HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995_02_01 Town Board Regular Minutes REVISED TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA REGULAR MEETING -Wednesday, February 1, 1995 - Town Center- Court Room - 8:15 PM THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE at 7:00 PM in an Executive Session to discuss personnel and adjourn at 7:30 PM into a Work Session to discuss Investment Policy. CONVENE REGULAR MEETING RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURN EXECUTIVE SESSION CONVENE WORK SESSION RECESS WORK SESSION RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims 2. Other Business RECOGNITION - Director of Community Services - HUD Award PRESENTATION - Building Department PUBLIC HEARINGS - Restricted Parking/Standing - Murray Avenue - Restricted Parking - Cabot Road ORAL COMMUNICATIONS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR REPORTS REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Authorization - Lock Box- Bank of New York 2. Adoption - Investment Policy 3. Authorization -Westchester Joint Water Works - Joint Projects 95-J-1 & 95-J-2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES - June 15, 1994 - June 30, 1994 - July 20, 1994 -August 17, 1994 PROCLAMATION - Black History Month - National/American History Month Next regularly scheduled meetings - February 15, 1995 - March 1, 1995 Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting should call the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810. 1 REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD AND THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1995 AT 8:15.PM IN THE TOWN CENTER, 740 W BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NY PRESENT: Supervisor: Elaine Price I Councilwoman: Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn Councilman: Paul A. Ryan Councilwoman: Valerie M. O'Keeffe Councilman Barry Weprin Also Present: Patricia Samela, Deputy Town Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Steven M. Silverberg, Town Attorney CONVENE REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Price at 7:00 p.m., at which time on a motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was unanimously declared Iadjourned into an Executive Session in Conference Room A to discuss personnel. At 7:45 the Board adjourned into a Work Session to discuss Investment Policy. On motion duly made and seconded the Work Session was adjourned. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Price at 8:20 p.m. CALL TO ATTENTION Supervisor Price pointed out to those assembled the locations of exits as required by law for public gatherings. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS IThe meeting was called to order by Commissioner Price at 8:21 PM in the Court Room. Present were the following members of the Commission: Commissioner: Elaine Price Commissioner: Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn Commissioner: Paul A. Ryan Commissioner: Valerie M. O'Keeffe Commissioner: Barry Weprin February 1, 1995 1. Fire Claims: Commissioner O'Keeffe presented fire claims for authorization of payment, thereafter on her motion, seconded by Commissioner O'Flinn, it was unanimously: RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office: OPERATING FUND AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc. 183.50 AT&T 19.59 Cleaning Systems 189.75 Con Edison 1044.02 Delson Business Systems 65.50 Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 210.00 Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 315.00 Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 239.00 Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc. 25.79 Everson Ross 363.97 Galls, Inc. 724.96 Home Fair Camera 65.97 Larchmont Print 65.00 Michael J. Acocella 58.90 Michael J. Acocella 200.00 New England Uniform Company 26.50 New England Uniform Company 285.00 New Rochelle Water Co. 183.08 N Y Telephone 37.14 NFPA 95.00 NYNEX 653.28 Pronto Printer 42.25 Pronto Printer 148.00 Town of Mamaroneck Professional 220.08 Unitech Electronics Company 84.00 $ 5,545.00 CAPITAL FUND Fairway Testing 181.00 AT&T 8.31 Call.A Head 150.00 JP McCale 45.00 NYNEX 231.47 $ 615.78 GRAND TOTAL $ 6,611.06 There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman O'Flinn, the Commission unanimously adjourned and reconvened the Regular Meeting at 8:31 PM. • PRESENTATION.- Building Department The Building Inspector, William Jakuboski (Jake)was introduced. Jake spoke about his department explaining the importance of code enforcement and working with the Town Board to implement effective laws. Then he remarked on the impact building projects have on neighborhoods and how review by his department as well as the Planning and Zoning Board help to alleviate worry by addressing issues that may be of concern. 2 February 1, 1995 The Building Inspector explained that by working closely with contractors and design professionals in overseeing that plans be code compliant, many problems never develop. He ended by emphasizing that through code enforcement, inspections, and limiting intrusive development,the residents benefit by increase quality of life. The Supervisor and Board members all thanked him. RECOGNITION - Director of Community Services -HUD Award The Supervisor then introduced Kathy Kopa, Director of Community Services, announcing that Mrs. Kopa had received tow awards from HUD. She said that one was for"high performance" in overall excellence in Program Management-financial and regulatory; and the other was for "high utilization rate' which specifically means that there was a 98% utilization of program unit allotment within the funding allotment. The Board members and Supervisor congratulated and thanked on for a fine performance. PUBLIC HEARING - Restricted Parking and Standing and No U-turn in School Zone - Murray Avenue The Administrator explained that the purpose of this law was to alleviate a problem on Murray Avenue caused by the large volume of traffic by the school with parents dropping off and picking up children, he said that the Traffic Committee was also recommending its adoption. IThe Supervisor asked if anyone wished to speak in favor or against the proposed local law. There being no discussion and as this issue had been discussed at prior meetings, on motion duly made and seconded, the hearing was declared closed. On motion of Councilwoman O'Flinn, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the following Local Law was unanimously adopted: LOCAL LAW No. 1-1995 This Local Law shall be known as 'Restricted Parking and Standing and No U-turn in School Zone Murray Avenue". Section 1. Purpose: Due to the large volume of traffic on Murray Avenue the Town Board finds that it is necessary to regulate standing, parking and 'U'-Turns along Murray Avenue in the vicinity of the Murray Avenue School. Section 2. Parking Prohibited: Parking shall hereafter be prohibited at the following location: a) On the east side of Murray Avenue from a point parallel to the beginning of the playground on the south end of the Murray Avenue School building north to the bus stop located near the playground at the north end of the Murray Avenue School building near Forest Avenue. This area shall be designated as standing only, children pick-up and drop-off zone from 7:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on school days. The area around fire hydrants shall remain no parking or standing. 3 February 1, 1995 Section 3. Parking and/or Standing:Prohibited: Parking and/or standing of vehicles shall hereafter be prohibited at the following location: a) on the west side of Murray Avenue commencing at a point 365 feet north from its intersection with Bryson Street for a distance of 140 feet to a point ending 245 feet from its intersection with Forest Avenue an school days from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. b) on the remaining area of the west side of Murray Avenue from its intersection with Forest Avenue south to Bryson.Street on school days from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. and from 2:30 p.m. until 3:30 p.m., except on.Wednesdays when the afternoon restriction shall be from 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. Section 4. "U'-Tums Prohibited: "U"-tums shall hereafter be prohibited at the following location: a) Northbound and southbound on Murray Avenue between Bryson Street and Forest Avenue. Section 5. Sign to be Erected: Appropriate signs shall be erected on Murray Avenue designating the area described in Section 2 as a 'No Parking area. Appropriate signs shall be erected on Murray Avenue designating the area described in Section 3 as a 'No Parking or Standing" area. Appropriate signs shall be erected on Murray Avenue designating the area described in Section 4 as a 'No U-turn" area. Section 6. Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this local law which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provision. Section 7. Effective Date: This local law shall take effect immediately. PUBLIC HEARING - Restricted Parking - Cabot Road Murray Avenue On motion duly made and seconded the public hearing was declared open. The Administrator explained that the purpose of this law was to restrict parking on Cabot Road from the dead end to a point 85 ft north and to prohibit parking on the west side from its intersection with Myrtle to a point 25 feet south and then on the east side from its intersection with Myrtle to a point 25 feet south. He said that the Traffic Committee had recommended its adoption. The Supervisor asked if anyone wished to speak in favor or against the proposed local law. No objections were heard. Thereafter, on motion duly made and seconded, the hearing was declared closed. 4 February 1, 1995 On motion of Councilwoman O'Flinn, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the following Local Law was unanimously adopted: CABOT ROAD LOCAL LAW No. 2-1995 This Local Law shall be known as 'Restricted Parking Cabot Road". Section 1. Purpose: To restrict parking on Cabot Road. Section 2. No Parking Between Signs: Parking shall hereafter be prohibited at the following location: a) On the east side of Cabot Road from the dead end of the street to a point 85 feet north. Section 3. No Parking Here to Corner: Parking shall hereafter be prohibited at the following location: a) on the west side of Cabot Road from its intersection with Myrtle Boulevard to a point 25 feet south; b) on the east side of Cabot Road from its intersection with Myrtle Boulevard to a point 25 feet South. Section 4. Signs to be Erected: IAppropriate signs shall be erected: a) On Cabot Road designating the area described in Section 2 as a 'No Parking Between Signs' area; b) On Cabot Road designating the areas described in Section 3 as a No Parking Here to Corner' areas. Section 5. Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this local law which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provision. Section 6. Effective Date This local law shall take effect immediately. IORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ed Clarke, a resident said he wanted to speak on the property at 685 Weaver Street. He said that the property had been purchased at a cost of$672,000, that a tenant operating a day care center had been leased the building which was to generate $18,00 per year. He noted that this venture did not make money for the Town. He then added figures that were strongly disputed by the Supervisor and Town Administrator, both stating that his numbers were incorrect and therefore skewed. Mr. Clarke continued, once again objecting to the Town's purchase of the property. I 5 February 1, 1995 The Supervisor:disagreed, stating that the benefits of having control of this property were many, one of which was to help to preserve land that was considered environmentally fragile. A long dialogue about the land was conducted. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Authorization - Lock Box - Bank of New York Mr. Altieri said that the Town had for some years been utilizing a lock box for the collection of property taxes, and that under the arrangement the tax payments that are mailed to the Town are redirected to the Bank which offers the advantage of having tax collections deposited into interest bearing accounts faster. He added that the arrangement was being revised to further streamline collections by now having the bank receive all tax collections regardless of receipt by mail or at the tax office, thus further leveraging interest. He requested authorization for the new agreement, and after answering questions on the management, On motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the Bank of New York to provide a new arrangement for tax payments whereby all taxes are to be sent to the Bank thus ensuring instant deposits of funds. 2. Adoption of Investment Policy IThe Administrator noted that this item had been discussed at a prior work session. He outlined that the State Comptroller had issued a revised policy format for investments, which sets objectives in investment activities as well as for collateralization requirements. He explained that the policy sets forth the approved banking and financial institutions with which the Town may invest, and also spells out the type of investments. Following a brief discussion, On motion of Councilman Weprin, seconded by Council Ryan, it was unanimously, RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby adopt the revises investment policy for the Town which is being recommended by the State Comptrollers Office, and as has been prepared by the Town's private auditors, Bennett Kielson in accordance to the guidelines so set and on file in the Town Administrator's office. 3. Authorization -Westchester Joint Water Works -Joint Projects 95-J-1 & 95-J-2 IAs per the communication received from John Hock, Manager at WJWW, the Town is being requested to authorize the above projects which are for improvements to Sound Road, and the other on Weaver Street. The Project on Sound was to increase water transmission and pressure to the City of Rye on Sound Road, and for replacement of a 16" water main which runs across the Weaver Street Bridge, the total cost of said projects are $226,000, of which the Town' s share is $48,400. The Administrator added that the pipe on Weaver was deteriorating. PROJECT 95-J.2 WEAVER STREET - BRIDGE CROSSING AT I-95 100 FEET OF 16 INCH MAIN PIPE 6 February 1, 1995 On motion of Councilwoman°O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman O'Flinn, it was unanimously, Y Y, RESOLVED,that the Town.Board does hereby approve the joint improvement project No. 95.J.1 which will improve the transmission of water to a section in the City of Rye known as Greenhaven,.on Barlow Lane, as recommended by John Hock, Manager of the WJWW; and BE IT FURTHER, 11 I RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the joint improvement project No. 95.J.2 which will replace the 16" transmission main across the Weaver Street Bridge at Interstate 95, in the Unicorporated Area of the Town, as also has been recommended by John Hock, Manager of the WJWW; and BE-IT FURTHER, RESOLVED,that we do also hereby approve the expenditure for the above-stated projects in the amount of$48,400, which is the Town's share for these two projects. APPROVAL OF MINUTES -August 17, 1994 On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe, the minutes of August 17, 1994 were approved. PROCLAMATIONS - Black History Month - National/American History Month The Supervisor read the proclamations in commemoration of the above. ADJOURNMENT On motion duly made and seconded the meeting was adjourned. The Supervisor said that the next meetings were scheduled for February 15 and March 1, 1995. Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk 7