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1926_07_07 Town Board Minutes
MEETING OF THE 'P''s N BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK held July 7,39260 The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 10 P.M. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins,Homell & Deeds Town Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble The minutes of the meetings of June 2nd, 5th., lOth and 15th, 1926 , mere read and upon motion approved. Various people appeared before the Board, request- ing permits for the erection of buildings in the unincorporated part of the Town of Mamaroneck. After hearing each applicant individually, they were referred back to the Building Commission for permits . Mrs . Florence appeared before the Board in relation to a notice received from the Building Commission to discontinue the use of her property at #24 Boston Post Road{ said notice stating that the use of the building n as in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. She Otated before the Board that the building had been used for business pup oses fora great man y y ears prior to the adoption by this Board of the Zoning Ordinance. The matter was referred to a Committee for its investigation and report. The Supervisor appointed upon said Committee Justices Leeds and Collins. . The reports of the Receiver of Taxes for the months of May and June mere received, read, ordered placed on file and are as follows June lst,1926. Sir. Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchest4r County Tax Lam , I hereby respectfully report the amount of State, County, Town, School, Highm.ay and Special District tares together with the interest and penalties thereon, collected by me during the month of May, 1926. 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 all axes taxes taxes taxes taxes ar*ears total 4tate _ . Count '10552.30 418.33 1097'x.43 ! �?i '_ .a 1893.67 66.20 1957.87 4Tomn 2255.03 116-09 2372.12 I ie-er tax !Dist.l 1553.07 44.10 1597.171 Sea er a.ssmt. School dist.I 2278.52 2278.52 Sch©o3 � disc 2 � . Arrears 379.75 305.64 27.30 512.53 1225.22 Int.& _ - - penits. 431.42 342.67 100.43 86.33 12.08 523.27 1496.20 - - Total 21897.531 Deposited -ith lst National BankoMam°k. ` 9v 21897.53 Re:'.ectfzlly submitted, (sgnd) Santo Lanza., Receiver of Taxes. July lst,1926. Sir: Pursuant to Section 23 of the? estchester County Tax Spa-v: I hereby respectfully report the amount of State' county, _ Tov , Special` �Distriet, School, and ighAay taxes , $agether -with the interest and penalties thereon, collected by me during the month of June, 1926. 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 all taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes arrears total School & --- �fl,�'_'Ia'ty. 5947.25 90.25 6037.50 r�ii?taaay 1719016 22.5& 1741.74 �( Toxin 2170.12 25.30 1295.22 ! ;Dist 5177.37 76.60 5253.97 `e*A ertax I dist.1 1729.04 15.59 1744.63 ' Sewer ( assmt ! S'ohaol I Idist.l 1153.21 1153.21 ] School I dist.2 _ - jArrears 100.22 67.38 5.55 285.08 458.23 ! H TF. TC zenits . 787.80 259.82 29.53 27.00 4.25 495.27 1603.77 Total 19288.27; Deposited pith 1st Nat'l. Bank,Mamaroneck 19288.27 Respectfully submitted, (sgnd) Santo Lanza,Receiver of Taxes. The reports of the Town Clerk for the months of May avid June v,ere received, reap , ordered placed on file and are as follovs : July 7, 1926. Geo.s:.Burton,Esq. , Supervisor, Town of ITamaroneck ,Ne% York. Dear Sir: I beg to submi t her c ;i.th the report of the office of the To,tin Clerk for the month of May 1926, vrthich is as follows : Dag licenses issued 3 , 4-.7'r- Hunting " W 21 26.26 Marriage n n 2 4.00 Chattel mortgages filed 114 12.14 Total amount received, 47.14 Paid to County Treas . dog fees, 4.00 Paid to County Clerk, hunging fees , 21000 Paid to County Clerk, marriage fees , 2.00 27.00 Paid to Supervisor, 20.14 Res„ect.fully submitted, (!sgnd) Frederick M.Sherman,Town Clex'c. July 7,10.26. Geo.`V.Burton,Esq. , _ Sumervisor, Town of Xw-,aaroneck,New York. --- Dear Sir: I beg to submit here'.�ith the report of the office of the Town Clerk for the month of June 1926, which is as follows : Dog licenses issued 2 7.60 -unt ing ,a w IF 14 1 .010 Xarriage d6 „ _ 23 46.030 Chattel mortgages filed 113 11.64 Total amount received, 82.54 Paid to County Treas . deg feees, 7.00 Paid to County Clerk, hurting fees, 14.00 Paid to County Clerk, marriage fees, 23.00 44.00 Paid to the Supervisors 38.64 Respectfully submitted, (angd) Frederick M.Shernan,Town Clerk. --- A communication and certified copy of order of the Public Service Comsnissionin the petition of the Nev,, York and Stamford Railway Company for permission to increase passenger fares vsas received and read. The Communication and order ,Here ordered noted in the minutes and placed on files A vommtanication together a.ith a petition Yeas redeive3 from Mr.Lascarus , .requesting the appointing', as a< i Special Town Constable of u os eph Merola, employed at the Beach Point Club, Orien to Point,Mamaroneek. The Clerk stated that the Town Board had the power to appoint under Section 118®A of the Town Law . -- The communication and petition were ordered placed on file and upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that Joseph Merola be and he hereby is appointed for a period of four months Special Constable of the Town of Hamaroneck to serve in regulating traffic and for the preservation of peace and to perform such other services as may be specified from time to time, at the Beach Point Club, Orienta Point, amaroneck,N.Y. Counsellor gamble reported the receipt of a communication from Counsel of the Mamaroneck free Library requesting that the property of the library be placed upon the tam exempt list for the reason that the same is a public institution. The matter was referredback to Counsellor Gamble for his report and recommendation. Counsel discussed with the lbard the request of the Board of Sevier Commissioners of Sewer District No. I to issue and offer for sale $80,000. principal amount of sewer bonds for the construction of Contract Rio . 9. _ Counsel stated that under the provisions of Chapter 470 of the Laws of 1926, a new lam had been adopted known as the "General District law" vNich ,=as an Act in relation to the creation, financing and activities of certain public districts and that under the provisions of this net law , it was now necessary for the Town Board to give notice of the filing of the petition of the Board of Sewer Commissioners, the request for the issuance of bonds and to hold a public hearing thereon prior to taking action on the petition, which notice must contain a description of the district. He further stated that the law provided for the posting and publishing of said notice in specific manner and recommended that he be a uthorized to draft the necessary notice in accordance with the law. Upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED, that the Town Board hold a Public Rearing on August 11,1926, at 8.30 P. I. at the office of the Torn Clerk, 8 Elm Street Mamaroneck jem York, to take action upon the petition of the Board. of Sewer Commissioners of Sewer District No. 1 requesting the T omr Board to issue and sell $80,000. principal amount of serer bonds for the construction of Contract No. 9 within said sever district- at mhich Hearing full opportunity to be :ward shall be granted to all interested persons , and it was further RESOLVED, that Counsel be and he hereby is authorized and directed to prepare the proper notice of said Hearing] and it was further RESOLVED, that the Torn Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to post and publish said notice in accordance with the law as he may lie advised by Counsel.; and it was further RESOLVED, that said notice be published in the Daily Times nhich is hereby designated -- the official nenspaper of said Tenn for the purposes of such publication. The Torn Clerk brought up the matter of the alter- itions to the present Town Hall and upon motion duly seconded it was RESOLVED, that the Committee on Town Hall be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to direct the architect to pre- ceed ;tith the plans for the altering and remodeling of the ?resent Town Hall , at an expenditure not to exceed $30,000.00; the foregoing action being in accordance with the sentiment and opinion expressed at a special meeting of this Town Board held on Tune 10, 1926. The Committee on the Weaver Street Polio Headquarters reported in connection pith the furnishing of said building. U_,on motion duly seconded, it vas RESOLVED, that the Committee be and it hereby is authorized and emponered to J secure bids for furniture and equipment for the 'Yeager street Police Headquarters and to let contracts , with the right to reject any or all bids or accept any bid or bids shich said Committee may deem advantageous to the Town of Mamaroneck provided said bids do not exceed the amount hereinafter set opposite the respective item: 1. For furnishing f aTniture and equipment for the Police Department offices at a cost of not to exceed $875.00. 2. For furnishing furniture and equipment for the offices of the Justice of the Peace of the Town of Mamaroneck at a cost of not to exceed $110.00. A communication from the Weaver Street Fire Company sas received and read requesting the removing of the shoring in the basement of the "weaver Street Fire House so that the bowling alleys can be la id. The communication was ordered placed on file, noted in the minutes and the matter -.-- referred to the Committee on Fire House. Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 12.80 A.M. Town 0 lerk.