HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931_11_22 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes 7- --II _----- . e:?eii 1,-e 7,- .22 /9,J/, . . i • /-;--i, -....,,,Ne..1._ f ,,, / ..r.g.....- \ ' AlaLaudiigha.....e...,/ , ...... .Ye. ce__._ / / ". . 1441---P 414 -—41 , _.„..........,.. 1 ,/,,„„)c ,,,-,-„ 1 . __.--_,J=____,2,, .,7 4 e L ...? .....„, ..r." -Z.::.,....a_...-..-..- .........- . .....• i IA--e.:7AS ..r-'' //AL.I. L. .f-'-.- 1 Alli-AL _.• "te -drill, _if1;:,-4:Ai-,_ A4,..; • , ' . _ .244-404,4 ,,Aet2 .eleo----f-Collii""---f-ei .4e'' 1 i , ,i i .'-' • P e.,./e:).7/1012rnie / .441.1,4> k - A064 :1ett.f& rei.41eA Jr /7 ,---/ i i .i.„.... .ii•. _., a, .. _,..e . ,,,, .,,,,„ det., ‘ ,. - . 4 4i , N.Intiertie,/e ,(112,_eee — - 5ir...5-4 1091164"444!. 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J —--- — .. Ahloal‘*- '1117, j4f-AA,Lk41,,eAeZ2.e/ g44° cale.e.,14.‹..7...e•flet}.44,L_ ./(1,,CZ.,tufa *414.4.avik /#/ee/1.4_, /7,tt. 'ev____ „,...,..4"01,j24,1&ekv_...j, Of .de.i .1 ,. *A.: --------_et.. -- - - - --- - --<Y-r de. ./ . - .!e, _/ • d /d. - —- --- Wit'AX41 i. g' lereA0#1—iWafts4d..,• &- ZP4/44:4 _. f. 11 . s ti t t ,,,a_ 4,/ec, . _____,X46 ,4ct re-4.4.4,ZA.__..,&____6- ,:erAt-__,,de.i,?Ae..zire4 ._, ,r2Z,ite-e-a-t-eyeis2-L..c . . ,71,_(...dei4:40<-- --&0( r ' ee i 1.1-4_ 41.-a- ,./ . .' 7, 1t_ GA04tef-e. 1.1_,IZe .AZ--mt--t- , r Ar.„„A„, ..4.2K,.._ ..2/ ,,,,_ A ,._ 4..t74. ` -ty,,,fte,ilo- 243,...A1 I / "kih fl _� -, . - �i k • • TRANSCRIPT FROui THE MINUTES OF THE MEETI*fir OF BOARD OF APPEALS 0 TOWN OF id&AROi ECK N. Y. 1 held October 22, 1931 . Whereas undor appiicatlon No. 762, :fir- Colin C. Lay .sada •.1icai.ion for the erection of a one•family dwelling aril garage on tho northwest corner of i$oaver Street and Briarcliff Road under :ate of March 1st, 1926 and Whereas under this date acid appiication was denied by t l i3ui7.d1n,; +o:i:ii anion of the Town .of Mamaroneck • under Article J. Section 11 o: the Zoning Ordinance and Whereas tte Town Board of the . Town of 10,1aronecg, sitting jointly aa 3 Board of Ap.r)eal a on February 23rd, 1927, granted this ar .'-? kcatlon provided however t:<,Lt sal(' dwelling shall have a set back from the front line of Weaver Strut of not w than 27.3 e:;t . .id • Wha eaa Corin C. iiaa appeared :3ef ore tills Board at their Heating held on Thursday October 22nd, 1931 requesting a resolution covering the building set backs as constructed . and shown on a certified survey of sane. The set hacks being as fol.lows:•From front line of Heaver Strut V4) fo:3t, from Bri.ircliit: Road 19.98 felt and 19.26 fort and Whereas there being no one aprearing in op:...osi tion to said application it was therefor RESOLVED that this application be granted and that the set backs as showb on the certified survey as dresented, be made a part of the record of this application. GGG Clerk to the Board of Ap:.eal s miii