HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930_02_13 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes q
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A special meeting of the Board of Appeals under the Zoning
Ordinance of the unincorporated section of the Town of Mamaroneck,
'Vestchenter County, N. `T; was held in the rooms assigned to this
Board at the Mamaroneck Town rolice headquarters , 11 Edgewood Ave,
Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y . on Thursday evening February 13, 1930, at
8: 30 o' clock.
The following members of the Board were present: Chairman J. Jos .
Rossbottom, Mr. Chas . C. ''forth, ".'r. Orson A. Raynor, Mr. Clifford
W. Cross and Mr. Fred 'k G. Smith.
a communication from the secretary of the Larchmont Gardens ass 'n
was received , stating that the Larchmont Real Estate Board had in-
formed that association that a '`rs. Ida M. Parent and a Mr. ;eorge
Powers were displaying real estate signs announcing that theme were
doing business at their respective residences in violation of the
Zoning Ordinance . Upon motion, duly seconded and unanimously
carried , the clerk of this Board was instructed to communicate
with this association and the Larohmont Real Estate Board for the
purpose of procuring further particulars.
Mr. F. G. Smith, who was appointed at a previous meeting as
a committee of one on budget , reported that he had conferred with
Supervisor Burton and that the budget amount allowed this Board
for the rear 1930 was fixed at Fifteen hundred and Fifty (:)1550.00)
Mr. 0. A. R annor, who was appointed at a previous meeting, as
a committee of one to prepare a set of rules and regulations for
the government of this Board , submitted same at this meeting. Mr.
Raynor also stated that he had prepared some proposed changes to
the Zoning Ordinance which he would submit to the Town Zoning
Boardfor their consideration.
The following appeals from the Zoning Ordinance were submitted :-
( 1) Application of John E. Bowman to erect a dwelling and/or any
structure on the southwest corner of urrar Avenue and Forest avenue
within ( 30) feet of said streets.
The following, appearing in optsition: -Mrs Fran4 'D. Tansey,
211 Rockingstcne avenue , Mrs. Thomas Burke , 273 Murray avenue ,
Mrs. N. F. Margolin 318 Forest Avenue and by communication, Mrs.
Marie E. Hemmick.
after due consideration, the Board being informed that the
Town was preparing to acquire a parcel of this property, the clerk
was instructed by unanimous ballott to inquire of the Town Board
the exact status of this case, and same was tabled for a final
hearing at our next stated meeting to be held on February 27, 1930.
( 2) Application of Harry B. Rogers to erect a wall and/or arch
to dwelling on the west side cf Hickory Grove 'rive , not in con-
formity with the side line restriction of the Zoning Ordinance .
A Mr. parent appeared in behalf of the ay.pellant and was instructed
that if he would present a survey showing the exact location of this
encumbrance along with any letters of release from adjouning property
owners .
voicingtheir approval of such, that the case would be
heard . Upon unanimous consent this appeal was tabled for hearing
at our next stated meeting, to be held February 27, 1930.
(3) Application of its. G. Gianitti to erect a sun-porch on the
west side of Homer Avenue within (34 feet of Homer Avenue . After
due consideration the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED: - That the applilation of ..ir. G. Gianitti to erect
a sun-porch on the west side of Homer Avenue , the
same being 29 ' 6" from Homer Avenue be approved, and
the decision of the Building commission be reversed .
The vote was;- chairman-Rossbottom - Ave.
Mr. 'North Aye.
Mr. Ra'nor Aye.
Mr. Cross Ave.
Mr. Smith AYe.
( 4) Application of Mr. Carmine Tortorella to erect a gasoline
station on the south side of Myrtle Avenue , approximately 180 feet
west of Chatsworth Avenue . As the zoning ordinance did not allow
structures of this nature in a district of that classification this
appellant was instructed to take the application before the Town
Board on Zoning, b' the unanimous consent of this Board .
( 5) Application of Mr. John H. Radcliffe to erect a private
garage on the east side of Cabot Road, approximately 105 feet
south of Myrtle Boulevard , within 75 feet of Cabot Road .
After due consideration, the following resolution was
adopted: -
RESOLVED:- That the application of Hr. John H. Radcliffe
to erect a private garage on the east side of
Cabot Road approximately 105 feet south of
Myrtle Boulevard , within 75 feet of Cabot Road
said garage to be 62 feet from Cabot Road be
approved , and the decision of the Budding
Commission be reversed.
The vote was; - Chairman Rossbottom
.r. -/orth. Ave
Raynor Awe
:r. Cross lye
Mr. Smith 'dye