HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_11_04 Town Board Minutes 237
held November 4th, 1931.
The meeting was sailed to order by Supervisor Burton at
9 P. M.
Present, Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Ilesser.smith
Town Clerk 11arvin
The presence was also noted of Counselor Gamble .
The Clerk presented the final returns from the eleven election
districts of the votes cast at the general election held November 3rdq
1931. The Board proceeded to canvass these returns. The result of their
canvass follows on Schedule A.
A communication dated October 22nd was received from the
Department of Law, State of New York, and ordered received, placed on
file and spread upon the minutes as follows.:
October 22., 1931
Ree Report No. 1318 ® New York City
x Weetcheste'r Railway Company
Westchester County.
Mr. Walter R. Marvin , Jr.
Town Clerk
No. 0 fl'lm Street
Mamaroneck,, New York
Dear Sir :
An examination of the file in the above captioned matter
indicates that the Attorney General wrote a letter to you under date
of Septernber 20th, 19302 by Yr. Michael F. O*Connor, Attorney. There
sce-ms to be no reply to this letter in our file , but it is assumed
that possibly you may have thereafter personally discussed the matter
with Is. O 'Connor.
The writer of this letter conferred with I'ir. 7okley the day
before yesterday and he advised that he or a man named Ottman, to
whom he claims to have conveyed a portion of the lands under water as
granted to the New York City and Westchester Railway Company on
July 133., 1887, was negotiating with your village for the sale to it
of a portion of -the granted land.
Please be advised that we have informed Dir. Fckley that
the State of New York does not recognize that he or his grantees ham
any right, title or interest in and to the 'Lands under water as
originally granted to the railway company, and that unless he w1hes
to voluntarily release and surrender all claim of title to such lands
that we intend to initiate an action to vacate and annul the patent.
-- Very truly yours
John J. Bennett, Jr.
Attorney General
By Hugh Reilly,
Assistant. Attorney General,
In charge of Bureau of Stands
Under Dilater.
A communication dated October Tth addressed to the Super—
V tell Secretary of the Board of
visor was received from Mrs. Si. �s , rY
Trustees of the Larchmont Public Library, requesting that the annual
appropriation to the library be paid by the town.
Upon motion of the Clerk, seconded by Justice Messersmith,
it was upon roll call unanimously resolved:
WHEREAS this Board heretofore entered into a contract with
the Larchmont Public Library providing for the use of the Larchmont
-- Public Library by residents of Fire, Lighting and Water Supply District
No. 1 and Fire District No. 2 of the Town of Mamaroneck, at an annual
charge and cost of $3500. per year,, and
WHEREAS pursuant to said contract there became due on April
1st, 1931$ for the year April 1, 1931 to March 31, 19322 the s-um of
$1750. and on October lets 1932, the sum of $1750., and
WHYPEAS such an amount not having been included in the 1931
budget and there are no funds available therefor,
NOW, T1=TR0E0, BF IT RESOLVEDs that the Supervisor
be and he hereby is authorized and empowered in accordance
with the law to borrow upon the faith and credit of the
Town of Mamaroneck the sum of not- to exceed $3500. in
anticipation of the taxes to be collected on April lstx
1932, to be levied against the taxable real property
pro rata of said Fire Lighting and ';dater Supply District
No. I of the Town of Mamaroneck and said Fire District
No. 2 of the Town of Mamaroneck;
FURTHER RFSOLVE'D, that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to issue a temporary Certif-
icate or Certificates of Indebtedness in the amount of"
not to exceed 6% per annum, payable at such time as the
Supervisor may fix, not exceeding, however, 12 months
from the date thereof, and to sell and/or dispose of said
temporary Certificate or Certificates of Indebtedness for
not less than the par value thereof;
FURTF= RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and the Town Clerk
be and they hereby are authorized, empowered and directed
to sell and deliver the aforesaid Certificate of Indebted-
ness in the name and on behalf of the Town; said Certif
icate to be in substantially the form heretofore adopted
by said Town.
A communication dated October 20th was received from the
Weaver Street fire Company No. 1 requesting the purchase of 250 feet
of hose and four carpenter lights.
Upon motion by Justice Messersmith,. seconded by Justice Boyd,
it was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED9 that this Board approve of the request of
the Weaver Street Fire Company for additional equipment;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Fire Company make specific recommend-
ations as to the type of equipment desired; and be it further
10SOLVED, that a committee consisting of Justice Messer—
smith, the Clerk and the Supervisor receive bids for this
equipment and purchase the same.
A communication dated October 19th was -received from the Plain
Dealer, a weekly newspaper published in Mamaronecks, in regard to legal
Upon motion by Justice Messersmith, seconded by Justice Boyd,
it was
a not tc el.c ea 'S5u0 , anc. t ua:z.r 11-11cr�5t Lt
RESOLVFDr-, that the communication be received,,
placed on file and considered when the Board
authorizes any legal advertising.
A communication dated October 28th was received from the
Larchmont Gardens Association enclosing copy of a resolution protesting
against any acquisition by the town of the former Larchmont Sports Club
property on Rockland Avenue for park: playground or any other purpose.
The communication was ordered received, placed on file and the Clerk
directed to acknowledge it and inform the Association that the matter
of purchasing this property had never been considered by the Town Board.
The Clerk suggested tht the Board consider the matter of
zoning the property along the new part of Palmer Avenue known as County
Road 67-2 in order that the zoning in the Town of Mamaroneck might be
in harmony with the zoning in the adjacent communities of Larchmont and
New Rochelle. The Clerk was directed to obtain full information on
this matter and report back to the Board.
Counsel reported that before the Town took any action in regard
to tht water supply system for Dillon Park; it would be advisable to
open negotiations with the Village of Larchmont concerning its water
mains in that section. The Clerk was directed to communicate with the
Board of Trustees of the Village of Larchmont and to arrange for a
joint meeting with the representatives of this Board and the Village.
The Clerk suggested that the piano in the Fire House be tuned
because it is being frequently used by organizations which use the Fire
House. He also suggested that the front part of the stage be panelled
in order to protect it from hard usage. These matters were unanimously
referred to the Fire House Committee.
_ The Clerk reported that a claim would be received from Matthew
Healey of Dillon Park for services as Special Constable on 'Election Day
at the 10th District polling place. He said that Captain Decker of the
Weaver Street Police Department had engaged Mr. Healey and that the
Police budget item for special services was exhausted and that he thought
the claim was p roperly an election expense and not a police expense.
Upon motion by the Clerk seconded by Justice Messersmith it
was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the claim of Matthew Healey for
services as Special Constable on Election Day at
the 10th district polling place be and it hereby
is approved and be it further
RESOLVED, that this claim be paid upon receipt of
The Clerk recommended that a slight change be made in the
voting machines to _allow for the use of party-row labels in accordance
with the new law covering this point. He said that the Automatic
Voting Machine Company was prepared to do this work at a cost of $1.50
per machine exclusive of transportation.
Upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Boyd, it was
upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized
empowered and directed to have the voting machines so
arranged as to allow for the use of party-row labels at
the cost not to exceed $1. 50 per machine plus trans-
portation town
charges and that same be made a proper o
eriarge. _
The Clerk reported receipt of several complaints concerning
garbage collections made before 6 A. M. the hour stipulated in the
contract for the®teerms ofuhislcontracthorizcd to
The Clerk reported that it had been suggested to him that the
town might profitably employ a town fihysician on a salary basis to do the
wark of the present police surgeon and also all other miscellaneous
medical work at present done on behalf of the town in connection with
such matters as poor relief, accidents to Volunteer firemen, etc. Counsel
was wed to report on the legality of the proposition.
The Clerk requested the Supervisor to name the committee on
emergency unemployment relief authorized at the meeting of the town board
on October 28th. The Supervisor thereupon appointed to this committee
Justices Yessersmith, Boyd and the Town Clerk.
The Supervisor advised the Board that there was a fund agge
gating $150.00 on deposit f1 the Trust Company of Larchmont entitled
Town of Mamaroneck Police Department Building Fund,- which fund was made
up of voluntary contributions and gifts made to the department from time
to time to be used by the department for constructing a Pistol Range.
He stated that the Police Commission and the Chief desired to construct
a pistol range for the use of the department and as there were no funds
available therefor in the budget he recommended said fund be used for
said purpose.
Upon motion duly made and seconded it was
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he hereby is
authorized to use said fund for the purpose of
paying the cost of constructing and operating a
Pistol Range for the Police Department; further
RESOLVED, that the Trust, Company, of Larchmont be
and it hereby is authorized and directed to honor
chucks drawn on said fund on deposit in said Trust
Company when signed by the Supervisor.
Counselor Gamble reported that in accordance with instructions
-- heretofore given by this Board he had taken up with George McClelland,
Insurance Agent, the matter of additional insurance on the apparatus of
the Weaver Street Fire Company.
After considerable consultation and upon the advice of Frank
A. Mannen of Larchmont, a prominent Insurance man, he said, he recommended
that the Town approve, a policy covering the following types of insurance
for the apparatus;
(a} Public liability in the amount of $509000 - $50,000.
an increase from the present amount of $25,000. - X509000;
(b) Property damage in the amount of $59000 with a $50.00
deductible clause changed from the present amount of $5,000. without a
deductible clause ;
(c) Collision Insurance to be cancelled and the town to act as
its own insurer for this item.
After discussion it was upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded
by Justice Messersmith, upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the report of Counselor Gamble on
insurance for the apparatus of the Weaver Street Fire
Company be approved and the claim covering this insurance
be ordered paid.
Counselor Gamble presented a resolution which was requested of
him at the meeting on August 5th, 1,931 and which was ordered inserted in
the minutes and a copy sent to Justice Boyd as follows:
WHEREAS, the Honorable William A. Boyd, a beloved member
of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck on September 10th, 19319,
celebrated his Fightieth Birthday, and
"WH7RT.AS, this Board has expressed to Judge Boyd its heartfelt
greetings on that auspicious occasion and wishes, to record the same in
its permanent records, and
WHF'REAS, Judge Boyd has through a long period of years served
the Town and Village of Mamaroneck with great distinction and honor
in the following offices :
Justice of the Peace, Mamaroneck, forty years..
Postmaster, Mamaroneck P. O. , thirty-six and one-half years.
Secretary Republican Town Committee, fifty years.
Member Republican County Committee , forty years.
Town Clerk, Town of Mamaroneck.
Collector of Taxes,. Town of Mamaroneck.
Member Board of Health, Town of Mamaroneck, and
Clerk of Board for twenty years.
Member and Secretary of Board of Fducationi Town of
Treasurer School District No. 19 Town of Mamaroneck.
and his official record of service is a speaking monument to the esteem
in which he is held by the people in all walks of life in this
community. Therefore, upon motion duly seconded, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board record herein to Judge Boyd
on the occasion of his Fightieth Birthday its gratitude
for his untiring efforts, great foresight and the
ability he has shown as a: member of this Board, and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board does express to Judge
Boyd its hearty felicitations on his birthday and wishes
him many further years of happiness and usefulness to
the Community.
Counselor Gamble presented a resolution which was requested
of him at the meeting on October 289 1931, and which was ordered
inserted in the minutes as follows
WHEREAS this Board has just learned with profound sorrow
of the death of William I. Palmer, a member of the Board of Sewer
Commissioners of Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck,for
the past 12 years and since the inception and organization of the
Commission, and
WHEREAS he has by his personality and public service
endeared ;himself to his associates on the Sewer Commission; and
WHFi.R-TAS he has by his loyalty and his untir=ing efforts
as a member of said Commission in the interests of the Town of
Mamaroneck so conducted: himself in said office that his services will
be difficult to replace,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,. that this Board express its
heartfelt sorrow in the death of William I. Palmer, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that when this Board adjourns tonight
it do so out of respect to the memory of Mr. William 1. Palmer, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution suit-
ably engrossed be transmitted by the Clerk of this Board to the surviv-
ing widow of the deceased, to whom we extend our deepest sympathy and
Upon motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously
resolved to adjourn at 10 :10 P. M. to meet again on Friday, November
13th at 2 P. M.
Town Clerk