HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_08_05 Town Board Minutes (2) LLFETING OF �2I1' TOU�7 B0 JO TO',F-T On I ll_t RODTFCs, . Y. held August 5th, 1931. t� The meeting�sas called to order by Supervisor Burton at 10 :40 P. A Present: Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Collins , Leeds and Hessersmith Town Clerk Earvin The regular order of business was suspended in order to hear Eorris Stern of ISamaron.eck who on behalf of the Yamaroneck Chamber of Commerce very graciously invited the Board to attend the dinner to be given by the Chamber of Commerce on September 10th in honor of the 80th birthday of Justice ailliam A. Boyd. He declared he thought itwould be a pleasing tribute to their colleague if the members of the Board attended in a body and sat together at one table. The Supervisor on behalf of the Board thanked Ho. Stern for his invitation and after discussion it was upon motion by Justice Collins , seconded by Justice Leeds , unanimously R SOLV D, that the kind invitation of Ex. Stern to attend the dinner given by the Mamaroneck Chamber of Commerce on September 16th in honor of the 80th birthday of Justice William A. Boyd,, be and it hereby is accepted with thanks, and be it further R SO?..` YD,. that a suitable resolution expressing the Board 's sentiments in this connection be prepared and spread upon the minutes, and a copy sent to the Chamber of Commerce ; and be it further D'='SOMVED, that the preparation of this resolution be referred to a committee to be appointed by the Supervisor. The Supervisor thereupon appointed to this committee Justice Collins, Counselor Gamble and himself. A communication was received from Counselor Gamble dated July 14th reporting on the claim of Hrs. Michael Hannan for the storage of fire apparatus in the old Dillon Park Fire House for the period of January 1st to July 1st, 1931 at 125.00 per month. The -report recommended payment of the claim and obtaining receipt in full from Era. Hannan so that there will be no further liability on the -part of the 'Town of Iia.maroneek and/or Fire District No. 2. Upon the request of the Supervisor the matter was referred- to him and Superintendent Coles with powers A claim was received from Arthur J. Flocker of 134 7. Brookside Drive , larchmont, in the amount of $4. 58 for a refund on 1930 school taxes on lots '10 and 11, block 4319 map of larchmont Gardens , together with a communication from Counselor Gamble approving the claim. Upon motion by Justice Boyd, seconded by Justice Collins it was upon -roll call unanimously 216 IMOLVTD, i,=RFAS, a claim has been presented by Arthur J. Flocker for a refund in the amount of ', 4..58 on 1915 School taxes heretofore paid on September 30, 1915, and erroneously paid on July 3rd, 1931, on !.at. Yos . 10 and I1, Block 4319 map of Larchmont . Gardens, and iTERTPAS the Receiver of Taxes has reported that at the request of said Flocker he made out a bill for unpaid taxes on the aforesaid property and found - - in connection therewith that the 1915 School tales were unpaid; and u?�a'RYAS, the Receiver of Taxes reports that this property .-,ias included in the 1916 sale for the 1915 taxes, and i'ITREAS, the said Flocker has presented a receipted bill showing that said 1915 taxes were paid on September 30tn, 1915; and =TTFAS, the Receiver of lanes further reports in checking up this item on his books of record that it appears that the taxes were paid on September 30, 1915 , but never cancelled thereafter off the roll and has recommended that the said claim be approved, and said refund allowed; therefore be it RESOLVT, that the claim of Arthur J. Flocker in the amount of 8A. 58 for taxes heretofore erroneously paid on July 3rd, 1931, in the aforesaid amount be and the same hereby is approved, and the Supervisor is - authorized, empowered and directed to make payment of the same .. A communication w.as received from A. 1. Foote 7ingineering Corporation dated July 24th addressed to the Clerk transmitting the amended ,zoning maps heretofore authorized by this Board together i;aith a claim in the amount of 'M.00 for additional work on the zoning map. In this connection the Clerk also presented the claim of the same Corporation in the amount of :,309. 52 for .cork done on the first draft of the amended zoning map and the cost of 8 copies of said map, two of them on rollers. The Clerk reported that he had examined the final draft of the amended zoning map and that sofar as he could tell it �7as correct and complete and added that he had received the copies of the map referred to in the claim.. Afterdiscussion it «as upon motion by the Clerk seconded by Justice Collins, upon roll call unanimously R71SOL77-TD, that the final d_!afts of tae amended zoning maps as above described be and they hereby are received and; be it further RESOLVED, that the claims above described in the amounts of 'p75. 00 and 4309..52 -respectively, be and they hereby are approved and ordered paid. A eomriunieation from Counselor Gamble reported on the lease for the office of the TosrTn 'Jelfare Officer heretofore referred to him. He stated that the lease waa drawn in accordance with the agreement made and recommended its approval and that. the Supervisor be authorized to execute the sane® Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was 219 RI'SOIVTD, that the Supervisor and the Toim Clerk be and they hereby are authorized, empowered and directdd to cTecute an indenture of lease be- tween the Robinson Frankfurt Realty Corporation and the Town of Slamaroneck for an office for the Town Welfare Officer on Hount Pleasant Avenue , said lease being dated April 18th, 1931, and being for a term of one year beginning April 1st, 1931, and ending Harch 31st, 1932, at a -rental of $50.00 per month. one Clerk su_gested that the Board look into the matter `— of having the Supervisor protect the deposits of town funds in banks which are town depositories by the means of having banks post suitable amounts of town improvement '.ones as security tnere- fot instead bf by means of indem9aity bonds issued by Insurance Companies ai -',,hick the Town at present has to pay the premium. He said that if such action were legally possible the tdwn would b® saved the cost of the premiums and the town securit- ies would enjoy a better market and hence bring 'nigher prices, thus saving the tom still more money. The matter was ordered referred to Counselor Gamble for investigation and report. Upon motion duly made and seconded the Board unanimously resolved to adjourn at 11:25 P. K. subject to the call of the Chair, __ Tov,n Clerk