HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994_01_05 Town Board Regular Minutes REVISED
REGULAR MEETING- Wednesday, January 5, 1994 - Town Center Court Room-
8:15 PM
EXECUTIVE SESSION- 7:00 PM to discuss contract negotiations
CALL TO ATTENTION-Location of Exits
1. Fire Claims
2. Certification of Department Elections
3. Swearing in Ceremony
PUBLIC HEARING- Residency Requirements -Public Officials
Board of Ethics
Board of Architectural Review
Board of Examining Plumbers
Civil Officers
Receiver of Taxes
Conservation Advisory Commission
Police Commissioners
Police Pension Fund-Trustees
Police Pension Fund- Treasurer
Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor
Traffic Committee
Town Attorney
Budget Officer
Town Board Meetings
Official Newspapers
Depositories of Funds and Bank Signatures
1. Designation of Voting Delegate to Association of Town's Conference
2. Authorization- Consulting Agreement-Ferrandino Associates
3. Resolution-Bank Signatures - Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing
Agency -
4. Authorization- Employment Agreement- Town Attorney
5. Authorization-Retainer Agreement-Kirkpatrick and Silverberg
6. Update - Recycling Program
7. Set Public Hearing -Amendment to Sign Law
8. Authorization-Use of Voting Machines -Village of Larchmont
9. Salary Authorizations - Court Clerk
-Assistant Assessment Clerk
Next regularly scheduled meetings - January 19, 1994
-February 2, 1994
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor
Price at 7:00 p.m., at which time on motion duly made and seconded, the
meeting was ln+an4mnusly declared adjourned into Executive Session in
Conference Roan A to discuss contract negotiations.
The Executive Session, on motion duly made and seconded, was
unanimously declared adjourned at 8:20 pm.
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor
Price at 8:35 pm.
Present were the following members of the Board:
Supervisor Elaine Price
Councilwoman Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn
Councilman Paul A. Ryan
Councilwoman Valerie M. O'Keeffe
Also present were:
Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
Steven M. Silverberg, Town Counsel
Supervisor Price pointed out to those assembled the locations of exits
as required by law for public gatherings.
The Supervisor then welcomed the newest member of the Town Board
Valerie O'Keeffe, and said that this was actually the organizational
meeting of the Town when the new appointments to boards and committees
are made. She also said that she expected the appointment to her
vacated seat on the council to be made probably by the next meeting.
Supervisor Price stated that anyone that wished to be heard on the
subject of the vacancy or that had any questions should contact her.
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Price at 8:30
pm in the Court Roam.
Present were the following members of the Commission:
Commissioner Elaine Price
Commissioner Kathleen Tracy O'Flinn
Commissioner Paul Ryan
Commissioner Valerie M. O'Keeffe
1. Commissioner O'Flinn presented fire claims for authorization of
payment and an her motion, seconded by Commissioner Ryan, it was
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes
payment of the following Fire Department claims
as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the
Comptroller's Office:
Cellular One $ 295.86
Coyne Textile Services 107.18
Dri- hem Extinguisher sher Co. 85.00
Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 290.30
Dri-Chem Extinguisher CO. 291.00
Dri-Chem Extinguisher CO. 318.50
Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc. 13.90
Excelsior Garage & Mach;ne Works, Inc. 15.74
Grant's of Iarchmont 208.35
Iainer Worldwide Inc. 143.00
Iarchmont Auto Parts Dist., Inc. 19.99
Thomas Landau MD 720.00
Sound Shore Fire Protection 564.00
William Premuroso 50.94
Rod Oil co., Inc. 240.12
TSS % ESOD 36.00
Tri-City Auto Parts 36.99
Gallagher Newman Ins. Brokers 524.65
aTotal $ 3,731.88
Sullivan Architects, Reconstruction/Fire Edgtrs. $ 12,000.00
Sullivan Architects, Reconstruction/Fire Molt's. 20,892.00
Tartaglione Consultants a n 2,750.00
Total $ 35,642.00
All the above Capital Projects are:
Project No. 93-4
Grand Total $ 39,373.88
2. Certification of Department Elections
The Supervisor explained that the Fire Department had recently held
their elections for officers in the department and that it would now
be necessary for those results to be accepted and certified by the
Board of Fire Commissioners.
On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O'Flinn, it was
i,nar;w usly,
January 5, 1994
RESOLVED, that this commission hereby
certifies the results of election held by
the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department on
December 7 and 9, 1993 resulting in the
election of the following officers:
Ladder 19 Bill McDermott Paul Mitchell Michael Mitchell
Engine 51 Peter Liverzani Mathew Peloso Robert Degen
Engine 36 David Paterno Mike Liverzani Mike Dragonetti
Engine 37 Alan Wilson Jeff Wilson Frank Giordano
Ladder 19 Gordon Albert Norman Wilson
Engine 51 David Crenins James Carcano
Engine 36 Marty Ludecke Tony Librandi
Engine 37 Frank Vallario Anthony Buonanno
Chief: Michael Doherty
1st Deputy Chief: Joseph Mirabella
2nd Deputy Chief: Michael J. Acocella
Department Secretary: Peter R. Perciasepe, Jr.
Financial Secretary: Bob Degen
Treasurer: Marty Ludecke
Department Surgeon: Dr. Landau
Department Chaplain: Msgr. Boyd
Sergeant-at-Arms: Eric Flood
Department Attorney: Peter Za®bito
3. Swearing-in Ceremonies
Supervisor Price than said that she would like to introduce the new
Fire Chief, Mike Doherty and asked that he come forward to be sworn
in. After giving the oath, the Supervisor asked the Chief to
introduce his family. Supervisor Price then swore in the 1st and 2nd
Deputy Fire Chiefs and they in turn introduced their families.
There being no further business to come before this Commission, on
motion by Commissioner Ryan, seconded by Commissioner O'Flinn, the
meeting was in+animnusly declared adjourned at 8:45 pm.
January 5, 1994
PUBLIC SEARIIa3 - Residency Requirements - Public Officials
The Supervisor requested the Town Attorney to explain the proposed
local law.
Mr. Silverberg answered that the purpose of the proposed law was to
amend the State law which mandates that all public officials must
live in the municipality which employs them. He explained further
that this law will effect almost every one of the Department Heads
and their Deputies.
On motion of Councilwoman O'Flinn, seconded by Councilwoman O'Keeffe,
the Public Hearing was unanimously declared open at 8:42 pm.
The Supervisor asked which department heads are involved in the
change, to which the Attorney answered that he didn't know them all,
but he knew that it was the Building Inspector, Comptroller, Town
Administrator, Assessor and any of their deputies that didn't live in
the Town.
The Supervisor requested that a list be prepared of those department
heads that would be effected by this law. She asked if anyone wished
to speak in favor or against the proposed law. There being no
comment she asked if any of the Board members had any comments.
The Town Clerk asked the Attorney to explain why the law being passed
was not subject to mandatory referendum, because to her knowledge to
amend a state law, the mmmicipality would have to do it either by
mandatory referendum or at least by hams rule request.
The Attorney replied that he had contacted the State and had been
told that this law could be changed by local law, and because most
municipalities had amended the law over the years that it had lost
it's general applicability, it was their opinion that a local law was
all that was necessary.
The Clerk than said that she also knew that the State Comptroller's
office differed in their opinion on this and in their view a
mandatory referendum was necessary to amend this law.
The Attorney said that he was aware of the Comptroller's opinion, but
in his estimate they were incorrect, therefore he had prepared the
law and informed the Board on haw to proceed.
There being no further questions. On motion of Councilwoman O'Flinn,
seconded by Councilman Ryan, the Public Hearing was declared closed.
On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by' Councilwoman O'Flinn, it
was ln+ani1nI usly
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck does hereby approve Local Law No.
1-1994 which will amend the State law that
mandates residency requirements for Public
Officers of the Town.
y,xr j
January 5, 1994
LOCAL LAW NO. 1-1994
Section 1. Purpose:
The purpose of this local law is to establish residency requirements
for appointed town officers and to supersede the requirements of
Public Officers Law Section 3 and any similar residency requirements
contained in Town law to the extent that such requirements pertain to
residency of appointed town officers. Public Officers Law Section 3
provides that town officers shall reside within the Town. This law
has been substantially amended over the years to provide for
exceptions for various namicipalities and for all positions within
those municipalities, it therefore no longer has general
applicability. These amendments recognize that there is no longer
the need to have qualified candidates for appointment to town office
reside within the geographic confines of the town and that it is
prefereable to leave to the judgment of each municipal government
whether a particular candidate's residence will interfere with that
individuals ability to properly perform the functions of a particular
Section 2. Residency:
All appointed officers of the town !oust reside within Westchester
County or a county which adjoins Westchester County.
Section 3. Severability:
Should any provision of this local law be declared invalid by a court
of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of invalidity shall not
effect any other section of this local law which may be otherwise
capable of enforcement.
Section 4. Effective Date:
This local law shall take effect immediately upon acknowledgement of
filing with the Secretary of State.
Supervisor Price asked if there were any written or oral comments.
Mike Salem, Richbell Road said that the streets and sidewalks on
Richbell were poorly shoveled, they were extremely icy and dangerous.
Mr. O'Gorman, Revere Road, said that there had been a question on
whether or not the ducks at the duck pond should be fed or not.
The Supervisor said that she would contact someone in the County and
ask what would be the best way to proceed on the feeding of the
John Perone, Prospect Avenue, asked what the procedure would be on
the appointment to the vacant council seat and when would the vacancy
be filled.
January 5, 1994
Supervisor Price replied that resumes had been solicited through the
press and that said bad been received, but they had to be reviewed.
Councilman Ryan reported that the Cable TV Board of Control had
passed a resolution to increase the franchise fee paid by TCi,
effective immediately. He explained that this was being done because
LMC TV is running short on funds.
The Supervisor said that she wanted to designate Councilman Ryan as
the Town designee to the Ambulance District Committee. She said that
ra*rbnt would be probbably designating Bill iftSherry as their
liaison to the Ambulance Committee.
Supervisor Price explained that because this was the first meeting of
the new year that organizational items such as appointments of
volunteers to our various boards and commissions would be taken up
first. She then said that they would begin with the appointments to
the Board of Ethics.
Board of Ethics
One year term
On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O•Flinn, it
was hnanimmusjy,
RESOLVED, that Anna Reisman be, and hereby
is appointed Chairman of the Board of Ethics
for the year 1994, said term expiring
December 31, 1994.
Civil Officers
On motion of Councilwoman O'Reeffe, seconded by Councilman Ryan,
it was ltnanimnusly
RESOLVED, that Jay Reynolds is hereby
appointed as Civil Officer of the Town of
Mamaroneck to serve a term of office of one
year, effective January 1, 1994 and
terminating?ting on December 31, 1994; and
January 5, 1994
Civil Officers
RESOLVED, that Joseph Mitchell is hereby
appointed as Civil Officer of the Town of
Mamaroneck to serve a term of office of one
year, effective January 1, 1994 and
terminating on December 31, 1994; and
RESOLVED, that Daniel Tutolo is hereby
appointed as Civil Officer of the Town of
Mamaroneck to serve a term of office of one
year, effective January 1, 1994 and
terminating on December 31, 1994.
Conservation Advisory Commission
Two Year Term
On motion of Councilwaman O'Reeffe, seconded by Councilwooman
O'Flinn, it was manimnusly
RESOLVED, that Louise Perez is hereby
appointed as a member of the Conservation
Advisory Commission to serve a terns of two
years effective January 1, 1994 and
terminating December 31, 1996;
Board of Architectural Review:
Three Year Tenn
On motion of Councilwoman O'Reeffe, seconded by Councilman Ryan,
it was r*+animnusly
RESOLVED, that Robert Wessmn is hereby
appointed as Chair of the Board of
Architectural Review, to serve a terns of
office of three years, effective January 1,
1994 and terminating on December 31, 1997;
Board ofExamining Plumbers
One Year Term
On motion of Councilwoman O'Reeffe, seconded by
Councilwoman O'Flinn, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that Larry Lerman is hereby
appointed the Medical Doctor to the Board
of Examining ni T g Plumbers, to serve a tern of
office of one year, effective January 1,
1994 and terminating on DeceNper 31,
1994. Its
January 5, 1994
Board of Plumbers
( 't)
Two Year Tea
1 Appointee
III RESOLVED, that Dennis Tortorella
is hereby appointed a member of the Board
of Examining Plumbers, to serve a term of
office of WO years effective January 1,
1994 and terminating on December 31,
Police Commission:
On motion of Ooumcilummmi O'Flinn, seconded by Oouacilwaman O'Keeffe, it
was maim;Thously
RESOLVED, that Supervisor Price is hereby
appointed a member of the Police Commission,
to serve a tea of office of one year,
effective January 1, 1994 and terminating on
December 31, 1994; and
III RESOLVED, that Oou cilwoman O'Flinn is
hereby appointed a member of the Police
Commission, to serve a term of office of one
year, effective, January 1, 1994 and
terminating on December 31, 1994; and
RESOLVED, that Councilman Ryan is hereby
appointed a member of the Police Commission,
to serve a tea of office of one year,
effective, January 1, 1994 and terminating
on December 31, 1994.
Police Pension:
On motion of Councilwoman O'Flinn, seconded by Councilwoman
O'Reeffe, it was Pn'nimmusly
III RESOLVED, that Supervisor Price and
Councilman Ryan be, and they hereby are
appointed Trustees of the Police Pension
Fund of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year
1994; and
RESOLVED, that Carmine A. DeLuca be, and he
hereby is appointed Treasurer of the Police
Pension Fund of the Town of Mamaroneck for
the year 1994.
January 5, 1994
On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Cotmcilwaman O'Flinn, it was
RESOLVED, that Canine DeLuca is hereby
appointed Comptroller of the Town of
Mamaroneck for a term of two years
commencing Jamuary 1, 1994 and terminating
on December 31, 1995.
Receiver of Taxes:
On motion of Coumcilwamnn O'Flinn, seconded by
Councilman Ryan, it was 1manimnusly
RESOLVED, that Carmine Deluca is hereby
appointed Receiver of Taxes for the Town of
Mamaroneck for a tern of two years
commencing January 1, 1994 and terminating
on December 31, 1995.
Confidential Secretary
to the Supervisor:
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor does hereby
appoint Lillian Robustelli as the
Supervisor's Confidential Secretary.
Budget Officer:
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor hereby
appoints Stephen V. Altieri, Town
Administrator as Budget Officer.
Town Attorney
On motion of Comncilwaman O'Reeffe, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it
was r*+animnusly
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
appoint Steven M. Silverberg as Town
Attorney of the Town of Mamaroneck for a
term of two years, said tern commencing
January 1, 1994 and terminating on December
31, 1995.
January 5, 1994
Town Board Meetings•
On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Co:mcilwaman O'Reeffe, it
was lmanime usly
RESOLVED, that the regular meetings of the
Town Board will be held in the Court Roan of
the Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road,
Mamaroneck at 8:15 EM on the first and third
Wednesdays of each month except during the
months of July and August, during which
months meetings will be held only once per
month, the dates of which shall be
determined; and
RESOLVED, that said meetings, dates and
places may be changed at the pleasure of the
Town Board upon adequate notice being given.
Official Newspapers:
On notion of Cou cilwanan O'Reeffee, seconded by Councilwoman O•Flinn,
it was rn+an;mnusly,
RESOLVED, that The Daily Times and The
Soumdview News be, and they are hereby
designated as the official newspapers of the
Town of Mamaroneck for the purpose of
publishing legal notices during 1994.
Depositories of Foods:
On motion of Councilwoman O'Flinn, seconded by Coumcilwnman O'Reeffee,
it was imanimnusly
RESOLVED, that the following banks and
trust companies are hereby designated as
depositories for funds of the Town of
Mamaroneck for the year 1994 to be
continued in their present status:
MBIA CLASS Investments, Armonk
The Bank of New York County Trust Region,
The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.,
Marine Midland Bank, Mamaroneck;
Sound Federal Savings and Loan
Association, Mamaroneck;
Chemical Bank, New Rochelle.
National Westminster Bank, Larcbmont
January 5, 1994
Bank Signatures:
On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Cou cilwaman
OfFli m, it was iinanim usly
RESOLVED, that all authority heretofore
granted to withdraw funds from and to
draw checks, drafts and other orders upon
the Town of Mamaroneck accounts
maintained at the aforesaid banks hereby
is recinded and revoked and hereafter
such withdrawals, checks, drafts and
other orders shall be authorized when
signed by signature or facsimile
signature of the Town Supervisor and
Comptroller, Deputy Comptroller; and
RESOLVED, that all withdrawals, checks,
drafts and other orders relative to the
Community Services Discretionary Mond
located at the Bank of New York shall be
authorized when signed by the signatures
of Kathie Kopa, Director of Community
Services, and Stephen V. Altieri, Tawn
Supervisor Price stated that the Traffic Committee appointments were
going to be held over until the next meeting as everyone had not been
contacted regarding reappointments.
1. Designation of Voting Delegate to Association of Town's Conference
The Supervisor said that she was going to be away the week of February
21st and asked if anyone else would be attending. The Town Clerk said
that she would be probably going for one day.
Therefore, on motion of Councilwoman 0/Flinn, seconded by Councilman
Ryan, it was rirmnimnusly
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
Designate Patricia DiCioccio, Town Clerk
the voting delegate on behalf of the Town
to the Associations of Town's Conference
in February 1994.
January 5, 1994
2. Authorization - Consulting Agreement - Ferrandino & Associates
Supervisor Price explained that this agreement was being proposed to
employ Ferrandino & Associates to provide consulting services to the
Planning Board in regard to the subdivision review for Bonnie Briar.
There ensued a discussion regarding the fees to be charged and the
actual expenditures and:
On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman (Minn, it was
imaT71 rusly
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck does hereby authorize the
signing of the agreement with Ferrandino
& Associates Inc, to provide the Planning
Board consultant services for the
subdivision review of the Bonnie Briar
Country Club.
3. Resolution - Bank Signatures - Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing
The Town Administrator explained that a resolution was necessary to
authorize the banks to accept the signature of the new Supervisor for
the Public Housing Agency's accounts.
On motion of Councilwoman O'Flinn, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was
Signatures for Town of Mam roneck PHA Accounts
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck does hereby rescind all authority
heretofore granted to the former Supervisor
to withdraw funds from and to draw checks,
drafts and other orders upon PHA accounts
maintained at the below stated banks; and
RESOLVED, that hereafter such withdrawals,
checks, drafts and other orders shall be
authorized when signed by Elaine Price, Town
Supervisor for the following banks and
Bank of New York - 670-9032451
Chase Manhattan Bank - 466 1 524084 5
Marine Midland Bank - 489-50007-2
January 5, 1994
2. Authorization - Consulting Agreement - Ferrandino & Associates
Supervisor Price explained that this agreement was being proposed to
employ Ferrandino & Associates to provide consulting services to the
Planning Board in regard to the subdivision review for Bonnie Briar.
There ensued a discussion regarding the fees to be charged and the
actual expenditures and:
On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O'Flinn, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck does hereby authorize the
signing of the agreement with Ferrandino
& Associates Inc, to provide the Planning
Board consultant services for the
subdivision review of the Bonnie Briar
Country Club.
3. Resolution - Bank Signatures - Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing
The Town Administrator explained that a resolution was necessary to
authorize the banks to accept the signature of the new Supervisor for
the Public Housing Agency's accounts.
On motion of Coumailwoman O'Flinn, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it was
pnani iv usly
Signatures for Town of Mamaroneck PEA Accounts
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck does hereby rescind all authority
heretofore granted to the former Supervisor
to withdraw funds from and to draw checks,
drafts and other orders upon PHA accounts
maintained at the below stated banks; and
RESOLVED, that hereafter such withdrawals,
checks, drafts and other orders shall be
authorized when signed by Elaine Price, Town
Supervisor for the following banks and
Bank of New York - 670-9032451
Chase Manhattan Bank - 466 1 524084 5
Marine Midland Bank - 489-50007-2
January 5, 1994
4. Authorization - Employment Agreement - Town Attorney
Supervisor Price stated that the Attorney had been appointed earlier
in the evening as part of the Organizational meeting and now it would
be necessary to approve the actual employment agreement, which
outlines the salary and the work to be performed.
After a brief discussion, on motion of Oouncilwaman O,Keeffe, seconded
by Councilman Ryan, it was lmanimnusly
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of
Manaroneck does hereby approve the employ
meat agreement between Steven M. Silverberg
and the Town of Mamaroneck; and
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby
authorized by this Board to sign and execute
the abovestated agreement.
5. Authorization - Retainer Agreement - Kirkpatrick and Silverberg
The Supervisor explained that this agreement would retain the firm of
Kirkpatrick & Silverberg to provide legal service to the Planning and
III Zoning Boards, which will also include all Article 78 proceedings that
might be filed against those boards.
On motion of Councilwoman O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilman Ryan, it
was manimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck does hereby approve the employ -
ment agreement between the Town and
Kirkpatrick & Silverberg to provide all
general legals services to the Planning
Board and the Zoning board of Appeals; and
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby
authorized by this Board to sign and execute
the abovestated agreement.
III 6. Update on Recycling Program
The Administrator said that for some time now there has been
discussion between the Town and the Village of Larcbmont Board
regarding the method in which recyclables are collected. Be said that
presently we use the blue recycling bags for collection and that there
has been quite a few problems with the bags, one being the yearly cost
of $28,000 and secondly, because of co-mingling of recylables,
separation is necessary, which is difficult to handle and has caused
injury to our sanitation workers.
January 5, 1994
He explained that therefore in 1994 the blue bags would be replaced
with a permanent plastic container, the total cost of which is
$25,040, which was already appropriated in the 1994 Sanitation beget.
The Administrator was asked the color of the containers, which he
replied, green and there then was a discussion regarding the
practicalities of recycling of organic materials.
7. Set Public Hearing Date - Amendment to the Sign Law
The Supervisor stated that since the new sign law was ready for review
and adoption that it would be now necessary for the Board to pass a
resolution setting the hearing date.
On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O'Reeffe, it
was lmaniw usly
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
set February 2, 1994 as the date to hold the
Public Hearing on the proposed amendment to
the Sign Law.
8. Authorization - Use of Voting Machines
The Towa Clerk said that she had received requests from the Villages
of Iarchmont and Mamaroneck requesting the use of a total of 27 voting
machines during the March elections, and she explained that as the
usual policy was to grant such request, she would reeo®end approval.
On motion of Councilwoman O'Reeffe, seconded by Councilwoman O'Flinn,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
approve the request fran the Villages of
Larcbmont and Mamaroneck for the use of 27
voting maribi ling for the March 1994 elections.
9. Salary Authorizations - Court Clerk
- Assistant Assessment Clerk
Mr. Altieri explained that the Court Clerk was being hired fran a
County List of candidates and that she will be replacing Pat Kiely who
will retire at the end of February.
He also explained that the Assistant Assessment Clerk position was
being appointed to replace the person who had been appointed as
assistant court clerk.
After a brief discussion, on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by
Councilwoman O'Reeffe, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
appoint Denise Cookingham as Court Clerk
effective January 24, 1994 at an annual salary
of $31,925.
On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman O'Reeffe, it
was /maniminusly
January 5, 1994
Salary Authorizations
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby
appoint Marianne 3barra as Assistant Assess-
ment Clerk effective January 3, 1994 at a
salary of $28,550.
The Supervisor asked if there was anymore business, there being none
the Board rinanimrusly adjourned into a work session to discuss the
ambulance district at 10:11 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia A. DiCioccio
Town Clerk