HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_11_13 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes No. 13. Vol. No. 1.
Thursday evening November 13, 1930.
PRESENT:-Chairman Rossbottom, Messrs ;- C. C. Worth, 0. A. Raynor,
C. W. Cross, and F. G. Smith.
The minutes of the Stated meeting held on Thursday
evening October 23, 1y30 were approved and ordered placed on file
as No. 12 of Volume No. 1.
Appeal No. 25. Building application io. 1491.
APPLICANT: Douglas G. Woolf, 53 Echo Lane , Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y.
SUBJECT: Application (re-decision of the Building Commission under
Article No. 3. Section No. 11 of the Zoning Ordinance )
to permit in a residence use and "A" area district, the
erection of a building for a one-family residence purpose
27 feet from the building and/or property line of Avon
Road, instead of 30 feet as required under the afore-
mentioned Article and Section of the Zoning Ordinance.
AFFECTED: The southeast corner formed by the intersection of
Avon Road, Dundee Road and Rockland Avenue , the same
being shown as Lot No. 1 on Map of Larchmont Ridge
property of Fenimore Cooper Estates Inc , Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, N. Y. Portion of
Section No. 2. Ammended May 27, 1929 and Filed June
6, 1929 , Volume 71 Page 14 in the office of the Register
of Westchester County. This property being surveyed
and certified to the Westchester Title & Trust Company.
by Guy Vroman, C . E. Larchmont , N. Y.
For applicant-Lir. Leslie I. Nichols (Architect )
For opposition- None.
BOARD: Application granted on condition.
Affirmative- Chairman Rossbottom, Messrs;- Worth, Raynor,
Cross and Smith.
Negative- None.
Absent- None.
RESOLUTION: Whereas Douglas G. Woolf (owner) filed on October
20th 1930, an application under the Zoning Ordinance to
permit the erection of a one-family residence in a
No. 13. Vol. No. 1.
Special Meeting
Thursday evening November 13, 1930.
residential "A" area district, 27 feet from the building and/or
property line, instead of 30 feet setback as required by the
Zoning Ordinance, on property situate on the southeasterly corner
formed by the intersection of Avon Rpad, Dundee Road and Rockland
Avenue in the Town of Yamaroneck(unincorporated Section) and
Thereas a public Hearing was held on this application by the
Board of Appeals at its meeting held on Thursday evening November
13, 1930, after due notive by publication in the Public press and
Whereas the use district maps accompanying the application show
that said property is At a residential "A" area district and that
said one-family residence if erected would confrom materially with
others erected, as to uniformity of setback and
"Thereas the applicant has neither received or filed any certificates
or letters of objection of owners immediately affected on the same
street front and
Thereas this Board deems the variation is warranted under Article
3 Section 11 of the Zoning Ordinance, it is therefor
RESOLVED: that the Board of Appeals does hereby make a variation
in the application of the use district regulations of
the Zoning Ordinance , and th' t the application be and
hereby is , granted on condition that the extreme front
line of said proposed building shall have a set-back
from the street and/or property line of Avon Road of
not less than 27 feet as shown on the copy of the
certified survey accompanying this application and that
the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance otherwise
shall be complied with in all respects.
Appeal No. 18. Building application No. 1456-A.
APPLICANT: Mrs. Bernetta Bowman, 1673 Gunhill Road, Bronx, N. Y.
SUBJECT: Application (re-decision- of the Building Commission
under Article No. 3. Section No. 11 of the Zoning
Ordinance ) to permit in a residence use and"A" area
district, the erection of a building for one-family
residence purposes 26 feet 6inches from the building
and/or property line of Murray Avenue , and 8 feet 'plus
or minus ) from the building and/or property line of
Forest Avenue , instead of 30 feet as required under the
aformentioned Article and Section of the Zoning Ordinance.
AFFECTED: The southwest corner formed by the intersection of
Forest Avenue and Murray Avenue, the same being Lots
No ' s 29 and 30 Block 106 on L:ap of Chatsworth Heights
Sections 1 - 2 - 3 Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester
County, N. Y. as made by T. E. VanEtten Surveyor and
filed in the office of the Register of Westchester
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