroneck in connection
with the contemplated operation of buses therein .
The Committee on Police reported to the Board that
certain street traffic signs should in their cpinionh„e pur-
chased immediately by the Town.
Upon motion duly seconded it was
RESOLVED, that the matter of the purchase of
certain street traffic signs be referred to
the Police Committee with ponder to act in the
premises as it may in its discretion deem to
be for the best interests of the Tozn of
Mamaroneck .
Upon motion the meeting adjourned. at 11 P .M.