HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_08_28 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes r MINUTES No. 10. Vol. 1. BOARD OF AfFEALS UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE-TOWN OF Idki:aRONEOK; N v . STATED .EEfiINGr Thursday evening August 28, 1330. TRESENT: -Chairman Rossbottorn, Messrs-Raynor, Cross and Smith. The minutes of the two previous meetings were ordered filed . AFEEALS FROM BUILDING COMMISSION DECISION Appeal # 17. Building application # 202. A1IELLANT- r. Frank L. Norris , 272 Murray Avenue . SUBJECT-Application (re-decision of the Building Commission under Article 3 Section E of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection of a two-car garage attached to residence on the northwest corner of "leaver Street and Forest Avenue, within 30 feet of :'Deaver etre et. PREMISES AFFECTED-Northwest corner of Weaver Street and Forest Avenue in the Town of :. amaroneck (unincorporated Section) AI FEAR ANCES- For Applicant- Al*. Frank L. Norris , 272 :'urray Avenue. For Opposition-None . ACTION OF BOARD- Application granted. THE VOTE- Affirmative: -Chairman Rossbottom, Messrs-Raynor, Cross and Smith/ Negative: -None Absent: Mr. Worth. THE RESOLUTION- Whereas , Mr. Frank L. Norris filed on August 0 , 1330, an application under the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection of a two garage attached to one-family dwelling on the Northwest corner of "Deaver Street and Forest Avenue in the unincorporated Section of the Town of '..amaroneck and Whereas , a Public hearing was held on this application by the Board of Appeals at its Stated meeting held on Thursday evening August 28, 1330, after due notice by publication in the public press and Whereas, Mr. Frank L. Norris appeared as in favor of the application and no one appeared as in opposition and Whereas , the Board deemed the variation of Article 3 Section &lof the ,oning Ordinance was reasonable it was therefor RESOLVED: -that the Board of Ay:peals does hereby make and grant a variation from Article 3 SectionE of the zoning Ordinance allowing the erection of a two-ca garage attached to a one-family dwelling on the northwest corner of Weaver Street and Forest Avenue providing that same is constructed as per the set-back lines as shown on the p.ot-plan as filed. FOA YI. 4i L.G IUGLJ T 28, 1330. • NO/ 17. 13u .ld ing Commission Po. 202. . Application of T. Frank L. Norris to erect a two-car garage to residence on the northwest corner of leaver Stret and 7orest avenue within 30 feet of `leaver Street. No. 18. Building Coarnission No. 1456-a. Acplioation of Ts Bernetta Bowman to eredt a one-famt.ly dweliing on the southwest corner of forest Avenue and. :arra- Avenue within 30 feet of array, 'avenue. - No. 19. Building Commission 'so. 1458. Application of `r. Lynn H. Ruck to erect a one-family dwelling on the south4leet corner of Gleneagles drive and 14onuet Ridge Road within 30 fest of :.osust Ridge Road. ' No. 20. Buil ling '.o 'ltninsion "o. 1473. A_ =lication of -rr. Jefferson 4. Zimmerman to erect a dog kennel on the northeast corner of Boston post '.toad and '"inthrop Avenue , the sale bear g in a Class "F" unclassified zone area. No. 21. BuildiAg Commission "o. 1474. Afplication of les vs Bose & arker to raze an occupied .gasoline filling station which has become obsolete and eredt an entirely �,' new and up-to-date service and filLing station on t northwest l corner of Boston .: ost Road and 'leaver ^treat. No. 22. Building :omwission No. 1464. &Qpiication of - .r. Frank F. L"ons for modification of sea. 3 Art. 10 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection of a one- family dwelling within the side line restrictions as set forth in said Ordiaaaoe. 1 4 MINUTES No. 10. Vol. 1. BOARD OF AIIIALS UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE-TOWN OF MdAuIARONECK,N .Y. Han MEETING Thursday evening August 28 , 1930. ( continued) Appeal f 18. Building application 1456a. A1'T'ELLANT-Mrs Bernetta Bowman, 1673 Gunhill Road , Bronx, N. Y. SUBJECT- Application (re-decision of the Building Commission under Article 3 Sectionf of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection of a one-family dwelling on the southwest corner of Murray and Forest Avenues , within 30 feet of Murray Avenue . IRE .ISES AFFECTED-Southwest corner of Murray and Forest Avenues in the Town of Mamaroneck (unincorporated Section) APPEARANCES- For Applicant-Mrs. Bernetta Bowman, 1673 Gunhill Road , Bronx2 Mr. Harry Bowman, for Opposition-Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Tansey, 211 Rockingstone Ave. Mr. N. E. Margolin, 318 Forest Ave , ',Tr. Robert Gibson, 324 Forest .Ave , Mr. Harry Stern, 310 Forest Ave, 71rs. :carie Hemmick, 313 Forest Ave , Mr. F. L. Norris, 272 Murray Ave, Captain Fairclough, cor Forest Avenue and Vine Road, Mr. Geo. Malcolm, cor Forest and Murray Avenues and Mr. H. J. Brewer, Fernwood Road all in the unincorporated Section of the Town of ..Tamarorn ck. AC TION OF BOARD- Postponed hearing indefinately pending action of the Town Board regarding a petition for purchase of the property in question which this Board was informed by oponents to the application will be submitted to that body in the near future. This suggestion was agreed to by both the applicant and members of the opposition. Appeal # 19. Building application '1 1458. ALFELLANT-Mr. Lynn H. Buck, 141a Larchmont Ave , Larchmont , Y . V. SUBJECT- Application (re-decision of the Building Commission under Article 3 Section 2 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection of a one-family dwelling within 30 feet of Locust Ridge Road. PREMISES AFFECTED- Southwest corner of Gleneagles Drive and Locust Ridge Road in the unincorporated Section of the Town of ::amaro n eck. AXIEAR AN CES- For :Applicant-Mr. L. H. Buck, 141a Larchmont Ave , Larchmont. Mr. E. J. Becker, 200 Rockingstone Ave . For Opposition-None. ACTION OF BOARD -Application granted. THE VOTE- Affirmative-Chairman Rossbottom, _'ensrs-Raynor, Cross , and Smith. Negative- None . Absent- r. "Porth. MINUTES No. 10. Vol. 1. BOARD OF AIIEALS UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE-TOWN OF A;ufA'vRONE CK, N. T. STATED aT_:ETITSG Thursday evening August 28, 1930. (continued) THE RESOLUTION- "lhereas, Mr. Lynn H. Buck filed an application on August 14, 1330 under the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection of a one-family dwelling on the south west corner of Glen Eagles Drive and Locust Ridge Road in the unincorporated Section of the Town of :iamaroneck, and "whereas, a lublic heaning was held on this application by the Board of Appeals at its Stated meeting held on Thursday evening August 28, 1930, after-due notice by publication in the public press and '"lhereas, the Board deemed the variation of Article 3 Section 2 of the Zoning Ordi'iance was reasonable it was therefor RESOLVED: - that the Board of Appeals does hereby make and grant a variation from Article 3 Section 2 of the Zoning Ordin- ance allowing the erection of a one-family dwelling on the southwest corner of Glen Eagles Drive and Locust Ridge Road providing that the front entrance step be not less than 18 feet from the property line on Locust Ridge Road and also that a terrace as shown on the plot plan be eliminated and that the structure be otherwise constructed in accordance with the plot-plan as filed. Appeal f 20. Building application f 1473. APPELLANT-Mr. Jefferson A. Zimmerman, cor lost Road & '°Tinthrop Ave . SUBJECT- Application (re-decision of the Building Commission under Article 2 "vection 7 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection of a kennel and run for the breeding of dogs. IREMI SES AFFECTED- Northeast corner of the Boston Post Road and Winthrop Avenue in the unincoroprated Section of the Town of Mamaroneck. AL PEARANCES- For appli^ant-:.Ir. and ;Irs J. A. Zimmerman, cor -ost Road and ' inthrop Avenue (lessors) For opposition-: r. J. H. Cowharn, 8 Iinthrop Avenue. r. E. Stewart. 10 Winthrop Avenue. ACTION OF BOARD- Application denied. THE VOTE- Affirmative-Chairman Rossbottom, Mes=;rs; -Raynor, Cross and Smith. Negative-None . Absent- ,Tr. 'worth. THE RESOLUTION- Whereas, Mr. Jefferson A. Zimmerman filed an ap!lication under the Zoning Ordinance on August 14, 1330, to per- mit the erection of a keni4 and run for dogs the same to be used for breeding purposes todbe situated on the rlhrthaast corner of Boston lost Road and Winthrop Avenue in the unincorporated Section of the Town of Mamaroneck and I INUTFS No. 10. Vol. 1 . BOARD OF APPEALS 137)ER THE ZONING OR7)IN4NCE-TOWN OF MAMARCI , :'i,:1 ." . STATED MEETING Thursday evening August 28, 1930. (continued) Whereas , a Public heraing was held on this application by the Board of Appeals at its Stated meeting held on Thursday evening August 28, 1930, after due notice by publication in the public press and Whereas, ir. Jefferson A. Zimmerman and wife appeared in favor of said application and :jessrs Joseph H. Towham E. Stewart and H. J. Brewer al:peared in opposition to said application and Whereas, the objectors stated that the erection of suct a kennel would interefere wit',, the property rights of adjacent property owners as same were of a residential nature and Whereas , the appellants were not property owners and therefor were not agreed as to the property rights of adjacent property owners it was therefor RESOLVED: -That the BpardcefiAppeals does hereby deny the 114xk1z- application of Jefferson A. Zim,nerman to erect a 3enr,el and run for dogs on or within the premises as described. Appeal # 21. Building application 1 1474. AIlELL'NT-Messrs Bose and parker, cor Post Road and Weaver Street. SUBJECT- Application ( re-decision of the Building Commiskinn under Articee 2 Section 4 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection of gasoline filling and service station on property now in use as such on the Boston lost Road . PREMISES AFFECTED- Northwest corner of the Boston lost Road and '.'leaver Street, in the unincorporated Section of the Town of : amarone ck. Al PE AR AN CES For applicant: -Mr. Hugh Kafka, 78 'Forth Avenue , yew Rochelle , N. v. (ar^hitect) For oppoittitn-None. ACTION OF BOARD- Application granted . THE VOTE- Affirmative-Chairman Ressbottom, Messrs ;-Raynor, Cross and Smith. Negative- None. Absent-air. Worth. THE RESOLUTION- Whereas , Messrs Bose and Barker filed an application on August 14, 1930 under the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection of a gasoline filling station and service sta- tion on the northwest corner of the Boston Post Road and Weaver Street in the unincorporated Section of the Town of _Tararoneck and Whereas, a Public hearing was held on this application by the Board of tp,eals at its Stated meeting held. on Thursday evening August 28 , 1930, after due notice by publication in the public press and MINUTES No. 10/ Vol. 1. BOARD OF AI iE ALS UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE-TOWN OF ILALIARONE CK,N. 7 . STATED AEETING Thursday evening August 28, 1930. ( continued ) Whereas, .ir. Hugh Kafka, 78 North AvenueNew Rochelle , N . q. he being the architect was present and submitted a plot-plan and perspective of the proposed structures and Whereas , no one appeared in opposition to the application and Whereas , this Board was in receipt of a certified copy of a resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Mamart oneck stating the the property in cuestion was by that Board zoned as being in a business zone area it was therefor RESOLVED: -that the Board of Appeals does hereby grant the appli- cation of Messrs Bose and Iarker provided that same be constructed to the set-back requirements as ordered by the Building Commission. Appeal ,, 22. Building Application " 1464. AIFELLANT-Mx. Frank E. Lyons , 17 No. Chatsworth Avenues . SUBJECT- Application (re-decision of the Building Commission under Article 3 Section 2 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection of and/or maintainance of a one-family dwelling on the north side of Rockland Avenue, within PREMISES side line restrictions as contained in Zoning Ordinance . AFFECTED- North side of Rockland Avenue in the unincorporated section of the Town of :.Tamaroneck. 4i I E AR AN CES For applicant-Mr. Frank F. Lyons , 17 No. Chatsworth Ave . For opposition-None. ACTION OF BOARD- Application granted. THE VO TE- Affir:iative-Thairman Rossbottom, :.:essrs;-Raynor, cross and Smith. Negative-None. Absent-1r. Worth. THE .ESOLUTION- Whereas, ..r. Frank E. Lyons filed an application on August 14, 1930, under the Zoning Ordinance to permit the erection and/or maintainance as erected a one- family dwelling on the northerly side of Rockland Avenue in the unincorporated ^.ection of the Town of Mamaroneck and Thereas, a Public hearing was held on Thursday evening .tigabica8yi193®W .at which time this application was presented to this Board after due notice having been given in the public press and Whereas, Ir. Frank E. Lyons appeared as in favor of this application and Whereas no one appeared in op osition and Whereas, ur. Lyons explained that an error had been made in the original layout of the foundation it was therefor MINUTES No. 10. Vol. 1. BaaRD OF A;:TE ALS UNDER THE ZONING ORD IN AN E-TOWN OF iLUARON ' CK,N. 7. STATED MEETING Thursday evening August 28, 1930. ( continued) RESOLVED: -that the Board of Appeals does hereby make and grant a variation from article 3 Section 2 of the Zoning Ordinance allowing ;Tr. Frank E. Lyons or others to maintain as erected a one-family dwelling on the northerly side of Rockland Avenue in the unincorporated Section of the Town of _.:amaronel:k provided same remain as constructed in accordance with the plot-plan as filed. The Board was in receipt of verbal information that the Town Board has by resolution authorized A. J. Foote C. E. to prepare a new and up-to-date Zoning Map of the unincorporated Section of the Town of ::"_amaroneck, the same to show the relative zone areas of cities , towns and villages immediately adjoining. / L�u��,e CLERK