HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_12_30 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A PUBLIC HPARING.
DECMIMER 30th, 1931 in the
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8 P. M
Present: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins , Leeds and Messersmith
Town Clerk Marvin
The presence was also noted of Special Counselor Frank M.
Gagliardi, Counselor Ralph A. Gamble, Deputy Town Clerk Evelyn G. Jacobs
and Justice Fleet Walter C. Burbank, who sat with the Board by invitation.
The Supervisor stated that the meeting had been called pursuant
to the provisions of Section 146 of Article 6A of the Town Law and that
all the persons present who were interested would be given an opportunity
to be heard with respect to the tax budget under consideration or any
part or item thereof.
The Clerk presented the call of the meeting which was unanimously
approved as printed. The Clerk presented affidavits of posting and public-
ation in accordance with the requirements of. Section 146 and they were
unanimously approved and ordered filed.
There being no further preliminaries the Board unanimously
resolved to proceed with the hearing and the Clerk thereupon read the
entire budget, item by item.
The Supervisor thereupon invited those present who desired to
oppose the budget as a whole, or any part thereof, to address the Board.
Wxo Orson Raynor objected to the $3600.00 salary provided-for
each Justice of the Peace. He declared he thought the amount illegal and
too large a tax for local court work.
"One Judge could do the works " he said.
Mr. James Webster inquired if one Judge could do all the work.
Justice Messersmita replied that both he and Justice Leeds: sat
throe times a week at least.
Justice Leeds explained that the office of Justice of the Peace
is somewhat more than an honorable one and carries an enormous amount
of work. He said that in the previous year he handled 1300 cases with six
different reports for each case as required by law.
Mr. Fred Smith and Clarence DeWitt Rogers suggested putting the
Justices back on a fee basis.
Mr. Karl Hoffa3tans Jr. declared that he was convinced that the
Town Board was acting in good faith on behalf of the taxpayers.
Mr. A. F. Engel declared, "We are passing through a depression
and there is no question in my mind but that the question of ways and
means, dollars and cents, has been brought home to the people of this town,
not only the rich people but the small home owners. The Town fathers
should have a high regard for the people who put them in office. I have
a great regard for the personnel of this Town. It is a burden and
responsibility for every Justice to do his work properly and to arrive at
a decision as to his duties. The most that can be dxpected of the Town
fathers is to hope that they will strive very carefully to answer questions
in the right way.
"F make no criticism and I offer mq services in working out
this problem."
Mr. F. T. Thygerson declared that the members of the Maple
Hills Association were in favor of a fee system for the Justices of
the Peace..
Mr. J. N. Curren, President of the Association of the Woods
of Larchmont, said he was in favor of a fee system.
Mr. William D. Ward of the Larchmont Gardens Association spoke
to the same effect.
Mrs. Grace I. Wacker complained about the Town Counsel, the
water service , the employment of three office assistants, the expense
of maintaining the Town Hall and the salary of the Welfare Officer.
Chief-Captain Donald Howe of the Weaver Street Fire Department
spoke of the water service for fire protection and complimented the
Town Board on the location of hydrants and its support of the Fire
Department. He declared that the fire loss rate in the Town was among
the lowext in the United States„ and the community ought to be proud
of its water main;net work and pressure.
Others who addressed the Board in connection with the budget
and made remarks supplemental to those of the speakers already quoted
were Mrs. Louis Robbe, Mr. Frederick M. Sherman; Mr. John D. Harris ,
Mr. Clyde C. Kay and Mr. William K. Wacker.
A communication dated December 24th was received from J. J.
Rossbottom in opposition to the $3600.00 salary for the Justices of the
Peace. The communication was read by the Clerk, ordered received and
placed on file.
A communication dated December 24th was received from William
D. Ward in opposition to the $$600.00 salary for the Justices of the
Peace. The communication= was read by the Clerk, ordered received and
placed on file.
A communication dated December 24th was received from Orson
Raynor in opposition to the $3600.00 salary for the Justices of the Peace.
The communication was read by the Clerk, ordered received and placed on
The Supervisor inquired if there was anyone else present who
wished to address the Board in connection with the budget. There being
none , he declared the hearing at an end.
Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Collins, the
Board unanimously resolved to conlude the hearing on the budget at 10 :30
P.M. to meet again on January 7th at 2 P. M. for further consideration
of the budget as required by law.
The Supervisor declared that there were several other matters
which should properly come before the Board at this time and the Board
thereupon continued in session, to consider these matters*
The Town Clerk presented his surety bond in the amount of $19000.
us required by law and requested the approval of the Board therefor.
--- Upon motion by Justice Messersmith, seconded by Justice Leeds,
it was upon roll call unanimously
RESOLVED, that the surety bond in the amount of
$1400. submitted by and for the Town Clerk for
the year 1932 be and it hereby is approved.
. 2 19 5
The Supervisor stated to the Board that :1$28, 500. Certificates
of Indebtedness dated June 10th, 1931 for the improvement of the Boston
Post Road matured December 10th, 1931 and that $1,500. Certificates of
Indebtedness dated July 25th$, 1931 matured December 20th, 1931. He
requested authority to renew these certificates.
The following resolution was offered by Justice Boyd and
seconded by Justice Leeds, to wit:
wHERFAS, on the 9th day of December, 1930 , end on Tuly 15th,
1931, pursuant to the request of the Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck,
$301,000. Certificates of Indebtedness of the Town of Mamaroneck were duly
issued to pay the Town's share of the cost of reconstructing Boston Post
Road In anticipation of the issuance of bonds, such certificates of
indebtedness maturing December 10, 1931; and December 209 1931, and
WMIRFAS the acquisition of the property necessary for the
reconstruction of the Boston Post Road has not yet been completed and it
is necessary to renew such temporary certificates of indebtedness;
RTSOLVFL, that the following described certificates
of indebtedness of the Town of Mamafoneck shall be
renewed, to wit:. $28t500 Certificates of Indebtedness,
dated the 10th day of Tune 19319 numbered B. P. R. 8R
and B.P.R. 9R of the denomination of $25,000. and
$3500. 1 respectively, maturing December 10, 1931 and
Certificate No. B.P.R. IOT of the denomination. of
.1500. maturing December 20, 1931.
FURTHER ABSOLVED, that the said Certificates of Indebt-
edness shall be in the same general form as the out-
standing certificates and that said renewals shall bear
interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per
annum and shall be in such denomination or denominations
and both, principal and interest shall be payable at such
-- time as the Supervisor may determine.
=TT74R RT'SOLVI'D that said Certificates shall be
executed in the same manner as the outstanding certif-
icates and that the Supervisor is authorized to sell
said renewal certificates at the lowest rate of interest
obtainable not exceeding 6% at not less than par and accrued
interest, and that the proceeds of sale of the renewal
certificates authorized by this resolution shall be
applied solely to the payment of said out-standing certif-
ciates, and that the renewal certificates authorized by
this resolution shall be paid from the proceeds of permanent
bonds to be issued.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that said renewal certificates shall be
payable as to both principal erd interest at such place or
places as the Supervisor may determine.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was
duly put to a vote which resulted as follows :
Ayes : George W. Burton, Supervisor
dalter H. Marvin, :1r. , Town Clerk
P. H. Collins, ''oilliam A. Boyd, William D. Leeds,
Justices of the Peace.
Noes s None.
The Supervisor stted to the Board that the improvement of
County Road No. 67-2 was practically completed and he recommended that
the Board petition the Board of Supervisors of the County of Westchester,
according to law, for permission to issue $40,000. bonds to pay off the
temporary certificates of indebtedness heretofore authorized for this
improvement when the same become due. The Supervisor presented & form
of petition for this purpose and said that if it met with the approval
of .the Board it ihould be signed by every member.
Upon motion by Justice Leeds, seconded by Justice Yessersmith,
it was upon roll call unanimously
2 FY
RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the
Supervisor this Board do and it hereby does approve
of the following petition to the Board of Supervisors
of the County of Westchester for permission toissue
$40,000. bonds to pay for the town.*s share of the cost
of improving County Road 67-2; and be it further
RESOLVED, that each member of this Board sign the
following petition and that the Supervisor be and he is
hereby authorized and directed to present same to the
Board of Supervisors of the County of Westchester; and
be it further
RESOLVED, that this petition be in the following form
to wit.
Hemtofore the County Superintendent of Highways of the County
of Westchester has , pursuant to resolutions of the Board of Supervisors
of `, estchester County, prepared maps, plans, specifications and estimates
57-2 and said maps, plans, specifications and estimates of said county
and town highway have been approved by your Honorable Board and by res-
olutions your Board has decided that said highway be constructed in
accordance therewith; and the cost of said improvement which is to be
borne by this Town is the sum of $40}000.00; and this Town has not on
hand sufficient funds available to pay its share of the cost of said
WHEREFORE your petitioner prays that the Board of Supervisors
— of the County of Westchester adopt an act authorizing the Town of
Mamaroneck to borrow the said sum of $40pOOO.00 on the faith and credit
of said Town and issue and sell bonds of said Town for the purpose of
paying the Town's share of the cost of constructing the above mentioned
highway and acquiring the necessary rights-of-way in connection therewith.
Dated December 30, 1931.
Walter R. Marvin, Jr.
Town Clerk
Wm. A. Boyd
Patrick H. Collins
William R. heeds
Wesley M. Hessersmith
Justices of the Peace constituting the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck% New York.
Justice Leeds advised the Board that certain minor repairs were
necessary for the boiler at the Weaver Street Fire House. Upon motion
by Justice Leeds, seconded by Justice Messersmith, it was upon roll call
- - unanimously
RESOLVED, that the matter of attending to the
necessary repairs to the boiler at the Weaver
Street Fire House be and it hereby is referred
to the Fire House Committee with power.
2 9 9
Justice Messersmith declared that since this was the last
meeting of the Town Board at which Justice Collins would sit as a member,
he desired to express to Justice Collins his feeling of regret that
Justice Collins was about to terminate his many years of service with the
Board and also his personal appreciation of the gracious manner in which
Justice Collins had fullfilled his duties on the Board.
The Supervisor, Justices Boyd,: Leeds and Town Clerk Marvin,
Counselor Gamble and Justice-elect Burbank likewise expressed each in
turn his feelings of regret at the departure of Justice Collins and his
pleasure at having been associated with him in the conduct of the
affairs of the Town of Idamaroneck.
Upon motion by Justice -aessersmith, seconded by all the other
members of the Board., including the Supervisor, it was unanimously
RESOLVED,, that the Supervisor appoint a committee
to draw a suitable resolution expressing the
sentiments of this Board at the departure of Justice
Collins and that this resolution be engrossed and
spread upon the minutes and made a part of the permanent
records of the Town Board.
The Supervisor thereupon, appointed to this committee Justices
Boyd, Leeds and Ilessersmith.
Justice Collins declared that the sentiments expressed by his
colleagues on the Board were very gratifying and that he felt most highly
honored at having been associated with the Town Board for so many years.
"T have enjoyed the work and it has been one of the great
joys of my life, he said. I�It is a pleasure for me to realize that the
_ Board has always had confidence in the Supervisor, a confidence in which
I have always shared.'
On motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously resolved
to recess at 11 P. Ir. to meet again at the call of the chair to take up
such matters as might properly come before the Board.
Town Clerk