HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_10_28 Town Board Minutes (2) 20 0
T,�-=35:- OY TIiB' Tor':r Boy
r I'LAROI7G-_, 1 l'.
held October 28th, 1931
The meeting ,ras called to order by Supervisor Burton
at. a K.
Present: Supervisor Burton, Justices Boyd, and Llresscrsmith
Town Clerk Ifarvin
The minutes of the meetings of August 5th, 18th, September
let, 18th and 25th :=:ere unanimously approved as printed.
The Clerk reported that the terms of office of the trustees
of the Police Pension Pund expired on October 30th, 1931.
Upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Boyd, it
,arras unanimously
HTSOLVTD, that this Board do and it hereby does
appoint as Trustees of the Police Pension rund,
pursuant to subdivision 1 of Section 1 of Chapter
791 of the Laws of 1928 of the State of Yew York,
Justice -11esley U® Yessersmith, member of this Town
Board, 7dward A. Decker, Chief of the Police Dcpart-
ment of the Town of Ya.ma-roneek, and the Supervisor
of the Town.
The Clerk suggested that the Board tale suitable action
to pay its respects to the memory of the late 1illiam i. Palmer,
member of the Board of Sewer Commissioners , Sewcr District TQ. 1,
Town of .arnaroneck,- since the inception of the district.
Upon motion by Justice Boyd., seconded by Justice Iessersmith ,
it "=ras unanimously
RI30=D, that the Supervisor be and he 'hereby is
authorized and requested to appoint a committee to
prepare a suitable resolution on the death of William
I. Palmer, and, that the said resolution be sent. to
Hr. Palmer°s family and a copy inserted in the minutes..
The Supervisor thcreupon a aointed to this committee
Justices Boyd, Uesscrsmith and Torn Counsel Gamble.
The Clerk stated he felt the Board should tale cognizance
of the existing unemployrn_cnt emergency and assume the leadership in
co-ordinating the several efforts to aid in the relief of the
unemployed which are now being made in the town.
He suggested that a co=ittec from the town board be
appointed to bring to;-ether the several existing agencies in the
town �ahich are now interested in this work in order to arrange a
definite and comprehensive tcvrrwide program.
Upon notion by the Clerk seconded by Justice 1yessersmith,
it -,-,,as unanimously
RFSOLVEED, that the Supervisor be and_ he hereby
is authorized and rccuested to appoint a committee
from this Board for the purpose above outlined.
The Supervisor announced that he would appoint this committee
at a later date .
The report of the `lou„n Clerk for the month of September
received and ordered placed on file.
Upon motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously
resolved to adjourn at 6 :-30 P.I. out of respect to the memory of the
late 'dilliam I. Palmer.. I ,
held June 21st, 1933
At the Town Offices , 118 West Post Road, Mamaroneck.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at
2 :45 P. H.
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Leeds, Kessersmith and Burbank
Town Clerk lea ry in
The Supervisor- advised the Board that at a meeting held on
June lst, 1932, he had been authorized to issue and sell Tax Lien
Certificates of Indebtedness of the Town of Mamaroneck for the years
1930, 1931 and 1932 in the amount of $95,739.58, and that he had them-
after issued, pursuant to said authority, Certificates of Indebtedness
in the amount of $90,000. , there being three Certificates of $30,000.
each, dated June 27, 1932, and maturing June 27, 1933.
He stated that since June lst, 193 , there had been paid
into the Receiver of Taxes on account of said tax lien certificates
for the aforesaid years the sum of $119610.16, leaving a balance of
transfers of tax liens bid in by the Supervisor at the aforesaid
tax sales held in the years 1930 , 1931 and 1932 and not heretofore
paid off or redeemed as of Juhe 1st, 1933, the total sum of $84,129.42.
The Supervisor presented a certificate of the Receiver of
Taxes setting forth the above.
He stated that it would be necessary to refund said Cert-
ificates less the amount that had been received by the Town against
sad tax liens.
He further stated that he was negotiating with the holders
of said ^ertificates to accept new and/or refunding Certificates in
the place of those held and that he had arranged with the holder of
Certificates in the principal amount of : 60,000. to accept a payment
on account of $10,000. and to accept a new Certificate in the amount
of $501000. , same to be dated June 279 1933, and to mature October
27, 1933, at an interest rate of 6%..
He further stated that he was negotiating with the holder
of the other Certificate of Indebtedness in the amount of $300000.
and expected to conclude with the holder similar arrangements for the
refunding of the Certificate held by him. He therefore recommended that
he be given authority to refund said Certificates along the lines
herein stated.
The following resolution was offered by Justice Boyd, and
seconded by Justice Messersmith:
WHFREAS, this Board by resolution of June 1st, 19322
authorized the Supervisor to borrow upon the faith and
credit of the Town of Mamaroneck the sum of x$95,739.58
upon Town of Mamaroneck Tax Lien Certificates of Indebt-
edness, and
WHFRTAS pursuant to said authority the Supervisor has
heretofore issued Certificates of Indebtedness in the
amount of $90,000, which mature June 27, 1933, and
_ 5
WH7FTAS there has been paid on account of the
aforesaid transfers of tax liens for the years
1930, 1931 and 1932, between June lat. 1932 and
June 1st, 1933, the sum of $110610.16$ leaving a
balance of transfers of tax liens due as of said
date for the aforesaid years, the sum of $84,129.42.
NOW, THFRTT0RE', Br IT RE'SOLVFD, that the Supervisor be
and he hereby is authorized and empowered to refund,
issue and/or reissue the aforesaid tax lien Certificates
of Indebtedness heretofore authorized to be issued in the
-- total amount of $951,739.58, for which Tax Lien Certif-
icates of Indebtedness were issued as of June 27, 1932
in the amount of $90,000. in an amount not to exceed
$84,129.42; said Certificate or Certificates of Indebt-
edness to be in the form and pursuant to the provisions
of the resolution heretofore adopted on June lat. 1932,
except as to the total amount to be issued, which res-
olution of June Ist, 1932 , is hereby ratified and con-
votes :
FURTHE'B R''S'OLVFD that the uppervisor be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to make payment on account
of said Certificates of Indebtedness heretofore issued
in the amount of $90,000. in connection with his
negotiations for the renewal and/or refunding of said
Certificates of Indebtedness as herein provided.
The foregoing resolutions were adopted by the following
Ayes : Supervisor Burton, Clerk Marvin
Justices Boyd ; Leeds, Messersmith and Burbank
liayesa None
The Supervisor advised the .Board regarding the Pine Brook
Drainage Commission. He stated that the Board at a meeting held on
October 15, 1932, had by resolution authorized him to issue Cert-
ificates of Indebtedness of the Town pursuant to Chapter 260 of the
Laws of 1930 in the amount of not to exceed $60,500.00 and that pur-
suant to said authorization he had issued under date of December it
1932, Certificates of Indebtedness in the principal amount of
$60,000. which would mature July 19 1933.. He stated that these
Certificates would ultimately be paid off pursuant to the aforesaid
Act out of the proceeds of a sale of bonds; that it would be unwise
for the Town to endeavor to sell an issue of bonds at this time due
to the unsettled condition of the municipal bond market, and further ,
that the total amount of the share of the Town of Mamaroneck had not
as yet been definitely fixed by the Pine .gook Drainage Commission.
Me stated that by the resolution passed October 15th, 19322
he had authority to issue Certificates and/or to refund and issue
new Certificates from time to time for a period of not. more than
fifteen months from October 15, 1932 , and that he wished to advise
the Board concerning the matter. ne recommended that he be authorized
to refund the maturing Certificates by the issuance of new Certificates
and he believed that he could _arrange to refund the same for a period
not to exceed six months.
The following resolution was offered by Justice Boyd,
seconded by Justice Messersmith.
RE'SOLVE'D, that this Board hereby authorizes and empowers
the Supervisor in accordance with Chapter 260 of the 'Laws
of 1930 and the laws of the State of lvew York, and pursuant
to the resolution heretofore adopted by this Board on
October 15, 1932, to refund, issue and/or reissue Certific-
ates of Indebtedness now outstanding and/or heretofore
authorized to be issued in a total amount of $60150040
and to issue a temporary Certificate or Certificatesof
Indebtedness in said total amount of $60,500.00, all as
provided in said resolution of October 15, 1932, which
resolution is hereby ratified and approved$
FURTHER R3'SOLVED, that the Supervisor be and he
hereby is authorized and empowered to make payment
on account of the said Certificates of Indebtedness
now outstanding in the amount of $60,000. in connection
with obtaining a renewal or renewals thereon if in his
judgment a payment or payments is necessary or advisable.
The foregoing resolutions were adopted by the following
Ayes: Supervisor Burton, Clerk Marvin
Justices Boyd, Leeds, Messersmith and Burbank
Does: None
The Supervisor further stated that the present holder of
the aforesaid Pine Brook Certificates of Indebtedness in the principal
amount of $60,000., which this Board had authorized him to renew, had
agreed that he would accept a renewal of $50,000. principal amount of
said Certificates, ,if $10,000. was paid in reduction on July 1st, 193
and if this Board would adopt a resolution. providing that such amount
of the principal amount as may be outstanding on December lst, 1933 ,
provided that they are in the hands of the present owner and/or if not
heretofore paid off on October lst, 1933, or prior to December lst,
1933-, would be placed in the next year's Budget.
The Supervisor stated that he believed it was proper to
adopt such a resolution because it was the intention of the Board
to refund the Certificates with a bond issue prior to the end of the
year, in which event this resolution would not become effective.
On motion, duly seconded, it was
"SOLVED, that the Board agrees in connection with
the refunding of the aforesaid $$60,000. principal
amount of Pine Brook Certificates of Indebtedness
that it said Certificates are still held by the present
owner on December 1st, 1933, the principal amount then
due and outstanding as of December 1st, 1933, will be
included in the next year's Budget by the Town Board, and
FURTHER RVSOLVTD, that this resolution will not become
effective if the Town refunds the aforesaid Certificates
with a bond issue and/or pays the outstanding amount
thereof to the present owner and/or such Certificates
are not in the hands of the present holder on December
1st, 1933-.
The foregoing resolutions were adopted by the following
vote .-
Ayes: Supervisor Burton, 0lerk Marvin
Justices Boyd,: Leeds, Messersmith and Burbank
Noes: None
The Clerk reported to the Board that he had been in error
when he reported at a previous meeting that the new schedule of light
and power rates of the Westchester Lighting Company would increase
rather than decrease the amount paid by the town for this purpose.
He stated that his misconception had arisen from the fact that he had
misunderstood the rates charged under the old schedule. Under the new
schedule , he said, 'Le decrease in small lighting bills would be about
3-05 and in large power bills the decrease would be about 10id per
Horsepower of installed capacity.
He quoted from a letter he had received from Mrs. Josephine
B- , Gridley, Secretary for the Jgint Uyi11ataes C tt e of the Larch—
wont League of women Voters, which poanted out faiai w9ile paying
$27.05 less for the first 3,000 K.W.H. on the basis of the new rate,
the town will still pay $16.19 more than a private retail consumer
for the same number of K. W. H.
The Board unanimously resolved that the matters regarding
the lighting rates, which had been referred to Counsel at the meeting
on Tune 7th be likewise referred to the Clerk in cooperation with
Tustice Burbank inquired what the Board proposed to do
-- regarding the new roof for the Town Hall. After discussion, it was
upon motion by the Clerk, seconded by Justice Boyd, upon roll call
RE'301,VTD that a committee consisting of Justice Boyd,
Burbank, Leeds and the Clerk be and it hereby is auth-
orized, empowered and directed to have a wooden shingle
roof installed on the Town Hall on the best terms
At 3 :30 the Board unanimously resolved to recess to meet
again at the call of the chair to take up such matters as might
properly come before it..